The Panic Virus

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The Panic Virus Page 49

by Seth Mnookin; Dan B. Miller

  diagnosis of African-American men with, 80

  school vaccination laws, see vaccination laws

  Schulte, Brigid, 92–95

  Schwartz, George, 90

  science, scientific establishment, 257, 307

  history of, 155–59

  interconnectedness of societal constructs and, 79, 80–81

  Kirby’s mockery of, 208

  McCarthy’s views on, 255–56

  media’s effect on public understanding of, 163

  power of, 37

  progress and, 80n–81n, 158

  scientific method, 154–55, 158–59, 194–95

  Sears, Bob, 266–67, 268, 271, 272–73, 304

  Sears, William (Dr. Bill), 266

  Sears Family Essentials line, 272

  “Sears Parenting Library,” 265

  Second Industrial Revolution, 33

  Secret, The (Byrne), 269, 270

  seizures, 69, 101, 128, 253, 263, 271

  Semmelweis, Ignaz, 94

  Semmelweis Reflex, 94

  Sencer, David, 63

  September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, 148n

  Seychelles, 121, 122

  shellfish allergy, 178n–79n

  Shestack, Jonathan, 137, 228

  Shots in the Dark (film), 14

  Siegel, Bryna, 188

  Simpsonwood conference (June 2000), 150–52, 221, 222–23

  Singer, Alison, 244, 248

  sinister attribution error (poor source credibility), 197n

  smallpox, 23–33, 35, 283

  Smith, Gregory, 88–89

  SmithKline Beecham, 150

  smoking, 93, 196, 210

  Snyder, Colten, 263

  Society for the Autistically Handicapped, 115

  sodium fluoride, 58–59

  Sokol, Dawn, 276

  Somers, Suzanne, 269, 270

  Souter, David, 179n

  Spain, smallpox vaccination and, 32

  Spanish-American War, 36

  special education, 176

  Special Masters, 148, 180, 183, 283–84, 301

  Cedillo trial and, 190–91, 288, 289, 293, 294, 297

  M. Geier and, 175–76

  special relativity theory, 157n, 158n

  speech, impaired, 144, 151, 218

  spiritualist movements, 33

  Stabenow, Debbie, 205

  staphylococci bacteria, 119

  “Starting the Biomedical Treatment Journey” (Ackerman), 263–64

  Staten Island, 41

  Statens Serum Institut, Danish (SSI), 154

  Stetler, Joseph, 64

  Stewart, Gordon, 68–69, 71–72

  Stonyhurst, 100

  strep throat, 133

  Stricker, Raphael, 90, 91

  Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The (Kuhn), 80n–81n

  sulfate transporter, 143

  sulfur-based proteins, 214

  Sunstein, Cass, 196–97, 198

  Supreme Court, U. S., 179n

  swans, 155–56

  Sweden, 132, 167, 277

  Swedish Medical Society, 277

  swine flu, 63, 65, 147

  syphilis, 23, 36

  “TACA and Jenny McCarthy” (Ackerman), 252

  Taitz, Orly, 8–9

  Talk About Curing Autism (TACA), 16, 195, 229, 252, 256, 258

  Taurel, Sidney, 204

  Tayloe, David, 257

  Teach2Talk, 258, 259

  television, 259, 281–82

  see also specific shows

  Texas Board of Education, 307

  Texas Board of Nursing, 95

  Texas Medical Board, 89–90, 302–3

  Texas sharpshooter’s fallacy, 194

  Texas State Board of Medical Examiners, 235–36

  Thaler, Richard, 197n

  thalidomide, 146

  thimerosal, 7, 122–32, 167, 199, 204, 217, 242, 284

  Danish studies and, 164, 167

  Geiers’ views on, 176, 177, 210, 221

  House hearings on, 141, 142

  Kennedy’s views on, 221–27

  Kirby’s book and, 207, 208, 212

  neurological damage and, 148

  politics of, 205

  potential risks of, 122

