ANGEL'S FATED MATE: An Alpha Alien Sci-fi Romance & Fey Paranormal Series (THE EMPRESS OF MYSTH Book 3)

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ANGEL'S FATED MATE: An Alpha Alien Sci-fi Romance & Fey Paranormal Series (THE EMPRESS OF MYSTH Book 3) Page 12

by Meg Xuemei X

  I had found my fated mate.

  I’d crossed light years and thousands of worlds, only to find her on Earth.

  That was why I hadn’t wanted any other females. My soul had been searching for the single female that was meant for me, yet I hadn’t known before.

  I hadn’t known all this time what I’d been missing, and that I was looking for a crucial piece. That was why I’d always stared at the horizon of the universe, looking forward to crossing it to the next world. I wasn’t meant to conquer one galaxy after another; I was meant to find my mate.

  It was beyond joy to have finally found her.

  I gazed down at Rose, her lips inviting and her eyes glinting with renewed desire. My female wanted me again and more, despite that I’d just satisfied her, despite that her orgasm had pulled out the great elemental magic in her in the form of the white light.

  But one look at her, I knew that she hadn’t recognized me as who I was to her.

  Lust drove her hard, burning brightly.

  My female hadn’t realized the significance of our union.

  I would show her. I would be patient. She would see it and accept our bond, not only with her body but in her heart.

  A tender ache expanded in my chest.

  I was no longer the heartless High Prince of All Angels.

  My Rose, my destined mate, had given me a heart. While it beat wildly for her, my cold reason of eons called for a concession.

  If you choose her, there will be a price that even you can’t afford to pay, my reason said. You can still walk away. You had the one-fuck.

  I’ll never walk away from my mate! my male instinct snarled. I’m willing to pay any price to keep her at my side.

  Then the Princess of Mysth will be your only and final downfall. Reason sent me the last warning.

  So be it, I said.

  I would not allow anyone, including my lord father, to take away my lamb that was promised to me since I existed.

  “Seth,” Rose demanded.

  I turned and focused on her with tenderness.

  Her primal, hungry look sped the flow of my blood. Before I knew it, she’d rolled me off her. In one swift, feral move, she straddled me.

  My lusty mate lifted her hips, grabbed my cock that was as rigid as granite, and placed its head between her soft petals. Impatiently, she glided down my length, paused for a heartbeat as a moan escaped her lips, and grinded on top of me.

  The Princess of Mysth then rode me like the wickedest, wild thing on Earth.

  Chapter 22


  Rose curled up against me in bed, her breathing deep and even.

  After multiple orgasms, she had fallen asleep before she knew it. My princess hadn’t had a solid sleep since she had come to Atlantis but, in this moment with me, she had let down her guard. I wondered if the walls would be back up and keeping me out again the instant she woke up.

  In her sleep, my lamb was so vulnerable and trusting. It hurt me to think that anyone could hurt her and take her away from me.

  A real smile, rare and sweet, tugged up the corners of her pink lips before it vanished. An aching, tender feeling swelled in my chest.

  “Home,” she murmured.

  My female was dreaming of Mysth. She must have missed her kingdom terribly.

  I had heard that the Mysthians spent all the nights of their eternity singing and dancing in their magical realm. I wondered if I was with her in her dream. After our mating, would she include me in her life?

  Another look at her and I thought not. An unexpected pain stabbed me.

  I had once lived to conquer. I had led the mighty angel army to sweep over one galaxy after another. And now I wanted only to have a life with her.

  With her, eternity wouldn’t be a curse. My Rose brought me joy I hadn’t known existed before.

  I would not return to being cold and empty and unfeeling.

  I would do anything to secure my future with her, but the only thing I couldn’t secure was her. If she didn’t want me after this, there was nothing I could do.

  At that thought, pain lanced through me.

  I had fallen for the fey princess. They said that the first fall was the hardest, and this would be my last fall as well.

