The Panic Virus

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by Seth Mnookin; Dan B. Miller

  Byrne, Rhonda, 269

  caffeine, 93

  California, 18n, 19, 36, 167, 186–87, 229, 272

  vaccination rates in, 305

  measles outbreak in, 19

  mumps outbreak in, 306

  pertussis outbreak in, 306

  California, University of, at Los Angeles, 70

  California, University of, at Santa Cruz, 235n

  California Department of Public Health, 306

  Callous Disregard (Wakefield), 303–4

  Calman, Kenneth, 100

  calomel, 119–20

  Campbell-Smith, Patricia, 288

  Canada, 28

  cancer, 58, 120, 260

  breast, 138–40, 193, 270

  drinking milk and, 48n

  Cardiff University, 163

  Carnegie, Andrew, 41

  Carrey, Jim, 14n, 256, 258

  Carter, Jimmy, 65

  case series, 110

  Casey, Rhonda, 90, 91

  Catholic Church, 81n, 100

  cats, 40n, 120

  causation, correlation and, 47, 48n, 209

  Cedillo, Michael, 181–87, 190–91, 192, 285, 295–97

  Cedillo, Michelle, 181–86, 192, 285–97

  Omnibus Proceeding and, 190–91, 285, 290, 291, 295–97

  Cedillo, Theresa, 181–87, 190–91, 192, 196, 285, 295–97

  Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 54, 72, 108, 147–50, 195, 199, 221, 223, 280–81

  1999 recommendations on thimerosal and, 6, 125–30, 140

  Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of (ACIP), 152–53, 173

  anonymous messages sent to, 200

  Blaxill’s views on, 222

  flu and, 62, 63, 64

  Kirby’s book and, 207, 213

  McCarthy and, 255

  Morgellons syndrome and, 95–96

  pertussis and, 280–81

  “Unexplained Dermopathy Project” of, 96n

  vaccine compensation and, 147, 148

  vaccine safety and, 148, 150, 170, 171, 173

  central nervous system, 40, 120

  cerebral palsy, 151, 164

  Chadwick, Nicholas, 291–92

  Chain, Ernst Boris, 36

  Chávez, Hugo, 8

  chelation therapy, 235, 260, 261, 263–64

  Chen, Robert, 108, 110–11, 150

  Kennedy on, 223, 226

  Cherry, James, 70

  Chicago, University of, 78n

  chicken pox vaccine, 7

  childhood disintegrative disorder, 81

  Childhood Neurology (textbook), 289

  child rearing, obsession with, 6, 9–10

  Chin-Caplan, Sylvia, 286, 292, 293n, 296–97

  Chinese herbs, 288

  cholera, 39–40

  Christian Science, 33–34, 268

  cigarette taxes, 210

  Civil Registration System, Danish, 154

  Clements, John, 150, 223–24

  Clinton, Hillary, 95

  clustering illusion, 193

  CNN, 84, 88, 90, 204

  Coalition for Sensible Action for Ending Mercury Induced Neurological Disorders, see SafeMinds

