Tangled IN LIES (Book#3, IN YOU)

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Tangled IN LIES (Book#3, IN YOU) Page 14

by Cassandra Night

  “Go, they look tired.” He presses his lips to my forehead, and something loosens inside of me.

  “I’m sleepy, Mommy.”

  I decide to leave them, hoping Mark will handle Darren since I need to talk to Leif.

  The strained silence between us makes my stomach coil with nerves as we both help the kids brush their teeth and then get them into pajamas. I wonder why Leif is so disapproving of the man I brought home. Is it because he knows Mark is my boss or he just hates my choice? He For past two years, he and Aisha waited for me to find someone and even tried to hook me up with a few friends of his, so I won’t be this lonely. And yet, since I brought Mark home, Leif’s acting strange.

  My brother-in-law’s a man who never spared me of his cunning wisdom in the past. I can count on the fact he’ll tell me what he thinks. I just wonder if I’ll like what he has to say.

  While I read the book for my kids, Leif sits on the floor opposite me, leaning his back against Liane’s bed. His unruly hair grazes his cheeks as he studies me. His sharp gaze is tight with rare seriousness. What’s going on?

  When I finish reading, we both kiss them good night and leave their room.

  “Good night, Mommy. Good night, Dad,” they both utter and my chest squeezes in pain, knowing they don’t have a father and Leif needs to take care of his own baby daughter.

  Sensing Leif needs to unload whatever is on his chest, I don’t rush to go downstairs. “What do you think?” I ask when we leave their bedroom. He grabs my arm and tugs me after him to my bedroom.

  “Why him?” he asks, towering over me with his over six feet frame while I gape at him.

  “What do you mean, why him?” I jerk back my arm from his, offended he disapproves of my choice.

  “He’s your boss,” he clips like I am an idiot.

  “I’m aware of it,” I reply, annoyed.

  “For God’s sake, Cassandra. Leave him. Mark Lawson isn’t right for you.”

  “You know him?” My chest tightens, and I ball my hands at my sides.

  “Does it matter? He’ll break your heart,” he simply states, raking his hair and then rubbing his face like he can’t figure out what to do with me.

  “So, he isn’t good enough for me to fuck?” My chest burst with anger and bitter disappointment as I pace around my bedroom. “It’s not like for the past year, your parents paraded me in front of wealthy suitors for exactly the same reason. Or you tried to hook me up with your biker friends, tried to push me into their beds.” He opens his mouth to protest, but I shut him up. “He’s a handsome, wealthy, and successful man, not some dirty biker.” His gaze flattens at that statement. “Your family should approve of my bedmate, but they don’t want me happy, do they?”

  “Cassandra . . .”

  “You know”—I chuckle, sarcasm dripping from every aching syllable I utter— “I think he is perfect to fuck your brother out of my brain.”

  Leif sucks in a bolstering breath as I spit the words at him like knives, needing him to suffer. Livid that his family makes me feel this cheap and insignificant, outraged he thinks I can’t make my own decisions.

  “Isn’t that what you wanted, Leif, for me to get some?” My nostrils flare as the pain nips the back of my throat.

  “Cassandra, that’s not what I said,” he starts.

  “No, you don’t have to. Your father tries to control my every move and bully me into whatever he wants like I’m his doll on the strings. Your mother treats me like I’m dirt on her shoe. And you like a hooker.”

  He seizes my arms, bringing me closer to him, digging his pale green eyes into my apprehensive ones. “You’re my sister. I’ve never treated you like a hooker. I was there for you and for your babies after my brother died because you’re my best friend and I love you. We’re family, and I want you happy, but Mark Lawson is going to hurt you,” he speaks, emphasizing every word.

  “You don’t know that,” I rasp as my throat blocks with the fear of loss ingrained in my very being. Leif’s mother’s spiteful words echo my own thoughts. “Every man who’ll come to save you will fall for you and die.”

  Leif lets go of my hand to brush away my hair sticking to my wet face. He kisses my forehead. “I know you’re lonely. I know your soul has been broken, and you’re suffering from all the devastation. I know your nightmares, kitten. I know how powerful those fears are, but Mark isn’t right for you.”

