Alien Morsels: Short Tales from Zerconian Warrior Series

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Alien Morsels: Short Tales from Zerconian Warrior Series Page 2

by Sadie Carter

  But the longer her pregnancy went on, the grumpier and more depressed she grew.

  “Can’t blame her for getting a bit down,” Willa said. “She’s constantly watched. Everyone has their opinion about this baby, from its name to the birth. Plus, she’s not getting any. Not a good situation to be in.”

  “Maybe I’ll get Koran to have a word with Dex.”

  “Or Thor, he’s more tactful, and he’s a healer.”

  “Good suggestion.” Feeling happier now that she had a plan to help her friend, Mila turned to Willa. “Can you find your way back to your place?”

  Willa snorted. “I think I can manage.”

  Mila bit her lip. “Sorry. I got horribly lost when I first arrived. I was kind of grateful that Koran insisted I have an escort.”

  “I’m glad they eased off on that rule.” Willa nodded over at two Zerconian women strolling past. Behind them, two Zerconian males followed. “Seems like some are still stuck in the old ways, though.”

  “Zerconians find change hard. With more humans here, they’ve eased up on some of their rules. But many still stick to the old ways, like women having escorts outside their home.”

  “Zoey has a guard all the time,” Willa pointed out.

  “She’s the Crown Princess, and she’s pregnant.” Mila understood why Zoey felt suffocated. As the Crown Princess, her safety was paramount. She was also the first female in a long time to give birth to a Zerconian.

  “Sucks to be the Crown Princess.”

  “I hope you’re not upset she’s not coming to your mating ceremony. If she was feeling more herself, then I know she’d be there. Probably causing a ruckus. At my mating ceremony, she tried to get everyone to do the Macarena.”


  “Just think about a bunch of over-sized Zerconian warriors standing in a line, trying to wiggle their hips and jumping to a beat.”

  “Ookay, not a sight I need to see.”

  “No, but it sure was funny. I’m going to head to the medical center to find Thor. See if I can get his help with Dex and Zoey. See you at the ceremony.”

  Chapter Three

  Willa waved at Mila before moving through the marketplace towards the outskirts of the city. Every so often someone would smile or wave. While the Zerconians had been a bit standoffish to begin with, they’d started to warm towards Willa and her people.

  Well, the men had. Most of the women gave her cold looks. She didn’t know what their problem was. It wasn’t as though Willa had chosen to live here. She’d rather be on board Betsy with her crew. And Darac, of course.

  After the Coizils destroyed her village on Joyadan, Dex offered sanctuary to those who wished to move to Zerconia. He’d even set up a small area on the outer part of the city for the refugees, so they could live together but feel a part of the community.

  It wasn’t an easy assimilation.

  On Joyadan, they’d lived rather primitively. Her home had consisted of one room with no bathroom. They hadn’t even had running water. Compared to that shack, where she lived now with Darac was a damn palace.

  They’d planned on moving into his house, however, once she’d arrived, Willa realized her people needed her help to settle in. Unlike Willa and her crew, most of them had never left Joyadan, they didn’t know any other way of life. And they were distrustful of the Zerconians and their motive in offering them a safe place to live.

  So Darac and Willa moved into a house closer to her people. Willa’s time had been consumed by helping everyone settle in. She wasn’t used to having anyone look to her for leadership. Except for her brothers and crew, she had mostly kept to herself.

  But now Willa had itchy feet. Her people were settling in, and she was growing bored. Once this mating ceremony was over with, then she would broach the idea of going out on a job with Darac. Rye and his crew had taken a few jobs since they’d moved here, but she’d stayed behind.

  If she didn’t get back to her job, then Rye might replace her.

  Willa reached for Darac through their mating bond, frowning when she encountered a wall. That was the third time in the last two days. Darac rarely shut himself off from her. His brush with mating madness had eaten away his control and he needed Willa to anchor him. He had to know all the time that she was safe.

  So why had he shut her out?

