by Fred Kaplan
23. WC to HC, 7/26/1864, Morgan; CD et al., 5/?/1864, N 3, 380–90; CD to WCM, 4/22/1865, N 3, 419; CD to WFC, 2/1/1861, 11/30/1865, N 3, 445–46, PH.
24. CD to Story, 8/1/1863, N 3, 358; CD to WC, 1/24/1864, N 3, 378–79; CD to WFC, 2/1/1859,?/21/1861, 10/25/1864, PH. N 3, 402–3; CD to L. W. Morey, 7/12/1867, PH; CD to TAT, 7/25/1866, 9/6/1859, Berg; CD to ER, 7/6/1866, Berg.
25. CD to WFC, 2/1/1861, 3/16/1862, 11/30/1865, PH, Berg, N 3, 445–46; CD to Mrs. Kemble, 3/1/1865, N 3, 416; Fred Kaplan, Thomas Carlyle, 1831, 387–93.
26. CD to FL, 7/12/1862, 7/28/1862, 6/28/1863, N 3, 300, TEX; BP to JF, 3/13/1865, V&A; CD to WC, 8/6/1863, N 3, 359–60; CD to WFC, 3/16/1862, 5/21/1863, N 3, 288–89, 351–53; CD to JF, 7/1/1861, N 3, 226–27; CD to WHW, 8/31/1861, N 3, 232–33, TEX.
27. CD to WCM, 6/11/1861, Morgan; CD to GH, 12/3/1861, N 3, 263–64; CD to Lehmann, 7/28/1862, PR; CD to WFC, 11/30/1865, N 3, 445–46.
28. CD to GH, 3/6/1867, HH; CD to CS, 4/18/1867, N 3, 524–25; CD to George Stanfield, 5/19/1867, N 3, 527–28; CD to Dr. Howison, 10/23/1868, N 3, 674–75; CD to JF, 10/24/1868, N 3, 675; CD to MW, 11/17/1862, N 3, 320.
29. DM to JF, 5/17/1861, 5/28/1861, 8/20/1867, V&A; DM to CK, 10/21/1867, HH; CD to GH, 3/23/1866, 4/19/1866, HH, Yale; BP to JF, n.d./1862, V&A; CD to WCM, 2/9/1862, 9/30/1862, 3/3/1867, 3/26/1867, 10/2/1867, Morgan; CD to WCM, 4/5/1862, N 3, 292; CD to Mrs. CS, 4/9/1866, Yale; CD to CS, 4/17/1867, N 3, 524–25.
30. CD to WCM, 1/2/1860, 9/7/1863, 10/13/1863, 12/27/1868, Morgan; JF to EBL, 9/27/1862, quoted in Davies, 114; CD to Whitwell Elwin, 6/3/1859, TEX; Fitz, 40; CD to E. S. Dallas, 12/7/1862, N 3, 324–25; CD to GH, 1/28/1864, HH; CD to JF, 3/20/1864, V&A.
31. WC to [?], 9/28/1864, HH; WC to HC, 1/8/1864, 4/1/1866, 7/19/1864, Morgan; WC to Mrs. FL, n.d. [1866?], quoted in Lehmann, 178; BP to JF, 9/17/1867, V&A; CD to FDN, 8/19/1860, N 3, 172–73.
32. CD to WC, 7/12/1861, N 3, 229–30; WC to FB, 1/30/1863, PR; WC to CW, 11/4/1863, Morgan; WC to FB, n.d., 1863, PR; WC to [?], n.d./1868, PR; CD to GH, 10/29/1868, N 3, 676.
33. CD to WC, 5/1/1867, N 3, 525–26; CD to WC, 5/4/1867, Morgan; WC to HC, 5/14/1867, 5/24/1867, Morgan.
34. Lehmann, 189–90; CD to GH, 9/30/1867, N 3, 555; CD to WHW, 2/2/1862, 11/30/1864, 4/28/1859, 10/1/1864, 10/16/1864, N 3, 101, 275, 399, 401, 405; CD to Mrs. WHW, 8/7/1864, N 3, 394–95; CD to WCM, 3/12/1866, Morgan; Fitz, 233.