  as preservative, 6, 119, 122, 129, 144, 177, 207, 227

  removed from pediatric vaccines, 6, 124–26, 167, 218, 227, 243

  safety of, 131, 146–54, 170–71, 173, 207

  Third World nations, 222

  Thompson, Lea, 67–73, 148

  Thomson, George, 118–19

  Thoughtful House, 238, 291, 302, 303

  thyroid problems, 269

  Time, 19, 88, 90, 212, 272

  Times, The (London), 61, 157n, 236, 300

  Today (TV show), 88

  Tonight Show, The (TV show), 252

  Too Good by Jenny, 258

  tooth decay, fluoride and, 57–58, 110n

  toxic shock, 119

  toxoplasmosis, 40n

  tracheotomy, 4

  Trillin, Calvin, 130

  “True Story of Pertussis Vaccination, The” (M. Geier), 174

  tumors, 93, 192

  Tversky, Amos, 18

  Type I errors (false positives), 193

  Type II errors (false negatives), 193

  typhoid, 39–40

  ulcers, 104

  Unigenetics, 186, 291

  United Kingdom, 26n, 263, 277

  MMR vaccine in, 99–102, 186

  smallpox vaccination in, 32

  see also Great Britain

  United States:

  attempt to replicate Wakefield paper results in, 105

  decline of vaccination rates in, 7, 277, 305–6

  flu in, 42, 62–66, 147, 181, 271

  medical research in, 37

  polio in, 39–56, 64, 146

  toxoplasmosis in, 40n

  vaccination laws in, 55–56, 67, 153

  see also specific topics

  United States Court of Federal Claims, 148n

  University College London Medical School, Institute of Child Health at, 114

  Unstrange Minds (Grinker), 83

  U.S. News & World Report, 199

  utopian movements, 33

  vaccination laws, 55–56, 67, 153

  exemptions to, 75, 305

  Vaccine (Allen), 34

  Vaccine Act, see National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act

  Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 148, 153, 179

  Vaccine Book, The (Sears), 266, 267, 273

  Vaccine Court, 148, 175–81, 183, 199, 211n

  Chin-Caplan’s law firm bill to, 293n

  Compensation for “pain and suffering” and, 179

  “no fault” standard and, 178

  Omnibus Autism Proceeding and, 180–81, 190–91, 283–97

  Poling case in, 218–19

  Vaccine Damage Pay Unit, 102

  Vaccine Injury Compensation Act, see National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act

  vaccines, vaccination:

  autism linked with, see autism, vaccines linked with

  compensation systems for, 146–48, 175, 178, 179, 180

  delayed, 112

  distribution vs. administration of, 176–77

  effect of autism advocacy groups on safety of, 169

  effectiveness of, 30–31

  fall in rates of, 5, 7, 19, 61, 66, 277, 305–6

  Kennedy’s views on safety of, 226

  lawsuits related to, see lawsuits, vaccine-related

  neurological damage linked with, 150, 151, 213, 221

  paradox of, 56–57

  poor people and, 56

  prices of, 179

  reasons for lack of benefits from, 32

  resistance to, see anti-vaccine movement

  whole cell, 60–61, 277

  see also specific vaccines

  Vaccines (Offit), 128

  Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), 149–50, 152, 167

  Vanity Fair, 74n

  Verstraeten, Thomas, 150�
��52, 164, 167

  Very Low Birth Rate, 135

  Viagra, 212–13

  Vietnam War, 62

  View, The (TV show), 281

  viruses, 18

  see also specific viruses

  vitamins, 262

  vomiting, 99, 119, 143–44, 276

  Voodoo Histories (Aaronovitch), 237

  Wakefield, Andrew, 5–6, 7, 14, 103–17, 148, 160–62, 186–90, 234–38, 284, 289n, 292, 306

