Book Read Free

Making Time

Page 11

by C. J. Harte

  “How about if we just walk for right now? I need the exercise. I’ve been sitting too long this morning.”

  “Your job, then, must not be a desk job. You’ve not really told me exactly what you do.”

  “You’ve never exactly asked.”

  “Touché. What exactly do you do?” Teri smiled. Mia is a worthy opponent. No, she’s not an opponent, but I’m not sure what she is.

  “I work for the Department of State as part of their Education and Cultural Affairs office.”

  “Does that require you to have cultural affairs, or will any kind of affair do?”

  “Ah, the sense of humor is still there. It’s just the name of the office.”

  “Okay, then, what exactly do you do?”

  Mia explained about the artist exchange programs and the variety of scholarship programs her agency managed. “It’s hard to describe the many functions of our agency in twenty-five words or less. I really do a lot of paper pushing and call answering.”

  “But you love what you do?”

  “I do. It provides me the opportunity to meet lots of interesting people and spend time with artists. I’m amazed at the talent, not only in the bigger cities but the outlying villages and small towns. And the college students coming to study are incredible. I feel optimistic about our future.” Mia stopped. “I’m sorry. I’m monopolizing the conversation. How about you? You’ve had quite a meteoric rise in Stanton Industries. You must be one of the youngest chief operating officers.”

  “Sometimes I don’t feel that young. I think it was always expected that I would succeed my father and that Jeremy would become C.O.O when I moved up after my father retired.”

  “You don’t sound like you’re that happy.”

  “Happiness has nothing to do with the job. It’s doing what’s expected. I’m the third generation to lead this company. I’ve tripled its value in the last ten years. We are now on four continents and have developed a vertical integration for many of our products. We are currently negotiating to merge with a company that will greatly expand our base.”

  “The Miltons?”

  “Yes, how did you know?”

  “It’s an easy guess. The last-minute dinner and party could only be for someone or something really important. Interesting family.” Mia barely suppressed a grin.

  Teri briefly wondered if Pamela Milton was the cause of that last remark. “That’s part of the reason I’ve been so preoccupied. It’s the first time in years that I’ve been away from the office with these big negotiations going on.”

  “Do you miss being in the middle of the fight?”

  Teri stopped walking. Two days ago, she wouldn’t have hesitated. Now she was parsing her answer.

  “I enjoy the negotiations, especially with a company like Milton’s. Great company; not well run but with strong family control.” Teri resumed walking.

  “Like yours?”

  “Not quite. We’re both privately held companies, but I have several top executives I can rely on. My grandfather set the business up that way so that we always have some outside input.”

  “What if someone recognizes there is a problem but isn’t sure how to resolve the problem or not sure how you’ll react to the problem?” Teri’s pace sped up. “Can you slow down just a little?”

  Teri abruptly stopped. “If an executive at that level doesn’t have the balls to tell me there’s a problem or discuss possible solutions, then he or she should be fired.”

  “That’s a little drastic.”

  Teri glared at Mia. “No, it’s business.” Teri started walking rapidly away. She didn’t know how far she had walked, but Teri realized that once again she had been unfair to Mia. She turned to apologize and realized Mia was not anyplace near.

  “That woman is exasperating.” She marched back up the riverbank until she found Mia lying on the ground.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Clouds are fascinating. When we see images in the clouds, most of the time, it’s our imagination at play. If you watch them long enough, they change shapes and then different images appear and disappear.”

  “Now, you’re a meteorologist?”

  Mia sat up. “Actually, the study of clouds is called nephology. It’s a branch of meteorology.”

  Teri stared. “Where the hell do you get all this information?”

  “I’m interested in many things. A product of my liberal arts education.”

  A snort was Teri’s only response.

  “Shall we have lunch? I’m getting hungry.” Mia bit her lip. She grabbed the basket and opened it.

  “Now you sound like my brother.”

  “He does have a great appetite.”