  She stopped, looking down into the courtyard below. The sound of a child laughing made her smile. At least everyone was safe, well-fed and sheltered. Many women were nervous about ending up mated to a Zerconian, but so far the Zerconians had kept their distance. Giving everyone time to adjust.

  As she moved forward, she noticed a tall, muscular male standing at the top of the incline. His back was to her, his blond hair pulled back into a small ponytail. He was so engrossed in whatever he was staring at he didn’t even turn as she approached.

  “Hello, Willa.”

  Okay, so he was more aware of his surroundings than she’d thought. “What are you doing here, Thor?”

  He turned, raising an eyebrow, an amused look on his face. “I came to see Darac.”

  Oh. “Sorry if I sounded rude.”

  “The children appear to be adjusting well.”

  Willa stared down at where he’d been looking. Two brothers, Tate, and Trace, raced around kicking a hoverball. Lucy watched them, a small smile on her tired face. Willa felt a twinge of worry as she looked at Lucy.

  Lucy had always been quiet and withdrawn. But now she seemed almost overwhelmed. The only thing that brought a smile to her face was helping with the children.

  Willa turned, looking up at Thor, who started down into the courtyard intently.

  “Children are adaptable.”

  At first, she thought the longing on his face was for the children. She knew Thor was old, he probably longed for a family. But his gaze didn’t flicker over as the kids moved to one side of the courtyard. Instead, he focussed on the center of the courtyard.

  On Lucy.

  Willa sighed. Crap. “She’s not ready for a relationship.”

  “I know.”

  “She needs time to adjust. To get used to life here.”

  “I know.”

  “She won’t welcome your interest.”

  “Willa, I know.” Exasperation filled his voice, but his lips twitched into a smile. “I am not going to harm her. I would not dare with you as her champion.”

  Willa scowled. “I’m not her champion. I’m just looking out for her. For both of you.” Thor was very easy-going for a Zerconian. He smiled often, even managed a joke or two. For a warrior, he was positively cheerful.

  “Yes, because you care.”

  Willa held back her snarl of denial. She was not the caring, motherly sort. This is why she needed to go out on a job. To earn back her kick-ass bitch status. “Mila is looking for you.”

  “Is she ill?” Immediately, he was all business.

  Willa shook her head. “No, she’s hoping to get your help. With Zoey.”

  Thor ran his hand over his face, looking tired. “The baby will come when it is ready. She must simply wait.”

  “But you could have a word with Dex. He’s smothering her, and she’s miserable.”

  “Dex is worried about her.”

  “Yeah, and I get why. But refusing to shag her is really a step too far.”


  “Sex. Doing the dirty. Hiding the sausage. Whatever you want to call it.”

  “Zoey is in the final stages before giving birth. I do not believe that joining is in the best interests of her health.”

  She sighed. “No? Isn’t anyone concerned about Zoey?”

  “Of course, did I not just say so?”

  “No. I didn’t mean her health. Well, I do. But, Zoey is more than just an incubator.”

  Thor reeled back, shocked. “I know that.”

  “Really? I bet she doesn’t feel that way. I don’t pretend to understand how she or Dex feel. I don’t intend to have children for a long, long time.
” If ever. “But I bet she feels like everything revolves around this baby. As though she’s invisible. No wonder she wants to be on her own. All she hears is baby this and baby that. Even Dex seems completely preoccupied with the baby. But Zoey is a person. She is real.”

  Thor stared at her for a long time. Damn it, she should have left this up to Mila. She was much better at this sort of stuff than Willa was. Willa would rather do a thousand press-ups than talk about feelings and crap like that.

  But Thor was here, and Zoey was hurting.

  “You are right. I will speak to Dex.”

  “She’ll have the baby soon, and then I guess there will be a whole new set of problems. But maybe for these last few days or however long it takes, she could just be Zoey. Not the Crown Princess or a soon-to-be mother. Perhaps you could try to tell Dex that.”