  at ARI/DAN! conference, 185, 291, 296, 303

  Crohn’s disease and, 103–5

  financial support for, 229, 238

  GMC hearings and, 299–304

  GMC investigation of, 236–37

  Krigsman’s relationship with, 234–35, 238, 291

  lab used by, 186, 291

  Lancet paper of (1998), 5, 106–17, 150, 160, 172, 174, 179, 189, 229–30, 236, 291, 299, 302

  use of anesthesia on children and, 236

  Walk for Autism Research, 230

  Wall Street Journal, The, 167–69

  Ward, Walter, 50

  Washington, George, 27–29

  Washington, Lawrence, 27

  Washington, University of, School of Medicine of, 171

  Washington Post, The, 66, 69–70, 92–95, 130n

  “Watch What You Think,” 85

  water, fluoride in, 57–60, 110n

  weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), 9

  West Islip Breast Cancer Coalition, 139

  West Virginia, 75

  WFAN-New York, 212

  whale meat, 121

  When Prophecy Fails (Festinger), 15

  white blood cells, 30, 103, 277

  white swan theory, 155–56

  whooping cough, see pertussis

  Winfrey, Oprah, 244–45, 253–56, 269–71, 282

  Winkler, Pam, 94

  Wired, 74n

  Wisconsin, 19, 83


  advanced maternal age of, 84

  benefits of vaccination for, 56

  opioid excess theory and, 107n

  as refrigerator mothers, 77, 78

  thyroid problems in, 269

  in World War II, 78–79

  see also pregnancy

  World Autism Awareness Day (2008), 257

  World Health Organization (WHO), 19, 100, 223–24

  World of the Autistic Child, The (Siegel), 188

  World War I, 36, 263

  World War II, 36, 37–38, 61, 78–79

  WRC-TV, 67, 72

  Wright, Bob, 232–33, 239–42, 247, 248

  Wright, Katie, 231–34, 238, 240–48, 254

  son Christian and, 231–34, 238–43, 245–46

  Wright, Suzanne, 232–33, 234, 239–42, 247

  Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, 54, 64, 147, 150, 175

  Wymore, Randy, 90–91

  Yale University, 171

  yellow fever vaccinations, 37–38

  Young, Bobby, 68, 71

  Yuma, Ariz., 181, 182

  Zuckerman, Arie, 108

  Table of Contents


  Front Flap

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Cast of Characters



  Part One

  Chapter 1: The Spotted Pimple of Death

  Chapter 2: Milkmaid Envy and a Fear of Modernity

  Chapter 3: The Polio Vaccine: From Medical Miracle to Public Health Catastrophe

  Chapter 4: Fluoride Scares and Swine Flu Scandals

  Chapter 5: “Vaccine Roulette”

  Chapter 6: Autism’s Evolving Identities

  Chapter 7: Help! There are Fibers Growing Out of My Eyeballs!

  Part Two

  Chapter 8: Enter Andrew Wakefield

  Chapter 9: The Lancet Paper

  Chapter 10: Thimerosal and the Mystery of Minamata’s Dancing Cats

  Chapter 11: The Mercury Moms

  Chapter 12: The Simpsonwood Conference and the Speed of Light: A Brief History of Science

  Chapter 13: The Media and Its Messages

  Chapter 14: Mark Geier, Witness for Hire

  Chapter 15: The Case of Michelle Cedillo

  Chapter 16: Cognitive Biases and Availability Cascades

  Part Three

  Chapter 17: How to Turn a Lack of Evidence Into Evidence of Harm

  Chapter 18: A Conspiracy of Dunces

  Chapter 19: Autism Speaks

  Chapter 20: Katie Wright’s Accidental Manifesto

  Chapter 21: Jenny Mccarthy’s Mommy Instinct

  Chapter 22: Medical Nimbyism and Faith Based Metaphysics

  Chapter 23: Baby Brie

  Chapter 24: Casualties of a War Built on Lies






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