Adam's Thorn

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Adam's Thorn Page 23

by Angela Verdenius

  “Up on your knees, arms raised.”

  “What?” She couldn’t see him behind her, but she felt his hands at the hem of her camisole. “Oh.” Lifting her arms, she allowed him to draw the camisole off, leaving her naked.

  Before she could do anything more, Adam leaned past her, snagged two of the pillows and set them before her. “Hips on the pillows, baby.” When she hesitated, he added, “My way.”

  Lowering her hips onto the pillows, she realised how open she was to him, her secret places laid bare, the cool air teasing her sensitized, damp folds. The position was erotic, decadent, making her feel almost sinful.

  Sinful with Adam, what a dark, delicious thought.

  The sound of a packet tearing, a shift of the mattress behind her and she tensed, ready for his invasion, only to groan when his tongue licked along her folds again, the tip teasing the entrance to her body.

  Barbie felt as though she couldn’t take anymore, no more teasing, no more preparation, no more playing with her body. Her nerves were screaming, her cream making her labia slippery, and the sensation of Adam licking her almost dry was torturous.

  “Adam, please, I can’t - ooohhhhhh!” Her lashes fluttered shut, teeth clenching as Adam entered her, his shaft so thick, long and hard, forcing its way through her tight sheath, tunnelling deep until his groin was hard against her, his sac tapping her labia, the combined sensation almost tipping her over the edge then and there.

  She thought he’d start pounding into her, but instead he began a slow, maddening rhythm, hips thrusting at a steady pace.

  Coming up onto her elbows, she arched her body, pushed her hips up into him, and the heady feel of him above her, his arms each side of her as he rode her firmly but controlled, had her feeling not only frustrated and sexually heated, but oddly protected as well.

  Sensitized as she was, it didn’t take long for the long, smooth strokes to push her up the peak once more, and eagerly she rushed towards it, heat pooling so low, fire dragging along her sheath, his consistent invasion of her making her throb and squirm, fingers twisting in the doona as her pulses sped, blood roared, nerves splintered.

  Steadily he pushed her, hips rocking, rocking, a slight shift of his angle that caused him to hit something inside her, making her gasp and shiver. And then he kept hitting that spot, slow, steady, his every controlled movement so completely opposite to her wild, churning heat.

  Suddenly he pulled almost all the way out, stilled, and teetering on that brink, Barbie actually had a sob spill from her. “No, Adam, no!”

  He shoved in hard and fast, almost merciless, pressing that magical spot and pushing her right out over the edge, the orgasm shattering her, flinging her beyond any erotic passion she’d ever experienced in her life.

  When she came to, it was to feel heat still burning, still burning insistently because Adam still rode her, hips rocking against her, thighs pressing insistently against the backs of hers, his hands still each side of her head bracing himself above her.

  As she lifted her head, gasping with spent passion and burgeoning desire once more, he caught her chin, pulling her face around to take her lips in a ruthless kiss, ravaging her mouth before releasing her, looking into her eyes with a burning gaze, the pure carnal heat reflected in his dark eyes taking her breath as surely as his mouth had done.

  Smoothly, he placed himself above her again, and now he started to thrust harder, faster, strong thighs driving, hips shoving against her, and she moaned, holding onto the bed covers, unable to do anything more than take what he gave her.

  His stance changed, his arms disappearing, hard, muscled body straightening. His big hands clamped each side of her hips, she could feel him spreading his knees as he came up behind her, adjusting his position. Now his rhythm changed, becoming shorter, faster, even harder as he literally pounded into her, shaft driving deep, so deep, possessing her inside as he controlled her outside.

  Sensation spiralled through her, heat and desire, carnality and oddly, sweetness, combining together to form a light that burned hotter, flaring out of control as Adam shoved into her, fingers digging into her hips as he held her for his pleasure, taking her with him.

  This time he didn’t push her up that fiery slope. He ruthlessly dragged her along with him, giving no quarter, no mercy. He just grabbed her, pounded into her, yanked her up the slope, through the fire, burning her with his touch, his dangerous desire, giving her no choice but to follow where he led.

