A Demon's Quest the Beginning of the End the Trilogy Box Set

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A Demon's Quest the Beginning of the End the Trilogy Box Set Page 50

by Charles Carfagno Jr.

  He knelt down and studied the ground. His sense of smell picked up his pet’s scent somewhere southeast and he proceeded in that direction. His trail led him to a large circular clearing, and Dybbuk called out for his companion. Minutes later, the treetops towards the west rustled in response, and Dybbuk smiled with delight. As the noise drew closer, the joyful occasion quickly disappeared when he heard a loud thud somewhere nearby. Not the sound of his pet pouncing on the ground in a playful manner, but more like a fall.

  Hurriedly, he moved toward the place and when he saw his pet laying down on the ground motionless, he ran over and knelt by his side. Darkener was sliced and stabbed in many places and covered in thick blood. The creature looked up at his master, took a few deep breaths, and died.

  Dybbuk took his pet’s head into his hands and stared into his lifeless eyes. The one thing he loved was dead and this angered the mighty demon immensely. He gripped his pet’s head tighter and recited the ancient words of recall, thus entering Darkener’s mind and began searching through his memories. Dybbuk saw everything from his entrance into the place known as The Other, to this forest. He saw the destruction of Ailith, the battle with Din and his people, the humans that escaped him and finally the epic battle between Lord Sim and Darkener.

  Dybbuk was surprised that the aforementioned, like Din, had a weapon that could hurt his pet, so they battled back and forth, with each wounding the other several times. The dramatic conclusion came to an end when Lord Sim fatally stabbed Darkener in the chest, then his pet taking off his head in retaliation.

  Dybbuk saw enough and stopped the chant. What puzzled him the most was why he allowed the strangers to escape and didn’t kill them. Obviously, they were no match for him. A few seconds later, it finally dawned on him. He’d instructed his pet not to leave the forest until he returned.

  The demon shook his head and said. “You were so loyal my pet. I will greatly miss you.”

  He spent the better part of the day gathering anything that could be used against his kind. After placing them neatly on top of Darkener’s body, he said his final good-bye, lit a fire, and left the woods.

  Chapter 19: A Dangerous Place

  In the late-afternoon hours, Jacko and the others arrived at the city gates of Mirkin. Many armed guards were posted on top of the wall and several more stood at the front gates, stopping everyone who entered.

  The line was long, and people were getting irritated waiting for what they thought was a waste of time. The sentries searched them, and weapons were handed over. If anyone didn’t abide by their rules, and still wanted to enter, they were either turned away or beaten if they became too unruly.

  Jacko spoke to some of the people in line and found out the town’s beloved priest was murdered by a local girl and a stranger, and that was the reason for the heightened security.

  Konafar became enraged when he heard the news. “If they think I'm handing over my weapon they have another thing coming.” Konafar said, looking at the guards up ahead.

  “What will you do if they insist?” Sun asked.

  Konafar looked at him and grinned. “You'll see.”

  Sun shook his head, looking worried. He didn’t want to go to jail or be turned away.

  “Relax, he knows the captain of the guard.” Tonles whispered to Sun.

  “Carts and donkeys to the left, light sacks, backpacks, and people carrying weapons to the right.” The guard ordered.

  When it was finally their turn, they were told to step to the right.

  “State your purpose and place your weapons in the cart over there. You may wear your armor, as long as there are no spikes attached to it.”

  “Why do I need to give you my weapon?” Konafar demanded.

  “We're under lockdown for now, and it's our policy.”

  “What happened?” Sun asked.

  The guard peered at him and said. “Weapons over there.” He pointed to the cart on the left.

  “I'm not giving up my blade.” Konafar announced, getting the attention of several other guards.

  “Then you can leave, or we'll escort you away.” Another guard said as he walked over.

  Konafar faced the man who was as large as he was. “You're going to escort me? That's a good one.”

  Several more guards were now approaching.