  “Yes. I believe I shall try.” He turned back to look at Lucy, who gave a rare smile as she watched the boys. “Watch her for me.”

  “I will. While I’m here.”

  “You are leaving?”

  “Maybe.” Once she spoke to Darac. “Do you think she is your mate?”

  “I believe so. I have not touched her. I have barely spoken to her. But when I am near her, my heart pounds. The possessiveness I feel towards her is unlike anything I have felt before. As though I could not bear to be parted from her. But I can sense her unease around me so I am keeping my distance. For now. However, it is growing harder with each passing day.”

  Thor didn’t have an easy road of it if Lucy was his mate. Willa did not envy him one bit.

  Chapter Four

  Darac tried to calm the nerves jumping in his stomach. A warrior did not feel nervous. Especially over something as simple as a mating ceremony. There was no reason for this tightness in his gut. Willa was his. The mating ceremony merely solidified their mating. A declaration to their family and friends.

  So why did he feel nervous?

  Perhaps because he had a secret.

  Over the past two days, he’d had to cut himself off from Willa multiple times to keep her from learning his secret, which went against his protective instincts. He reminded himself that Willa was a strong, capable female. She could look after herself. And there was little danger here on Zerconia. However, while Darac knew Willa could take care of herself, his whole being was geared towards protecting her. If he could keep her by his side always, he would.

  Would he have been this protective had he met Willa earlier, before falling into madness? Perhaps. He would never know.

  This is who he was. Luckily, for him, Willa loved who he was.

  Locking his secret away in his mind, he reached for her.

  Uncertainty. Fear. Unhappiness.

  Darac dropped the vest he’d been about to pull on. He rushed out of the room and into the passage.

  “Darac?” Thor called out as he rushed past. “Where do you go?”

  “Willa!” he yelled back.

  Thor caught up to him. “Is she in danger? Is she harmed?”

  “No, I don’t believe so.” He raced towards his house.

  She was upset. That was most unusual for his Willa.

  “It is your mating ceremony in an hour. Could this not wait?”

  “No.” He ran into his house. Willa had insisted that they couldn’t get ready together. Something about seeing her before the ceremony being bad luck. A human custom that did not make much sense to him. They were already mated; so how could it be bad luck?

  However, he would do anything for Willa’s happiness. So he had agreed to get ready at Thor’s house. Now he wished he had not.

  “Willa!” he roared. “Willa!”

  “What? What is it?” She moved down the stairs, looking so beautiful his breath caught in his throat. Her body was encased in a long, flowing, dress. It was a beautiful yellow color that suited her perfectly. Strapless, it left her arms completely bare.

  Her hair hadn’t grown back from when she had to cut it to hide from the Coizils. But he thought the short style suited her. Her eyes appeared larger, her cheekbones more pronounced, and the graceful arch of her neck was bare.

  “You look beautiful.”

  She paused, a light blush filling her cheeks. “Oh, thanks. I’ve never really owned anything like this before.”

  Mila had convinced Willa that she needed a dress for the ceremony. Darac thought she had agreed merely to please Mila.

  But he was grateful for Mila’s perseverance. He thought Willa beautiful no matter what, but this image of her was one that he would remember always.

  “What are you guys doing here? And where are your clothes?”

  Darac gazed down at himself, realizing he was dressed only in a pair of pants.

  “Is something wrong? Is it Zoey? What’s going on?” Panic filled her face as she strode down the stairs until she reached them both.

  “You are unhappy. You are concerned about the mating ceremony. I sense your uncertainty.”

  “I will wait outside,” Thor told them. “Let me know if you wish to delay the ceremony.”

  Delay the ceremony? Darac’s stomach clenched. “Do you no longer wish to mate me?”

  To have Willa’s love was everything to him. But had she come to the conclusion that he was not worthy of her love?

  “What? Of course I want to be mated to you. But do you still feel the same about me? Have you changed your mind?”