  Coast to Coast (radio show), 90n

  Coca-Cola Bottling Co., 51

  cocaine, 94

  coffee, 93

  cognitive biases, 15, 193–95

  cognitive defects, 121, 235n

  cognitive dissonance, 15, 194

  cognitive relativism (truthiness), 9

  Cohen, Richard, 66

  Colbert, Stephen, 9

  Colorado, 57, 83

  “commonsense” assumptions, 18

  Community Health Council, 101

  compensation systems, vaccines, 12, 146–48, 175, 178, 179, 180, 220

  Condé Nast, 74n

  confirmation bias, 194–95

  Congress, U.S., 64, 65, 95, 125, 167, 257

  drug safety and, 146

  swine flu and, 147

  vaccine compensation and, 148, 178

  Connecticut, 305

  conspiracy theories, 237

  constipation, 116, 144

  of Michelle Cedillo, 183

  Consumer Protection Act, 102

  Continental Army, 27–29

  control studies, 109–10, 153

  Copernicus, Nicolaus, 81n

  Cornell University, 235n

  correlation, causation and, see causation, correlation and

  coughing, 274–75, 276, 280–81

  cowpox, 31–32

  creationism, 197n

  “Crimes in the Cowpox Ring” (Little), 35

  Crohn’s disease, 103–5

  Crystals, 251, 253

  Cure Autism Now (CAN), 137, 142, 228, 232, 233

  Cure Within, The (Harrington), 268

  Curtis, Valerie, 26

  Cutter Laboratories (Cutter Incident), 46–47, 49–53, 55, 146

  cysteine, 143

  cytomegalovirus, 289

  dancing cat disease, 120

  Daniels, Mitch, 204

  Darwin, Charles, 158n

  Davis, case study, 286–87

  Dawbarns, 115–16

  “Deadly Immunity” (Kennedy), 221–27

  deafness, 20, 100

  death threats, 200, 230

  debates, interpretation of facts and, 198–99

  Debold, Sam, 187–89

  Debold, Vicky, 187–89, 196

  decision making, emotions and, 192–93

  Deer, Brian, 236, 237, 300, 302

  Defeat Autism Now! (DAN!), 34, 137, 228, 229, 240, 285

  conferences of, 34, 185, 195, 196, 261, 264

  Del Rey, Calif., 305

  delusional parasitosis, 87

  Democrats, 46, 62, 130n, 139n, 197

  Demon-Haunted World, The (Sagan), 158

  Denmark, 132, 154, 163–64, 167, 230

  depression, 93

  Descartes, René, 155

  DeStefano, Frank, 108–11, 150

  Deth, Richard, 216n, 306–7

  detoxification, 260

  developmental disorders, 12, 20, 73, 75, 76, 112–13, 148, 151, 164, 251, 300

  pervasive (PDD), 81, 83, 135

  pervasive, not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), 81

  developmental disorders (cont.)

  in Poling case, 218

  Scheflen’s views on, 259

  diagnostic creep, autism and, 83–84

  Dianetics movement, 15n

  diarrhea, 40, 116, 133, 143–44

  of Michelle Cedillo, 181, 183

  of Sam Debold, 187, 189

  Dick, Philip K., 89

  diphtheria, 36, 118, 127

  diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT) vaccine, 36, 60–61, 67–74, 123, 245, 283, 306

  of Michelle Cedillo, 285

  neurological damage and, 67, 128

  running out of stockpile of, 147

  safety of, 148, 174–75, 177

  TV special on, see “DPT: Vaccine Roulette”

  Dirty Love (film), 250

  Disease Contacts Network, 100–101

  disgust response, 26, 195

  Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT), 73, 74

  Dominican Republic, 19

  Donaldson, Sir Liam, 162

  double blind tests, 109n

  “DPT: Vaccine Roulette” (TV special), 67–73, 128, 147, 174–75, 265, 277

  drug companies, see pharmaceutical industry

  DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), 80, 81, 83, 176

  Dublin, 186, 291

  E=mc2, 157

  Ebert, Roger, 250

  Eclectic Medicine movement, 34

  ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) machine, 278, 279, 280

  Economist, The, 102

  Eddy, Mary Baker, 33, 268

  Education Department, U.S., 176

  Ehrlich, Paul, 36

  Einstein, Albert, 11, 156, 157, 158n

  Eisenhower, Dwight, 46, 47

  elections, U.S.:

  of 1976, 65

bsp; of 2000, 204

  of 2008, 210

  electric waves, 156–57

  Eli Lilly, 204, 209

  Elliot (patient), 192

  emotional disabilities, 76


  decision making and, 192–93

  parenting and, 266

  empiricism, 81n

  Empty Fortress, The (Bettelheim), 78

  Enayati, Albert, 142

  encephalopathy, 190, 219

  endoscopy, 185–86, 190, 234, 236

  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 123, 124, 125, 226

  EOHarm, 211–12, 239–43, 245

  Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS), 54

  epidemiology, 79, 152

  dangers of mercury and, 121

  effects of mercury in vaccines and, 150–52

  evidence in Cedillo trial and, 295

  IOM committee review of, 170–71, 215

  MMR reports and, 166–67

  Morgellons and, 96n

  pitfalls of amateur, 138–40

  safety of vaccines and, 170–71

  studies of Danish children and, 154, 166

  epiglottis, underdeveloped, 276

  epinephrine (adrenaline), 93

  Erie, Pa., 188–89

  Escola, Gladys, 51

  ethyl alcohol (ethanol), 122n

  ethylmercury, 119, 122–24, 131, 226

  half-life of, 151

  methylmercury compared with, 122, 128–29, 144

  see also thimerosal

  Europe, 28, 37, 126

  European Union, 102

  Evidence of Harm (Kirby), 206–18, 221, 242, 246, 257, 303

  title of, 207, 213

  evolution, 158, 193, 197n, 307

  expectation bias, 194

  Extremely Low Birth Rate, 135

  F=ma, 156, 157

  faith-based metaphysics, 268–69

  falsifiability, theory of, 155–56

  Faroe Islands, 121, 122

  FBI, 200

  FDA Modernization Act (1997), 123–26

  fecal-oral route of transmission, 39–40

  Federal Emergency Management Agency, 8

  Fenn, Elizabeth, 27

  Festinger, Leon, 15

  fever, 69, 99, 181, 182, 183, 218, 245–46, 276

  Fineberg, Harvey, 215–17

  Fineberg, Kenneth, 148n

  Fisher, Barbara Loe, 73–75, 101, 127–28, 149, 188, 196

  at AutismOne conference, 14

  IOM committee review and, 171–72

  lawsuits and, 74n

  on pharmaceutical companies, 35

  phone tapping and, 199

  as Wakefield supporter, 114n

  Fisher, Chris, 72–73

  Fisher, Meg, 305

  Fitness to Practise Panel, 299

  Fletcher, Jackie, 101–2

  Fletcher, John, 102

  Fletcher, Robert, 101

  Florey, Howard, 36

  Florida Medical Board, 235

  flu, 42, 62–66, 181, 271, 276

  1918 pandemic of, 62

  swine, 63–66, 147

  fluoride, in drinking water, 57–60

  anti-fluoride activists and, 58, 59

  fluorine, 58

  flu vaccine, 7, 10, 63–66

  “Flu Vaccine” (pamphlet), 92

  Fombonne, Eric, 290

  food, mercury in, 121, 126

  Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 72, 123–26, 216n, 226, 284, 288

  Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) of, 123, 125

  vaccine injuries and, 148

  Ford, Gerald, 62–63, 65–66

  formaldehyde, 265

  Fort Dix, N.J., 62

  Foster, Vince, 130, 168

  Fox News, 258

  France, 40n, 88

  Francis, Thomas, 43–47, 49–50

  fraud, medical, 10, 199

  Freud, Sigmund, 79

  Freudianism, 268

  “Front Line Response to The Vaccine Book” (Bowman), 267

  functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 84–85, 86

  Galileo, 94n, 155

  Galileo Gambit, 94n

  Gallup poll, 43

  gay rights movement, 80

  Geier, David, 16–17, 174–77, 209–10, 216n, 217, 221

  Geier, Mark, 16–17, 174–77, 216n, 217

  Kennedy and, 221

  Kirby’s views on, 208, 209–10

  on population-based thimerosal studies, 199

  testimony in vaccine-related lawsuits and, 17n, 175

  gender, case series and, 110

  General Medical Council (GMC), 236–37, 299–304, 306

  Generation Rescue, 214, 221, 228, 258

  Genetic Centers of America, 208

  genetics, autism and, 135, 136, 242, 243

  Gingrich, Newt, 130

  GlaxoSmithKline, 116n

  global warming, 307

  glutathione, 260

  Goddard Institute for Space Studies, 307

  Goldenberg, Cindy, 182

  Goldenberg, Garrett, 182

  Golkiewicz, Gary, 180, 284

  Good Morning America (TV show), 88, 90, 256, 258, 281

  Google, 253–54

  Gordon, Jay (Dr. Jay), 258, 265–66, 268, 271

  on Larry King show, 257

  on measles hospitalization, 272

  on vaccine safety, 257

  on Wakefield, 304

  Gottsdanker, Anne, 50–53

  Gottsdanker, Jerry, 50, 52

  Gottsdanker, Josephine, 49–53

  Gottsdanker, Robert, 49–53

  Gottsdanker v. Cutter Laboratories, 50–52, 64, 147

  “Government Concedes Vaccine-Autism Case in Federal Court” (Kirby), 219

  grain, mercury in, 121

  Grateful Med, 137n–38n

  Great Britain:

  anti-vaccine movement in, 101

  measles in, 19, 99, 100

  MMR vaccine in, 99–102, 106, 160–63

  pertussis hospitalizations in, 72

  pertussis vaccine in, 60–61, 66

  Revolutionary War and, 27–29

  Great Depression, 222

  Green, Arnold, 60

  “Green Our Vaccines” rally (2008), 258

  Grinker, Roy Richard, 83

  Gruenberg, Benjamin, 37

  GSH, 143

  Guardian, The, 102, 113

  Guillain-Barré syndrome, 65

  Franklin D. Roosevelt and, 42n

  Gupta, Sudhir, 182

  Haiti, 19

  Haley, Boyd, 216n

  Halsey, Neal, 124–25, 129–30, 132, 164

  Harkin, Tom, 95

  Harper’s, 53–54

  Harrington, Anne, 33, 268

  Harvard School of Public Health, 56, 172

  Harvard University, 33, 134, 142, 200

  Hastings, George, 293–95, 307

  Hawking, Stephen, 4

  Health and Human Services, Department of, U.S., 69, 95, 219, 284

  Health Department, British, 104

  hearing loss, 3, 5, 144

  helplessness, doctors’, 41

  hepatitis A, 39–40

  hepatitis B, 38, 127

  hepatitis B vaccine, 123, 125, 127, 131, 151, 172, 285

  herd immunity, 32, 65, 273

  herpes, 289

  HgP, 143

  Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b), 3, 18–19, 271, 306, 308

  Hib vaccine, 3, 123, 271, 285

  Hildebrand, Andreas, 231–32, 234, 240

  Hilleman, Maurice, 131–32

  HMO patient records, 149–52

  Hobby, Oveta Culp, 45

  Hoboken, N.J., 41

  Home Defense League, 41

  Homeland Security Advisory Council, 204

  homosexuality, 80, 107n

  hormone therapy, 13, 262

  Horton, Richard, 108, 108n–9n, 236

  House of Representatives, U.S., 130

  Government Reform Committee of, 141, 142

  Wellness and Human Ri
ghts Subcommittee of, 168

  How We Decide (Lehrer), 192

  Hubbard, L. Ron, 15n

  Hubbell, Webster, 130

  Huffington Post, The, 218, 219, 242–43, 245, 266

  Hussein, Saddam, 9

  hyperbaric chambers, 34, 261

  hyperbaric oxygen therapy, 91

  Ibn al-Haytham, 155

  “Ileal-Lymphoid-Nodular Hyperplasia, Non-Specific Colitis, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder in Children” (Wakefield, et al.), 106–17

  Chen-DeStefano evaluation of, 108–11

  see also Wakefield, Lancet paper of (1998)

  Illinois, 19

  immune globulin injections, 271

  immune system, 10, 18, 30, 107, 182, 218, 257

  Crohn’s disease and, 103

  of Michelle Cedillo, 285, 288

  weak, 7, 271

  Imus, Deirdre, 212

  Imus, Don, 212–14, 218

  Imus in the Morning (radio show), 212–14, 216n

  Independent, The, 101, 112, 116, 189–90

  India, 26n

  Indiana, 83, 251–52

  Mommy+Me forum on, 251

  Indigos, 251, 253

  Infantile Autism (Rimland), 82

  infantile paralysis, see polio

  infectious disease, reemergence of, 18–20, 271–73, 283

  “Inferring the Popularity of an Opinion from Its Familiarity” (2007 study), 198

  inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), 103–8, 111, 113–14, 116–17, 160

  information, 18, 270

  cocoon of, 198

  democratic assessment of, 138

  instant accessibility of, 8

  ingrafting, 24

  Innumeracy (Paulos), 261

  inoculation, see vaccines, vaccination

  insecticide, 121

  Institute for Vaccine Safety, 165, 166

  Institute of Medicine (IOM), 149, 170–77, 199–200, 206–7, 209, 213, 215, 216, 217

  Immunization Safety Review Committee of, 170–74

  insurance industry, 64, 80, 91

  International Herald Tribune, 84–85

  Internet, 8, 44n, 87, 115–16, 137, 140, 141, 182–83, 198, 308

  intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), 182

  Iraq, 9, 121, 122

  Ireland, 186

  irrational escalation, 194

  Irvine, Calif., 182

  Iversen, Portia, 137, 138, 228

  James, Jill, 216n

  Japan, 105, 120–21, 122, 277

  Jenner, Edward, 31–32

  Jenny (TV show), 250

  Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey’s Autism Organization (Jenny McCarthy’s Generation Rescue; Jenny McCarthy’s Autism Organization), 258

  Jenny McCarthy Show, The (TV show), 250

  Jen-X (McCarthy), 250

  “Joey, a ‘Mechanical Boy’ ” (Bettelheim), 77

  John Birch Society, 210

  Johnson, Jane, 184–85, 196, 234, 238, 302

  Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, 209–10, 217

  Journal of Child Neurology, 219

  Journal of Medical Virology, 104

  Journal of the American Medical Association, The, 70, 129

  Jung, Carl, 79

  junk science, junk scientists, 199, 210

  Justice, Awareness and Basic Support (JABS), 101, 102


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