Cephrael's Hand: A Pattern of Shadow & Light Book One

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Cephrael's Hand: A Pattern of Shadow & Light Book One Page 103

by McPhail, Melissa

  T’khendar (tuh ken dar) n. The realm created by the Adept wielder Malachi ap’Kalien out of Alorin’s own æther, which sacrilegious act resulted in fierce denouncement from the Council of Realms and indirectly, his later madness.

  Truthreader (truth – read er) n. [Old Alæic treowe, true + raedan] An Adept of the fourth strand of elae who is able to hear (and sometimes see) the thoughts of others and is thereby able to discern the time, place and form of any occurrence in their memory, i.e. its truth.

  Tyriolicci (teer´ee oh – lee´ chee) n. One of the Wilding races (colloquially Whisper Lord) known for their frenzied fighting style and ability to make small skips through time.

  Vestal (vest´-al) n. [Cyrenaic, vestir, to endow] 1 An Adept elevated and empowered with the responsibility of enforcing the laws, regulations, activities and codes of his respective strand of elae, and of overseeing all Adepts subject to it 2 one of five highly-trained and advanced Adepts elected as voting members of the Council of Realms, ranking just below the Seat of the realm in authority.

  weld (weld) n. [Cyrenaic, welden, to be strong] The most major joints in the pattern of the world. All leis and nodes connect through a weld, thus a weld allows travel to any location. Welds also form the joints between the realms and thus allow travel from realm to realm.

  Whisper Lord n. [Collq.] One of the Wildling races (also called Tyriolicci) known for their frenzied fighting style and ability to make small skips through time.

  wielder (wēld´ər) n. [Cyrenaic, welden, to be strong < Old Alæic, valere, a show of strength] A person of any race who uses patterns to compel one or more strands of elae, thereby influencing the strand’s properties to create the effect he has postulated; a sorcerer in the realm of Alorin. Adepts and men alike become wielders through intensive training and study.

  Wildling (wahyld´-ling]) n. [Old Alæic wilde] 1 (Collq) An Adept of the third strand of elae 2 Any of the twenty-seven non-human races whose native abilities are attributed to the third strand of elae but who may or may not be possessed of paranormal abilities.

  zanthyr (zan´ thur) n. [Old Alæic] An elusive Adept of the fifth strand of elae; zanthyrs can shapeshift between two forms: one human, one animal. Some have been known to work elae as wielders, but the extent of their abilities is unknown.

  Dramatis Personae

  The Five Vestals

  Alshiba Torinin—the First Vestal, an Adept Healer

  Dagmar Ranneskjöld—the Second Vestal, an Espial

  Seth nach Davvies—the Third Vestal, an Avieth of the Wildling races

  Raine D’Lacourte—the Fourth Vestal, a Truthreader and raedan

  Björn van Gelderan—the Fifth Vestal, branded a traitor

  Members of the Royal Family of Dannym

  Gydryn val Lorian—King of Dannym

  Errodan Renwyr n’Owain val Lorian—Queen of Dannym

  Ysolde Remalkhen—the Queen’s Companion; a Fire Princess from Avatar

  Ean val Lorian—Crown Prince of Dannym

  Ean’s older brothers (deceased)

  Creighton Khelspath—ward of Gydryn, blood-brother to Ean

  Ryan val Lorian—brother to Gydryn, posted as Ambassador to Agasan

  Fynnlar val Lorian—son of Ryan, a prince of Dannym

  Brody the Bull—Fynnlar’s bodyguard

  Admiral Cameron l’Owain—father to Queen Errodan

  In the King’s Cabinet & Guard

  Morin d’Hain—Spymaster

  Donnal val Amrein—Minister of the Interior

  Mandor val Kess—Minister of Culture

  Vitriam o’Reith—Truthreader to the King

  Kieran van Stone—Truthreader to the King (missing)