  “Changed my mind? Never! When I felt your uncertainty about the ceremony, your unhappiness, my heart stopped. I thought you might reject me.”

  Her face softened, and she moved closer. Reaching up, she clasped his face between her hands. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to feel that.”

  “What is wrong?”

  “It’s silly.” She pulled back, turning her gaze away from him.

  Darac grabbed her chin gently, turning her face towards him. “It is not silly if it upsets you.”

  “I haven’t seen you much these last few days. You’re up early, and you come home late. Today when I reached for you through the bond, it was closed off, and I realized that’s happened a few times lately. It hurt. We’ve barely kissed in days. If you’ve changed your mind, if you no longer want me, please tell me.”

  Shock filled him, paralyzing him for a moment. Then he swept her up into his arms and strode up the stairs with her.

  “Darac! Darac, what are you doing?” She hit him on the arm. It was no harder than a swat from a small child, although he didn’t tell her that. She didn’t like when he pointed out how much weaker she was to him. He had learned that the hard way. “Darac, talk to me!”

  Only the tension in her voice got through to him. He glanced down at her as he entered their bedroom. “I am going to show you what you mean to me. Not want you? I am burning for you.”

  He gently threw her on the bed.

  “What? Darac, we can’t do this now.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because we have hundreds of people expecting us in less than an hour.”

  “Let them wait.”

  He stripped off his pants, gratified when her gaze grew hungry. She bit her lip, staring at him.

  “We should talk.”

  He knelt on the bed. “After. I must have you. I must show you what you mean to me. How much I desire you. I will always want you, Willa. I am sorry I have not shown you that lately.”

  “It’s okay. I know you’re busy—”

  “Hush.” He placed a finger on her lips. “There is no excuse for neglecting you.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t say neglected.”

  “I would. You needed me, and I was not there. Whatever you need, I must provide. Lie back, let me love you.”

  “Wait.” She moved off the bed and stood. He wondered if she would reject him. But she merely reached for the back of her dress.

  “Allow me.” He helped strip off the dress, placing it on a chair carefully. She stood before him, completely naked.

  His shaft pounded, ached. It had been
too long since they had joined. Two whole days. His fault. “Lie back and spread your legs.”

  Her breath hitched, a flush of arousal covering her skin as she lay back on the masic.

  “Hands over your head.”

  “Darac. I want to touch you.”

  “Later. It is my turn to touch and taste you. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the masic.”

  Willa bent her knees. This position opened her to his gaze. A shiver raced over her as he watched her, gaze intent.

  “I always want you. I cannot look at you without wanting you. Thinking of you has the power to arouse me. Sometimes that is not always a good thing.”

  She grinned. She understood exactly what he meant.

  He knelt between her thighs, covering her body with his as he rested the majority of his weight on his hands. He brushed her mouth with his, reaching out with his tongue, he licked her lips before slipping it inside her mouth to duel with her tongue. Her clit throbbed, and she brushed her hand through his hair. Darac drew back his head to frown down at her.

  “Did I give you permission to move your hand?”


  “Hand back. No more warning.” Arousal etched his face into hard lines. Intent gleamed in his amber-colored eyes as he narrowed his gaze.

  He kissed down her neck. Stars, she loved when he took charge in during sex. He moved to her breasts, nipping at each nipple. Arching, Willa cried out softly. “Darac!”

  “You are everything to me. Everything.” The fierceness in his voice pulled at her.

  “I love you, Darac.” She didn’t say it often. But she hoped he knew it.

  “All I want is your happiness.” He kissed down her stomach.

  Willa clenched her hands together. She desperately wanted to touch him. Darac clasped hold of her legs behind her knees, pushing them back towards her chest as he took a long lick of her pussy.

  A low whimper of need escaped her. Her body tightened as her orgasm built. Darac swirled his tongue around her clit then flicked it. Letting go of one leg, he circled her entrance with a finger.

  Higher and higher she spiraled. Sweat coated her body, her breath grew quick, her heart beating so hard it almost hurt.


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