Tempted by a Sinner (Seven Sinners Book 4)

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Tempted by a Sinner (Seven Sinners Book 4) Page 9

by A G Henderson

  Sure, Tone was nice, charming, kind of funny, and completely oblivious to the women staring at him like they were stuck in a desert and he was the only source of water.

  But he was a biker. A Sinner.

  They took everything that gave bad boys their flavor, and turned it up to eleven.

  I was a fresh face, new and challenging. Once the challenge was over and the shininess wore off, he would lose interest in bearing down on me with the full weight of his attention.

  It was a win-win.

  I would have one hell of a story to tell Lynn and remember into my later years, and he would turn that laser focus elsewhere.

  A girl's heart could get confused, having a knight like him clad in steel muscle circling around her, lifting boxes and being so dang endearing.

  That, I didn’t have time for.

  The two men on either side of me shifted their weight, and I wondered if I’d continued talking out loud without being aware of it.

  Then a pair of glossy, designer shoes stepped into my field of view, and tension knotted a spot between my shoulder blades.

  Someone didn’t get the dress code memo, was my first thought as I looked up.

  Standing in an obviously tailored three-piece suit was a tall man who looked incredibly out of place, especially with his focus on me.

  “Stairs are off-limits, Palazzo,” grunted the man on my left.

  “Asher will do nicely. And it appears that does not apply to beautiful women.”

  I didn’t laugh, but it was a close thing. He definitely wasn’t from around here.

  A line like that coming from a pretty face like his might work wonders on supermodels and the types of women who carried miniature dogs around as an accessory. But it wasn’t doing a thing for me.

  He was handsome with his dark-blonde, styled hair and features stolen from some classical painting. But there was a stillness and refinement to him that told me he wouldn’t be caught dead doing his own physical labor.

  I bet he had a driver. And a maid who went around tidying up his house while he wasn’t there.


  “She’s off-limits too,” said the man on my right.

  I blinked at that. I am? Since when?

  The polished man continued to eyeball me, and I wished for something to cover my chest.

  “I’m sure the lady can speak for herself.”

  Lady? Me?

  God, Law would’ve gotten an absolute kick out of that one.

  “This lady,” I somehow said with a straight face, ignoring the three figures that flanked whoever this dude was supposed to be. “Can speak just fine. Something I can help you with?”

  “I seem to have garnered quite an unfriendly welcome,” he said, eyes sliding across the room. “I was hoping to join forces with someone else on the outside looking in.”

  I followed his line of sight and saw he was right. Lots of scowling faces kept turning to keep him in their view, and I suddenly felt I was sitting in the middle of something I shouldn’t be.

  Standing, I smoothed my dress back into place and offered a neutral smile. “Sorry, I don’t do team-ups,” I told him casually, already sliding around so he wouldn’t be directly between me and everyone else.

  Some instinct made me not turn my back to him, so I jumped in surprise when a huge hand caught me by the hip.

  My heart was getting into its sprinter’s stance, ready to make a run for it, when the smell of pine trees hit my nose and the starting gun lowered.

  Heat spread from the palm anchored on my waist, soothing my nerves, and Tone’s presence behind me was a fortress. Immovable. Impenetrable. He carefully pulled me backwards until my back met the hard wall of his chest.

  “Truth,” he said in that voice that flowed from him like a calm river headed inexorably towards a lake or ocean. “She’s not interested.”

  “Is that so?” the man—Asher—asked. His eyes flitted between both of us curiously before his focus settled on the man behind me.

  I never understood the appeal in having two men fight over you until this very moment. Sure, no actual punches were being thrown, but Tone was planting his flag at the top of the hill and daring the other man to try and reach it.

  I probably should’ve been offended to be the hill in this scenario.

  Said offense was going to have to wait for the enjoyment to fade, and that was going to take a while.

  It was...nice to be defended for reasons other than my health.

  To be treated as precious instead of fragile.

