A Demon's Quest the Beginning of the End the Trilogy Box Set

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A Demon's Quest the Beginning of the End the Trilogy Box Set Page 61

by Charles Carfagno Jr.

  Chapter 21: Stand Together

  Master Shoo walked briskly until he arrived at the Order of the Searing Blade. The school was larger than most of the other nearby buildings. Stationed in front was a lone man dressed in platemail and holding a spear.

  He approached the knight. “I am Master Shoo Sin Yan from the Order of the White Fist, and I am here to see your Lord.”

  The young man recognized the teacher by his hair and clothes, acknowledged his request with a nod, and allowed him to enter. Shoo was escorted by another knight to one of the private chambers. While he was there, he couldn’t help but notice just how different their décor was from his own school. Instead of a peaceful environment with plants and flowers that would join the mind with the body, theirs was geared towards war.

  Shoo strolled around the room looking at the display cases at the far end of the room. There was one with old and brittle weapons, another with maps from past wars, and finally one with of armor. He could tell they were remnants from battles of long ago by the number of small dents etched into the steel. A few minutes later, the door opened and in walked a young knight carrying a tray of food and wine.

  “Sir Valden thought you’d like some refreshments.” He offered and placed the items on the small table then left.

  Shoo ate some of the food while thinking about what he wanted to say to Sir Valden. His plan was to be very direct and hope that he would be persuaded without much coxing.

  A half-hour later, the same knight who allowed him access into their Order, entered the chamber and escorted him through the school. Along the way they passed several rooms. Some of them were decorated with weapons hanging on the walls, others had woven cloth tapestries of great battle scenes, and a few were casually adorned for socializing. Shoo was then led down several flights of stairs and into a large dining room. Seated at the far end of an enormous rectangular table was a lone person dressed in robes of royalty. His black beard and hair were cropped short, which made him appear younger than he actually was. Off to his left were two young boys. One held a jug of wine, and the other a tray with food. Master Shoo’s escort asked him to take a seat and then left the room.

  “Welcome to my Order Master Shoo. I am Sir Valden. Please have a seat. Would you like something to eat or sample some of my finest wine?”

  “Do you have tea?”

  Sir Valden commanded his servant to fetch some and then waited until it was in front of Shoo, before speaking.

  “I was told me you wanted to see me. How can I help you?”

  Master Shoo bowed his head slightly and then said. “Sir Valden we have pressing issues that involve the entire town. As you already know, Redden fell a few weeks ago and a couple of my students led a daring raid and rescued a handful of the prisoners.”

  “So why does this give you concern?”

  “Because of their actions, I think the enemy will retaliate.”

  Sir Valden picked up his goblet. “Why did your students get involved in the first place?” He asked then took a long drink.

  “They felt it was the right thing to do.”

  “Hmm, I see. Wouldn’t it have been easier to leave well enough alone?”

  Shoo didn’t care for his comment, but kept his composure. “Sir Valden, doesn’t it bother you that people were being raped and tortured?”

  “It’s not that, but if Redden fell so easily, despite being bigger and more fortified than our town, what chances do you think we’ll have? We might end up being enslaved and tortured, and our women raped as well.”

  “Sir Valden, life has no meaning if it doesn’t have a purpose, and if we are given an opportunity to do something good, then we should.”

  “And if your students would’ve minded their own business, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” Valden countered.

  “They did what they thought was right and if their path allows them the opportunity to save some lives, then I back their decision.”

  “I agree with you about doing the right thing, but they should have thought things through when involving the entire town.” Sir Valden was becoming increasingly agitated, because he didn’t want any part of what might be coming.

  “They had no way of knowing that.” Master Shoo took a sip of his mint tea.

  “I suppose you are right, but still, everything must be considered and because of what they did we’ll need to act with haste. Who knows if we even have enough time?”

  “Sir Valden, there’s no changing what they did.”

  “I know. I need to think about it.”

  “Why would you have to think about it? It’s your town too.” Shoo stated.

  “Since your students took it upon themselves to start this, then why am I obligated to assist? I just might leave this town.”

  Master Shoo had enough and rose to his feet. “If the time comes, I hope you find the courage to stand with us.”

  Sir Valden stood up, and his chair fell over. “Courage? You have no idea what hardships I’ve faced in my life, so don’t insult me. If I was a weaker man, we would engage in arms, and you would regret your words. Now get out.”

  Shoo Sin Yan looked hard at the man and walked away.

  Shoo’s next attempt to unite the Orders brought him to the Order of the Slippery Hand. They touted their profession as simple thieves, but he knew differently. They were cutthroats and killers for hire. He had never had reason to associate with them and had only walked by their Order on one previous occasion. As he approached the area, he took note to his surroundings; from the thick bushes, to the oak trees, to the twelve-foot high smooth stone wall surrounding the complex, and the front gates.

  He stopped just short of the entrance and said. “I need to enter your Order and speak with whoever is in charge.” When there was no response, he turned his head towards his left. “It’s a matter of great importance.”

