Outside Hell

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Outside Hell Page 14

by Milo Spires

  This time though and as he’d ignored the snow covered steering column, turning the key and pressing start, the engine had roared into life first time. Then in response to the vibrations going through his legs from the powerful engine beneath him, Sorchek’s grin was so wide that it had looked like a demonically evil Cheshire cat. Then as he’d looked up once through the open trap door above himself, and gave the 1100cc steed a little power to turn the machine around, the soldiers had pointed their machine guns down at him and fired. Only

  call it what you will but at that second and by sheer luck, he’d already pulled back the throttle and the snowmobile had responded. It had launched itself upwards over a small ramp of ice and snow and then flown out between two timber columns that were holding up the shack, moments later they had vanished into the extreme blizzard and were gone.

  The bullets had missed him by a hairs breadth and simply blasted down into the frozen ground, where only a millisecond before he’d just been.

  The soldiers had cursed and then turned around to deal with Kaine who was still laying paralyzed and staring across into Regina’s headless corpse.

  Then grabbing him by either foot they’d dragged him over Regina like a car driving over a speed bump, whilst sliding him out past their buddies who were in the lounge picking up naked vampire women and bikini vampire chicks too.

  When they’d reached the chopper; the pilots had already opened the secure steel cage that was by its side, and then mercilessly dumped Kaine inside. Only as they’d turned around to head back into the shack to help set the C4 explosives, they’d received a message from the soldiers inside saying their buddies had found a live one. Then as they were climbing back in through the demolished front of the shack, they were told that it wasn’t a vampire, but a young boy.

  The soldiers with deeply furrowed brows had then climbed the stairs, and walked down the creaking hallway calling out, “Where are you.”

  “In here.” Came the reply. Then as they’d listened, they’d realized that their buddies were in the end room. Only as they’d entered the room, the first thing that they’d seen was a naked corpse laying half on the bed and half off the bed, hanging lifelessly towards them. It was a young lad and his chest and head were upside down against the floor, with his legs and bum pivoting on the edge of the heavily blood stained mattress underneath. His chest was ripped open and his throat savagely slashed. The wound was so deep that as you looked inside, you could see the neck bone and bunches of savagely torn veins.

  Ignoring the corpse they’d trained their eyes on the other boy in the room that their buddy was standing over pointing his machine gun down at.

  Then one of them had walked up to him and crouched down in front of him, saying in a muffled German accent through his full-face mask. “What’s your name son.”

  The boy was petrified though, and even though he didn’t understand German it didn’t matter because his eyes were simply transfixed, staring lifelessly forwards at the door like they weren’t even there. His face was as white as a sheet and he’d had his legs drawn up underneath himself whilst his back was against the wall beneath the window. He was mumbling something, with bubbles appearing around his lips and oodles of saliva trickling down from the sides of his mouth.

  Then as the soldier had leant forwards and listened, the only words he could make out were, “They vampire, they killed everyone, they vampire.”

  The soldier had placed his hand upon the boy’s shoulder and smiled at him. Then after standing back up he’d turned around and walked out of the room, whilst at the same time he’d pressed a few buttons and was beginning to talk to someone on his inbuilt radio. Then after a few seconds, the voice of Adolf on the other end had come back at him, and the order was given.

  The soldier turned around again and then walked back into the room. Once inside he’d taken off his mask and looked down at the boy whilst saying in English, “What’s your name son?”

  The boy replied in broken syllables, “Oliver, my name is Oliver.”

  The soldier who’d been detaining him had then turned to look through his facemask at the unmasked soldier, who’d grinned back at his buddy.

  The unmasked soldier had then pulled back the catch on his machine gun and as he’d raised it up at the boy’s chest, he’d said. “Well we can’t have any witnesses son, good bye,” and then he’d pulled the trigger.

  The room was suddenly filled with the deafening roar of gunfire and Oliver’s legs and chest as the rounds hit him from point blank range, were savagely blown apart. A second had passed and then as the moons rays had washed in through the window and with the bullets still on rapid fire but now raised up, Oliver’s head then succumbed to the lethal rounds and exploded like spaghetti, with tinned plum tomatoes and chunks of mince meat inside. Bits of brain had gone everywhere, landing on one of the soldier’s legs too.

  Oliver was dead and his family and friends would never hear from him again. The young lads corpse would vanish, and the report would probably be sent back through the home office by the Romanian police force, that he was missing and presumed buried in an avalanche.

  “Fuck sake.” The soldier had screamed, as he’d looked down at his uniform and then with his gloved hand flicked off some of Olivers brains from his own leg that was hanging there.

  He’d then said in German with a wide grin. “Did you see how his head exploded, it had looked like a pumpkin in a rifle range.”