  Teri briefly regretted mentioning Jeremy. Mia’s enthusiasm for eating, however, quickly buried that thought. “You must be hungry. You’re gulping down the sandwiches.”

  “Sorry. I am hungry. It’s been so long since breakfast.” Mia put her sandwich down. “Teri, I apologize for leaving this morning without saying good-bye.”

  The apology startled Teri. She was not accustomed to having anyone apologize—a person was fired as soon as the indiscretion was uncovered, and no time was given for an apology. Teri never apologized. She was a Stanton.


  “Okay? Does that mean apology accepted?”

  “Just okay. I assume you’ll let me know in the future.” Teri didn’t want to admit she was briefly frightened when she found Mia missing. She lightly touched the side of Mia’s cheek. “Please don’t disappear again.” It was a plea.

  Her cell phone ringing prompted Teri to jump up and pull the phone out of her pocket. She looked at the number. “I need to get this.” She walked a few feet away and answered. She listened for a few seconds. “I don’t want to hear that. I need the data analysis today.” She paused. “What? Shit! When are they arriving? No, send the jet. I’ll let you know when we arrive.” She hung the phone up and sat back down. She had an inspiration.

  “Mia, something has come up, and I need to get back.’

  “I’ll clean up here and you go on.” Mia started putting food and containers back into the cooler backpacks.

  Teri stopped Mia’s hand. “I want you to come back with me.” Mia’s eyes were wide with surprise. “I’ve got a French government official requesting a meeting, and I need an interpreter. That’s not the main reason, though.”

  Mia continued packing. Her shaking hands betrayed her inner turmoil. Teri hoped it was a good sign.

  “You must have other people you can use as an interpreter. Surely, someone in your office will do.” She quickly had everything packed up.

  Teri grabbed Mia’s hands. “First, we don’t have interpreters on call. We have some people we occasionally use, but they need at least forty-eight hours’ notice. I need someone on call for the next one to three days. Second, and most important, this visitor is coming to talk about some work we’re doing for the government, and this requires delicate and accurate interpretation and it’s very confidential. I need someone I can trust. I trust you.” As she spoke the words, Teri knew it was true. “Third, your French comes highly recommended, and I’m sure you will keep everything confidential.”

  Mia tried to pull her hands away. They were beginning to tremble. Teri held tightly, however.

  “Teri, I’m honored, but there must be someone you can depend on. You hardly know me. And I think I would be one of the last people you would ask.”

  “I don’t know why you say that. I do know you, Mia, and I trust you. You’re willing to tell me the truth, whether or not I want to hear it, and you’re not afraid of the consequences.” Teri stood and put out her hand to help Mia up. “Please.” Damn it. Just agree. Teri was becoming as obsessed with acquiring Mia as she was with Milton Enterprises.

  Mia took Teri’s hand and stood. She brushed off her pants. “What exactly do you want me to do?”

  “First, I’d like you to help me host this official and his wife. Second, serve as their in
terpreter while they are my guests. Most of all, I want you to be my friend and confidante. I’d like to have you by my side and then I know things will work out.”

  “Do you always have lists of things?”

  Teri laughed. “Not usually. I feel like I have to in order to make sure I’m understood.”

  “You should laugh more often. You’re very attractive when you do.”

  Teri didn’t know what to say. She carried the backpacks up to the house while they talked. The housekeeper had also commented on her smiling more often. “If you agree, I’ll fly you anywhere you want to go.”

  “No need. I have a ticket.”

  “It’s the least I can do especially since I don’t know how long they’ll be here.”

  “I may regret this, but I agree. After all, what else do I have to do?” Mia put out her hand to shake Teri’s. Instead, Teri began caressing the back of her hand.

  “Thank you. Now, let’s hurry. The jet will be at the Bangor airport at five.” Teri took their picnic packs into the kitchen to talk with the housekeeper. Step one done. A few more days, and evenings, with Mia.

  Mia was looking too perplexed to speak. Teri made a mental note to smile more often.


