Destiny's Dark Fantasy Boxed Set (Eight Book Bundle)

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Destiny's Dark Fantasy Boxed Set (Eight Book Bundle) Page 37

by Tamara Rose Blodgett

  “Are we safe?” Mom asked, a frown on her face.

  “For now. I think they'd be fools to attempt to reacquire him.”

  Technically it was morning.

  “Or maybe they think, we'll think that and then try to take him,” Mom said, worried.

  “Don't be anxious,” he said to Mom, then turned to me. “Didn't Officer Gale say that her partner would be outside the house tonight?”

  I nodded. “Wade.”

  “A reprieve for now; off to bed, that's an order.”

  My parents went into their bedroom, softly closing the door. Onyx and I climbed the steps to my room and as I opened the door Onyx nudged it aside and jumped up on top of my bed, circling to find the perfect dog-spot. He finally settled at the foot, giving me just enough room to sink underneath the covers, which I did as I kicked off my clothes.

  I was so tired that I was wide awake. It made no sense but that's the way it was; I'd tried to stay awake so long I had gone over the line. I pulled out my pulse and sent a message to Jade, my thumb swiping the pad:

  Activated: Just so you know, I love you...CH

  I powered it down, putting it on my windowsill, knowing that she was long asleep, that she would wake up to my words glowing on her pulse.

  It'd be the first thing she saw.

  I started to drift off just as Mom came into my room pulling up the covers until they were just under my chin. She hadn't tucked me in for years. I would have responded but was in that twilight of sleep, just as you're sinking under into unconsciousness but awake enough to be aware.

  Her breath was warm on my face as she kissed my forehead, my thoughts ending as sleep pulled me under into dreamless oblivion.


  I woke up, feeling like I'd been in our washing machine on spin cycle... for a couple of hours. I opened one eye, trying to chase the blurry sleep out of it with a thorough rub. Ah! Seeing better, I squinted my eyes at the glowing numbers on my computer's monitor.

  I leaned forward, one o'clock! I had a moment when I couldn't remember what day it was. Oh yeah, Saturday. I sat there for a second and then the whole night came rushing back in living color: the ghosts, Graysheets, Parker, escaping, Jade's dad and the cherry on top of the miserable cake, Brett.

  I flung myself back down again, Onyx crawled up and gave my face a disgusting dog-lick. I absently petted his head, thinking.

  I heard Mom downstairs in the kitchen and figured... pancakes.

  Surprisingly, I wasn't that hungry. I powered up my pulse and messages came in:

  Pulse-me, zombie-master.-MJ

  We need a plan... like yesterday- John Terran.

  Then, the message that was really cool:

  I love you too... JLeC

  I did the easy pulses first.

  Jonesy, you moron, stop talking about stuff on the pulse! Let's get together at the hideaway at like three, we can talk there.-CH

  Okay, don't get your shorts in a twist! I'll meet ya Have you talked to our-boy,Terran? MJ

  No... wait-CH

  Hey.-John Terran

  Would you fix your Profanity-block! name initials!-MJ

  Yeah, it royally gets on my nerves.-CH

  Whatever irritates you guys, I'm all for that.-John Terran

  sighs K, listen...CH

  Listen? John Terran

  You know what I mean, John! CH

  Yeah... I do laughs-John Terran

  Kind of a terrorist this mornin', huh? MJ

  He got more sleep than me, that's for sure.-CH

  Ewww...someone's grouchy, you get fed yet? MJ


  K, what's the plan? John Terran

  I told Jonesy we should meet at the hideaway at three.-CH

  K-John Terran

  Let's do it-MJ

  See ya-CH

  I pulsed Jade next as a huge rumble rolled through my stomach. Ouch, better make it fast, needed to fuel-up.

  Hey- CH


  How's your side? CH

  It's okay, sore.-JLeC

  My hate for Jade's dad bloomed anew.

  So... is your aunt pissed at me or can we get together today with the Js? CH

  No, it was an act. My dumb dad showed up and started hassling her about where I was now he's in jail... for now- JLeC

  I wondered what they decided to get him for and asked her.