  So I decided that even if she didn’t want me yet, I would make her want me. Coaxing, blackmail, threats—I’d tried them all. I needed to upgrade my methods. I would show her my tender side, which was new and strange to me, but I could get used to it. I was an immortal and I had all the time in the universe to pursue her. I would make love to her day and night until she couldn’t live without me.

  My cock hardened and wanted to penetrate her sheath again, but I held back. My girl needed her catnap.

  With a sigh, she turned and lay on her back, her sunset auburn hair spilling over the side of her breasts. I brushed her lush hair aside, not wanting it to obscure the spectacular view of her perfect, perky breasts.

  I lay my face on her breast and slept.

  Chapter 23


  Feathers—warm and glossy—formed a protective circle around me.

  I opened my eyes.

  A ray of sunlight sifted through the space between Seth’s blue feather-tips and perched on my face. The light illuminated his wings, softening the faint shadow over his face where it rested upon my breast.

  In his sleep, he appeared younger and sweeter, and even vulnerable. I had never seen him look like that. I doubted many had ever seen that side of him, that he would allow anyone to see it.

  The High Prince of All Angels had been all about icy marble and hard steel. But when he was with me, the ice melted before the rampaging fire and wild storm. Lust for me had rewritten him.

  I relished how hard he’d come in me. Dark ecstasy had twisted his usually perfect face, turning it feral and beastly, which had made my blood sear with unbridled desire. And I’d ridden him until waves of orgasms—hard and long—dragged us both under.

  Even that hadn’t been enough for him. The angel was ravenous. He’d flipped me around. He’d pounced. He’d fucked me from behind. His every thrust had been blissful and brought more hunger and passion, until I’d been hoarse with pleasure, until I could barely move.

  He had finally taken pity on me and allowed me a nap.

  Who had said that he had never shared a bed with any female? He was sharing with me now and even using my breast as a pillow without asking.

  I lay still and just watched him.

  It was funny how peaceful the formidable prince appeared on my chest. Yet I could still sense the hard edge beneath him, which I knew would always be there. It was a part of him. I could look at him like that forever, but I knew that this precious, fleeting moment wouldn’t be repeated in the stream of time.

  He stirred, his glorious golden wing arching firmly above me to shield me from the blinding sunlight and powerful arm tightening on my waist.

  I remained motionless, but my eyes darted left and right to take in the details of the lodge that I hadn’t seen while Seth had thrust in me in an animal-like frenzy.

  The villa was mostly made of stones and glass, with a good collection of books. Some of the paintings on the wall weren’t like those I was used to seeing on Earth. Evidently, the prince had brought them from other planets.

  I should not forget that the High Prince of All Angels was well-travelled conqueror.

  Would he consider me one of his conquests?

  As that shadow dwelled in my mind, I turned to watch a legion of clouds drift by the full window. In the twilight realm, high clouds often lingered amid the ancient trees of the red forest.

  Sunset stayed longer in my realm than any other place on Earth.

  I’d been parted from Mysth for months. Was my beloved silver city the same? Were my people and friends dancing by the stream of emerald when the magic fire lit the enchanted night? Did they miss me? Did they still remember their princess?

  I would be home soon, but Mysth woul
dn’t be the same after the war.

  I’d sent a message to North and my generals to have them make ready for war. I’d told them that the King of Angels had changed the wedding date and we had less time to act. War would descend upon us at any time.

  My mission in Atlantis hadn’t been successful. Though I’d located the Forbidden Glory, I couldn’t find a way to neutralize it. All the crises and my near-death incident hadn’t brought out in me the Earth magic which would have given me an offensive advantage.

  I wasn’t the bearer.

  And I had no idea what the Sky Power was; let alone how to chase it.

  But we would carry on and go against the angels. The whole realm had secretly vowed to follow me to war, to whatever end. We would let Mysth burn rather than let any race rule us. We would let Earth burn or burn it ourselves.

  We Mysthians would never surrender. We would never be slaves.

