Rebel Angels 3: Splendor and Darkness

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Rebel Angels 3: Splendor and Darkness Page 13

by Cyndi Friberg

  He parted her folds and paused, captivated by the sight of her dusky flesh shining with cream. “You’re so beautiful.” They weren’t just words. Her obvious need thrilled Daniel, made him ache with protective tenderness He pushed two fingers into her core, watching her face as he rotated his hand, spiraling deeper. Her lips parted, the color across her cheeks deepened, and her gaze gleamed.

  “Touch me ... like you did before,” she whispered.

  Cocking one eyebrow at her unexpected request, he drew his fingers out and circled her tiny, puckered hole. “Like this?” She closed her eyes, but nodded. Slick with her cream, he worked his middle finger past the tight muscle and into her welcoming heat. She moaned and raised her hips. He pulled out slowly, then pushed back in.

  He eased back so only his fingertip remained inside her and coated his finger again with her cream. Sliding more easily now, he watched his long finger disappear inside her again and again. She pressed her lips together, lifting her hips to meet each thrust. Her breasts quivered, and she grabbed the backs of her knees, holding herself open for him. She was spectacular, so passionate, so responsive. Daniel caught her nub between his thumb and forefinger, rolling and pressing, pushing her over the edge.

  She gasped as release uncoiled within her. Daniel removed his finger and arched up and over her. He wanted to enter her slowly, to prolong the pleasure of their first real joining, but her body welcomed him with liquid heat and firm pressure. With a defeated moan, he thrust to the hilt.

  “Aye. Oh, aye,” she murmured.

  He rested his forehead against hers, trembling with the need to move hard and fast.

  “What’s wrong?” She pushed him back, looking into his eyes. “Why did you stop?”

  “I don’t ever want this to end,” he whispered. “If I managed to make this last until dawn, it would still end too quickly. I’ve never felt like this before.”

  She tightened her inner muscles and grinned. “If it ends too quickly, we shall simply have to do it again -- and again.”

  He pulled back and filled her She wrapped her legs around his waist, freeing his arms. Framing her face with his hands, he kissed her, matching the movement of his tongue to the greater penetration of his shaft. They moved together, clung to each other, sharing their breath, their bodies, their hearts. He thrust hard and deep. She arched and took him deeper. Ravenous, exhilarated, they rocked and strained.

  Her nails dug into his shoulders, and her core tightened around his shaft. Biting back a roar, he clutched her hips and shuddered violently. Pleasure erupted within him as he spilled his seed deep inside her.

  She clung to him, her long legs wrapped around his waist, her arms around his back. He rolled to his side, taking her with him. Her face pressed against his throat, and her shoulders shook with a peculiar rhythm. Was she sobbing? Fear lanced through the afterglow, and Daniel eased her away from him.

  “Why are you crying?” Her eyes gleamed, and a smile curved her lips. She was trying not to laugh! “What do you find amusing?” He wasn’t sure her laughter was any less confounding.

  “I feel ... amazing. I feel strong and happy and -- wonderful!”

  He grinned, relaxing as she snuggled against his chest. She’d accepted him, welcomed him, found comfort in his embrace. His pulse leapt, and his chest tightened as he ran his fingers through her damp hair.

  “You may rest for a short while,” she whispered, laughter still apparent in her tone. “Then, I want more.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The following morning, Kaleb arrived with two retainers. Hamill was thrilled to see his father, and the other members of the Monthamn household appeared to share a genuine affection for Kaleb. Daniel scanned for any hint of danger, wary of the newcomer.

  Had Anna’s reaction to Tess made him overly suspicious?

  “What brought on that scowl?” Lailah joined him near the hearth in the great hall as the others congregated around the head table.

  “I do not trust this man.”

  Lailah shot him a sidelong glance. “Kaleb arranged for Nate’s injuries to be tended and housed him during his recovery. Had Kaleb wanted Nate dead, he would have left him on the road, pinned beneath his horse.”

  Daniel accepted her opinion with a stiff nod. She strolled over and sat beside Nate, but her posture remained tense.

  Kaleb relayed the latest town gossip. Hamill used Will to demonstrate the new skills he’d learned. The younger boy was happy to assist. After several hours of lively conversation, Daniel relaxed enough to join the others

  “So, you knew William in France?” Kaleb met Daniel’s gaze directly, his expression open and curious.


  When Daniel said nothing more, Kaleb turned back to Nate. “I’d like to test Hamill’s new skills and take him hunting this afternoon. With your permission, of course.”