35. Yates, 294; Fitz, 1.
36. Mrs. C. M. Ward, Reminiscences, ed. Elliot O’Donnell, 1911, 34; Lehmann, 206, 211–12; CD to Mrs. FL, n.d., 1869, quoted in Lehmann, 213; CD to MD, 1/31/1868, N 3, 612; CD to Henry Chorley, 3/1/1862, 3/9/1862, N 3, 284, PH; Fitz, 306.
37. Lehmann, 162, 164–65.
38. Yates, 108, 7; Lady Westmoreland to Julian Fane, 3/14/1862, quoted in “Recollections of Dickens,” D (1923), 235; Ward, 149; CD to FO, 4/30/1865, HH; CD to WFC, 3/16/1862, Berg; CD to WCM, 1/9/1862, Morgan; Malcolm Morely, “‘No Thoroughfare’ Back stage,” D (1953), 39–42; Kathleen Longley, A Pardoner’s Tale: CD and the Ternan Family, unpub MS, 236.
39. CD, Collected Papers, 1938, 116–17, “On Mr. Fechter’s Acting,” Atlantic Monthly, 1869. CD to HC, 6/13/1865, Morgan; GHG, 27: 8/19/1865.
40. CD to Story, 8/1/1863, Berg; Yates, 102.
41. Yates, 102; MD, “CD at Home,” 43; CD to Governors of Sir Joseph Williamson’s Free School, 6/30/1862, N 3, 298.
42. CD to H. Wright, 7/29/1862, N 3, 301; CD to JF, 12/25/1866, 1/1/1867, N 3, 493–94, 499; CD to WCM, 12/28/1866, Morgan.
43. CD to WHR, 5/26/1865, N 3, 422; CC to HC, 10/12/1865, Morgan; Yates, 103; GHG, 20: 1/21/1865; HFD to PF, summer 1865, Yale.
44. CD to WCM, 1/2/1866, Morgan; CD to WC, 10/4/1866, N 3, 487; CD to JET, 8/20/1866, N 3, 481–82; CD to W. F. Wilson, 11/6/1863, TEX; CD to Austen Henry Layard, 5/17/1865, N 3, 421; CD to Mrs. FL, 3/8/1865, TEX; CD to Dr. Christie, 2/20/1867, HH.
45. CD to LW, 11/5/1867, N 3, 565; CD to HMB, 11/3/1861, HCD, 371–73; CD to Mrs. FL, 3/8/1865, TEX; CD to Rev. W. Brackinbury [?], 9/18/1865, DHM; CD to Albert Canning, 10/4/1866, PH.
46. CD to EBL, 7/16/1866, N 3, 478; Fitz, 54–55; Lehmann, 210–11; WC to HC, 5/30/1867, Morgan.
47. Lehmann, 210–11; WC to HC, 7/8/1866, Morgan; CC to WHH, 6/23/1867, HH; CD to WCM, 2/2/1866, 12/28/1868, Morgan; CD to LA, 12/13/1866, Morgan.
48. See Thomas Wright, Autobiography, 1936; DD, 94; Nisbet, 37, 85; Felix Aylmer, Dickens Incognito, 1959, 34–92; L. C. Staples, “Ellen Ternan,” D (1960), 28–29; David Parker and Michael Slater, “The Gladys Storey Papers,” D (1980), 6–7; Kathleen Longley, “Letter,” D (1980), 17–19.
49. Fanny Ternan to Bice, n.d., quoted in Longley, Pardoner’s Tale, 236; Longley, B4-B5; CD to Arthur Chappell, 8/2/1866, N 3, 480–81; CD to GD, 8/2/1866, N 3, 480; CD to R. H. Mason, 8/3/1866, N 3, 480; Aylmer, 13–43; J. C. Reid, “Mr. Tringham of Slough,” D (1968), 164–65; Longley, “Dickens Incognito,” D (1981), 88–91.
50. CD to PF, 11/30/1865, 11/6/1866, N 3, 447, 489–90; CD to WFC, 1/1/1867, N 3, 499–501.
A Castle in the Other World (1867–1870)
1. CK, An Authentic Record of the Public Banquet Given to Mr. CD … November 2 1867 …, 1867; New York Tribune, 11/18/1867, quoted in KJF, 369; Arthur Helps to Queen Victoria, 3/5/1870; quoted in John R. DeBruyn, “CD Meets the Queen: A New look,” D (1975), 85–90, 87.