  Rhys val Kincaide—Lord Captain of the King’s Own Guard

  Bastian val Renly—a lieutenant of the King’s Own Guard

  Of the Peerage & their Households

  Gareth val Mallonwey—Duke of Towermount and General of the West

  Tad val Mallonwey—heir to Towermount

  Katerine val Mallonwey—daughter of Gareth, engaged to Creighton Khelspath

  Lisandre val Mallonwey—daughter of Gareth

  Loran val Whitney—Duke of Marion and General of the East

  Killian val Whitney—heir to Marion

  Melisande d’Giverny—mother to Alyneri (deceased)

  Prince Jair—Prince of Kandori, father of Alyneri (deceased)

  Alyneri d’Giverny—Duchess of Aracine, an Adept Healer in the service of King Gydryn

  Tanis—an Adept Truthreader, Melisande’s ward

  Farshideh—a Nadori midwife, assistant to Melisande, Seneschal of Fersthaven

  Stefan val Tryst—Duke of Morwyk

  Wilamina—Dowager Countess of Astor

  Ianthe d’Jesune val Rothschen—Marchioness of Wynne

  The Contessa di Remy—wife of the Agasi Ambassador’s Aide

  In the Akkad

  Emir Zafir bin Safwan al Abdul-Basir—Akkadian Emir, Unifier of the Seventeen Tribes

  Rajiid bin Yemen al Basreh—Prime Minister of the Akkad

  Ware—an Agasi expatriate, one of the Converted

  Istalar—a holy man

  At the First Lord’s Sa’reyth

  Dhábu’balaji’şridanaí(Da-boo balah gee shree da nye) called Balaji

  whose name means He Who Walks the Edge of the World

  Şrivas’rhakárakek (Shreevas rah kara keck) called Rhakar

  whose name means The Shadow of the Light

  Jayachándranáptra (Jai ah shandra naptra) called Jaya

  whose name means Rival of the Sun

  Ramuhárikhamáth (Rah moo hareek amath) called Ramu

  whose name means Lord of the Heavens

  Amithaiya’geshwen (Am myth aya gesh win) called Mithaiya

  whose name means The Bosom of God’s Nectar

  Náeb’nabdurin’náiir (Ni eb nabdoor en ni ear) called Náiir

  whose name means Chaser of the Dawn

  Vaile—a zanthyr

  Leyd—a zanthyr

  Loghain—a Tyriolicci (of the Wildling races, called Whisper Lord by the races of men)

  On Trell’s Travels

  Fhionna—a Wildling

  Aishlinn—Fhionna’s sister

  Lily—a girl of M’Nador

  Korin—Lily’s betrothed

  Sayid—a Khurd guard

  Kamil—a Khurd guard

  Radiq—a Khurd guard

  Ammar—a Khurd guard

  Krystos—an Agasi nobleman, owner of the Inn of the Four Faces in Sakkalaah

  Carian vran Lea—a pirate of Jamaii, an Adept Nodefinder

  Sister Marie-Clarisse—a Sister of Chastity of Veneisea

  Sister Marguerite—a Sister of Chastity of Veneisea

  Jean-Pierre Marçon—Lord Commander of the Tivaricum Guard of Veneisea

  Kardashian—a thief

  Yara—an old Kandori woman

  On Ean’s travels

  Phaedor—a zanthyr

  Cayal—a soldier of the King’s Own Guard

  Dorin—a soldier of the King’s Own Guard

  Thane val Torlen—Duke of Stradtford

  Lord Brantley—Earl of Pent

  Comte d’Ornay—a Count of Veneisea

  Claire—comtesse d’Ornay, a Countess of Veneisea

  Sandrine du Préc—an Adept Healer in the service of Queen Indora of Veneisea

  Alain—an Adept Truthreader, nephew of the comte d’Ornay

  Matthieu—an officer in the comte d’Ornay’s household guard

  The Gods of the Akkad

  Jai’Gar—the Prime God

  Azerjaiman—the Wind God

  Sons of the Wind God—North son, Shamal; South son, Asfal; East son, Sherq

  Daughter of the Wind God—West daughter, Qharp

  Naiadithine—Goddess of Water

  Inithiya—Goddess of Restoration

  Angharad—Goddess of Fortune

  Thalma—Goddess of Luck

  Look for The Dagger of A
dendigaeth, Book Two in A Pattern of Shadow & Light available now.

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