  A lot. I overheard my aunt talking to Garcia on the phone today and he resisted arrest.-JLeC

  Yeah he did laughs-CH

  I gtg and eat something sighs.-JLeC

  Me too... let's meet at the hideaway about three, K? CH

  I'll be there... I can't wait to see you smiles.-JLeC

  Same here grins-CH

  I was still trying to play it a little cool with Jade, but it was getting harder by the week. More and more she was the center of my world, I orbited her.


  I dismounted as my bike was slowing coming to a jog beside it, the Js already in view by the dump's gate.

  They had their bikes too.

  “You guys got your bikes too?” I said.

  “Yeah, Jonesy said his was at the front of his house,” John said.

  “Maybe Wade,” I said.

  “The other cop?” Jonesy asked.

  “Yeah, Gale's partner,” John said.

  “He watched our house last night,” I said.

  Jonesy whistled. “You must rank pretty high.”

  I shook my head. “Nah, you heard Garcia, he wants to bust the Graysheets bad. I think he's just being careful with me because they've targeted me. But we've got even more problems than the government psychos, listen.”

  I told them what happened after I got to Jade's house.

  John said it best, “What an ass-wipe.”

  “He should be flogged,” Jonesy said.

  I liked that too.

  Just then, Jade rode up on her bike, coming to a stop, she hit the kickstand. “We've all got our bikes,” she said, looking around.

  “Yeah, looks like a mystery cop got it handled.”

  “Garcia?” she asked.

  “I don't think he wanted to risk being seen,” I said.

  John looked around. “Let's get these bikes hidden.”

  Good thinking.

  Inside the hideout, we sat on the crates. I had the strangest, I-was-just-here feeling... 'cuz I was.

  “I can't believe your parents let you go, aren't they worried?” Jade asked.

  “My dad has a plan to relieve some of the pressure and expose them. Also,” I shrugged, “I gave up the hideaway.”

  Jonesy face-palmed. “No! You told adults about here?”

  John glared at me.

  “I know, I know, so not-cool, but, they're not trying to interfere but look at it from their point of view.”

  The Js just looked at me, what point of view?

  “I'm just gonna say it: adults don't think like us.” Jonesy said.

  That was true, but I couldn't let my parents think I was going to dangle myself out there like kidnap bait.

  “If it makes ya feel any better, I didn't tell them about it, only that it was somewhere in the dump.”

  “It's kinda bad that the cops know about it too,” John said.

  “And Brett and Carson,” Jade said.

  “Yeah.... what-the-hell is with Brett?” Jonesy asked, crossing his arms. “He got a death-wish?”

  Jade lowered her head. I put a hand under her chin. “This isn't your fault, you know.”

  She nodded, a lone tear sliding down her face, holding her side she spoke so quietly the three of us leaned forward, “It would be easier on you guys if I wasn't a part of this.”


  John said, “Ah, Brett has nothing to do with you.”

  “Yeah!” Jonesy said. “He's a wet asshole without help from anyone.”

  Jade laughed and the sadness passed.

  Jonesy nodded, warming up. “And he can join the needs-to-be-flogged group.”

  “Don't forget Carson,” John reminded.

  “Yeah, he's first on the list,” Jonesy said.

  Jade laughed again. “You guys!”

  But we had made her happier, team players.

  “Knock-knock!” A voice yelled from the freezer.

  We jumped.

  “What the hell...?” Jonesy said.

  Jade put a hand on his dark forearm, her hand pale against it. “It's Tiff and Sophie.”

  “Oh, Soph! Great!”

  We all looked at each other.

  “I mean...” Jonesy paused awkwardly, Jonesy was never awkward, “I'm glad they're all okay.”


  “Back here!” Jade said loudly.

  Tiff and Sophie came first, with Bry bringing up the rear, ducking through that last spot.

  Bry's face looked really bad.

  Jonesy said, “Wow, those gnomes really tore you up!”

