ANGEL'S FATED MATE: An Alpha Alien Sci-fi Romance & Fey Paranormal Series (THE EMPRESS OF MYSTH Book 3)

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ANGEL'S FATED MATE: An Alpha Alien Sci-fi Romance & Fey Paranormal Series (THE EMPRESS OF MYSTH Book 3) Page 9

by Meg Xuemei X

  “No, Seth, no!” she protested vehemently and commanded, “Do more.”

  “I’m going to give you more, female!” I said as I stared at the pyramid peak of her flower. It sat there, inviting and waiting to be suckled.

  “Seth,” she whimpered again.

  My tongue flicked to her swollen clitoris and licked. Up and down. Down and up.

  Rose arched her back, and her hands grappled into the sheets.

  I wrapped my mouth around her shivering clit and suckled harder. As she screamed my name, I let my teeth graze it.

  Rose lost it.

  She was about to come.

  I had to claim her now. I had to fuck her right at this moment.

  Everything could happen the next second. Things tended to go awry between us. Even if no outside force came to stop us, Rose might have second thoughts and stop at the last second, just as she had done to me on top of the mountains.

  Or she could simply develop a new idea on how things should play out at my expense.

  I wouldn’t allow things to go wrong, not now, or I’d go insane, literally.

  No more foreplay then. We could play later when I had at least fucked her once.

  And I wouldn’t just fuck her once. I would fuck her over and over until we were both hoarse.

  I shifted my position and had my cock at the entrance of her pussy.

  Just when I was fired up to plunge into her depth with one powerful thrust and hit home, Rose pulled up her knees, her foot on my chest and her other foot fondling my erection.

  “Play later!” I grated. “I must have you now, female.” Then I groaned. Pleasure shot from the base of my cock to my crown as her foot pinned my shaft to the plane of my stomach and massaged it, her toes teasing my crown mercilessly.

  That was great, but I needed to enter her. I grabbed her ankle, about to remove it from my cock, spread her legs, and plunge forward.

  “Not yet, Prince,” she purred, sending me an amused look, despite lust darkening her eyes. “You want me, then win me. Make yourself irresistible.”

  Infuriating female!

  I knew it wouldn’t be that easy. I knew she would come up with another novelty to torment me. Even when I had spotted her half-naked in my bed, I’d already known it was too good to be true!

  But what else could I do? I couldn’t walk away—not when my lust boiled in my veins after thousands of years of celibacy, even though I was furious that she had me wrapped around her little fey fingers.

  I couldn’t force myself on her either. That wasn’t me, despite that I wanted to do just that.

  Damn the fey female to the seventh heaven!

  I had to endure. I would take whatever shit she kept throwing at me and prevail and claim her in the end.

  “After this challenge, will there be more, Princess?” I said through clenched teeth. “I’d highly appreciate it if you could lay them all on the table so there’ll be no more hidden items!”

  She clicked her tongue. “Pissed off, Prince?” She sat up, her face at level with my cock.

  It jerked forward aggressively, an inch from her face, begging and warning her.

  “It won’t be a test,” the princess said, looking up at me after glancing at my cock. Light swam in her eyes. “It will be a gift.”

  I doubted it as I regarded her darkly. But after this test, she would have no excuse to put me off.

  She would surrender.

  “Bring the challenge then,” I grunted. “I exist to please.”

  “Do you?” she said. “The rule is this: do anything you want with me, but do not enter me. Not until you unwrap my gift first.”

  “Right,” I said, “the gift is: I’ll wait for you to say ‘let’s fuck,’ and then I’ll say ‘thank you for your compassion’ before we fuck!”

  She titled her head to look at me, as if deciding if she had made a mistake by coming here. Then she swung her legs off the bed, but I grabbed her to me.

  I cupped her face. “Rose, if you don’t want to be with me, then tell me so. I decided to let you go, but you came back.”

  She took my hand off her cheeks. “I want to be with you. That’s why I came to you.”

  “Then why do you push me away again, like you always do?”