  Temporary, I reminded myself. He would be running the other way if he really knew your truths.

  A moment of sadness tried to reach for me, and I slapped it away. Only Lynn and my new doctor knew about my condition, and I was going to keep it that way. It wasn’t a big deal, but it would change things.

  It would rob me of this normal, kind of not so normal, encounter.

  “Her dance card is full for the night,” said the man whose presence surrounded me. He squeezed my hip and my breath caught.

  Those hands. His thumb was almost dipping into the crease of my spine, and his other fingers spread from my bellybutton almost down to my thigh. I knew I was small.

  Compared to him? I felt downright tiny.

  Tone backed us into the dancing crowd until we were out of sight. I made to turn, wanting to see his face. Trace my gaze across his lips. Study the look in his eyes. Except the moment I tried to move, his other hand captured my opposite hip, pinning me in place. At the same time, he pulled me flush against him.

  Against all of him.

  His body was big and hard and warm the whole way down, including the package pressed against my butt cheeks. My eyes went wide, heat simmering low in my belly. I gave my hips an experimental twist and he moved with me, sliding our bodies together.

  I twisted the other way and he was there, rocking back and into me from behind in a way that felt entirely too good.

  His head dipped down, beard brushing against my cheek while he nudged my hair and put his lips to my ear.

  On a low rumble that had me gripping his hands to keep from melting into a puddle, he whispered, “Knew you had rhythm, Smoothie Girl.”

  Then there was only the motion of our bodies together, and the world faded until our little slice of dance floor was the only thing I knew.


  “Your wrist is buzzing.”

  Breathing hard, I dropped my hands from where they were anchored around the back of Tone’s neck. They came away damp with sweat, but I wasn’t grossed out. I’d lost track of time, but we were both sweating. I could only hope I smelled half as good as he did, because the only thing in my nose was pure man.

  “You got an alarm set or something?” he asked, bringing my focus back.

  There was still a large group of people around us, although less than before. But the rest of the house was beginning to empty. How long had we been at this?

  Blinking down at my watch and having to wait for my vision to unblur already told me what I would find, but I looked at the digital readout anyway. My blood sugar was running a high.

  I wasn’t in any real trouble. I had spare insulin pens in my clutch, which was inside Lynn’s car, and of course, there were more stashed back at the house.

  Except I was going to need some privacy, which meant it was time to go.

  “Everything good?”

  I hadn’t realized I’d stopped moving completely until Tone turned me around in his arms, looking down with his head cocked to the side.

  “Yeah,” I said lamely, staring at his nose. Using both hands, I lifted my hair from the back of my neck and let some cool air brush against it. “But I’m opening up tomorrow...err, today, at seven, and I should really get back home. Have you seen Lynn?”

  Technically, there wasn’t a lie in anything I said. It didn’t stop him from stroking through his beard like he was piecing together whether I was telling the truth.

  “She dipped about an hour
ago, wrapped around Mathias like a spider monkey.”

  I rolled my eyes because of freaking course she had.

  “One sec, she had one of the guys bring your stuff in first.” Tone headed to a closet near the door and I shamelessly watched his butt while he walked away.

  Had I really been pressed up against all of that so long I didn’t even notice her leaving? The feeling of his heat soaking into my skin hadn’t left, so I had my answer easily enough.

  Tone came back carrying a huge coat and my cell phone. I took them both, moving back towards the kitchen so I could put the coat on without slapping anyone with a wayward sleeve. The weight of my clutch in one of the pockets was comforting, and I slid my phone open to find two texts waiting.

  Lynn: Get it gurlllll! If I knew u were so eager to break ur dry spell, I would’ve forced u to one of these way b4 now. Be smart. Luv u. Give me all the sordid, nasty ass details once u can use ur legs in the am. Ur gonna be so glad I left those frozen peas in ur freezer.

  Lynn: P.S. Blonde I may be but dumb I am not. U better be ready to tell me how u know Tone. I took the car to be petty. Xoxo.

