Together Box Set

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Together Box Set Page 3

by Drew Hunt

“Get that bloody mangy mutt away from me,” Bob snarled.

  “Toby, here, boy,” Martin said. Toby immediately obeyed, but Martin could tell he kept a wary eye on Bob. “Come on, we’re going home now.”

  Martin’s world was beginning to crash around him. Fortunately he was standing on the footpath that cut across the field. He knew if he remained on the path, it would take him back to the pavement. As he walked briskly back home, his cane swinging ahead of him, the wonderful feelings of sharing the holiday celebrations with a kind friend were now totally ruined. Someone who he’d hoped would have been a good friend to him now knew his deepest, darkest secret. As he walked, Martin battled to remain in control of his emotions. He didn’t want to break down in the middle of the street.

  Unlocking the back door, Martin stepped inside and faced Colin, who had remained silent on the walk home.

  “Colin, I’m sorry, so sorry. I just wanted to spend the holiday with someone; I didn’t want to be alone. I’m sorry that you had to find out about me that way, I’m sorry if you think that I’ve deceived you or used you. I just didn’t want to be alone again at Christmas.” Martin was openly weeping as he took off his coat. “God knows why I came out to Bob all those years ago. It’s not as if someone with a face like mine could ever have the chance of finding a man.” Martin hung up his coat. “Look, you might as well go home now. I’m sorry for ruining your Christmas.”

  * * * *

  Colin was horrified and very angry. How could, how dare anyone, least of all someone Martin was related to, come out with such hatred! Martin was the sweetest, kindest, most honest, gentle and loving person Colin had ever had the good fortune to encounter.

  Colin had been torn as to whether he should pursue Bob to remonstrate with him, or make sure Martin got home safely. Out of his concern for Martin’s wellbeing, Colin had chosen the latter course. His silence had also been due to the fact that he was making a decision, one which, given the failure of his previous relationship, wasn’t an easy one to make.

  Standing in the hallway of Martin’s house, seeing his friend so emotionally shattered, a total change from the happy and smiling man he’d been only a few minutes earlier, Colin knew what he had to do. He wrapped his arms around the now visibly shaking man. Colin brought his lips to meet Martin’s. Treating him to a gentle kiss, he said, “Hush, love, hush.”

  Martin jumped in surprise, but at least he stopped crying.

  “Martin, let’s go into your front room. There’s something I need to tell you.”

  * * * *

  “Yoo-hoo, Martin, I’m home!”

  “Did you get everything?” Martin managed to ask before Colin engulfed him in his arms and plunged his tongue into his willing mouth. The two were about to celebrate their third anniversary.

  After Colin had told a totally disbelieving Martin that he, a pock-marked freak, was very much loved, it took him quite some time to believe that all his dreams had finally come true. Martin had persuaded Colin to take things easy in the beginning, believing that once the dust had settled, Colin would wake up to the realisation that he would prefer to have someone in his life who was more able-bodied and less of a burden to him. Martin’s love for Colin was so great, he couldn’t face the prospect of having his lover feel as though he were trapped. Although Colin had vehemently disagreed with Martin’s assertions, he had reluctantly agreed to take things steady. The pair had decided to go out on a series of dates to test their relationship. The two had taken long walks in the moonlight, visited the theatre, eaten out in restaurants, made trips out into the countryside, gone dancing at a gay-friendly club, as well as spending many evenings at home snuggled up together on the sofa.

  After a month of courtship, Colin had finally had enough. He told Martin that he, Colin Rodgers, was totally and completely in love with Martin Kellam, and he was moving in that night and there wasn’t a bloody thing Martin could do to stop him.”

  Colin slowly removed his lips from those of his lover. “Jesus, you wouldn’t believe how many groceries I’ve delivered today, I’ve heard of stocking up for Christmas, but some people just go too far.”

  “You didn’t get us any sprouts did you?”

  Colin chuckled. “No, babe, I didn’t get us any sprouts.”


