A Demon's Quest the Beginning of the End the Trilogy Box Set

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A Demon's Quest the Beginning of the End the Trilogy Box Set Page 67

by Charles Carfagno Jr.

  “Always.” He grinned and tightened his grip on Justice.

  Two hours passed before the smoldering gates were finally opened wide enough to allow a very large Northern Rock Giant to step forward. He was followed by several boarmen and two humans on horseback dressed in leather. Tracs held his loaded crossbow downward until they were within range and then emptied the entire chamber into the giant’s head, throat, and stomach. The mighty creature fell backwards onto a few boarmen and crushed them underneath his weight. Vex ordered the boarmen to attack, and they too were cut down after Tracs reloaded and fired. Vex and Jyre stopped their mounts after Tracs reloaded a second time and trained his weapon on them.

  “So, which one of you owns this pendant?” Tracs said and threw the necklace on the ground.

  “Why did you kill my men? I came out here to fight you alone.” Vex said.

  “I figured that since you killed a helpless merchant and his family that you must be a pathetic, sniveling, little coward who can’t fight his own battles. I just wanted to level the playing field and make sure there was no outside interference.”

  “I see.” Vex replied and dismounted.

  “Are you going to put that weapon away and fight him fairly?” Jyre asked.

  “As soon as you turn around and leave.”

  Jyre looked at Vex, who nodded for him to do so.

  “Wait a second. Do you have a similar necklace as well? Because if you do, you’re next.”

  “Knight, you do want to die today don’t you?” Jyre’s words were more of a statement than a question.

  “Before we begin our fight, tell me why you killed the merchant and his family in cold blood.”

  “Well,” Jyre paused and smiled, “it’s easy he…”

  Jyre’s next action was so fast that Tracs did not see his dagger until it was painfully sticking out of his right shoulder. Tracs grunted and lowered the crossbow. Jyre knew he missed his target because he would’ve disabled his arm.

  Vex charged after Tracs who raised the crossbow and fired, catching him in his chest and left arm, sending him stumbling away. Jyre unsheathed his sword, jumped down off of his horse, and was hit by several arrows in the back, killing him instantly. Tracs didn’t have time to ponder about who shot him, because Vex was on his feet and charging after him with his broad sword held high. When he was close enough, Vex swung his weapon at his head and Tracs deflected it away with the crossbow, he moved in and kneed him in the midsection, knocking the air from his lungs. Tracs then butted him in the head with the stock of the crossbow and sent him reeling, when Vex tripped and fell over Jyre’s lifeless body. Tracs discarded his crossbow and removed the dagger from his shoulder with a quick jerk. He unsheathed his sword and waited for his opponent to get up. Vex looked over at his dead friend and saw arrows, not bolts, protruding out of his body.

  “So you do have help. Where are they?” Vex said as he rose to his feet, holding his sword waist high and pointed at Tracs. He looked around nervously, but couldn’t see anyone else. “You called me a coward. You’re the coward.” He stated.

  Like Vex, Tracs did not know who shot Jyre, but he didn’t want him to know. “Your friend’s death is from my god passing judgment on you, so accept it.”

  Vex was in serious pain, his head, arm, and chest hurt, and he was about to run, when he heard the sound of a horse galloping up from behind him. He smiled. “It appears you’re going to die.”

  Tracs saw a man dressed in dark leather, and carrying a spear, riding out of the town with several goat and boarmen.

  “Maybe I will, but so will you.” Tracs said and suddenly dashed forward, swinging his sword.

  Vex blocked the attack, grabbed the blade of his own sword with his left hand, and hit Tracs in the head with the hilt, denting his helmet and knocking him to the side. Vex was about to hit him again when Tracs pointed his weapon directly at his face and halted his advance. Just then, Yang arrived and dismounted. Tracs looked frantically for his crossbow and spotted it several yards away.