  I cracked a grin, despite how much I wasn’t looking forward to either of those conversations. She was ridiculous in the best ways. It made it harder for me to be upset with her for stranding me.

  Hopefully, they had a car service around here.

  I’d just opened a browser to start searching for one when a huge hand covered my screen. “Umm...excuse you?”

  Tone loosened one of those throaty chuckles that had me going all shivery inside my coat. “What are you doing?”

  “Trying to find a ride. So, can you not eclipse my whole phone with your giant paw?”

  “After letting me bump up against you like that, you’re not even going to ask me for one?” Tone shook his head. I flicked a glance up and up and up to his curved lips, wishing my cheeks weren’t flushing and knowing they were anyway. “Are you gonna take responsibility for giving me a complex?”

  “You don’t know where I live.”

  Seriously, brain. That’s what we’re going with?

  “This isn’t a big town. I’m sure I can find it with some directions.” His voice dropped, teasing. “Unless you don’t want me to know. In which case, I’ll be honest and admit it only makes me want to find out.”

  “Did I say fungus, before? I meant superglue?”

  He pushed my hands down, thumb carefully stroking the skin over my knuckles. I did not need my heart reacting so wildly until I got my body back to where it needed to be. Something told me I could stand here and argue until I was blue in the face and an ambulance had to come before he budged on this.

  “Fine,” I said with a sigh. The flash of his smile lingered for a second longer than usual. “But if I get thrown from your bike, I’m coming back to haunt your butt.”

  “Haunt me whenever.” He pulled out his own phone and typed something rapid-fire before stashing it away again. Then he led me to the door and retrieved his leather jacket. “Let’s hit it.”

  The cold smacked me in the face the moment I stepped out the door, and I burrowed deeper into my coat. This outfit wasn’t made for these temperatures, or riding motorcycles, but it would have to do. My place wasn’t super far and I’d left the heat cranked.

  How Tone found his chrome and black monster so quickly among a row of similar beasts, I wasn’t sure. But he pulled a black, full-face helmet with a visor from someone else’s handlebars and handed it to me before straddling the engine.

  I stood there for a moment, taking him in.

  Even with how good he looked on his bike—wide shoulders spread, foot planted, body completely at ease—it remained hard to believe he was one of the Sinners I’d heard so much about.

  He seemed too put together.

  Too careful.

  Too easy-going.

  His voice hit that register that traveled between my thighs when he spoke, stroking me without touching me. “You can look at me like that all you want once you’re back inside. Hop on before you freeze.”

  I ducked my head, pulling on the helmet, and I didn’t straighten until it was secured and my smile was gone. He stopped me briefly before I swung a leg over, checking the straps and fit of the helmet and grunting when he found it suitable.

  “Use my shoulders,” he said, facing forward.

  My small hands easily found purchase on the scaffolding he provided. Despite my weight pressing against him while I hoisted myself up and over, he never so much as budged. My feet found their placement and I dropped my hands so they could wrap tight around his middle.

  His stomach flexed beneath the fabric when I locked my fingers together and I clung to him tighter, soaking up his strength. He wasn’t going to know the difference at any rate. Plus, I needed warmth. And not only was his body a great source, but pressed against so much muscle made me remember how he felt dancing against me.

  Made me wonder how he would feel doing the same things on my bed without anything to cover the thick, hard-

  “Ready?” he called back to me.

  I tapped my assent on his stomach, aware my voice would likely betray me. Then the bike rumbled to life, vibrating against the spot that was already damp and aching with desire.

  “What’s your address?”

  I rattled it off to him.

  Was that laughter making his body shake?

  I didn’t have a chance to wonder about it before we shot off into the night like a bullet.

  Keeping my eyes closed, I thought warm thoughts while the wind howled around us, leeching the feeling from my bare legs.

  Fireplace. Electric blanket. Sunlight.