  Rough Road to Happiness


  “Please, lift me up,” the child asked, looking pleadingly at the two adults as he held the brass angel tightly in his small hands.

  The men smiled at one another; this was the first Christmas of which their boy was really aware.

  Lifting the precious boy aloft, both men held him as he reached out and reverently placed the ornament in its rightful place at the top of their Christmas tree.

  Once the child had been lowered to the carpet, all three gazed at the decorated tree, with its twinkling white lights, gold and silver tinsel streamers and wide variety of ornaments. The adults reached for and took the other’s hand, silently celebrating their success at negotiating the many problems that had prevented them from enjoying the happiness they now celebrated.

  Chapter 1

  The heavy storm clouds closed in. Flashes of lightning ignited the sky, giving brief glimpses of the northern Californian landscape.

  Through the pouring rain the brightly lit Vacancies sign beckoned. Pulling into the motel’s parking lot, David switched off the engine and prepared himself to face the short but wet dash to the motel’s entrance. He still had a long way to go. He was tired and felt an urge just to put his head down, rest and block out the world for a while.

  Waiting in line to check in, he couldn’t help but be captivated by the rear view of the studly African-American who stood in front of him decked out in his olive green fatigues. David realized he’d described the man as studly, even though he hadn’t yet been treated to a view of his face. He knew it was his uniform fetish coming to the fore.

  As he waited in line, the teacher kept taking long admiring and hungry looks at the well-formed broad shoulders that tapered down to a narrow waist. His gaze locked on the man’s glorious muscular ass. David was held captive by the view of the fearless defender of life and the American dream. He’d always been one for poetic flights of fancy. It was often his only escape from his otherwise hum-drum, boring existence.

  “You’re in luck, sir,” The female check-in clerk said. “This is our last free room.”

  The movement in the Marine’s uniform as he reached for the offered key caused ripples in the damp green material. Never had David been so jealous of a piece of fabric.

  The woman’s words finally penetrated his brain. “Damn,” David said under his breath. He’d have to try and find another motel.

  The Marine turned to face the teacher, who averted his gaze from the green clad goodies, but not before the defender of liberty had seen what David had been staring at. From the raised eyebrow of the Marine, David knew he’d been caught.

  “I’m willing to share if you’re interested?”

  The question, with its clear double meaning, caused the bulge in David’s pants to increase.

  “Uh, sure, thanks,” David managed to stammer out.

  Being a gentleman, the Marine picked up David’s small overnight case and carried it out of the reception room, David eagerly following behind.

  And what a behind, he thought.

  * * * *

  “Here we are.” The voice sounded like melted chocolate as its owner stopped outside a room door and unlocked it.

  Snapping on the lights, the Marine walked into the room, gesturing to David to follow. The room appeared basic but clean. However, décor wasn’t very high up on David’s attention list.

  “You better get out of that suit before you catch a chill.”

  David, unable to process recent events, just stood in the open doorway.

  “Hey, guy?” The Marine approached David and touched his shoulder.

  “Huh?” David looked up at the warm, inviting smile of his room-mate
and would-be benefactor.

  The man’s open face with its widely-spaced, dancing brown eyes…David felt the room beginning to tilt.

  “Whoa, I got ya.” A pair of strong arms caught hold of David and righted him.

  He felt out of it, dizzy, disconnected from reality. What was he doing here? He’d never picked up a man before, or rather let a man pick him up.

  Leading him to the bed, the Marine motioned the older man to sit, before walking back to the door and closing it. The sense of finality in the gesture wasn’t lost on David, but strangely it felt more of a comfort than anything to be feared.

  “You okay?” The Marine eyed David with a critical, but caring expression.

  “Think so.”

  In truth, David was way out of his depth. He wasn’t unaware of the risk he was taking, but his sense of unreality, of numb acceptance, prevented him from exhibiting his usual cautionary flight responses.

  “Gee, guy, you don’t say much, do ya?”


  The Marine shook his head. “Best give you a hand undressing, don’t want you catching pneumonia,” he said, loosening David’s tie.