  His shaft pounded into the magical spot, pressing, forcing, and with his name screaming in the air, his harsh grunt ringing in her ears, his hips shoved hard into hers, his shaft thick and straining, the heat felt even through the condom he’d sheathed himself with, Barbie was flung into a shattering world of pure hedonism.

  The last thing she heard was her name ground out harshly, one last punishing thrust of hard hips, and then she was gone, sucked under a wave of glorious prurience.

  Chapter 9

  Sitting on the back veranda steps, a mug of hot tea in his hand, Adam looked out into the dusk. The kitchen light shone through the security screen and window, dappling the veranda in clear light.

  Bare feet curling on the wooden step, he took a sip of tea. Inside the house all was quiet, no sound except that of Fred chasing a moth across the kitchen floor.

  He’d left Barbie curled up asleep. Getting up quietly, he’d picked up a light blanket that had been draped over an old armchair and laid it over her curvy figure. For several minutes he’d just watched her, studying the softness of her features, the relaxing of her mouth, soft, plump lips slightly parted as she drew deep, even breaths. A flush still rode her cheeks, and she stretched beneath his gaze before curling up again, settling her head on the pillow and continuing her repleted slumber.

  A woman well-loved, that’s what she’d looked like. A woman well loved by him. His gaze wandered down the lush curves outline by the blanket. He’d tasted her, touched her, explored that luscious body, taken her and rode her hard.

  It hadn’t stilled the ardour inside him, he still desired her. Still wanted her.

  That kind of blew his mind a little.

  Needing time to think, Adam donned only his trousers before padding barefoot to the kitchen. Switching on the light, he plugged in the kettle. Turning, he found Fred and Barney sitting beside the ‘fridge. At first he thought they were looking at him accusingly, but then he realised, as they watched him search for and find the tea bags, that their gazes were actually hopeful.

  Glancing at the clock on the wall above the kitchen bench, he realised it was probably their tea time. Seven o’clock. Maybe even past their tea time.

  “Hang on.” He opened the pantry and looked at the boxes and canned goods before discovering the tins of cat food on the second shelf. “Cripes, which one?” There was a virtual smorgasbord. Glancing back at the two cats, he muttered, “Spoiled much?”

  Choosing one large can of fish, he plopped half a tin into each of the two bowls he found on the draining board, pretty certain he had the right bowls seeing as one had ‘Barney’ printed on it, the other ‘Fred’.

  The cats fell onto it like they’d never eaten for days, but spotting the bowl of half eaten cat biscuits beside the bowl of fresh water next to the laundry door, he realised he was being conned. Big time. Besides, the cats were both a little chunky, so…

  Grinning, he switched the kettle off just as it started steaming, pouring the hot water into a mug. Keeping the teabag inside the mug, he walked out the back door, shutting the security screen behind him to keep the cats inside before easing himself down on the veranda steps.

  The quiet countryside soothed him, though he realised he’d never felt so settled in a long time. Since Barbie had arrived in Peeron weeks ago, in fact. Right now, he was totally relaxed, at peace. He’d have thought bedding what was regarded as his arch enemy by the townsfolk would have made him even tenser.

  It was the exact opposite.

  Another sip of hot tea, this mou
thful made much stronger by the tea bag stewing in the hot water.

  Taking a deep breath, he gazed out at the desolate backyard. The clothesline looked forlorn in the gloom, the rosebushes silent guard over the graves. To some it would be a little creepy, but it didn’t bother him. Sitting in a graveyard several nights in a row waiting for vandals years ago in the city had cured him of any creepiness around graves. Personally, he found them rather peaceful. The occupants didn’t talk.

  Rolling his shoulders, he swirled the tea a little in the mug to help cool it.

  Okay, now what? He’d had mad, crazy, hot sex with Barbie Declan. Ever since he’d had to leave her when her visitors arrived, he’d had fire burning low in his belly. Even the call-out to help Brandon and the Sarge with the car accident found ten miles out hadn’t eased the fire. Diverted him, yes, but it hadn’t made him forget.