  “Patience, Prince,” she said. “Good things happen to those who wait.”

  “I bet!” I growled, then realized it wouldn’t win me any points but alienate her at this crucial time. I’d been patient with her ninety-nine times now; one more time wouldn’t kill me right away. I toned down my frustration. “Sure thing, Princess.”

  “You’ll see,” she said, leaning toward me and caressed the scapular of my wings.

  I sucked in a breath at the intimacy and intense pleasure. I had never allowed anyone to touch my wings, but somehow my defenses against this fey female had been crumbled when I had first seen the tears she had shed for her courtiers.

  Her fingers gently traced along the ridge to the feather tips. A fascinated look lit her eyes.

  With a low growl, I flipped her around, grabbed her ankles, and spread her legs apart.

  My cock rubbed against the deep cleavage between her beasts and thrust up and down, just as I had fantasized every night. For a second, I couldn’t believe that I truly had her in my bed.

  And my need to mark her was great.

  I moved my cock to her face. Her shocked expression told me that she wasn’t ready to take me in with her mouth yet. I pressed the head of my shaft on her cheek, then trailed down to her jaw line, then to her soft throat. Rose became very still.

  I had to spread my scent all over her and mark my territory.

  My cock was now enjoying playing with her breast. It circled her tit before moving lower toward where it wanted to go the most.

  But the princess cupped her other breast. “You forgot this one,” she reminded me.

  “My bad.” I grinned. My lamb definitely wasn’t shy to voice what she wanted.

  My cock moved back up and its head rubbed her taut nipple until the fey female was content. It then glided down to her belly and all the way to the curve of her sweet triangle. It fixed on her clitoris, brushing it, encircling it, and spanking it.

  Rose gasped, and moans of pleasure rasped off the depth of her throat.

  I had never lost control before, but this brutal lust that had been held back for millennia came at me at full force.

  I could no longer hold back its assault.

  I lowered my cock and nudged against her gorgeous entrance.

  Rose kneed up, her legs closing and her calves crossing to guard the narrow channel of her silky pussy. The next moment her feet had landed on my chest, ready to kick me off the bed.

  I let out a half snarl in frustration. Not this shit again!

  Sweat beaded on my forehead at my last restraint. I still wouldn’t force her. But why did she torment me like this? I should just be done with her and never see her again!

  No, I couldn’t walk away. I wanted this female more than anyone and anything in the universe.

  “Rose!” I gritted my teeth as my body trembled with my slipping self-control. “You might just kick me in the balls for your pleasure!”

  Cool off! Be cool… I ordered myself. Don’t snarl at her again. Don’t do anything or say anything you’ll regret. Take a deep breath.

  I couldn’t. My blood seared my veins, and my eyes had to be bloodshot from lust.

  Just breathe. Skies, my cock really hurts!

  How could she be so cruel?

  “Kick your balls?” She blinked innocently. “Why would I want to do that, Prince?”

  Was this her definition of wicked fun? She really had a twisted, dark soul!

  I cursed in angelic tongue, still trying not to offend her in my worst shape.

  Then I heard padding footsteps, light laughter, and sensual whispers.

  Who dared interrupt me at the most crucial moment in history?

  I turned with a feral snarl. My wings flapped open in agg
ression. I would strike down any intruder!

  But delicate perfume drifted into my bedroom before a dozen nude females followed in.

  They were the princess’s elite courtiers.

  All of them wore masks around their eyes. Some were rainbow, some were green peacock, and some were fancy flowers and feathers. The one who wore Venetian black filigree got into bed with me and Rose.

  Chapter 16


  I lounged on Seth’s enormous bed. His male scent lingered on the pillow, and I pressed my nose against it and inhaled.

  His bedroom was more like a luxury hotel than a cherished home. He hadn’t planned on staying on Earth anyway. And a valued penthouse wouldn’t have so many punched holes on the walls. Such anger. Such power.

  The prince was approaching. As soon as I smelled him, I leaned on my side with my head on my elbow and picked up a book.