  After several seconds, a tall figure stepped out of hiding. He was dressed in garments that were the same color as the bushes, held a loaded crossbow, and carried a long sword strapped across his back.

  “You’re good old man,” he began, “no one, not even our highest ranking student, would have detected me. Why do you need to enter?”

  “My name is Shoo Sin Yan from the Order of the White Fist. There is a threat coming to our town, and I need to talk to the leader of your sect.”

  “I know who you are and your reputation as an honest man, so I’ll allow you access.” The thief said as he walked over to the gates, unlocked the locks with sleight of hand, and then swung them open. “When you arrive at the door tell them Killswitch gave you passage.”

  Shoo bowed slightly and walked through the gates, which were then closed and locked behind him. Halfway up to the walkway, he paused and studied the pathway before him.He easily detected many traps placed directly and indirectly in his way and thought back on his life.

  Before joining the Order of the White Fist, he was a very good thief and learned a great deal of skills during his training. One, in particular, was detecting and disarming traps. In fact, he was so good that a master thief bet him a thousand pieces of gold; he couldn’t avoid or deactivate one of his traps. Shoo took the bet and won. Grinning, he moved on towards the building without setting them off.

  Back at the gates, Killswitch watched, and admired the monk as he skillfully avoided the traps. Before hiding in the bushes again, he wondered how tough it would be to kill the old man.

  Shoo Sin arrived at the unmanned front doors and after closely examining them, he then selected the only area that wouldn’t trigger a trap and knocked. A piece of the wooden door slid open, revealing a pair of eyes. “Who are you and state your purpose?” A deep voice asked.

  “My name is Shoo Sin Yan from the Order of the White Fist, and I am here to speak whoever is in command. Furthermore, Killswitch gave me passage.”

  “Hold on.”

  The small window slammed shut.

  A few minutes later, the door was opened and there stood a femal
e with short dark hair, dressed in a thief’s garb with an assortment of weapons draped across her body.

  “You may enter.” She said, allowed him to do so and then led him down the hallway.

  Shoo scanned the corridor without turning his head and could sense many thieves hiding in the shadows, poised to attack.

  “So many men armed and hiding; is this how you treat all guests?” Shoo said to the woman.

  “We are always ready.” She answered flatly.

  Shoo also noticed the Order was much different from the Searing Blade. Instead of being warm and inviting, it was cold and sordid looking. Every corner posed a threat to the untrained eye and every threat was real and deadly. The young lady led him through many rooms and then down several flights of stairs to a large, dimly lit, rectangular, room with a table towards the back. Men and women sat around the table and a handful more, holding loaded crossbows, stood somewhere just out of sight. They were good at hiding but not good enough to avoid Shoo’s detection.

  “So what brings the Master of the White Fist to our Order?” The man with the scarred face asked.

  “My name is Shoo Sin Yan. Are you the leader?”

  “Yes. My name is Tef.”

  Tef unsheathed a dagger from his belt and used it to cut an apple.

  “The town is in danger.”

  “From what?”

  Master Shoo walked over in front of the table and explained the reason for his visit. When he was finished, he was met with criticism over allowing his students to get involved.

  “I see there is no use in talking to you about this matter. I just hope you fight when the time comes or like Redden, this town will fall as well.”

  “What about the other Orders. Will they fight?”

  “We will see, won’t we?”

  Tef didn’t really care about why Shoo was there. He only had one thing on his mind. “Old man, are you as skillful as they say?” He asked and then chomped on a slice of apple.


  “I’ll tell you what. If you best some of my men, then I will help you.”

  “It doesn’t matter if you do or not, I am here to warn you of the danger this threat poses.”

  Shoo heard a very faint click of a crossbow from somewhere behind Tef. It was a sound that no one should have heard from where he stood. “Tell the owner of that weapon to stand down or this woman by my side will be the target of his bolt.”

  The leader waved off his man. “You’ll have my answer soon enough.” He said.

  Shoo turned and found several men blocking his way with weapons in their hands.

  “Have it your way.” Shoo stated.

  The fight was over before it even started. Shoo grabbed the closest thief by the throat and ripped out his larynx using the praying mantis style. He ended another man’s life when he kicked him in the head and crushed his skull. The other two attacked, but it was of no use. Master Shoo’s reflexes were far superior to theirs, and he crushed almost every bone in their bodies when he used the deadly bone breaking technique. Their bodies crumpled to the floor in a heap because there was nothing left to support the weight. Crossbows suddenly fired and Master Shoo grabbed the woman, just like he said, and used her as a shield. She was struck in the throat, chest, and head. When her body went limp Shoo threw it onto the table.

  Tef clapped. “Excellent, you are as good as they say and have proven yourself to me. We will fight by your side.”

  Shoo didn’t respond and began walking away.

  “By the way Master Shoo, why did you kill my men? I thought you would have just knocked them out.”