2. Frith, 235–36; WC to HC, 10/26/1867, Morgan; JF to CK, 10/?/1867, HH.
3. KJF, 370; BP to JF, 11/4/1867, V&A; CK, Authentic Record, 14, 17; Moncure Conway, quoted in IR, 340–41; Jane Ellen Frith Panton, Leaves from a Life, 1908, 149; CD to WHW, 11/3/1867, N 3, 565; New York Tribune, quoted in KJF, 370.
4. CK, Authentic Record, 18–21.
5. CD to WHW, 6/6/1867, HH; CD to JF, 4/?/1866, 5/14/1867, N 3, 467, 527; Dolby, 43–44; CD to LA, 1/2/1867, Morgan; CD to WFC, 1/1/1867, N 3, 499–501.
6. CD to CS, 4/18/1867, N 3, 524–25; CD to Mrs. Ellicott, 4/2/1867, N 3, 521; CD to GH, 3/29/1867, HH; CD to RBL, 4/17/1867, N 3, 523; Dolby, 72.
7. CD to TAT, 1/17/1866, Berg; CD to WCM, 2/3/1866, Morgan; CD to Mrs. CS, 4/9/1866, Yale; CD to GH, 2/9/1866, 1/21/1867, 1/24/1867, 5/10/1867, N 3, 459–60, 502–4, 527; CD to JF, 9/?/1866, 1/29/1867, N 3, 483, 506; CD to MD, 2/17/1867, N 3, 509; CD to LA, 5/9/1867, Morgan.
8. CD to Ticknor and Fields, 4/16/1867, N 3, 523; CD to JTF, 4/22/1867, DHM.
9. M. A. DeWolfe Howe, Memories of a Hostess, 1922, 139.
10. CD to JTF, 5/2/1866, 10/16/1866, 5/20/1867, 6/3/1867, N 3, 470–71, 477–78, 528, 530; CD to GD, 8/2/1866, N 3, 480; CD to JET, 5/23/1867, Berg.
11. BP to JF, 10/2/1867, V&A; CD to WHW, 6/6/1867, 12/10/1867, HH. N 3, 530–31, 580.
12. CD to GH, 8/2/1867, N 3, 540; CD to Walter Thornbury, 8/5/1867, N 3, 540; CD to JF, 8/6/1867, N 3, 540–41; CD to GD, 8/4/1867, PH; CD to LA, 8/18/1867, 9/16/1867, Morgan.
13. CD to CK, 9/23/1867, 9/26/1867, Yale, HH; CD to F. D. Finlay, 9/3/1867, N 3, 544; CD to JTF, 9/3/1867, N 3, 544–45; WC to HC, 9/25/1867, Morgan; CD to WHW, 9/28/1867, N 3, 554; CD to GH, 9/30/1867, N 3, 555.
14. CD to JF, 10/5/1867, N 3, 557; CD to HFD, 10/7/1867, N 3, 558; Dolby, 38; CD to Thomas Hills, 10/7/1867, N 3, 559; CD to GD, 10/16/1867, PH.
15. CD to GD, 10/16/1867, PH; CD to FO, 10/20/1867, HH; CD to WHW, 10/?/1867, N 3, 563; Nisbet, 52–56.
16. CD to MD, 11/10/1867, N 3, 566; CD to JF, 11/18/1867, N 3, 568; CD to WHW, 11/21/1867, N 3, 570–71; CD to GH, 11/17/1867, 11/25/1867, N 3, 568, 572.
17. JTF, 165–66; CD to MD, 11/21/1867, N 3, 568–69; Dolby, 149–60.
18. CD to GH, 12/6/1867, HH; CD to JTF, 11/24/1867, Berg; CD to WC, 11/28/1867, N 3, 574.
19. CD to GH, 11/25/1867, N 3, 572; Howe, 141, 158; CD to MD, 11/21/1867, N 3, 568–69; HWL to JF, 11/23/1867, HH; CD to WC, 11/28/1867, N 3, 574–75.
20. CD to JF, 12/3/1867, N 3, 577; CD to WC, 12/2/1867, N 3, 577; CD to WHW, 12/4/1867, 12/6/1867, N 3, 579; CD to GH, 12/6/1867, HH; Dolby, 166–68.