  Seth halted at door, eyes widening at the sight of me. My heart pounded hard, but I kept a cool mask in place and sent him a careless glance.

  He lunged at me. Before I knew it, I was on his lap, my sex against his hard erection. It felt delicious already.

  I threw my arms around his neck and moved my hips up and down against its impressive length. Just a little fun. The prince let out a low groan, which only made the fire in me leap higher and my blood race faster.

  “I noticed a lot holes on the walls.” I gestured casually to calm my nerves. “Is that a new trend for angels?”

  “I got frustrated,” he breathed, his hungry mouth on my neck, tracing down.

  I grew breathless at his kiss. He seemed to know my every sensitive spot. “Because?”

  “I couldn’t have you. You wouldn’t let me. I thought I could never get a relief.”

  I wanted to laugh.

  But his mouth was on mine in a second, raw and demanding, as if avenging me for denying him for so long.

  At his urging, I opened my mouth to him. I didn’t come to resist him today.

  His tongue swept over and tangled with mine, holding me captive.

  His familiar scent of pine and wine and male musk wrapped around me, telling me that I was forever safe with him. He also smelt of sky and wind and mist. Obviously, he had been flying.

  The High Prince of Angels was everything I wasn’t.

  His lips, hands, and teeth roamed all over my mouth, neck, breasts, inner thighs, and sex. His heartbeat thumped against my palm, then against my breasts. Our limbs were all over each other, exploring and claiming.

  I grazed my teeth over his throat, his most vulnerable spot. He hesitated for a heartbeat, then allowed me to keep at it.

  Angels didn’t trust anyone. They were taught to never show any weakness.

  Having my teeth lingering on his throat was a test. I knew that he had never showed anyone his neck and wouldn’t let anyone touch his wings. But he had let me do all those things to him. I had to admit that he treated me better than I’d ever treated him.

  The reputed heartless angel had been patient with me. He had protected me and saved me. When he could have claimed his rights to have me, he had let me go.

  So today I came to offer myself to him willingly.

  My teeth left his throat and traced his strong jaw and nipped his skin.

  He liked it.

  But I wanted to venture into a more challenging area.

  His wings arched behind him, golden with blue dust at the feather tips. Wings allowed the angels to ride the wild wind and soar free in the open sky.

  I reached for his left wing, gliding my fingers over its ridge. Wouldn’t it be nice if I had a pair? Seth sucked in a sharp breath, a shocked pleasure twisting his once perfect marble face.

  As our bodies tangled and our limbs explored each other and our tongues locked, the heat level rocketed higher and higher, and the prince was on the verge of losing control.

  He attempted to aim his cock at my entrance and glide in, but I blocked his each try even when I needed it inside me more than anything.

  A translucent bead rose from the slit in his crown, and he contemplated it with an amazed expression. I hadn’t a clue why he was awed. He had bedded countless females before—this shouldn’t be anything new for him.

  Unlike me.

  When I kneed up, my feet pushing his chest to prevent him for the third time from entering me, he was trembling. He looked like he wanted to shake me, or to strangle me, but he compensated with letting out a half-snarl, which would be scary to others but not to me. A lustful storm and extreme frustration brewed in his grey eyes, darkening them further and further.

  I would finally let him enjoy a release, but not just yet.

  I knew I was treading on a minefield, and the prince would go off any second now, judging from the wild, savage look in his eyes.

  Even so, my instinct bet that he would not force me. Never force me. Despite his seducing, blackmailing, and threatening.

  The ache between my thighs was also undoing me, yet I held onto a thin thread of control that could break at any time.

  I stalled him for a reason.

  I was a virgin. I had never been with a male before. I didn’t want to disappoint him, while his lust burned like a firestorm. Before I gave myself to him, I wanted to give him more.

  I was going to gift him the fantasy every male dreamt of.

  He had earned it. He had put his future in jeopardy to save me again and again.

  My elite courtiers entered the prince’s quarters and joined us. Their masks made them even sexier, besides gorgeous and mysterious.