  “Life’s a gamble, Leif. Mark could be the best thing that happens to me, or it could be the worst. But at least, Mark makes me excited and feel like I’m more than my scars. When I’m with him, I feel like a woman full of life and fire. He treats me like I’m worthy. Do you know how rare it is for me to feel this way?”

  His face twists with sadness, and I know he understands; depression is a hard beast to conquer, but so is pain and loss. Sometimes you win, and sometimes it drags you into the bottomless ocean of sadness and tries to kill you. The only thing you can do is to learn to swim in the sea of sorrow and hope you’ll find the way from the darkness.

  “I feel like I’m dead on the inside, Leif. I hate being alone with that hollow pain, destroying me. Sometimes it’s so powerful it feels like it could consume me.”

  He draws me in his embrace, holding my shaking frame.

  “Is it wrong for me to want someone to fill my empty soul and hold me at night?”

  “No, it isn’t,” he breathes, stroking my back. And I wind my hands around his torso, resting my head on his chest. I breathe in the familiar leather and motor oil scent clinging to his clothes.

  “So, let me have this fleeting moment of happiness.”

  His warm lips press into my hair, and his head rests on top of mine.

  “You deserve much more than a fleeting moment,” he gently whispers.

  I squeeze him, appreciating his kindness regardless of how the rest of his family treats me. He and Lucas are my rocks. Without them, I don’t know if I would’ve made it. They helped me to establish my strength, heal my wounds, and cope with my demons.

  We part and I walk into the bathroom to clean up my face as he leans against the doorframe, watching me in silence. “What do you know about him?”

  I splash my face with cold water. Grabbing a towel from the rack, I ponder his question. “He’s an orphan, escaped his foster parents, and lived for a few years on the streets until his relatives found him. They probably provided him with education, and somehow, he built a successful business years later.” After I dry my face, I grab a paper towel to clean up the countertop. I watch Leif in the mirror, deliberating something. “We just started dating, so I know the very basics. Why do you ask?”

  Leif never bothers with such details; he isn’t obsessed with the breed as his parents are.

  “Do you know anything about his family?”

  I shake my head, still mulling over his sudden interest.

  “Why?” I straighten up, remembering them whispering earlier. “Do you know them?”

  He crosses his hands over his gray Harley Davidson T-shirt as his gaze flattens and becomes an unreadable wall, sending a cold shiver down my spine.

  “You should go, my father and Mark shouldn’t be left alone,” he utters, raising alarm bells in my belly.

  Slipping past him, I bound downstairs, afraid whatever Darren’s telling Mark might ruin us. But as I reach the living room, Darren strolls out through the door without a single goodbye. My pulse throbs loud in my temples as I slowly approach Mark.

  “Is everything okay?”

  He grabs my waist and draws me to him, resting his forehead against mine.

  “It is. Darren isn’t happy, but he can’t forbid us from seeing each other.” His whiskey eyes shine at me like two ambers while my intuition bombards me with warnings.

  My father-in-law made it clear that my decision to work at Fading Ink is hurting their business image. Darren Cade’s going to do everything to stop me, even if it means he’ll have to crush my heart in the process. After Logan’s death, thei
r hearts turned to stone, love to poison. They no longer harbor any tender feelings toward me or even remorse for that matter. Leif and Lucas are the only ones standing in their way. If they remove them, I’ll be exposed to whatever they feel I deserve to get.

  Exhaustion settles over my shoulders, thinking about everything that could go wrong. The scandal about me dating my boss could destroy a lot more than just my name. But as I breathe in his musky scent, wrapped in his arms, I feel like home, and no matter how many alarm bells are ringing in my mind, I can’t let go of him. Mark makes me feel like I have a reason to live again.


  Stolen Moments


  I toss and turn in bed, my body burning with the desire Mark awakened. I miss him, his daring, sensual nature and ability to burn through my anxiety. I shift in bed, throbbing with the need to taste his sexy groans, his lithe body claiming me, inch by inch. But mostly, I need someone to hold me when darkness is too powerful to battle on my own. I want a man who isn’t afraid of my complicated family and can stand in the storms together as a team.