21. Dolby, 171; JTF, 167; CD to JF, 1
2/14/1867, 12/22/1867, N 3, 581–82, 585–87; CD to WHW, 12/10/1867, 12/17/1867, N 3, 580, 584; CD to MD, 12/11/1867, N 3, 580–81; CD to GH, 12/6/1867, 12/16/1867, HH, N 3, 582–83.
22. CD to EBL, 12/16/1867, N 3, 583; CD to MD, 11/21/1867, 12/26/1867, 12/27/1867, N 3, 586–89; CD to JF, 12/22/1867, N 3. 585–87; CD to GH, 12/22/1867, N 3, 584–85; CD to WHW, 12/24/1867, N 3, 587–88.
23. CD to JTF, 12/29/1867, N, 589–90.
24. CD to JF, 1/5/1867, N 3, 597–98; CD to GH, 1/12/1868, N 3, 600–601; Sidney P. Moss, CD’s Quarrel with America, 1984, 288; CD to JTF, 1/15/1867, N 3, 604–5.
25. CD to MD, 2/10/1868, N 3, 619; CD to JF, 2/7/1868, N 3, 616; CD to GH, 2/7/1868, N 3, 617; CD to JTF, 2/9/1867, N 3, 618; KJF, 375.
26. CD to MD, 2/4/1868, N 3, 613–14; CD to JF, 2/4/1868, N 3, 615.
27. CD to JF, 1/30/1868, 2/25/1868, N 3, 611–12, 625–26; CD to MD, 2/9/1868, N 3, 619; CD to GH, 2/17/1868, N 3, 622; CD to Charles Fechter, 2/24/1868, N 3, 623.
28. CD to MD, 2/25/1868, N 3, 625; Dolby, 261; CD to GH, 2/27/1868, 3/2/1868, N 3, 626–29.
29. CD to JF, 3/13/1868, 3/16/1868, N 3, 631–33; CD to Mrs. JTF, 3/19/1868, N 3, 634–35; CD to WCM, 3/21/1868, N 3, 637–39.
30. CD to MD, 4/7/1868, N 3, 642–43; JTF, Biographical Notes and Sketches, ed. Mrs. JTF, 1881, quoted in IR, 320; CD to Fechter, 3/8/1868, N 3, 630–31; BP to JF, 3/3/1868, V&A.
31. CD to JF, 4/2/1868, N 3, 640–41; CD to WHW, 4/17/1868, N 3, 643; Dolby, 301; KJF, 378.
32. Dolby, 310–11; KJF, 370–82; CD to Alexander Ireland, 5/30/1868, Morgan.
33. “CD’s Farewell Reading in America,” D (1915), 237; CD to Thomas Chappell, 5/3/1869, N 3, 723; CD to TAT, 5/6/1869, Berg; CD to JTF, 4/26/1868, N 3, 644–45; Dolby, 327–28.
34. CD to Mrs. JTF, 5/25/1868, N 3, 650–51.
35. CD to LW, 5/11/1868, N 3, 646; CD to WCM, 6/10/1868, 7/20/1869, Morgan; CD to Mrs. JTF, 5/25/1868, N 3, 650–51; EY, 116; CD to Dolby, 9/25/1868, Berg; CD to Henry Morley, 10/22/1868, PH; CD to WHW, 8/9/1868, DHM.
36. MD to ED, 9/26/1868, 6/17/1870, Yale; CD to GD, 9/29/1868, HH; CD to WCM, 10/11?/I868, 11/19/1868, Morgan; CD to TAT, 9/13/1868, Berg.
37. CD to W. P. Frith, 11/16/1868, N 3, 678; CD to FO, 10/9/1868, PH; CD to WCM, 11/19/1868, Morgan; CD to Mrs. JTF, 12/16/1868, N 3, 686–88.
38. CD to JF, 2/15/1869, N 3, 703; CD to CK, 2/19/1869, PH; CD to GD, 2/15/1869, N 3, 705–6; CD to WCM, 4/3/1869, Morgan; EY, 116–20; CD to ML, 4/16/1869, N 3, 720.
39. CD to John Watkins, 9/28/1861, P&P, 80; CD to W. L. Thomas, 12/27/1869, N 3, 755.
40. David Alec Wilson and David Wilson MacArthur, Thomas Carlyle, 1923–34, 5, 505; Fred Kaplan, Thomas Carlyle, 1983, 430; IR, 303 (Cornelius Cole).