  “What's going on?” A guard who looked much more official than the others said.

  “He's refusing to give up his weapons, sir.”

  The official-looking guard looked at Konafar for several seconds, as if he was either trying to recognize him or size him up. “Step this way sir.”

  Konafar did as he was asked and after a brief exchange of words, they clasped arms and walked back.

  “Let them pass, weapons and all.” The officer said.

  “What? That's against orders.”

  “Rin you don't know who this man is, do you?” Rin looked at Konafar and shook his head.

  “He's Konafar.”

  “Never heard of him.”

  “This is the man who saved Captain Strom's life several years ago.”

  Rin felt foolish, because he must have heard the story at least a dozen times from the captain himself. “It's nice to meet you.” He extended his arm.

  Konafar laughed in the man’s face and turned towards the higher-ranking officer. “Where is the good captain?”

  “In his quarters relaxing, I'd imagine. I'll let him know you're here and to meet you at the Inn of the Wolf.” The guard reached into his pocket and took out some badges. “Wear these so that no one will question why you are carrying weapons. “

  Konafar and the others thanked him and left. After they were gone, a young man said something about Konafar and the others carrying weapons and how he didn’t think it was right. The guards responded by beating him severely and sending him away. No one else said anything further.

  The Inn of the Wolf was crowded when they arrived, with only a few empty tables toward the back. Konafar spotted one and led them through the cluster of tables. Some of the patrons stared at them suspiciously as they passed, but Konafar and the others ignored them.

  Once they were seated, a very plump serving wench waddled over. The dingy white dress had seen better days, and her disheveled gray hair was up in a bun. Tonles thought that perhaps at one point in time she might’ve been pretty. The woman politely greeted them, took their drink order, and left.

  After she was gone, Sun spoke. “So, who is this Captain Strom?”

  Konafar smiled. “He’s a good friend. Resourceful, loyal, takes pride in his job, and does whatever it takes to keep this community safe.” He said proudly.

  “How did you meet him?” Jacko asked.

  “A few years ago, I was in this very tavern enjoying some fine ale and overheard two people talking about assassinating some guy named Rasin Strom. I pretended to be drunker then I was, so they didn’t realize I was eavesdropping.

  Normally, I don’t get involved, but when they said he was running for Captain of the Guard it piqued my interest. So I pretended to stumble out of the inn and find this Strom character and let him know there was going to be an attempt on his life. He was very appreciative and asked me to help him take care of the assassins and uncover who was plotting to kill him. Since I had nothing better to do, and I needed the exercise, I figured why not?

  To draw the assassins out, Rasin decided to make an official announcement that he was going to travel to Snowdrift on business, while I was going to leave the night before and hide a mile down the road. The assassins took the bait and when they passed where I was hiding, I made short work of them.” The big man smiled.

  Just then the drinks arrived. Konafar grinned and took a big swig.

  “Did you find out who was behind the plot?” Breen asked.

  “Before I killed the last assassin, he told me the name of the person who wanted him dead.”

  “What was his reason?”

  “Something stupid. It had nothing to do with him running for
Captain of the Guard.”

  “Then what?”

  “The guy was still angry at Strom because he’d dated his wife a few years ago. Do you believe that?” Konafar raised his tankard and finished his ale in one long gulp.

  Breen moved closer to Sun and whispered in his ear. “Can’t wait to meet Strom, I bet he’s like our friend over here.”

  Sun chuckled. “Something tells me you’re right.”

  Over in the corner, a young lad, not more than fifteen, began tuning his lute for the night’s festivities. The plucking of the strings caught Tonles’ attention. He then got up and excused himself.

  Breen watched Tonles exchange a few words with the boy, and he handed him another lute. Tonles spent a few minutes tightening the strings and when it was tuned to his liking, Tonles and the boy began playing. Their beautiful melody sounded so sweet and soothing that almost everyone started singing and dancing.

  “Wow I didn't think he was the type to play an instrument.” Breen said over the music.