  Once aboard the jet, Teri offered Mia some wine and something to eat. “It’s a short flight to New York, but I thought you might want something light.”

  “Are you cooking?” Mia asked. She couldn’t believe she was flirting.

  Teri’s eyebrows shot upward. “Are you kidding? I’m lucky to make a peanut butter sandwich. Some food was brought aboard when the plane was fueled. I generally have staff aboard to fix things, but I can probably figure this out.”

  “Let me see what they have and I’ll do it.” She smiled and pushed Teri back down in her seat.

  Teri grabbed her hand. “Self-preservation or questioning my culinary skills?”

  “Both.” Mia smiled and stepped into the galley. A few minutes later, she brought out some cold vegetables, fruit, and cheeses, as well as two glasses of wine.

  “How about telling me a little more about these visitors.”

  “I can give you something to read.” Teri pulled out a document. “This is the short version of our Executive Summary. I expected this visit but not until next month. It just comes at a bad time because we have more meetings with the Miltons coming up.”

  There were some technical terms Mia didn’t understand but nothing that she couldn’t translate. She leaned her head back and watched Teri reading through notes. When they boarded the plane, Teri was handed several faxes. Whatever she was reading was producing worry lines on her forehead. Her eyes seemed even darker.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “What?” Teri looked up. “Sorry, I’m just reviewing a new analysis of the merger. Something doesn’t feel right.”

  “Do you usually judge your business deals by feel? I thought you said you are always prepared.”

  “Being prepared gives me the ability to make informed choices. There are times when my decisions are tempered with my instincts. I’ve learned to trust those instincts. Like knowing I can trust you.” Teri paraded her business smile only briefly and then went back to reading, a more somber look occupying her face. Mia wanted the real smile back. By the end of the flight, Teri was laughing and teasing Mia.

  Mia was confused. Teri Stanton was a complex person, she decided. And she was beginning to enjoy her company.


  It was a little after eight when Mia was again unpacking. This time she had been moved to a room in the main house. The guesthouses would be occupied with visitors by noon the next day.

  “Are you comfortable?” Teri stuck her head in the door. “I realize you won’t have as much privacy and there isn’t a kitchen.”

  “I’m fine. I would love a coffee pot if there is one to scrounge up.”

  “How about one of those individual cup makers?” Teri was gone as silently as she had arrived.

  “I’ve got to ask her how she does that.” Mia unpacked and then showered. All the traveling and tension were taking their toll. She needed to get a good night’s sleep. She had just gotten in bed when there was a knock on the door. Before she could get to the door, Teri came in with a coffee pot, cups, coffee pods, and everything else she needed to make coffee.

  “Sorry, I didn’t know you were going to bed so early. I’ll just set this up and leave. Do you want anything to eat?”

  Mia shook her head and crawled back in bed. “Thank you for getting the coffee maker.”

  “I know how important your morning coffee is.” Teri smiled and quickly set up the coffee. She walked over to the bed and sat down. “You’re hair is still wet.” She pushed some of the strands away.

  Mia felt the touch as a caress. She turned her face into Teri’s hand. Her eyes closed as Teri’s hand slid slowly down the side of her face. She felt Teri cup her chin. When she opened her eyes, Teri’s face was inches away. Mia closed her eyes and felt Teri’s lips press gently against hers. Teri’s mouth was soft and the kiss tender. Mia pushed away the screaming warnings. This moment was too precious to not enjoy. The kiss became more demanding. Teri’s tongue slid in and began to explore Mia’s mouth. Suddenly, Teri pulled away.

  “I’m sorry. You just…you were so irresistible. I know we agreed this wouldn’t happen again. I’m sorry.” Teri jumped up. “Good night,” she whispered and then left.

  Mia was numb. Her body was aroused and her brain was whirling. Teri had initiated the kiss and then abruptly ended it. What the hell is going on? She seemed so unsure, and yet I know she wanted me. Could I be wrong about that?