41. IR, 194 (“Dickens’s Amanuensis” [1882]), 295 (Justin McCarthy, “Reminiscences” [1899]), 322 (Mrs. JTF); Franklin Philp to [?] [Solorums?], 7/31/1869, PH.
42. IR, 207 (EY), 212 (Linton), 217 (James Payn, “Some Literary Recollections” [1884]), 297 (Henry James, “Notes of a Son and Brother” [1914]), 330 (EBL), 334 (Arthur Helps).
43. IR, 330 (EBL); CD to TAT, 5/6/1869, Berg.
44. JT, 200; CD to GH, 4/21/1869, N 3, 721; CD to LW, 4/20/1869, HH; CD to FB, 4/21 /1869, N 3, 721.
45. CD to JF, 4/22/1869, N 3, 720–21; CD to GH, 2/9/1866, Berg; Yates, 116–20; CD to MD, 4/22/1869, N 3, 722.
46. CD to LA, 4/23/1869, Morgan; CD to JF, 4/26/1869, PH; CD to TAT, 5/6/1869, Berg; CD to Joseph Nightingale, 4/28/1869, PH; “Dullborough Town,” UT, 126.
47. JTF, 448–50; CD to C. Locock, 6/16/1869, PH.
48. N 3, 797–800.
49. CD to WHW, 5/3/1859, Wills, 392–93; CD to PF, 5/3/1869, Fitz, 63–64; JTF, In and Out of Doors with CD, 1876, 105–6, 138; CD to Benjamin Webster, 5/25/1869, PH; DD, 127–28.
50. CD to FO, 10/9/1868, PH; CD to FDN, 8/8/1869, 8/14/1869, N 3, 735–37; CD to TAT, 7/21/1869, 11/4/1869, PH, Berg.
51. Franklin Philp to Solurums?, 7/31/1869, PH; CD to WCM, 7/20/1869, Morgan; KJF, 403–6; CD to Frederick Chapman, 8/20/1869, DHM.
52. BkM, 16, 97; CD to WCM, 10/18/1869, N 3, 745–46; CD to Chapman, 1/4/1870, PH.
53. GH to Mrs. JTF, 2/25/1870, HH; CD to George Clowes, 11/24/1869, Yale; CD to JF, 12/22/1869, N 3, 754; CD to WCM, 12/27/1869, Morgan; CD to JTF, 1/14/1870, N 3, 759–60; HFD.M, 23–24.
54. HFD.M, 22; CD Jr, 30.
55. DD, 131; GH to Mrs. JTF, 2/25/1870, HH.
56. KJF, 412–14; HFD.M, 20–21.
57. CD to Arthur Helps, 3/3/1870, PH; CD to G. W. Rusden, 5/20/1870, N 3, 779–80; Dolby, 453–58; John R. DeBruyn, “CD Meets the Queen: A New Look,” D (1975), 85–90.
58. CD to Mrs. PF, 5/9/1870, N 3, 775; CD to CK, 4/25/1870, N 3, 722; GH to Mrs. JTF, 5/4/1870, HH; Yates, 140; KJF, 407.
59. CD to JF, 3/29/1870, 4/29/1870, N 3, 769, 773; DM to JF, 10/13/1868, V&A; KJF, 421–22.
60. GH to Mrs. JTF, 5/4/1870, HH; CD to GH, 5/12/1870, PH; CD to Mrs. CW, 5/11/1870, Mrs. C. M. Ward, Reminiscences, ed. Elliot O’Donnell, 1911, 198, N 3, 776; CD to William Ralston, 5/16/1870, N 3, 778; CD to JF, 5/16/1870, N 3, 778; CD to J. B. Buckstone, N 3, 777; CD to Harry Lemon, 5/25/1870, PH.
61. Fitz, 81–82; Dolby, 464–65; CD Jr, 30–31.
62. DD, 132–34; MD, 118–19.
63. MD, 119–20; DD, 135–36.
64. MD, 123; DD, 123, 135–36; GH to Mrs. JTF, 7/4/1870; MD to Mrs. JTF, 9/1/1870, HH.
65. F II, 12, 513; A. A. Adrian, “CD and Dean Stanley,” D (1956), 152–56. In London for the Literary Pilgrim, 1949, 83, William Kent has conjectured but not substantiated that Ellen Ternan attended the funeral.