  That made Bry smile. Tiff looked like she got scraped, but we knew the butt of a M-16 had done it, making the scrape harder to ignore.

  “What about your parents?” John asked.

  Tiff rolled her eyes. “They think he needs anger management help.”

  Jonesy barked out a laugh. “Are you kidding?”

  “No. Remember, it's Bry's job to get the shit kicked out of him every time we go to a cemetery.”

  “Everyone has to do their part,” John said cryptically.

  “Right,” I agreed.

  Bry laughed. “You guys are okay.”

  I filled Bry, Tiff and Sophie in on the fun at Jade's house last night.

  “Sounds like that guy needs to be flogged,” Bry said.

  Jonesy threw out his hands. “Great minds think alike.”

  “What?” Bry asked.

  “Jonesy already thought of that. With a few other key people on the list,” John said.

  “I have a few more people,” Bry said.

  “Some teachers?” Tiff said.

  We thought about that.

  “Kids first, then we start working through the adults,” I said.

  “Nice, Hart,” Bry said.

  I did a mock-bow, laughing.

  We finished up our mutual admiration and trooped down the tunnel, stepping out of the freezer, closing it up for the next meeting.

  Our good mood dissipated like a candle blowing out, smiles fading on our faces as if they'd never been.

  Brett and Carson stood there staring at the group. How long they'd been there was anyone's guess.

  Bry looked around. “What? Did someone die?”

  “Nah... but we have history with these two,” Jonesy said in explanation.

  “Okay, I'm feeling ya,” Bry said, giving the two a hard look.

  Brett asked, “Who's he?”

  “My brother,” Tiff said neutrally.

  Carson and Brett gave Bry a good look, taking in his height and bulk.

  “John?” I asked.

  “I know,” John responded.

  “He your 'pet Null' now, Hart?” Carson laughed keeping an eye on Bry.

  “We can exchange insults, Carson,” John said. “But we're kinda busy so why don't you piss off instead?”

  “That works,” Bry said.

  “I like it,” Jonesy said.

  Brett asked, “What happened to your face?”

  “Who cares,” Carson said, giving Brett a look.

  I was tired of these two. “What do you want?”

  “I've decided to call a truce,” Carson said.

  I couldn't have been more shocked if he pulled a pink elephant out of his ass. Who was he kidding?

  The girls burst out laughing. It was that ridiculous sounding.

  Carson glared at them and clenched his fists, Bry stepping forward.

  Carson looked at him and licked his lips nervously.


  “Don't even think about it,” Bry said, the battering of his face making him look more threatening, not less.

  Brett elbowed Carson, who glared back. “I was just sayin'...that most of us will be at KPH next year...”

  I shrugged.

  “... and, I thought... we could just, avoid each other.”

  We were all silent at that. I couldn't believe that Carson would A) offer a solution, B) really not start shit.

  It was Jonesy that was the voice for the group, “Let's just see how that works out, Hamilton.”

  “Okay, I can do that,” I said slowly.

  He looked out at the rest of the group, each one nodding.

  Promising an uneasy truce would be hard with a proven enemy.

  Brett looked relieved, Carson satisfied.

  “See ya,” Carson said, walking off with Brett, who cast a glance back at Jade.

  I didn't like that.

  Jonesy said real low, so they couldn't hear, “We close that gate from now on, I don't like them lurking around.”

  John laughed. “Lurking?”

  “Yeah,” I agreed.

  Tiff said, “I trust him about as far as I can throw him.”

  “Me too,” Bry said.

  “You don't even know them,” Jade said, puzzled.

  “No, but I know guys like them.”

  “Carson's a pyro.” Sophie said.

  “Oh... great,” Bry said. “Wait, why didn't he light somebody up? Those types always have to show off.”

  “I was tuned up,” John said.

  Bry looked a question at John. “You're the Null? That's right!” he smacked his forehead, then winced. “Last night, you guys were testing that out...”

  John nodded.

  “That works pretty well,” Bry chuckled.