  Yang followed his gaze. “That’s not going to help you. Who are you stranger?” He asked, even though he had a good idea which Order he represented.

  Tracs pointed to Vex. “This man killed a merchant and his family, and I am here on their behalf to serve justice.”

  Yang chuckled.

  “Master Yang he has help.” Vex said.

  “Oh! Where?” Yang looked around casually.

  “Stay out of this or you’ll die as well.” Tracs threatened him.

  Yang turned his attention back to him. “Silly fool. They work for me, so who do you think was with them when the merchant was slaughtered?” He paused. “We did have fun with his daughters and wife, didn’t we Vex?”

  Vex smiled while remembering.

  Tracs grew angry. “Then I’ll kill you as well, pig!”

  Yang laughed at him.

  From out of the town, two giants and a score of goat and boarmen marched out.

  “I don’t think so, knight from the Order of the Blessed, you will die for coming here by my spear Dominance.” Yang’s facial expression changed to a more sinister look.


  After Yang left the city, Konafar whispered to Tonles. “I’ve been thinking. Are you sure you want to do this? The odds are growing against Tracs and I fear he won’t last much longer.”

  “Go kill the Red Knight for what he did.”

  “There will be more men and creatures coming out of the town soon, you can count on it.”

  “Good, I need the practice.” Tonles chuckled.

  “Okay. I changed my mind about who’s coming with me. I want Burner, Cord, and five others to stay with Tonles. Butcher and the rest, you’re with me.” He looked at Tonles again. “Good luck.”

  “Good luck to you as well. I’ll meet you a couple of miles to the north after we’re finished.”

  After both men clasped arms, Konafar left with his group.

  “I didn’t sign up for this.” Hue finally admitted as soon as they were gone.

  “A man is standing up for what he believes in and doing it all by himself, doesn’t that inspire you?” Tonles asked him.

  “It does, but I’m afraid to die.”

  “We all have to die, whether it’s now, tomorrow, or ten years later. I’d rather die for glory, and you might not get another chance that you are being given on this day. Stay close to me and we’ll get through this, alright? ”

  Hue nodded his head in agreement. Tonles faced forward and kept his eyes on the ever-approaching spearman riding out to greet Tracs.

  “Here’s the plan. Burner, you will go first and set them all ablaze. Cord, I want you to follow him while unleashing hell on them. Everyone else, follow me and we will attack them from the west. Once we kill them, we'll retreat into the woods to the north and wait.”

  “What about Konafar? Don’t you want to go in after him?” Cord asked.

  “He’s on his own.” Tonles answered and prepared himself mentally for what he was about to do.

  With all the activity going on outside of Redden, and the ever growing darkness, it was easy for Konafar and the others to slip into the town unnoticed. Konafar figured the Red Knight would be at the Magistrate’s house, if he was going to be anywhere, and that’s the direction he led them in. They were careful to avoid the guards along the way and arrived at the house, taking up residence along the side. Pierce left them, surveyed the area and returned a short time later.

  “I counted five guards.” He said.

  “Can you kill them by yourself?” Konafar asked.

  “I’m pretty sure I can.” Pierce notched an arrow.

  “Okay. Once we take care of them, we’ll enter the house and kill everyone inside. Pierce, are you ready?”

  He nodded and ran around to the front, killing the first three guards before they saw him and the other two as they were trying to flee. They quickly hid the bodies.

  Konafar gathered them close. “There are only two floors, so
we’ll move through the rooms on the first floor and then meet back at the front door. No one gets left behind. I mean no one.” He emphasized his last statement.

  They entered the mansion and began running through the lower-level, killing everyone in sight. It was a brutal display of death and slaughter as Konafar led the charge through each room, hacking and slicing his way through his victims.

  When they were finished with the first floor, Pierce looked over at Konafar, who was staring downward with his sword lowered. “Are you ok?” He asked.