  To my comfort, the joint air legion of the Dragonian and Mysthians had over a hundred battleships at our disposal. The tech intel I had stolen from the angels’ vault had helped our scientists and engineers solve the key elements to upgrade our weapons and ships.

  I had three days to leave Atlantis. Before I took off, the Dragonian rebels inside the king’s palace and my team would wire bombs in the angels’ vault.

  I had kept all of these plots from Seth.

  I turned my attention back to him. His thick, dark eyelashes fluttered, as if he was dreaming.

  Could an angel dream?

  What did he dream about? Was I included?

  What had he been like when he’d been young, unhardened by battles, political games, and conniving females?

  I reached for him, my fingers tracing his lashes. Time could leave deep marks and wounds on immortals as well as mortals. If I could erase its brutal imprint on him, maybe we could even have a chance to start over.

  A hand struck out, faster than a flash, and clutched my throat.

  I lay very still. I was bare to the toes and defenseless against him. If he decided to end me now, I would be ended.

  Would he want me dead after he had gotten what he wanted?

  He sniffed and scented me. His hand immediately left my throat.

  Seth’s eyes flashed open, power and menace emanating from him, but when his gaze fell on me, the malevolence vanished.

  “I’m sorry, eroma,” he said. “I dreamed of battles.”

  “With me?”

  He regarded me, his face breaking into a wicked grin. “With you, it’s a different battle.”

  He turned toward my nipple and took it into his mouth.

  Hadn’t he had enough?

  The angel suckled my breast greedily.

  Liquid fire licked between my thighs. I was wet all over again.

  He released my nipple and raised his head to gaze down at me, an amused laugh dancing in his eyes.

  He had bragged that he could always scent my arousal and once called me “the most pretentious little thing.”

  My cheeks were flaming since I was indeed insatiable. I didn’t like that he could scent me and see through me, so I pouted. “We should get back, Prince.”

  “We will,” he said. “Just not yet.”

  His mouth slanted over mine to stop me from thinking and talking.

  His large, strong hand palmed my sex, his thumb rubbing my clitoris as two fingers thrust into my heat.

  I was a goner.

  Just one last time, I told myself, and then I would end this affair with the angel.

  Seth and I wouldn’t have tomorrow, but for now, I wanted to burn with him one last time.

  Farewell, my one-time lover and my first, I said silently as he glided into me. May we never meet on the battlefield.

  Chapter 24


  As I rolled her around to try a different position, I spotted specks of blood on the sheet.

  Cold fear seized me. “Rose, are you hurt?” I asked, turning her around urgently to inspect her.

  “No. Why?” she asked, grabbing my heavy erection and trying to put it in her sex as she lay sideways.

  “I saw blood on the sheet,” I said.

  “Oh, that,” she said. “It’s my virgin blood.”

  I blinked. “Is this your first time?”

  She gave me a bashful, yet defiant look over her shoulder. “Why are you so surprised?”

  “You should have told me,” I said. “I could have been gentler. I could have taken time with you. Prepared you.”

  Regret and guilt chewed me up. I must have hurt her. But judging from the way she had acted, she had appeared experienced to me. And I’d been jealous of all of her past phantom lovers.

  However, there was no excuse for my bad behavior. The simple truth was that I’d been so blinded by my boiling lust that I’d been an inconsiderate, crude bastard.

  All I had thought was to get my cock inside her to claim her.

  I now wanted to crush myself for hurting her.

  “Could you have been gentler?” She regarded me. “Would you have taken time with me if you knew?”

  “I’m not a monster, Rose. I would hurt anyone but you.”

  “Your contract didn’t spell gentle. It said one fuck.”

  I growled. “I nullified it before I brought you here. I told you there’d be no contract between us.”

  “So you do not intend to keep me safe anymore?”

  “Why do you always think the worst of me?” I said in frustration. “I’ll protect you with my every breath!”