  The soldiers laughed and then as they’d turned around and had started heading back down the wooden hallway that was creaking underfoot, something out in the depths of the swaying pine trees appeared.

  The air had sparkled in a vertical straight line about two meters in height, and then like how the door to a two man tent folds back; the air had parted and unaffected by the harsh winds, it had folded back on itself, and Dracus the bowman had stepped out.

  Dracus looked across and through the thick downpour of heavy snow that was garishly lit up by the eerie luminescent glow of the moon, there about sixty feet in front of him, he could see two military choppers spooling up. Their four rotor heads were increasing in speed with every second, and the trees all around him were beginning to sway and dance vehemently with the colossal downdraft that they were making.

  Then reaching behind himself the bowman took his wooden bow off his back and slipped his hand down to his right, taking out a faintly glowing luminescent cursed arrow from his leather quiver that was hanging on his side.

  Then as all the soldiers had finally jumped in and the C4 timers were set and counting down, the choppers with their deafening roar began to climb skywards, sending clouds of snow blasting back at him as he’d fired.

  Dracus’ cursed arrows were formed as a result of a dark ritual that Rex, the leader of the white coven of vampires had carried out. The arrows were made from a thousand year old snakeskins and their tips were the slithery creatures fangs, fused together and bound tightly with its gut. When fired they saw the target that he’d chosen and stopped at nothing until they’d reached it. The arrows could fly around corners, and also flew faster than most evil beings spells could hope to possibly detect. Whoever they’d hit and regardless of their knowledge in the darkest of evil, would loose their powers and become paralyzed. That is except Satan, who’d found a way to resist them by turning himself into a searing inferno, and the extreme heat coming off him had melted them.

  Dracus’ arrow after he’d fired it up at the chopper had then taken to the sky, and with the slightest reflection of light coming back from it; the snakeskin arrow had passed through the snowy air with ease, burying itself deep into the tail fuselage of the first chopper.

  A second later as a blue light had appeared above him, the bowman had met with the force of the blast from the shack, and strangely it had unaffected him.

  Chapter 17 – Run, girl Run

  When Regina had finally stopped on her huge rock that she’d looked like a master slayer riding into hell on, she was thrown forwards a
t such velocity that she’d felt like she’d was strapped to the front of a damn N.A.S.A rocket or something.

  The lump of sweltering hot granite had stopped something like twenty feet outside the main entrance, as if it was a Swiss cable car in WW2 and the German’s had just blown up the cabin. Regina was thrown forwards straight over the edge of the rock and then after passing through twenty feet of nothingness and sailing in through the gap in the outside wall of hell, she’d crashed down onto the solid rock beneath her. The force of the entry even though she was dead, was absolutely shattering. She’d landed face down so hard that as her arms were then thrust backwards, her face and chest had smacked down into the rock too. Only and with the intense agony that she was experiencing, when she’d tried to scream no vocals came out just flames did instead. Then as her vision had masked over by the fumes, suddenly her eyes and ears had belched out intense fire too.

  A moment past and then as her senses had come back to her she’d suddenly realized that the intense screaming she’d heard only moments before, that had tried to rip apart her skull in its intensity, was gone. It was as if hell was only playing the extreme sounds of souls screaming in tormentous agony, to attract customers to their hotel of doom.

  Then as she’d tried to stand and take in her surroundings, she’d suddenly realized that she could hear a bubbling sound that was coming from all around her, and the air was extremely hot too. It was actually so hot that coupled with her own insides blasting out fire, she was finding it exceptionally difficult to breath. Then as she’d looked forwards from her place laying flat on the floor, she’d suddenly realized that she was surrounded by pools of bubbling lava spitting up lumps of molten rock and flame inches into the air. Only the pools weren’t connected and in between them were pathways that after forming spaghetti junctions, they’d either gone to a hole in the back wall to her left or a hole in the same wall to her right, and both of them were about fifty feet away from her.

  Inside her mind she was confused though, because if this was hell then why wasn’t the eight feet tall evil bastard there to greet her. Satan had come for her in Paris and she’d managed to escape the fucker, but now that he’d finally got her where was he, and where was his demons? Those heinous fuckers that she’d always imagined would greet you, and then drag you off into a cell screaming?

  Then ignoring that thought for a moment she’d turned her head around and could see that the room that she was in was like an airplane hanger, in that it was impressively huge. The wall to her left was over fifty feet away, and then when you reached it if you’d turned to your right the doorway through the rock that she could see was about another fifty feet away from there too.

  Glancing about herself, everywhere she’d looked there were pools of lava that were hissing and bubbling fiercely, as if they were talking with one another.

  Then as she’d tried to laugh thinking that the room looked like the outside of a garden centre, and the lava pools could have had water in them and then filled with Gold fish or something, suddenly more pain and flames came.