  As soon as everything had been taken care of, the crumpled car’s unconscious occupants taken to the local hospital by ambulance after the fire brigade freed them from the car using the jaws of life, the car towed by the local tow truck, and the road cleared so traffic could go through, the Sarge had sent him home to finish the last of his day off while he and Brandon did the paperwork.

  Once relieved of duty, his thoughts had turned straight to Barbie, that wicked mouth, the sultry look in her eyes, the way she’d played him like a fine violin, and he’d not wasted another minute. Not bothering to go home and change, he’d driven straight to her house to find her sitting on the veranda step chatting on her mobile.

  One look into her big, wide, pale blue eyes so heavily fringed with thick eyelashes, that wicked little mouth trembling a little at the sight of him, that little flicker of uncertainty on her pretty face, and he’d acted on instinct.

  Secure the car, capture the girl, have his wicked way with her.

  God, it had been wicked. Grinning, he looked at the dim outline of the shed rapidly being swallowed by gathering night. That lush body had been so responsive, every sweet curve a sensuous addition to her light, floral scent that even now he could smell on his skin.

  Lowering his nose to his arm, he inhaled deeply. The strawberry scent of her hair seeped through him, the memory of her hair spread across his arm when he’d rolled to the side and pulled her back against him, spooning her in depleted bliss.

  Such a soft, warm bundle cuddled against him.

  So, again, now what?

  Really, he wasn’t sure. He knew things had changed, knew he couldn’t just go on as though nothing had happened. Barbie had been dogging his thoughts for days, his dreams for nights. Now, well, the thorn in his side had gotten completely under his skin. Somehow, someway, Barbie had argued, snapped, snarled and then sweetly and irrevocably wormed her way into his heart.

  He almost spilled the tea. Heart? What the hell..? No, no, no, it was just - well, lust. Yep, definitely lust. And the beginnings of friendship.

  Lifting the mug, he inhaled the aroma of hot tea, clearing his senses both mentally and physically. Maybe a little more than friendship. Certainly a lot more than friendship. Lovers? Opening his eyes a fraction, he pondered.

  Okay, lovers sounded all right. He could certainly go another round with his little thorn in that bed…or lounge room…kitchen…pretty much anywhere, and a heck of a lot more than once, too. Remembering both his and Barbie’s fiery reactions, the heated sex, he just knew he’d never get enough of her.

  So now what?

  A sound in the kitchen had him instantly alert, the sound of Barbie’s soft, sleepy voice talking to the cats easing him. The security screen swung open and shut, the catch clicking into place.


  Adam grinned. He didn’t have to turn to know that Barbie stood behind him, watching him, her bottom lip caught between her small, white teeth. He could practically feel her uncertainty.

  Without looking around, he shifted to one side and held up his hand.

  A light step, a slither of sound, a small hand hesitatingly laying in his.

  Wrapping his fingers around the much smaller ones, he held Barbie’s hand as she moved beside him, her pink-nailed toes appearing in his line of vision as she took a step down before lowering herself to sit on the veranda beside him.

  Feeling the light tickle of material on the side of his bare abdomen, he glanced sideways to note that she’d donned a light cotton dressing gown, the pattern one of tiny blue flowers on a pale pink background. Pretty, fresh. He glanced upwards. The soft blonde hair tumbled around her shoulders and down her back. Yep, her cheeks were still flushed, her lips swollen from his kisses.

  That had his loins tightening. Down, boy.

  Her hand still in his, he pulled it across to rest their entwined fingers on his thigh.

  The silence lengthened between them, her slightly trembling fingers clasped securely in his hold easing, gradually stilling.

  Turning slightly, he silently handed her the mug of tea.

  Taking it with her opposite hand, she muttered a soft ‘thanks’, took a mouthful, swallowed and gave a shudder. “Ugh.”

  “Too strong?” he asked politely.

  “A little.” Her fingers tensed in his hold and automatically he stroked his thumb soothingly across the back of her hand.

  The silence continued. She’d say something soon.

  Taking a deep breath, she finally asked quietly, “Now what?”