  They were the most skilled females in the bedroom. I would watch and learn. And today, they weren’t my weapons. They were my reward to the High Prince of All Angels. Of course, I’d asked their permission first.

  Seth had to be enthralled as breasts bumped and rubbed all around him. The most striking fey females surrounded him, aiming to please.

  While he was distracted by a dozen naked, masked courtiers, I had withdrawn to blend in and hide among them.

  And I watched.

  Chapter 17


  The masked females closed in on me.

  Perfumes filled the room.

  They joined me and Rose in bed.

  Someone’s hands were on my ass, grabbing it, massaging it, and pinching it.

  The courtier who wore a green peacock mask had moved to my front, curving an arm around my neck and leaning for a kiss. Her other hand grabbed my hardness.

  Another female’s hand also held my length. Two soft hands of a different temperature and feel pumped my cock, which was supposed to increase the degree of pleasure.

  “It’s huge,” a female gasped.

  “A steel rod,” another said.

  And then the hands were gone, but full lips wrapped around my shaft and moved down.

  I didn’t feel any pleasure at their touch despite my cock aching with the urgent need for release.

  I cupped the female’s cheeks, hard enough for her to stop sucking me. I yanked my cock out of her mouth, then grabbed the hand that held my heavy balls and removed it from my male member.

  I shoved away the two courtiers facing me and looked for Rose.

  My wings fanned out and covered my front, so no one would come to grab my cock again. For added security, I let black lightning spark on every inch of my wings. It would stun whoever dared touch me. I had to protect myself from being molested.

  The courtiers moved away from me like ebbing waves, respectfully and fearfully giving me a wide berth.

  Except for Rose.

  She was right in front of me, leaning on the high pillows. She opened her legs, her sex glistening and enticing, waiting for my cock to charge in and enjoy.

  “You want me?” She crooked a finger at me. “Come and get me.”

  This time she wouldn’t pull the plug, the eager look in her whiskey-colored eyes promised the pleasure of the world and more.

  All I had to do was to drive my cock into her hea
ted channel, and I could finally have her. I could finally fuck her.

  But there was one problem.

  She might look like Rose; she didn’t smell of Rose.

  Because she wasn’t Rose.

  One of the courtiers had the magic of illusion. So clearly, this one waiting for me to fuck her was an imposter.

  The courtier with the gift of glamour had disguised Rose and hid her among others.

  Rose had brought them in; she’d given me the permission to have any and every female I wanted in the room.

  “Will you put out your magnificent lightning please, my prince?” the Rose imposter requested.

  Totally not Rose. My Rose didn’t beg. She demanded and commanded and ridiculed. She had no fear for my lightning. And she would never call it magnificent. She would use the word “unholy” or “obnoxious” to describe it when she wasn’t in a good mood.

  I leapt off the bed, my eyes surveying the courtiers for the real princess.

  The courtiers sensed my intention and came toward me. A bold one touched my feathers and immediately jumped back, yelping in pain.

  Yeah, babes, come touch me again.

  Black lightning sparkled brightly on my feather tips.

  “If it weren’t for your princess’s sake,” I said, “a touch without my permission would get you killed.”

  Someone hissed back. It was the real Rose. Panic left me. I’d been worried sick that she had slipped out of the room and that my lamb had gotten away again when I’d been distracted by these crazy, crafty Mysthian females.

  I whipped my head in the direction, but the courtiers had all moved like annoying waves. Other than the fake princess in my bed, all others, Rose among them, wore masks.

  “You,” I said, my chin jerking toward the phony, “get out. You’re not the princess. I’ve seen through your glamour.”

  The courtiers froze for a beat.

  I sniffed. Rose’s scent was fresh and vivid. I calmed. “Other males might be fooled by your tricks,” I said. “But I am the High Prince of All Angels. So stop your prank.”

  The fake princess rolled off bed and padded toward me, swaying her hips. She wouldn’t give up, would she?

  “Come and grab my dick,” I warned, “and I’ll hurt you.”


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