  Konafar looked up. Blood and gore coated his body. His breathing was labored, and his eyes indicated that something was wrong. “Just resting…for a second…did we lose anyone?”

  “Kitner fell.”

  Movement abruptly roused from the floor above, indicating that someone was awake and prompting them to advance up the stairs to complete what they came to do.


  They waited for the enemy to march out of Redden, before Burner and Cord left the confines of their concealment and circled behind the group. Cord began firing arrows, while Burner started throwing lit flasks into the masses, striking a good portion of the group and spraying them with the hot oily fire. Screams and howls erupted as they continued their assault.

  From somewhere near the front, a large rock came hurling at them. Cord saw the boulder, broke off his attack and ran. However, Burner wasn’t so lucky and was struck in the chest and sent sailing through the air. After he landed, the lit glass container, he held slipped out of his hand and shattered on the ground, setting the area ablaze as well as the bag containing the rest of his arsenal. His dying screams blended in nicely with the others who were already on fire. Through the haze and smoke, the giant saw the little bowman running for his life. After taking careful aim, he threw the last of his projectiles and missed hitting him. Angered, he growled, gripped his massive club and gave chase.

  Yang, Vex, and the others heard the screams coming from their flank and turned around. They stared in horror as most of their troops were set ablaze. Yang was about to say something, when out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a big stout man leading several others directly at them. Spear in hand, he raced past his subjects and met the charging man with the two-handed black mace.

  As soon as Tonles charged at Yang, Tracs grabbed his crossbow and headed off towards the woods. His injury was the reason why, and he figured he could kill his opposition from afar. Meanwhile, Vex ordered the others to meet the new threat and then caught a glimpse of the knight fading off into the woods. He followed, knowing Yang would’ve wanted him to do so.

  When Tonles reached Yang, both men swung their weapons simultaneously and blocked each other’s attack, as they passed, and turned around to face one another. Tonles went on the offensive and swung Justice with an overhead strike, at his head, which was followed by several random attacks. Yang deflected the first strike and avoided the rest by twisting and turning his body out of the way. Tonles pressed him further, and Yang met his weapon with full force, and then stepped backwards with his front leg and thrust Dominance with just one hand. Tonles sidestepped the attack and swung the mace at his ribs, a strike that would’ve definitely shattered his insides if not for the bodyguard’s quick reaction. He planted his weapon firmly into the ground and stopped the attack. Tonles swung Justice to the other side of Yang, and as soon as he felt the weapon leave his spear; he rolled safely away and was on his feet again, spear at the ready. Tonles paused his advance and that’s when Yang glanced around and realized the knight and Vex were both missing.

  “You fight well; we could always use a man of your talents.” Yang said to Tonles.

  “Join you and your pack of degenerates? I’d rather die.” Tonles replied.

  Yang smiled. “That can be arranged. However, before you die answer me this. Why did you attack us?”

  “For what your leader did to my friend Runit.”

  Yang thought for a few seconds and then remembered Paven’s experiment and his toy that he called the Green Knight.

  “So that was your friend? Now everything makes sense. You must be one of the people who came to Redden and rescued some of the prisoners. Last I checked your friend was sent out to kill you. What befell him?”

  “You and your leader will die for what you did to him.” Tonles firmly stated.

  “First off, off let’s get something straight. He's not my leader; he’s just a servant to a higher being. Second, I don’t see how you’re going to do so. You’ll have to get past me, and that’s not going to be easy, then there’s the army that waits for you in Redden and on top of that, you stand alone. If I was you,” he paused, “I’d leave and forget about the whole thing.”

  Tonles hefted the mace. “Let’s see if you can stop me.” He said.

  The two men engaged each other once again.

  Vex cautiously walked toward the forest and felt something strange coming from within the wooded area. The sensations radiated somewhere off to the right and grew stronger the closer he walked. He paused, contemplating his next action and was suddenly overwhelmed by fear, which became so intense his arms and legs started shaking, and he was unable to move. He’d never been this scared in all his life and when he heard branches snapping, and bushes shaking, he tried to run, but his legs still wouldn’t respond. He began praying to a god he no longer believed in.