  “Do not snap at me,” she snarled, and to my dismay, released my cock. “It might be my first time, but I wasn’t as delicate as you thought, angel. We Mysthians are made of unbreakable materials. I’m an immortal, just as you are.”

  Always proud, the damn fey, but she also spoke the truth.

  I was one of the most powerful angels. When I’d thrust in her, my immense, ancient power had poured out, yet she’d held her own.

  Then the significance hit me.

  Rose had regarded me as her sworn enemy, yet she’d given me her first time. Instinctively, she’d trusted me, because she was my destined mate. Only she hadn’t realized it yet.

  “My bad, eroma,” I said. “But don’t punish my cock.” With that, I helped her shove it inside her heated channel. She moaned and rocked her hips against the base of my shaft.

  I pulled out an inch or so and plunged in, and my mate moved with me. We both panted hard.

  My hand grabbed her bountiful breast; my mouth trailed from her earlobe down to the column of her neck. I could never get enough of her.

  “We’ll have to return to Atlantis after this,” she said breathlessly.

  That was one ugly reality: we had only a few more stolen moments left.

  And that reality enraged me. What I wanted, I always took. I had never needed to sneak around like a thief.

  I thrust into her, fast and hard. “You need to leave tomorrow,” I said. “Make up your mind now.”

  “As you’ve nullified my end of the bargain,” she said, “I’m releasing you from your obligation as well.”

  I stopped moving in her. “You can’t get out without me, Rose. If you stay, you’ll be dead. Don’t you understand what will be waiting for you on your wedding night?”

  “That’s for me to worry about, Prince.”

  “That’s not for you to worry about alone. Not anymore. Like it or not, it’s my job to keep you safe other than fucking you. If you have no concern for your own safety, I’ll force you to leave the city. My deadline for you is tomorrow night. By then, I’ll come to drag you to safety, no matter if you’re willing or not.”

  She stopped moving. Yet neither of us wanted to break our joining. I restrained my need to thrust wildly inside her. We were having a serious disagreement now.

  “King Agro won’t let go if I just disappear,” she said. “He’ll lead his army to Mysth before I’m ready to face him.”

  “I’ll make it look like Victoria kidnappe
d you. After I frame her, I’ll kill her, so no trail will lead to you. I’m good at things like that. You just need to trust me and let me handle this.”

  “I can’t hide forever.”

  “You won’t hide on Earth. I’m taking you with me to Valhalla. I’ve mapped out our escape route. My ship will be waiting at the other side of the portal.”

  “Mysth is my home. I won’t abandon my people.”

  “It’s just a temporary relocation, darling,” I coaxed. “When things cool down, I’ll accompany you back to Earth, to Mysth.” I started to move in her again, because I couldn’t help it.

  She responded eagerly with moans of pleasure, which set me ablaze again. I penetrated her harder.

  A future had opened a window and let me peek into it—I would bury my cock deep inside my mate every night before I went to sleep. I would wake up in the morning to find it inside, hard as steel. And then I would ride her mercilessly until she screamed my name with joy and pleasure over and over.

  And after I threw my father off the trail and he stopped bothering me, I would show my female many different worlds. She would appreciate travelling amid the stars and beyond deep space.

  I would keep her forever mine. I would fuck her every minute I got.

  She would enjoy that to no end as well, like how she loved it now.

  “I’ll have none of that,” she said. “I won’t go with you. I have my own plan.”

  “Your plan will lead you to death, female! Your plan is war.”

  “Then war it is,” she said.

  She had finally let the cat out: she would choose to go to war with my race.

  “You think you can defeat us angels?” I asked viciously.

  “We Mysthians weren’t born slaves,” she said. “So mark my word. Your angels won’t have Mysth. We’ll burn it to ashes before you can have it.”

  Now we became enemies again?

  I pulled my cock out, despite its fierce protest, despite the pressure that needed to be relieved. The act was to show the fey female my displeasure, but it seemed that I was punishing myself more than her.


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