Their Royal Ash

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Their Royal Ash Page 4

by Lia Davis

  Since learning he knew I was his mate, I guessed he wouldn’t be able to contain his vampire nature to protect me. Therefore, being present for the not so private punishments would send Kieran into rage. Had the king known and sent him away before he whipped me?

  “Tia?” Conell’s soft, deep tone brought me out of my thoughts.


  “Don’t ever apologize to me. No matter what you do.” He dipped his head and pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

  Wrapping my arms around Conell’s neck, I held him tight and deepened the kiss. I wanted the images out of my head. I wanted to feel loved. “Make the nightmares go away, if only for tonight.”

  He broke the kiss and laid me on the bed. “Are you sure?”

  I nodded. I hadn’t a clue what I was doing, but I knew how I felt. My body tingled and came alive when he touched me…when any of my guys touched me. Each one was different. Conell had power and command in his presence. My alpha male. My future king.

  He stared down at me as if he didn’t believe me, so I unbuttoned my blouse. My hands shook and my heart pounded.

  Lowering his gaze, he watched my fingers release one button at a time. With a low groan, he brushed my hands away and quickly finished the task. Then he untucked it from my skirt.

  Desire fired to life in his blue depths, flaring my own desire hotter. When he popped the clasp on the front of my bra, I let out a small gasp and fought to urge to cover myself. As if sensing my nervousness, Conell kissed me. His lips were gentle yet commanding at the same time.

  Pinpricks of desire scattered over my flesh when he cupped my right breast and rolled my nipple between his fingers. With his other hand, he gathered my skirt until he was able slip his hand under the fabric. An aching need uncurled inside me. My panties grew wet.

  Conell glided his hand up the inside of my thigh, nudging my legs apart. I broke the kiss and tipped my head while rocking my hips, silently begging for him to touch me, pleasure me.

  He cupped me over my panties and a medley of sensations washed over me. Then he slipped his hand inside my underwear and rubbed my clit. My breaths came faster and a drunken feeling filled my head.

  When he slid a finger inside me, I thought I’d die from the mounting pleasure. I spread my thighs wider and moved in the rhythm he set. The climax slammed into me and my body jerked with each shockwave.

  The sound of his zipper lowering made me groan while my insides burned with the wildfire he started. He moved to stand on his knees between my legs, his thick cock positioned at my entrance.

  I met his desire-drunken stare as he filled me. A cry of pleasure escaped me. I’d heard some of the maids in the palace talk about their first times and how painful they were. I felt no pain, just raw, unforgiving pleasure.

  He pumped his hips and with each thrust increased his rhythm. Pleasure built again until the orgasm threw me over the edge.

  Conell groaned as he followed me into the sea of bliss.

  He settled beside me on the bed and cuddled me close. “That was far better than my dreams.”

  A wide smile formed on my lips. “Amazing.”

  He kissed my temple. “As much as I don’t want to move, we should take a shower, then sleep.”

  Nodding, I understood what he wasn’t saying. We needed to wake early to head out for a two-day trip to the Kregon Kingdom. “You’ll have to carry me to the bathroom.”

  He chuckled. “My pleasure, princess.”

  Chapter Seven

  I opened my eyes and met a pair of pale blue ones. Confusion clouded my mind at first. After an amazing night with Conell, I hadn’t expected to wake up to his brother next to me.

  Ayen laid on his side watching me. I couldn’t decide if I should be creeped out or turned on. It was strange to have someone watch you sleep. Although it was comforting to know he was there. I shoved at his shoulder playfully. “Morning.”

  He caught my hand and kissed my palm. A thrill shot through me, sparking the wildfire within each of the guys started.

  “Morning.” The low rumble of his voice swirled the desire even more.

  “Where are the other two?”

  “They left before the sun rose.”

  I shot up, fear scaring my pleasures of waking next to Ayen away. Panic made my hands shake. “Why? What happened?”

  “Precautions.” He sat up and kissed my shoulder. “The hounds we chased off last were part of our father’s pack. So, we’ll ride back to Kregon separately. That gives me time to work on a disguise for you.”