  “Thanks, I can—”

  “It’s all right, I got it. You just sit there.”

  The guy’s take-charge attitude was comforting. It had been a long time since anyone had bothered to care. A bit over five years, in fact, since Paul had left, trading David in for a younger model.

  The Marine’s nimble fingers were now opening David’s dress shirt. The teacher leaned forward, trying to get more contact. Being touched, even like this, was heavenly.

  “Like that, huh?” The deep voice caused something within David to resonate.

  “Uh, yeah.”

  “Arms out.”

  David meekly complied, allowing the Marine to pull off his jacket and shirt all in one move. The warm air of the room felt great on David’s damp skin.

  Kneeling, the Marine unlaced David’s shoes. Looking up, with his brown eyes holding such tenderness, the Marine said, “I need for you to stand, so I can get these wet pants off you.”

  David slowly, as if he were in a trance, got to his feet. No one, not since his mom, many years ago, had undressed him. But rather than feeling strange, it felt wonderful to be taken care of.

  “The bathroom’s through here,” the Marine said, pointing to a door at the rear of the room. “Will you be okay to shower, or do you think you’ll need help?”

  “Help,” David said softly.

  “Do you always talk this much?” the Marine smiled kindly.

  “Sorry, I—” David didn’t know what to say.

  “It’s okay, guy. I like the strong, silent type.”

  David didn’t feel strong. He accepted the hand the Marine offered to help him rise from the bed.

  “First things first. I make it a rule never to shower with anyone who’s name I don’t know. I’m Bud.” The hand, which he’d never released, shook David’s.

  “Um, David, David Grover.”

  “Well, Um David David Grover, pleased to meet you. Say, David David, so good they named you twice, eh?”

  David gave him a confused look.

  “Never mind. My last name’s Williams, by the way. Master-Sergeant Bud Williams at your service. Well, of course, my momma didn’t name me Bud.” A shadow flickered briefly across Bud’s face. “My real name’s Francis, but everyone calls me Bud.”

  “Oh.” David realized he sounded stupid, but couldn’t think of anything else to say to the confident and outgoing man who held his hand.

  Much to David’s shock, delight, amazement, once Bud got the two of them into the bathroom, he stripped off his fatigues, carefully hung them up, turned to face David and asked, “What’s the matter?”

  “I…you, you’re—” David couldn’t believe the monster that hung between Bud’s legs. It was, well it was at least seven inches, and still flaccid.

  “It’s just Lil Bud.”

  “Nothing little about him,” David said.

  “Hey, so you can string a sentence together. I knew you could.”


  “Well, it was good while it lasted. Come on, David, my friend, let’s check out the plumbing.”

  So saying, Bud turned his back on David, denying him the view of his magnificent manhood, but the naked rear view with all those Marine-trained muscles was almost as good. David felt his knees growing weak again.

  The water pressure was good, the warmth seemed to awaken something within David, making him more aware of where he was, and more importantly, who he was with. Squeezing out a generous quantity of gel from the dispenser, David began to caress the wide expanse of Bud’s body. The hard muscles were a delight to touch. So smooth, silk overlaying iron, David thought as he marveled at the wide shoulders.

  “Like that, huh?” Bud’s deep voice seemed to fill the small bathroom.

  “Oh, sorry.” David lifted his hands from Bud’s skin.

  Bud turned. “It’s fine, I was enjoying what you were doing.”

  David smiled as he began to lightly massage the Marine’s hard flat chest with its generous pelt of fur. “It’s so soft and silky. I thought it might be hard, coarse—” David realized he was speaking his thoughts aloud. He dipped his head to hide his embarrassment.

  A brown finger tilted his chin upward. “Thank you, David. I thought maybe you’d be put off with all the hair.”

  “No, it’s great, comforting, I—”

  David felt his face heat up. Why was he being so honest about his emotions with this man? Opening himself up like this was dangerous. He’d spent the past several years building a protective wall around his heart.