  My head snaps toward the rumbling sound coming from downstairs. It’s my phone vibrating on the kitchen island like a drill piercing the concrete. Dammit, it will wake up the whole household if I don’t get it soon. Untangling myself from under my daughter softly snoring next to me, I tiptoe downstairs, trying not to make a sound and wake up others.

  I don’t turn on the lights, so I would have a few moments to myself. After I started dating Mark, my kids became protective of me as if sensing something is changing. And to add to the stress, their grandparents don’t approve of my choice either.

  Using the walls to guide me, I descend the stairs to the living room area connected by the spacious entrance. A sharp pain shoots down my foot when I step on the Lego piece tossed by my son in a fit of anger.

  Ouch, dammit, I thought I gathered them all! My eyes water as I breathe through the pain, rubbing the aching spot, feeling angry at my son.

  “We’ll have to talk about your tantrums, baby,” I whisper under my breath and stand to grab the discarded piece from the floor.

  The trembling on the marble surface vibrates through the entire house. Dashing toward it, I grab it from the island and snap at the caller, “What?”

  “I love it when you give me so much love, Lovebird, I really do. But a sweet hello would have worked better.” His voice pleasantly rumbles in my ear, sending delicious shivers down my spine. He doesn’t sound offended but slightly amused.

  Still feeling the ache, I close my eyes and calm down my erratic heart so I won’t feel like I just ran a marathon. “Hi,” I whisper, “how was your meeting?”

  My chest vibrates from the husky undertone rattling deep in his throat. “They signed up with us, so I thought I’d give you a ring and see what my Lovebird is up to.”

  I curse myself for being an idiot.

  “I’m sorry. I just had a war with my kids, and their grandparents are staying over. They’re challenging to deal with.” I shut my eyes, feeling drained, thinking about all the family drama I had to juggle lately.

  “What happened?” His tone sounds rich with protectiveness.

  We decided to take it slow, getting to know each other while working in close vicinity. But it isn’t easy to get a moment to ourselves. Mark’s frequent trips, and my in-laws visiting for the past two weeks are hampering our dating life.

  “True life pleasures must be savored,” he whispered to me before he left on another business trip.

  My pulse skyrockets as I remember his magical mouth on my center. The thrill of being caught. The kiss in the thunderstorm that set me ablaze. And I want more.

  “They’re not happy we’re dating, Mark.” I shake off my lustful thoughts, trying to stay in the moment instead of being dragged into my mind. “They demanded that I leave my job and cease my relationship with you.”

  “Did they?” His deep tone rattles threateningly in my ear. “Is there an or attached to that threat?”

  “Probably.” They’re in charge of my inheritance and could reduce the monthly payment, which is way too big anyway. “I don’t get much time for myself, either.”

  “Why?” he asks as I chew my lips, debating whether to tell him the truth.

  He seems affronted by their behavior toward me. I don’t want him to get involved in my family dramas just yet. Our relationship is way too fresh to be weighed down with my issues.

  “They’re organizing the party for my sister’s little princess.” I grimace, not even believing myself in this explanation. It’s bizarre. Helen and Darren never stayed with us more than a day. They always find a posh hotel or cottage to live in. They even own a mansion outside London.

  My eyebrows furrow in annoyance, thinking about the arguments and taxing conversation about what I’m supposed to do or how to act. Aisha’s also getting some heat from the family’s matriarch for leaving her daughter with Leif and going back to work. But my fierce sister doesn’t put up with their bullshit like I do. Aisha doesn’t have an ocean of guilt drowning her, either.

  “Hang in there,” he pleads as if I might decide to end us before we have a chance to start.

  I crave for him to come back and hold me while the restless sea churning inside of me calms down, and I’ll be able to suck in the fresh air.

  “I will,” I promise.

  “How are your kids?” His voice softens, and I can feel the smile in his intimate tone, wrapping around me like a comforting blanket. I walk to the couch next to the fireplace and snuggle under the soft covers, enjoying the cozy darkness, illuminated by the dim light coming through the windows.

  “Leon’s angry with me and acts aggressively. Liane’s clingy and needy. I guess after I started seeing you, they’re acting up a bit.” I exhale my frustration, happy to be able to speak about this with him.