  “That's where his passion lies. There were many nights, he entertained our Order. He's quite good, don’t you think?” Konafar asked.

  The two musicians quickly became three then four, and the quartet played to everyone's delight for an hour. While they were playing, Captain Strom entered the tavern and was delighted to see people singing, dancing and enjoying themselves. He waited just inside the doorway until they finished their set and then walked over to Konafar’s table.

  “Strom it’s good to see you.” Konafar got up, and they clasped arms in greeting. Konafar introduced the others.

  Rasin clasped arms with Jacko, Sun, and when it came to Breen, he kissed her hand. She blushed.

  “Such a beauty, so why are you hanging with this guy?” Strom tilted his head toward Konafar.

  “I have nothing better to do.” Breen answered.

  “Is it true Konafar saved your life?” Sun asked.

  Captain Strom looked over at his friend. “Saved my life?” He smiled. “It's more like I saved his. I'll tell you how it really happened, but first, I need a drink.”

  No sooner did the words leave his mouth, than a tankard of ale suddenly appeared in front of him. The serving girl who anticipated his thirst was slender with long red hair, big heaving breasts, and a gorgeous face that could stop men in their tracks. Jacko thought she was one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen, and the dumbfounded look on his face confirmed it to everyone seated there.

  She sat down on the captain’s lap and started rubbing his arms in affection. Breen hated women who threw themselves at men, but could see why they would with Captain Strom. He was tall and muscular like Konafar, but much more charming and handsome. His hair and beard were both well-trimmed and except for the scar on his left cheek, his face was flawless.

  After she kissed him on the cheek and whispered something in his ear, she left.

  The captain smiled. “You'll have to excuse her. We've been together for a while, and she can't seem to stop doing that in public. Now where was I? Oh yes, how Konafar saved my life. I'm sure he told you about the assassination attempt and how he heard about the plot in the tavern.” Everyone nodded. “That part is true; however, did he mention that I saved him when we were fighting the assassins?”

  “You lie; I killed them before you even got there.” Konafar countered.

  “You make me laugh my friend. When I arrived you were getting your butt kicked, and if it wasn’t for me, you’d be dead.”

  “I see your memory is fading with age.” Konafar stated.

  “It’s nice to know you haven’t changed one bit.”

  Just then, Tonles walked over and sat down. “I see you are bickering about who saved whom. Strom, how are you?”

  Captain Strom reached over, clasped his arm, and then guzzled the last of his ale. “Is anyone hungry?” He asked after wiping his mouth on his sleeve. They nodded, and he ordered food and more ale.

  While they were eating and drinking, Konafar, Tonles, and Rasin continued telling tales of adventure and heroics with each one trying to outdo the other. The drinks and laughter continued to flow until Sun brought up the death of the priest.

  Captain Strom’s facial expression turned serious. “Konafar I’m glad you’re here. I need your help, and I am willing to pay you whatever you want.”

  Konafar’s eyes lit up. “That’s sounds good to me, so what happened?” He asked.

  “About a week ago our priest was murdered along with his acolytes and some townsfolk.”

  “Do you know who did it?”

  The Captain nodded. “We arrested a stranger and placed him in jail, but somehow he escaped and murdered several of my guards. People I respected and loved.” Captain Strom’s eyes welled up, and then he slammed his fist down on the table in anger. “I should have killed him when I had the chance.”

  “Do you think someone helped him escape?” Tonles asked.

  “Yes, a local woman named Katara was involved. Whether she was forced to help or did this on her on accord, I’ll never know.” Captain Strom paused and they could tell he was still having a hard time dealing with the losses. "Anyway, after he escaped the jail, he went to the temple and murdered the priest and his acolytes.”

  “How did he get away?” Breen asked.

  “We almost had him again. As my men were closing in on him in the cemetery, someone threw him a rope over the wall, and he climbed over it.” Captain Strom decided to leave out the part of the story about his fight on the wall, because he was too embarrassed.