  Mia thought about their recent interactions. No, I’m not wrong. What do I do about it? Do I even want to do anything?


  “Phillipe, I don’t give a damn where you were. Why didn’t I know that Garson was coming?” Teri drummed her fingers on the top of her desk. She was getting tired of his excuses. As soon as the merger was over, she was flying to France and firing him. “You knew this review was coming up and you chose to take a two-week vacation. That is not acceptable. I’ll handle this myself from now on.” She slammed down the receiver. She called her brother. “Jeremy, I need you back here right away.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re missing me already?”

  She could hear the amusement in his voice. “Always. Now when can you be here?”

  “How about an hour? We just left JFK airport.”


  “We. Bren, Elaine, and I.”

  “You’re in New York?” She looked at her watch. “That’s perfect. Can you wait there? Auguste Garson and his wife are arriving on the ten thirty Air France flight. There’s a limo at the airport to pick them up. Can you meet him and his wife and entertain them until they arrive at the hotel? I’ll have the helicopter waiting at the usual place to fly you out here.”

  “I don’t mind doing this one task, but I promised Mia I would spend some time with her.”

  “Not a problem. She’s here at the house. I’ll talk to you when you get here. Who’s Elaine?”

  “I’ll introduce you when we get there.”

  “Fine. Just take care of Auguste.” She hung up and called her office. She made plans for the rest of the day. It was the only way to not think about Mia. Mia made her forget work. Mia made her forget everything except how much she wanted her. She picked up the phone and called her P.A. “Cancel coming out to the house. Meet at the office at two.” She hung up without waiting for an answer. “Now to find Mia.”


  Mia looked at the clock and wondered who was pounding at her door. It was only eight thirty. She had slept nearly twelve hours. “Hold on!” she shouted back at the impatient knocking. She grabbed her bathrobe. Sometime during the night, she had shed her sleepwear.

  “I didn’t realize you were still asleep,” Teri said.

  “Obviously, I’m not. I’m standing here holding the door ope
n. What’s so urgent?”

  “I thought you were an early riser.”

  “I am.” She moved aside and let Teri in. “My body clock, however, is demanding a reset.”

  Teri’s eyes burned with desire. How many times had Mia dreamed about this moment? Teri’s hands were tight balls. Mia looked in the mirror near the door. Her hair was a mess and her robe was barely held closed. Her breasts were begging to be free. “Come on in.” Mia pulled the robe closed, but not before Teri took a beeline to the coffee maker.

  “What kind of coffee do you want?” Teri asked. She never glanced at Mia as she rushed by.

  After the kiss last night, Mia expected a warmer welcome. Did I misinterpret? No. She has the same look in her eyes now. She stood behind Teri and waited for her to turn around. Maybe Teri was waiting for her to make a move.

  “What kind of—”

  “What kind of kiss do I want? How about a long one?” Mia pulled Teri into a tight embrace. She claimed Teri’s lips before any other words could be spoken. She was surprised when Teri’s lips opened and a moan rolled through. The kiss deepened. Teri pulled her closer. Her hands started exploring Mia’s back.

  “No, I can’t do this.” Teri pulled away and straightened her clothes.

  “Can’t do what? Is this some kind of game?” Mia pulled the robe tightly around her. She couldn’t believe this was happening again. Was Teri going to accuse her of leading her on?

  “No! This is not a game.” Teri walked across the room and leaned both hands on the desk. “You have no idea how much I want you, but I can’t do this. Not this way.”

  Mia was numb. “What do you mean ‘not this way’? After you kissed me last night, I thought…Maybe that’s the problem. I thought the kiss was special.”

  Teri remained with her back to Mia. “It was. It is. It’s just that—”

  “Just what?” Mia stood next to Teri. She desperately wanted to touch her.

  “Just that I can’t.”

  “Sorry.” Mia was angry with herself. “This time I promise it won’t happen again. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to take a shower and get dressed. I know you have work to be done. That’s it, isn’t it? I’m just here for the business.”


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