  “They just need some love and attention to settle down.” They do. My kids are reacting to a toxic environment the only way they know how. “He and Liane lost their dad. Perhaps they’re afraid they might lose you too.”

  “I thought the change might do us some good.” But not everyone is happy with my decisions. “Where are you? It sounds like you’re in the car. Are you driving?”

  My gaze finds the clock on the wall to check the time. It’s one o’clock in the morning. Everyone is asleep. What are you up to, Mark?

  “I am,” he breathes in my ear as a radio, quietly playing in the background, drifts to me. But before I can speak, the living room illuminates as someone’s car pulls up in my driveway.

  My heart palpitates faster, and my tummy flutters with excitement. “Mark.” I stagger closer to the window. “Where are you?” But my face lights up as I recognize the car parking next to mine.

  His chiseled form moves like a predator toward the entry, all smooth muscles and lithe strength.

  “Open the door, Lovebird.” His throaty demand sends delicious shivers cascading down my spine. He is here!

  Joy explodes in my chest as I dash to the door to meet him.

  Breathless, I fumble with the chain and then unlock the door, wrenching it wide-open. Mark’s longish hair falls into his whiskey eyes, smoldering like caramel on the stove. My breasts feel heavy, and my nipples tighten at the way he’s undressing me with his gaze alone. My chest struggles to draw enough oxygen, and my fingers itch to touch him.

  “Hi,” I choke a greeting. “Want to come in?”

  Mark moves with intent and winds his hands around my waist, lifting me off my feet until I wrap them around his torso. “Hi. Just wanted to say a quick hello in person,” he whispers close to my lips as I melt into him, feeling every delicious ridge of his chest.

  The haze of lust settles over me like a mist.

  “I missed you, Lovebird,” he rumbles softly, and my nipples tighten, needing to feel his mouth on me before I combust. “Needed to see you before Monday and kiss those lips I craved to possess all week.”

  “Then stop using
your mouth for talking.” I brush my lips against his. “And more of this.” I slip my tongue past his lips, getting high on his unique taste.

  I ache for his sensual touch just like in the office two weeks ago when I surrendered to him.

  “Hold on.” We move from the entrance, but it feels like we float, surrounded by each other. Mark sets me down on the floor, and I sway from a need gripping me so hard, I can barely breathe without him.

  He grabs the edge of my top, almost ripping it off my body. My naked breasts spill free, but I cross my arms to hide my imperfections. Suddenly too aware of every cut and injury adorning my body. My cheeks flame as the reality penetrates the haze of lust.

  “Don’t,” he demands, “don’t hide them from me.”

  Mark uncrosses my hands. “Fuck, you look wild and beautiful when aroused. It’s hard to breathe or think whenever I see you. Don’t let yourself think that these scars will stop me from wanting you.”

  He doesn’t care.

  My chest fills up with warmth and my breasts tighten as his dark gaze locks on their tips. I can’t believe he finds me desirable even with my ruined skin.

  “I want to taste every inch of you, every scar like a braille code meant for the blind man to read. When I’m done, there will be no spot I haven’t touched or mark I haven’t kissed. All of you will be mine.”

  He lifts me up on the kitchen island, pressing his hard length into my groin. My eyes roll in my head as sharp pleasure fires down my center.

  “I want to get high on your sexy moans and your unique taste. I crave to show you how to let go of your fears and worries, sweetheart, fill you with something new,” he sexily whispers, nibbling my earlobe and stroking my sensitive nipples into hard peaks.

  “Take off your shirt,” I beg, needing to feel his bare skin against mine and soak up his heat into my cold and starved soul.

  Mark discards his T-shirt on the floor, letting me take him in. His naked torso is a work of art and masculine power, radiating off him in waves. My hungry gaze roams his exposed scars, wondering about the story behind it. And beautiful tattoos, illuminated by the soft light coming from the windows. The defined chest carved with an eight-pack and sexy V, pointing to his hard cock covered by the washed-out jeans he’s wearing low on his hips. He stands so proud even with marks of his past etched on his skin.


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