  His laid-back, controlled presence was calming. The confidence in his voice reminded me to trust the guys to keep me safe. “What type of disguise will I be wearing?”

  A brilliant smile appeared on his beautiful face. He climbed off the bed and crossed the room to the dresser, then picked up two amulets. They looked more like elegant pendants with gemstones wrapped in silver and placed on a silver chain. “The ruby will give you red hair and the onyx, black. You pick.”

  Their free use of magic intrigued me. The king had forbidden all magic in the kingdom. Elion told me he did so after their mother died and the king fired the Royal Sorcerer. However, Conell somehow convinced his father to keep the sorcerer on staff.

  I meant to ask Conell about the magic last night. “Where did you learn the spells and to work with crystals?”


  My heart fluttered in excitement. “He’s helping you?”

  “Of course he is.” Ayen moved his hands up and down, opposite from each other. “Pick a color.”

  I nibbled on my bottom lip. Chester was the most caring, compassionate, and magical person I’d ever met. After Mom died, I found myself hiding out in his ritual room often. Even caught him mumbling about all the wicked things he could curse the king with. Yet, Chester wouldn’t do any of those things out of fear whatever he did would come back to him, tenfold.

  Focusing back on the amulets, I hovered my fingers over the ruby. “How red is this one?”

  Ayen waggled his brows. “Very.”

  I giggled. His tone suggested he might had put in a request. Going on that hunch, I picked the ruby. “Then let’s see how I look as a fiery redhead.”

  When I reached for the amulet, he closed his hand around the stone. “First, there’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.”

  He closed the gap, cupped my head with one hand, and kissed me. A spark of passion exploded inside me. When his tongue brushed against my lips, I opened, allowing him to deepen the kiss. Tingles skittered over my skin and weakened my knees. I wanted to beg him for more.

  Another part of me worried about whether or not the Hounds were lurking outside, waiting for the chance to attack.

  Breaking the kiss, he rested his forehead to mine and hugged me close. I sank into him, loving the feel of his arms holding me. “You’re worried.”

  I nodded, not trusting my voice. The guys were always good at picking up on my emotions. However, I was shaking.

  Drawing back a little, he framed my face in his hands. His pale blue eyes clouded with concern. “Did my father or his guards ever…touch you?”

  Instantly I knew he wasn’t talking about the beatings. “No. But I’d always feared how long it would take for someone to force themselves on me once I turned seventeen.”

  He kissed my nose, then released me. While he put the amulet over my head, the muscle in his jaw worked. I wanted to tell him it was okay. I was out and no longer in danger. But that was a lie.

  A shimmer of magic fell over me as the ruby settled against my nightgown. Pinpricks of warm energy nipped at my skin as the spell took effect. Ayen groaned, making me curious on how I looked. Before I could move, he grabbed my hand and tugged me to the bathroom, then closed the door so I could look at myself through the full-length mirror.

  “Oh. Is that really me?”

  “Yes, baby, that’s you.” He tucked the onyx on his pocket and winked at me. “We have to keep these amulets.”

bsp; I didn’t pay much attention to his words because I stared at the stranger in the mirror. Long, curly, fiery red hair fell in waves around my shoulders. My nightgown changed to a modest dark green dress with light green floral embroidery on the top.

  “I thought I wasn’t supposed to look like a princess?” I turned and studied Ayen.

  He rolled his eyes. “You’re not supposed to look like Princess Tia Ashley. You look like Princess Ashlyn Groves.”

  “Who is that?”

  “You.” He shrugged. “I made up the name in case we are stopped. If we are, just play along with whatever I say.”

  I nodded, hoping we were stopped along the way.

  “Do you need to pack a bag?”

  “I have one already packed in the closest. We need to sweep the house and burn anything that can be used to track me.” Panic started to rise like it did when I picked up and moved to a new place. Only difference this time was I was moving closer to the palace.

  Ayen placed a finger over my lips. “Stop worrying. I got this.”