  “Certainly. Game has been plentiful this year, and I can survive without my squire for an afternoon.”

  “Would you care to accompany us? The fresh air might do you good.”

  Nate looked at Lailah, then Judith.

  “You’ve scarcely been out of the castle since your return.” Judith smiled. “Go. Enjoy yourselves.”

  “Can I go, too, Mama?” Will’s wide eyes shone with hope.

  Judith looked at Daniel, her uncertainty obvious. The angelic guards had shown little interest in Will. Would they accompany the hunting party to protect Nate? “Are you likely to find game this late in the day?”

  “The castle is well stocked,” Nate said. “This excursion is purely entertainment.”

  “Am I included in the invitation?” Daniel saw no other option. What Lailah said was true. If Kaleb had meant Nate harm, then arranging his rescue made no sense. Still, Daniel couldn’t banish his uneasiness.

  “Of course,” Nate said easily. “The castle is well guarded. Unless,” he paused and looked at his niece, “Anna, do you know any reason we shouldn’t go hunting with Cousin Kaleb?”

  Kaleb laughed. “Are all decisions approved by Mistress Anna now?”

  “Anna thinks she sees --”

  “Anna’s friends needn’t concern Cousin Kaleb.” Judith shot Will a quelling look. He glared mutinously. “Do you want to go hunting, or not?”

  “Aye,” he grumbled.

  “Then show the proper respect.”

  He opened his mouth, but his mother’s cocked eyebrow made him shut it again.

  Nate reined in, as they rode across the drawbridge, bringing his mount alongside Daniel’s. He lowered his voice. “You haven’t stopped scowling since we left the solar. Why are you so irritable?”

  “To be honest, I’m not certain.” Hamill and Kaleb led the procession, with Will close behind. Kaleb laughed at something his son said. “How long have you known Kaleb?”

  “He fostered at Monthamn Castle, but his family has always lived in London. He was my older brother’s best friend.”

  Nate lapsed into silence and Daniel heaved a frustrated sigh. The more people assured him of Kaleb’s good character, the more uncomfortable he became. Could he no longer rely on his instincts?

  As they rode through the village, Nate waved and greeted those who noticed him. The people of Monthamn were obviously fond of their lord. Daniel watched Kaleb for signs of jealousy. Could Kaleb have arranged the ambush? There was much to envy at Monthamn Castle.

  Kaleb hardly noticed the attention being lavished on Nate. He challenged Hamill’s outrageous boasting and smiled at Will. Again, despite the evidence supporting Kaleb’s innocence, Daniel was unable to suppress his suspicion.

  Beyond the village spread a vast forest, undulating over countless hills. They left the wide, well-traveled path and headed deeper into the woods. Hamill dared Will to keep up with him, and the boys raced on ahead, weaving through the trees. Daniel shook his head at their mischief. Stealthy hunters they were not.

  Kaleb reined in his horse and leapt to the ground. Trepidation washed over Daniel in an icy wave. He dismo
unted and rushed toward Nate, drawing his sword as he went. With surprising dexterity, Nate slid to the ground on the opposite side from his cousin.

  “I shall never doubt you again,” Nate said in an urgent whisper. “Kaleb is glowing with demonic energy.”

  Shocked by the information, Daniel studied Kaleb. He still appeared entirely human.

  “I’m allowing you to see me, so you won’t resist.” Kaleb advanced with measured steps, his gaze moved back and forth between Nate and Daniel. “My father wants Nate unharmed. I have no instructions regarding you.”

  “If you think I’ll meekly follow you into hell, you are deluded,” Nate snapped.

  Kaleb laughed. “That’s rather dramatic, don’t you think? Our destination is not nearly so far, but you will follow me. You see, I’ll slit young Will’s throat if you don’t.” His expression didn’t change with the threat; his tone remained congenial. “They’ll be confused by our disappearance, but Hamill is smart enough to return to the castle. You don’t have long to make your choice. I hear their voices in the distance.”

  Gathering his angelic power into the center of his chest, Daniel prepared to fight.

  This is neither the time nor the place for a battle. He is not alone.

  Daniel looked at Nate. Had he heard Gadrayel’s voice?

  “Do what you must, Daniel,” Nate said emphatically. “I’ll not endanger the boy.”

  * * * * *

  “They are coming.”

  Confused by the fear in Anna’s tone, Lailah glanced at the little girl. She stood on a bench, looking out one of the solar’s slit windows.