  Bud leaned down to kiss David on the cheek. “I’m going to wash you now, okay?”

  David simply nodded before leaning into the strong man’s gentle caresses. A battle raged within. Part of him wanted to give in to this Adonis, offer up his body in worship, but another part screamed a warning that he’d only just met the Marine and he must tread carefully.

  “I think you’ll do,” Bud said, lifting David out of the tub, much to the older man’s surprise.

  David stood compliant as Bud rubbed a soft towel over his body, drying him with all the care that a mother would show to her child.

  David then insisted on drying Bud, reveling in the man’s chocolate-coated, bulging muscles. He’d always been something of a chocoholic, now he had a living, breathing candy bar standing in front of him. Suddenly he wanted to taste it, but was too nervous to ask.

  “I think that bit’s dry now,” Bud said, making David realize he’d been rubbing Bud’s chest for several seconds.

  “Sorry,” David said, lowering his head.

  “Hey.” Bud lifted David’s chin. “I think it’s great you want to do stuff like that for me, makes me feel all special.”

  “You are special,” David said with conviction, making Bud smile.

  “So are you.” Bud kissed David on the cheek again.

  Holding out a robe, Bud helped David into it. After putting on a robe himself, Bud took David’s hand and led him back into the room.

  “Don’t know about you, but I could eat a horse. It’s been hours since chow.”

  David realized then that he too was hungry, but he didn’t relish the thought of having to get dressed and leave the warmth and security of the room. Bud seemed to sense David’s thoughts.

  “The diner across the street delivers. What do you say to us ordering in?”

  David’s wide smile was all the answer Bud needed.

  “What d’ ya want, stud?”

  David couldn’t help himself. He fixed his gaze on Bud’s flaccid penis, which twitched at the attention being paid to it.

  “How about us saving Lil Bud for dessert?”

  “Sorry, I—”

  “Will you quit apologizing?” Bud sounded slightly annoyed, his tone causing David to shrink from him. “Shit, guy, I’m sorry,” Bud said, going to David and resting a hand on the
older man’s shoulder. “I keep forgetting you’re not in the Corps, where we speak our minds and don’t sugarcoat anything.”


  “Hey, you’ve nothing to be sorry about. Now back to food. They do a pretty mean steak over at the diner, and you look as though you could use a decent meal inside you.”

  “Thanks, steak would be good.”

  “Great. You want fries and all the fixings?”

  “Yeah, thanks. But I’m not a big eater, so just a small steak will do for me.”

  “No problem. You want it rare?”

  “Um.” David wasn’t used to eating steak. “What about medium?”

  “Medium it is.”

  Bud picked up the phone and dialed a number from memory. He made quick work of ordering, before replacing the handset. “They said it’d be about half an hour. Want to watch some TV in the meantime?”

  “Yeah, why not?” David just wanted to be close to Bud, he didn’t care what they did.

  * * * *

  It only seemed a few minutes had elapsed before someone knocked on the door. David had started watching TV sitting in the room’s only armchair, while Bud had draped himself on the bed. This changed to David lying at the far side of the bed when Bud told him it was more comfortable, and he’d see more of the TV if he also moved to the bed. Finally, after some coaxing, David steadily inched his way toward Bud, who had wrapped his big, strong arms around David, allowing the older man to feel safe for the first time in many years.

  “Shit, just when I’d got comfortable,” Bud said, getting up to answer the door.

  “Your robe!” David said, noticing that the waistband to Bud’s robe was undone, showing Bud in all his naked magnificence.

  “Oh, yeah.” Bud tied the cord before reaching for his wallet and then the door handle.

  “Please, you must let me pay my share,” David said, getting up and searching for his pants.

  “No way, José, this is on me.”

  After paying the delivery boy, Bud brought the food into the room and began to set it out on the small desk.

  The meal was great, though David knew this was mainly because of the company in which it was eaten. Slowly as they ate, Bud was able to draw David out from his shell. By the end of the meal, he was conversing freely. Bud said little about his own situation.


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