  My mantra worked better than I hoped, because the next thing I knew we were slowing down and he was pulling into my driveway.

  I smiled at the sight of my brick, two-bedroom house, and satisfaction curled me into its familiar embrace. Still on the path.

  The neighbor’s houses on either side were dark and quiet. Nothing new there. Mrs. Bennett tended to turn in before six or seven most nights, and my other neighbor’s home had been silent since I first moved in. The yard and shrubs were well-maintained, so I didn’t think it was abandoned, but I was assuming the occupant was out of town.

  Climbing from the bike was like stepping onto a patch of black ice, mostly because my legs resembled jelly more than functional limbs.

  I might’ve gone down if not for Tone surging up from his seated position with ease to band his palm around my arm and keep me from falling.

  “Thank you,” I said, pulling the helmet off and passing it to him. He dropped it over his handlebars without looking, choosing to stare at me instead.

  “Anytime,” he promised.

  Without having any more distractions to rely on, he was back to being too much.

  Too handsome.

  Too charming.

  Too sexy for his own good.

  I wet my lips, staring at his, then I turned away before I did something stupid and shot up the steps to the front door. He stayed right on my heels, taking steps that were probably three of mine. When I reached the door and turned, he was right there.

  In my space.

  His scent in my nose.

  The feel of his body against mine firmly in mind.

  “Thanks for the ride.” Ugh. My voice gave away how bad I wanted to invite him in if nothing else did. And I was irrationally annoyed for a moment that he kept doing things I had to thank him for.

  The annoyance went away when he stepped closer, and my toes curled as anticipation swept through me.

  My gaze darted between his lips and nose and back again.





  I was going to be putty if I looked in his eyes.

  “Look at me,” he said roughly.

  God forgive me, but I did.

  From beneath my lashes, I looked up into chocolate eyes gone dark with the same need making my pulse flutter in
my throat.

  I wasn’t sure what to expect.

  Maybe he would grab me, kick the door down, and throw us inside.

  Maybe he would make me beg to let him in.

  His fists balled at either side, and I wondered if maybe he would simply walk away.

  I hated how much that possibility stung.

  But he did none of the above.

  Tone leaned over me so very, very slow.

  I tipped my head up, closing my eyes.

  Then his lips were on mine, a soft brush at first that made my body light up nonetheless. A groan spilled from him, bathing me in his desire, and I couldn’t help but suck the sound in on a gasp.

  His full bottom lip filled the space between mine, and the tentative brush became a firm press. Those huge hands found my hips again, backing me against the door, and the press became a demand.

  I held onto his arms, mouth opening for him.

  His tongue claimed my mouth on a decadent sweep that had me squirming.

  “Tone,” I whispered, not even knowing what I was asking for.

  He caught my neck, turning my head and slanting his lips across mine again, delving deeper.

  I knew I would never forget his taste. His passion. The way his oh so careful movements turned frantic right before he flung himself away and left me breathing hard, leaning against the door to stay upright.

  He stood a foot away, huge chest rising and falling, the pitch-black sky a perfect backdrop for the frenetic energy arcing from him to zap against my skin.

  “What was that?” I asked when I found my voice again, since he seemed to be trapped in some moment I hadn’t been invited to.

  And this man I had never seen do anything without reason.

  Without purpose.

  Without meaning to his actions.

  That same man looked at me with furrowed brows and dark, endless eyes, and said, “I’m not sure,” before turning on his heel and walking back down the short path to his bike.

  He climbed on top of it and sat there, staring at me. So I did the only thing that made sense at the time.

  I turned on my heel, went inside, and closed the door.

  The sound of his engine starting up accompanied the click of my heels being kicked onto the floor.

  My mind didn’t spin while I went about the routine of sterilizing my insulin pen and checking for air bubbles before dialing in the dosage. I was still in some sort of analysis paralysis when I felt the sharp prick of the needle piercing the skin near my stomach. I heard his engine still out there idling when I finished.


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