  He kissed me, letting his lips linger over mine for a little while before he left the bathroom in search of my bag. I sighed.

  I sure hoped he had it under control, because I was going to be sick from nerves.

  Chapter Eight

  My eye lids were heavy and I’d briefly dozed off a few times. Almost fell off my horse the last time. That was when Ayen made me sit in front on him on his horse and tied mine so he could follow.

  Apparently, they had specific spots they stopped at. Our next point would be an overnight at an inn just outside the Kregon Kingdom. Ayen said it was run by a trusted friend and ally. I was too tired to ask many questions.

  “Almost there, T.”

  I nodded sleepily against his chest and closed my eyes.

  “T, wake up.” Ayen nudged me gently.

  Opening my eyes, I glanced around, unsure where I was for a brief moment. When the haze of sleep lifted, I sat straight up, recognizing the inn. Excitement danced inside me, then fear and dread settled in.

  My aunt owned the inn. I hadn’t seen her since Mom’s death. Then the excitement turned to panic. Shaking my head, I tugged at Ayen’s sleeve. “We can’t be here.”

  He kissed my temple and eased me down off the horse, then dismounted. “We can. No one will recognize you.”

  Right, the disguise. Still, it was risky. “But my aunt will not be fooled for long.”

  His gaze sparked with mischief. “Martha is on our side. I’ll fill you in once we’re settled.”

  I wanted to argue with him, but I needed to trust the guys’ plan. The one where I still didn’t know all the details. I had a hunch they were keeping it that way for a reason.

  A young man about Ayen’s age came out and greeted us. I hung back a few steps from Ayen. “Your Highness, it’s good to see you again.”

  “A pleasure as always.” Ayen smiled and handed the reins to him. “We’re only passing through.”

  The man nodded. “Of course.”

  When he led the horses to the barn, I glared at Ayen. “Who was that?”

  “I’m not sure. He’s new.” Ayen extended his elbow to me and I took it, looping my arm with his.

  He led me inside and we were instantly greeted by my aunt. My heart fluttered at the sight of her and I wanted so much to wrap her into a tight hug. My eyes began to sting from unshed tears.

  Ayen uncurled my arm from his and rubbed my back as he spoke. I leaned into his touch, loving the support from him. The pain from seeing my aunt was almost too much. Especially when I couldn’t go to her and tell her it was me. “I see you have a new employee.”

  Martha glanced at me and stared. “Yes, but don’t worry about him. That’s William, my nephew.”

  “Good. We don’t need rumors floating around about the middle prince staying at an inn with a girl.” Ayen chuckled and squeezed me close. I let out a half-hearted laugh. “We’ll take our dinner in our room. Will you deliver it yourself?”

  Was he crazy? I couldn’t face her anymore without exposing myself to her.

  “Of course, Your Highness.” Martha curtsied and rushed to the front desk and grabbed a key. When she returned, she handed it to him. “It’s the same room your brothers use while here. Third floor, turn left and it’s the last suite on the right. No one else stays on that floor.”

  “Thank you.” He took the key and directed me to the stairs.

  When we were in our room, alone, I smacked his arm. “What are you doing, bringing me here? Especially when I can’t let her know who I am. Do you know what your father would do to my family if he suspected they knew I was alive all this time?”

  By the time I finished my mini-rant, tears blurred my vision and words were hard to form.

  Ayen grabbed my arms and pulled me to him. Wrapped in his embrace, I buried my face into his shirt, while fisting the fabric on either side of him. “Why?” I asked again.

  “Because you can tell her, but not in a public place.” He sighed and moved us to the bed and sat down, gathering me into his lap. “That is why she will bring us our dinner.”

  Confusion clouded my mind. Lifting my head, I studied him. “How? I mean it will put her in danger if this plan fails.”

  He twisted, swinging me around to lay me on the bed. The movement was sudden and a spark of excitement shot through me. Hovering over me, he traced a finger down my cheek. “This plan will not fail. Father has too many enemies. And we have too many allies.”