  Shoo stopped just short of the door. “An attack with intent is never taken lightly, remember that for the future.” He said and left without further incident.

  After he left the thief’s guild, Master Shoo went to the western part of town to the Order of the Holy Hammer. Of all the Orders in this town, this was the one he had highest hopes for. Upon arriving, he noticed several female and male students walking around the perimeter and when they saw him, they stopped and bowed out of respect.

  “Master Shoo.” One of the male students straightened and said. “It’s a pleasure to see you. What brings you to our humble place of worship?”

  “I need to speak to High Priest Hamond.”

  The student nodded and led him up the ramp to the modest, yet beautiful building, carved out of stone and marble. After entering through the steel doors, master Shin Shoo was asked to wait in the foyer while the student went to find priest Hamond. Shin had only been there once before, and besides his school, this was the one he admired the most. The inside of the building housed stone statues with such detail that they looked like they could come to life at any moment. One, in particular, off to the left, was so lifelike that Shoo thought it was someone standing guard.

  His wait wasn’t long as the young priest returned and then escorted him to their main chamber. Along the way, they passed several chambers used for prayer and he could hear voices chanting from within.

  “We pray at least three times a day to appease our god and receive special knowledge to heal the sick and injured.” The student commented as they passed the rooms.

  “We too pray daily.” Shoo added.

  They continued making small talk until they arrived at the room where priest Hamond waited. The smiling, big-bellied priest was of medium height and dressed in purple and blue robes.

  “Master Shoo it’s a pleasure to see you again. It’s been… several months I believe.”

  Shoo bowed and greeted the man.

  “Please sit while young Ures brings us something to drink.” The student left and both men sat down at the table built for four. “How are you?”

  Shoo smiled. “We can exchange pleasantries a little later. Right now, I have a more pressing issue, so I will be direct. A day ago, some of my students entered the town of Redden and rescued some prisoners. I’m afraid their actions might have provoked a forthcoming attack on our town.”

  “How did your students accomplish such a feat? I heard the town was well fortified.”

  “They entered through a secret entrance and raided their makeshift prisons under the cover of darkness.”

  “Impressive to say the least.” Hamond shifted his weight to help ease the discomfort of his ailing back. “Your students are indeed brave; I just wish they would have stopped by here first, because some of my students would have gladly gone with them.”

  Just then, Ures walked in carrying a tray with two steeping kettles on top. He poured tea for both men.

  “I thought you were a wine man?” Shoo asked.

  Hamond smiled. “In honor of your visit I am drinking tea.”

  Shoo bowed his head slightly at the hospitality.

  “So why do you think they’ll attack the town? Hamond continued.

  “I believe they’ll attack us because they might think we sent them.”

  “I see. Did you speak to the Magistrate or the other Orders yet?”

  “The magistrate is a coward and never believes anyone. I’ll send word telling him that we will not defend the town without his support.”

  “Do you think he’ll listen?”

  “I’m hoping he’s foolish enough to believe my words.” Shoo took a sip of his tea before continuing. “Of the Orders, I spoke with Sir Valden from the Order of the Searing Blade and as of right now I don’t think he’ll support us. Tef from the Order of the Slippery Hand will stand with us.”

  “He will? I thought he was only concerned about his Order and not the town.”

  “He just needed some convincing.” Master Shoo couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “How did you do that?” Hamond had to ask.

  “Let’s just say he lost some students today.”

  The priest laughed loudly and his belly jiggled. “Do you have a plan?”

  “Not yet. I’ll send word to the Orders where we could meet at a mutual place and discuss the best course of action. I believe we have at least a
few days to prepare and from what my students told me, their army consisted of giants, war beetles, and many goat and boarmen.”

  The priest looked down and swallowed hard. “It doesn’t sound good for our town.”

  “I know, but if we don’t fight, then all will be lost. The townspeople will end up being tortured and raped and whatever else they impose. Can I count on you?”

  Hamond simply nodded.

  “I’ll send word when the meeting is set.”

  Shoo finished his tea and left.

  Master Shoo returned to his school and entered his private chambers, without saying a single word to his students, and prayed for guidance. When he was through, he went downstairs and instructed four students to visit the Magistrate and the other Orders to inform them that he wanted to have a meeting at the Inn of the Unholy Cow, to discuss battle tactics.


  Master Shoo and his top three students arrived at the inn ahead of the others and selected a table in the far back. Next to arrive was High Priest Hamond. He was dressed in chainmail and had a mace secured to his belt.

  Sir Valden followed him a few minutes later. He looked like he was ready for a fight, wearing platemail and a large sword sheathed at his side. Finally, Tef entered wearing leather and carrying a short sword scabbard on his left, and a row of daggers strapped across his chest. Each party was escorted by several of their students. After they were seated and drinks were poured, Master Shoo broke the ice and was the first to speak. “I would like to thank all of you for attending. We have many things to discuss.”


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