  “We're all just pawns on his chessboard,” John said. “He's made a move, trying to take us off-guard, then he'll strike when we're not expecting it.”

  “We'll have to be expecting it then,” I said, my arm around Jade, who gave me a little squeeze back. “Ouch!”

  “What?” I looked at her, she put her hand to her side.

  “Let me see.”

  “We want to look,” Jonesy said. Wounds fascinated him.

  Jade blushed with all the attention but lifted up her shirt a little.

  Somehow, it looked markedly worse in broad daylight. The beginning of the bruise from last night extended even further, a rainbow now of various shades.

  “Definite flogging,” Jonesy said.

  “Yeah,” John and I both said at the same time.

  A reckoning.

  All of us looked at each other grim faced. Jade lowered her shirt.

  “He's in jail right now, he can't make bail and Andrea won't do it. She won't pay, I know it.”

  “That's the first piece of good news I've heard in the last 24 hours,” Bry said.

  “Let's get out of here. I need to regroup with my parents,” I said.

  Filling in everyone that arrived late, I mentioned my dad had a plan to take the heat off of me.

  “That's good. I mean, they're just going to try for you again if there isn't anything done,” Bry said.

  “He's right, Caleb,” Jade said.

  Everyone nodded. “It's not just me,” I said, looking at them all in turn. “It's any of us, all of us...”

  “If Kyle can help with an idea, we can maybe have normal lives,” John said, adding airquotes.

  “Okay, pulse us,” Bry said, indicating he and Tiff. “I want to know what's happening. And for the record, I don't trust that weasel, Carson.”

  “Don't,” I said.

  Bry raised his eyebrows.

  Oh. “Yeah, I'll let ya know.”

  He nodded, the girls gave each other hugs, Jade getting handled more carefully.

  “Hey Jade, maybe you should go to the doctor?” Sophie said.

  “Can't. No health insurance.”

  What? “You don't have the chip?”

  “No. Those were being done on a day I missed school, around the time when my mom died,” she said softly.

  Ouch. We let it dr
op but Jonesy said, “It's alright, if it's a busted rib, they can't do jack anyway.”

  He meant well and Jade got that.

  We got on our bikes, Jade balancing and wincing.

  “How come you rode?” I asked, noticing it hurt.

  “Faster,” she said, breathing through the pain. I balanced my right foot in the dirt, the bike seat riding right under my butt and put a hand on the back of Jade's head, showing her with my eyes I was sorry she was hurting.

  “I'm sorry I couldn't stop him.”

  “It could have been worse, you deflected it.”

  “I guess,” I said. She was “managing” my feelings.

  “Caleb?” John asked.

  Balancing on my toes I turned to him. “Yeah.” My hand slid away from Jade.

  “If Parker said your house was bugged and you guys talked about Garcia, don't the Graysheets know all now?” he asked.

  I had a moment of panic so big that I couldn't breathe.

  John and Jade saw my face. “It's okay, wouldn't something bad have happened by now if they knew?” Jade said.

  My heart felt loaded up in my throat, stalled.

  John shook my shoulder. “Hey, snap out of it.”

  Jonesy said, “Let's just ride to your house and ask your dad, he'll know.”

  I finally breathed out. Couldn't do anything about it right now. I needed to see if the Graysheets knew more, had nailed Garcia, what my dad's new scheme was.

  I nodded.

  “You okay now?” John asked.

  Jonesy gave me a hard guy-clap on my back. “Caleb's okay, aren't ya?”

  I looked at our group, the Js and Jade, yeah, I guess I was.

  Whatever happened after I got home, I had them.


  I dumped my bike on the front lawn, glancing back at Jade once. She smiled and I rushed through the front door not bothering to close it.

  The parents glanced up at me, startled. “What's the problem Caleb?” Dad asked, rising off the couch, looking behind me for possible pursuers.

  Mom looked too, but it was only Jade and the Js coming through the front door. Mom gave me a puzzled look, with a dash of anxiety thrown in.

  I put my index finger against my closed mouth, the universal sign for quiet.


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