  Looked like she was wrestling with her thoughts, too. Hmmm.

  “What do you want to do?” he replied.

  “Ummm…say thanks and I’ll call you?”

  He didn’t know whether to laugh or frown. “Really?’

  “Why not?”

  Okay, that had him turning on the spot to look right at her.

  She glanced sideways at him and quickly away again.

  “Barbie,” he said evenly, “to be honest, I’m not sure how things between us got out of control.”

  There she went, biting that lush bottom lip.

  “However, it happened.” He couldn’t help but add, “Jesus, did it happen.”

  There was the barest glimmer of a smile on her lips before it disappeared.

  “Barbie, look at me.” When she glanced sideways, he shook his head.

  Sighing, she turned partway around, lowering one leg to rest on the next step for balance. Looking him right in the eyes, her voice was steady. “I owe you a huge apology, Adam. I allowed the massage session to get out of hand, something I’ve never done in my career. It was very unprofessional of me, and you have a right to lodge a complaint.”

  He arched one eyebrow.

  She nodded.

  “Let me see, if I did that, then you’d have to lodge a complaint about me.”

  She blinked.

  “I came here uninvited, threw you over my shoulder, forced entry into your home, and stripped off in front of you.”

  “I performed fellatio on you.” Her words were bold, her expression embarrassed.

  “Oh, that’s a very correct term.” Amused, he grinned. “Does the word ‘cunnilingus’ mean anything to you?”

  Her answering grin was a mixture of reluctant amusement and that same cute embarrassment.

  Sobering, Adam squeezed her fingers. “Barbie, we’re grown adults. We both did things to each other that brought us a lot of pleasure.” Almost blew his head off, actually.

  She nodded. Okay, she might be a little embarrassed, but she wasn’t going to deny it. That was a start.

  “So now what?” she repeated.

  “Isn’t that the million dollar question?” He studied her face, tyring to gauge her thoughts. “What do you want to do?”

  “Well, apparently saying ‘thank you and I’ll call you’ isn’t on the cards.”

  “Hell, no.”

  Her gaze dropped down to where he still held her hand.

  Deliberately, he entwined their fingers together before lifting their linked hands and pressing his lips to the back of her hand.

  Barbie’s eyes widened, bu
t yeah, there was that flush in her cheeks, her lips opening just a little, the pale blue of her eyes seeming to kindle a carnal fire in their cool depths.

  “How about this?” he suggested. “To be frank, I’m not sure where this is headed, but I do know I’m not prepared to just walk away. What we have between us is hot. Hell, so hot I almost burst into flames.”

  Her eyes crinkled at the corners, a flicker of laughter dancing in her eyes.

  “Baby, I made you burn, too,” he pointed out dryly.

  “Yes. Yes, you did.” The smile fully curved her lips and she glanced away before looking back at him. “I admit it. You rocked my world.”

  “Yeah, I know.” He winked. “I was there when you begged and screamed.”

  “So proud of yourself.’


  She laughed.

  Keeping their gazes locked, he leaned a little closer. “We don’t have to jump into anything, make any plans, decide the future. Why don’t we just enjoy ourselves, see where this leads?”

  “Really?” Her gaze swept over his face, her fingers tightening tellingly between his.


  Her gaze dropped. “Adam…”

  He waited, watching her closely. When she didn’t continue, he squeezed her hand gently in silent encouragement. When she still hesitated, he said quietly, “Barbie, you can tell me anything, ask me anything.”

  With a sigh, she lifted her head to stare into the darkness which had fallen. “After everything I did, you would still want me?”

  Good question, and one to which he had no hesitation in replying. “Yes.”

  “Why? And I mean apart from the sex.” Her jaw tightened. “I’m still the same girl who hurt you and Melissa all those years ago.”



  “Very wrong.” He shook her hand a little. “Look at me.”

  She groaned. “Must I?”

  He almost laughed, managing to bite it back. “Yes.” When she didn’t comply immediately, he let the steel underlie his tone. “Barbie.”

  Yep, that did it. Always worked for felons, ruffians, and Barbie. He had to hide his amusement.


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