  Then as a moment had past and as her mind had adjusted to the extreme heat, she’d suddenly heard to her horror the sound of deep screaming that was coming from the entrance to her right, but as she’d swung her face around to look at it, the left doorway had burst into an intense ball of flame. The hole in the rock was now pouring out fireballs, and the heat that was coming from it was of great magnitude. Then quickly pulling herself up to her knees, the screaming became oppressively loud until it had actually sounded like something or somethings rather, were heading her way. Only then and as she’d had a sudden flash back from the sounds and remembered that the demons in Paris a couple of days previously had sounded the same, she’d suddenly shit herself realizing that Satan’s demons were coming for her.

  Terror coursing through her, she’d leapt up and then glanced back outside into the inferno that she’d just come through, and after contemplating for just a second if she would be able to leap back out onto the rock that had brought her there, she’d looked down at the gigantous drop beneath her and swallowed deeply.

  It was gigantic and through the nothingness that led down into an abyss of savage flames, she’d realized that it wasn’t worth the risk. If she’d missed the rock and then fell into it she might escape, but would probably stay down there in the nothingness for eternity too. Then she’d realized that it was a dumb thought anyway because what was she going to do if she did manage to reach the thing? There was nothing beyond it except flames and from above there were more rocks with beings on that were flying down towards her. It wasn’t as if it had a damn V8 engine on it like her Mustang that she could just start and then stick it into reverse, wheel spinning the bastard back up out of hell for a second chance at life, was it? Then as the sound of the demons became oppressive, she’d turned around to look and realized that strangely she still couldn’t see them. The woman that had feared nothing before in her life, suddenly feared everything and with it wild panic coursed its way through her. She couldn’t spend an eternity in hell that was for sure, and even though she hadn’t had the guided tour of the place yet, she was sure that if she had, that it wouldn’t have impressed upon her enough to make her want to stay either. Then as she’d looked back at the flaming doorway to her left, and suddenly noticed that there were long dark shadows reaching out across the rocky floor with the shape of horns in it, she’d shit herself because it had to be Satan. Then with the demons almost upon her, and as she’d looked forwards at the rock wall that was in front of her, she’d noticed a tiny gap. There about eight feet up and quite far in front of her was a hole in the rock wall that appeared to be about the size of a cat flap. Only to reach it she’d have to first jump over several dangerous pools of lava, and in truth she’d doubted that she’d make it.

  Only with the levels of terror spreading exponentially throughout her being, and with no other obvious ways to escape either, she’d decided that she was going to go for it. She had to try because otherwise when the demons and Satan appeared, her chance of escaping eternal hell would be gone, and with it she’d be doomed. So running at full speed for some twenty feet or so and as she’d reached the first pool of lava, she’d leapt it. Eight feet across and she’d sailed straight through the heat coming up from it with ease, only as she’d landed on the other side her feet had buckled beneath her, sending her sprawling dangerously close to the next lava pool. Then without a second to spare she’d leapt back up and after repositioning herself for the next jump, she’d ran at full speed to the edge of that lava pool and jumped. This time though and after passing through the lava’s oppressive heat and fumes, she’d landed squarely with a smile and kept her pace for the next jump. Then after finally clearing three more rock pools she’d made it to the last rock before the last leap, and then she’d be there. Only the lava in front of her was about eleven feet across this time, and there wouldn’t be any landing either. She’d have to be airborne and at full speed her body would have to slam into the rock wall opposite, whilst making a desperate grab for the hole above her. Then without a chance to contemplate it and as the oppressively loud sound of the demons approaching had filled her ears, and with huge fireballs also filling the cavernous room behind her, she’d gone for it.

  Running at full speed with her tapered milky thighs and petite frame, she’d seen the lava pool in front of her and jumped. The heat from beneath her was unbelievable as she’d soared through the nothingness, and then as her flaming body had crashed heavily into the craggy rock wall, she’d reached up wildly for the hole above her. The pain from the impact was unbelievable and as her chest was suddenly deeply compressed, more flames had roared up from her throat, gushing violently out through her lips and spreading in circles about her face. Regina had felt sure that the agonizing pain that was inside of her must have been because she’d just shattered all of her ribs; only for that moment she didn't care because she’d made it. Her fingers were in the hole above her and she was hanging t
here with her fingertips only millimeters in from the edge.Then as she’d pulled herself up over the extremely sharp and jagged entrance with just fragments of time before Satan would be upon her, she'd disappeared inside it with her sexy bum wiggling off into the distance.

  Looking ahead she could see that the hole was glowing red from the heat within, and stayed at the same tiny size for some distance. Then crawling super fast and as her arms and legs were moving quicker than the eye could see, she’d looked like a damn centipede scurrying off into the depths of the passageway.


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