Image Gallery
From an unsigned miniature, said to be the earliest portrait. Courtesy of the Dickens House Museum.
John Dickens, from an oil painting by John Jackson.
John Dickens, c. 1845.
Elizabeth (Mrs. John) Dickens, c. 1845. Courtesy of the Dickens House Museum.
Mrs. John Dickens, engraved by Edwin Roffe.
No. 18, St. Mary’s Place, Chatham, Dickens family residence, 1821–1823. From a photograph by Catherine Ward.
Wellington House Academy, Hampstead Road, Dickens’ school, 1821–1823. From a photograph by Catherine Ward.
Maria Beadnell, c. 1835
Private Theatricals, Clari, etc., April 27, 1833.
Charles Dickens, 1835. From a miniature by Rose Emma Drummond.
Catherine Hogarth (Mrs. Charles Dickens), shortly before her marriage, c. 1835. From a photograph by T. W. Tyrrell.
Charles Dickens, 1838. From a drawing by Samuel Lawrence.
Right to left: Dickens, Catherine, and Mary Hogarth, c. 1835. From a sketch by Daniel Maclise. Courtesy of the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Dickens, Thackeray, Maclise, and Mahony, 1836. From a sketch by William Makepeace Thackeray.
48 Doughty Street, Dickens residence, 1837–1839. From a photograph by Catherine Ward.
Arrival of the Great Western steamer at New York, April 23, 1836, with Mr. Pickwick and other characters from Pickwick Papers.
Charles Dickens, 1839. From a painting by Daniel Maclise.
William Makepeace Thackeray. From a sketch by Daniel Maclise.
George Cruikshank, c. 1840.
Richard Bentley, c. 1850. From an etching by T. Brown.
William Harrison Ainsworth. From a drawing by Daniel Maclise.
John Forster, 1830. From a portrait by Thomas Warrington and Daniel Maclise. Courtesy of the Victoria and Albert Museum.
John Forster reading, May 22, 1840. From a drawing by Daniel Maclise. Courtesy of the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Daniel Maclise. From an engraving by J. Smith.
William Charles Macready, c. 1835. From a painting by Briggs.
T. N. Talfourd, c. 1845.
Clarkson Stanfield, c. 1835.
Catherine Dickens, 1842. From a painting by Daniel Maclise.
The Dickens children, 1842. The painting the Dickenses took with them on their American trip. From a painting by D
aniel Maclise.
Charles Dickens, 1844. From a drawing by Charles Martin.
No. 1 Devonshire Terrace, Dickens’ residence, 1839–1851. From a photograph by C.W.B. Ward.
Hablot Knight Browne (Phiz), c. 1845.
Edward Chapman, Dickens’ publisher
Frederic Chapman, Dickens’ publisher
William Bradbury, Dickens’ publisher
F. M. Evans, Dickens’ publisher
Dickens and his friends in Cornwall, 1842. From left to right: Maclise, Stanfield, Dickens, and Forster. From a sketch by William Makepeace Thackeray. Courtesy of the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Dickens reading The Chimes, December 2, 1844. Seated from left: John Forster, Douglas Jerrold, Samuel Blanchard; rear: Thomas Carlyle, Charles Dickens, William Fox; seated from right; Daniel Harness, William Dyce, Clarkson Stanfield, Daniel Maclise, Frederick Dickens. From a sketch by Daniel Maclise.
Every Man in His Humour playbill, 1845, with drawings of Dickens and John Forster. Sketches by Daniel Maclise.
Dickens in Every Man in His Humour, 1845. From a portrait by C. R. Leslie.
Forster acting, c. 1845. From a sketch by Clarkson Stanfield.
Mrs. Charles Dickens, 1846. From a painting by Daniel Maclise.
Charles Dickens, 1848. From a drawing by Count D’Orsay.
Georgina Hogarth, c. 1856.
DURING THE YEARS THAT I HAVE WORKED ON THIS BOOK I HAVE incurred many professional and personal obligations, all of which, in their various permutations, have contributed to its creation. The primary institutional obligations are to libraries and universities, and to two research centers, the Huntington Library and the National Humanities Center, which provided me with substantial fellowships. The National Endowment for the Humanities also gave financial assistance. My own college and university, Queens College (which generously granted me a Presidential Research Award and Faculty Research awards) and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, kindly contributed to my having had time to work on this long but mostly happy labor.