  From afar, Tracs pointed his crossbow at Vex and was about to pull the trigger and end his miserable life, when he sensed something evil, with a singular purpose, approaching from the west. He turned and spotted a figure walking towards Vex. Something told him that this being was here for revenge, so he lowered the crossbow and watched.

  Leaves crunched under the weight of the creature as it came closer toward the entrance of the forest. Vex was unable to do anything but watch as this being walked out and stopped directly in front of him. Vex recognized the creature with the gaping hole in his stomach and yellow eyes that appeared to be glowing.

  “No, it can’t be. We killed you!” He exclaimed.

  The being opened its mouth and screamed silently at him, thus paralyzing him further, and then walked over and grabbed him by the arms. As Vex’s limbs were being torn away from their sockets, he screamed so loudly that anyone within a mile could’ve heard him. Tracs did not interfere as the creature tore the rest of his body apart and then continued toward Redden. He was left wondering what Vex meant when he said he’d killed him before.

  Tonles and Yang had just finished another series of attacks when they heard someone screaming from the woods, causing them to pause and look in that direction.

  “Looks like your man got what he deserved.” Tonles happily stated.

  Yang was about to reply when he caught a glimpse of something emerging from the forest with glowing eyes. As a child, he’d heard tales that it was possible for someone who died violently to come back as a Revenant and seek revenge against those responsible. Now he knew those stories to be true, because walking towards him was the merchant they’d killed a few nights ago. He didn’t know how or if there was a way to kill such a being, so he ordered his remaining companions to attack the dead man.

  As the Revenant marched straight toward his murderer with his arms extended, Tonles and Hue backed away to allow it to pass. The Revenant didn’t acknowledge the advancing goatman until he stabbed it in the chest and then the creature turned its attention on him by grabbing his throat and squeezing.

  The boarman looked over one last time at Yang, hoping he didn’t have to fight the creature, but after seeing the look on his face, he knew he had to. The Revenant was still strangling the goatman when his fellow soldier took a mighty swing with his ax and cleaved the creature’s arm off below the elbow, sending the goatman to the ground with the merchant’s hand still strangling him until he died. The Revenant turned and looked deeply into the boarman’s eyes, instantly paralyzed him with fear, and then tore him apart.

  When the last of Yang’s servants died,
the creature refocused its attention back on him and that’s when Yang attacked. He kept his distance while plunging his spear into the creature’s stomach. His final thrust, which he thought should have stopped the being, ripped through its back and sent organs, and whatever else lived inside the corpse, exploding out of its back.

  The Revenant did not die, nor slow down, and frantically reached for its target. Yang didn’t know what to do, so he disengaged his spear and quickly mounted his horse. He took one last look at Tonles and then sped off toward Redden with the Revenant following after him.

  The giant pursued Cord until he disappeared into the woods and stopped just short of entering. He wasn’t very bright; he knew, but the one thing he was good at was sneaking up on an enemy and pounding them into the ground. With gritty determination, he entered the woods and began stalking his adversary.

  Meanwhile, Cord ran through the woods and changed direction several times to throw the giant off, and then hid behind an oak tree. He knew a well-placed arrow was his best chance to slay the giant and knowing their kind; he liked his odds. They were big, clumsy, and stupid, so when he peered around the tree, he was surprised that he didn’t see him anywhere. He was sure it was right behind him before he entered. He remained where he was, waiting for the giant to enter.

  After several long minutes, he was about to leave and hunt down the giant, then heard a branch snap directly behind him. His mind raced as he tried to comprehend what to do next, and then he heard a snicker, wheeled about and was hit by a large club in his side that sent him to the ground. The giant quickly came over and placed a foot on Cord’s back, pinning him to the ground.


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