  “Why would someone murder a holy man?” Breen asked.

  “Only a devil of a man would.” Tonles added.

  “I want him dead and the woman brought back here to stand trial.”

  “Captain Strom, how did they leave town?” Sun asked.

  “They left through the cellar of Katara’s cottage. She had an escape tunnel underneath the city that no one knew about.” He paused, looking down into his tankard and then continued. “Two of my men were also found dead in her tunnel. They were torn apart limb from limb, and their heads were severed. It really angers me that I could have prevented everyone’s death if I had just killed him in the first place instead of arresting him.”

  “Such savage brutality; I wonder why they spent time killing them in that fashion if they were escaping?” Sun said.

  “I don’t think they did, because we found a wooden guardian. I think they are called Tirips. Konafar be careful of her, and you should also know that this stranger has a dagger that fights on its own.”

  “A what?”

  “A dagger that fights on its own. I don’t understand how it does.”

  “How are his fighting skills?” Konafar asked, wanting to understand exactly what he was up against.

  “Pathetic. I beat him easily when I captured him the first time, even with his dagger.”

  Konafar sat back, mug in hand. “Easy enough. Get rid of his dagger, kill him, and capture the girl. Are you sure you don’t want him alive?” He said and took a swig.

  “If you can, do so, because I would take great pleasure in torturing him myself. Here take a look at this.” Captain Strom produced a rolled-up parchment from his pouch, unraveled it, and placed it on the table.

  Jacko’s heart sank, because the man looked exactly like Torhan. Sun glanced over at him, and Jacko shook his head indicating to be quiet. Breen saw their silent exchange, but did not say anything.

  After Tonles and Konafar finished studying the poster, Strom folded it back up and handed it to Konafar, who proudly announced that it would be his pleasure to capture or kill him. Jacko didn’t like the sound of this at all.

  “Excuse me Captain Strom, can you tell me where a person named Mui Shin lives?” Sun interrupted.

  “Mui Shin? Do you know him?”

  “Not directly, but I do know his son.”

  “He owns a store towards the west side of town. You can’t miss it because there's a sign overhead with the word LENDER writt
en on it.”


  “Yes. People borrow money and pay him back with interest, and if they don’t, he has friends who convince them otherwise.”

  “Sounds dangerous for both parties.”

  “How so?” Captain Strom was a bit puzzled by the statement.

  “It’s obvious how dangerous it would be for the borrower, but Mui Shin could eventually become a target for revenge or someone wanting the money without having to ask.”

  “The latter would be very hard to do because he has many men working for him. Besides the mayor, he’s one of the most influential and richest people living here.”

  “Money and people can’t buy you protection all of the time.”

  “What are you trying to say?” Strom’s voice rose a bit, and he was becoming suspicious of Sun.

  “Rasin, please calm down. Sun is a good and peaceful man,” Konafar suddenly said. “I’ve known him for some time, and I can guarantee he won’t cause you any trouble. You have my word on it.”

  Captain Strom’s gaze never left Sun’s eyes. “I’ll need your weapons.”


  “Strom, I just said he’s fine, plus I’ll keep an eye on him.” Konafar interjected.

  “Look, you don’t understand. After what’s happened, the people are afraid to go out at night, and I promised the mayor there wouldn’t be any trouble. Sun your weapons?”

  “How about this, if something happens with someone in my party, then you can take me off to jail.”

  Captain Strom looked at Konafar. “I wouldn’t want it to come to that.”

  “Here, take them.” Sun handed him his daggers.

  “I’ll keep them safe until you leave. I need to get going now.” The Captain stood up, and Konafar did the same.

  “Walk with me.” Konafar said. Captain Strom nodded and said good-bye.

  “That was getting tense.” Breen said after they were out of the door.

  “I’ll say.” Jacko added.

  “Jacko, was he talking about your friend?” Tonles asked.


  “Are you sure?”


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