  His eyes danced with mischief as he slid his finger along my jaw and down my neck. A hot shiver rippled through me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I bet Conell has a backup plan.”

  A slow, wicked smile formed on his lips. “You know it.”

  Fisting his hair, I pulled him down until our lips touched. He groaned and deepened the kiss, thrusting his tongue inside. My body heated and tingled at the same time. An ache throbbed in my core. As if knowing what I wanted, he lifted my skirts and ran his hand up my thigh and continued until he cupped me.

  I moaned and arched my hips into his touch.

  “Ayen.” His name was a breathless whisper turned plea.

  He broke the kiss and glided his lips down my throat. Pleasure rolled through me, mounting and threatening to push me over the edge.

  A knock on the door shoved me out of my happy place and back to reality. I let out a frustrated growl. Ayen replied with one of his own. He eased off the bed and offered me his hand.

  I took it and he pulled me to a stand before crossing the room to the door.

  After making sure the dress was straight and nothing was exposed, I sat on the edge of the bed. My heart pounded in my throat and my stomach churned with hot fear.

  I needed to get over it. To trust the guys would do everything to keep me safe. Taking a deep breath, I focused on the thought that the king would be getting what was coming to him.

  Together, the guys and I would win the kingdom.

  With one last glance to me, Ayen opened the door. My aunt curtseyed. “Your Highness.”

  “Martha, please come in.” He held to door and stepped aside while my aunt wheeled the cart with our dinner on it inside.

  Ayen stuck his head out the door before securing us inside. I held his gaze, curious to what he was up to. He gave me a brilliant smile and clicked the lock. “Martha, your niece isn’t dead.”

  My aunt gasped, her gaze locking onto mine. She began to shake and her eyes filled with tears.

  My own pain surfaced. “Ayen…”

  “Take the amulet off, Tia.”

  With shaky hands, I did as he requested, not taking my gaze from my aunt. The spell shimmered and fell away. But to my surprise the dress stayed. I cast a questioning glance to Ayen and he laughed.

  “The dress was an added accessory I felt you’d want to keep.”

  I nodded and returned my attention to Martha, who was staring at me as if she didn’t believe her eyes. I reached out a hand to her. “Hi, Mar. It’s real
ly me.”

  Like a dam breaking, she burst into tears and threw herself at me, wrapping me in a tight hug. I hugged her back, my own tears rolling down my face.

  For too long, I believed I’d never see my family again. Yet, Ayen brought me to my aunt.

  Martha pulled back and framed my face. “You are a beautiful gift. How can this be?”

  I sighed and took her hands in mine. “I’m not even sure how much I can tell you right now. Plus, there are thing the princes aren’t sharing with me. I do know that it will be over soon. Things will be better.”

  “Blah.” Martha drew me into another hug before tugging me to the sitting area of the suite. “Those boys have been coming here about once a month for the last year. They said they were looking for you.”

  I glanced over my shoulder to Ayen. He shrugged. “We needed a place to stay while we pretended we were searching for you.”

  A giggle bubbled up and I focused back on Martha. “I didn’t mean to cause you heartache. I ran away and covered my tracks. I didn’t know Jonah had told the king I died.”

  I left out the part that the guard was the cause of the so-called death. Martha didn’t need to hate the wolf. I’d see if he was redeemable first.

  Ayen stepped over to the window. “She still needs to stay dead until the king is dethroned.”

  Martha’s eyes grew large and she smiled. I sensed her putting the pieces together in her mind. “Conell will take his rightful place?”

  Ayen nodded but didn’t turn to look at us.

  I tapped Martha on the hand. “No one can know of this.”

  “I agree.” Martha squeezed my hands and shook her head. “Don’t tell me anything else about it.”

  My heart filled. Unconditional love flowed around us. She was supporting us and wouldn’t ask any questions. That relieved me a little. “Thank you.”

  Martha hugged me again and sniffed. “No, thank you.” She pulled back. “Both of you. As much as I’d love to stay, I will be missed.”


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