  Judith set her embroidery aside. “Have the men returned from their hunt?”

  “Nay, Mama.” Anna motioned beyond the shutters. “The creatures are almost here.”

  Both women rushed to the window. Lailah scanned the inner bailey and the battlements. Her senses strained and her eyes stung, but nothing appeared out of the ordinary.

  “I shielded the horde,” Enos muttered. “That child really is a nuisance.”

  Lailah spun to face the enemy, releasing her angelic being as she moved. Her wings unfurled, shielding Judith and Anna. Enos stood in the middle of the room, six demonic soldiers behind him. Their gray-tinted skin and sunken eyes only accented Enos’s misleading beauty.

  Silent, yet intense, Lailah felt the alarm spread among the angelic guard. Six burly Guardian Angels materialized in front of Lailah, flaming swords drawn, wings spread wide. The demons lunged. The angels countered. Metal clashed against metal, showering the room with sparks.

  Similar sounds echoed from outside the castle. The demon horde had arrived. Enos parted the soldiers with a wave of his hands. Both demons and angels went flying as he advanced on Lailah. Gathering the feeble remains of her angelic energy, she raised her arms, prepared to deal what damage she could.

  Eyes gleaming yellowish-green, Enos grabbed her wrists and bent her arms behind her back, pressing one of her hands against Judith, the other against Anna. “Take hold of my wrists, Judith, and tell your child to do the same.”

  “Go back to hell. I won’t play your games.”

  “Then I’ll leave you here for the horde to defile, but your daughter comes with me.”


  Lailah slapped the side of his head with her wing. He snarled and seared her wrists. She cried out, tugging against his hold. Enos released one of her hands and dragged Anna away from Judith.

  “Wait!” Judith reached frantically for her daughter, panic sharpened her tone. “I’ll go with you. I’ll go.”

  He accepted Judith’s decision with a smug smile and turned his gaze on Lailah. “Furl your wings. A battle is no place for a child.” He glanced at Judith meaningfully. “And beautiful women tend to suffer indignities you don’t want to think about.”

  Her wrists still stinging from his effortless attack, Lailah looked into Anna’s terrified eyes. If Lailah refused to cooperate, Enos would leave Judith behind, at the mercy of the demonic horde. The battle raged around them. Metal clinked and scraped, shrieks of agony echoed. Trembling, Anna pressed her face against Lailah’s side.

  Determination surged through Lailah. She could accomplish nothing here, but if she only had Enos to contend with ... It was really their only option. Lailah furled her wings.

  Enos chuckled and pulled her into his arms. Judith wrapped her body around Anna and took hold of the demon’s wrists. The solar faded, the floor dissolved, and everything around them blurred.

  Anna screamed, clutching Lailah’s hips. Lailah tried to reassure her, but she couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. A hissing erupted as they accelerated. Unfocused images sped by. Anna’s screams were lost in the indecipherable sound.

  They spun within the maelstrom, like leaves tossed upon the wind. Then the hissing receded and the spinning slowed. Anna’s whimpers emerged from the din. A room came into focus. Not a room -- a corridor.

  Lailah stumbled back against a stone wall as they materialized. Enos shoved Judith and Anna into a cell and slammed the thick wooden door, sliding the iron bolt into place before he turned to Lailah.

  “Come.” He proffered his hand.

  She glared at him, pushing away from the wall. “Why have you brought us here?” Were they in the Netherworld?

  “I despise the Netherworld. You will never be subjected to that place.” Lowering his hand, he turned his back on her and walked down the corridor.

  His message was clear: stay or follow. It was her choice. Lailah looked at the cell in which Anna and Judith were locked. They were unharmed for the time being. She needed information. Where were they? What must she do to secure their escape?

  Enos paused at the end of the corridor and glanced back at her. She walked after him, refusing to rush. Instead of offering his hand again, he motioned for her to precede him around the corner. She looked first and then brushed past him, entering the room directly ahead.

  A large bedchamber spread before her. She staggered to a stop.

  He closed the door with a negligent wave of his hand. Another gesture ignited numerous candles. Lailah gazed around in stunned disbelief. The room was finely appointed, richly decorated, yet elegant and sedate.

  “Not what you expected?” He strolled by her, approaching the massive bed. Turning, he leaned against the elaborate footboard and smiled. He looked so much like his brother, Sariel, it made Lailah tremble. “Have you enjoyed my gift?”

  She closed her eyes, composing her thoughts, or at least allowing herself to think. “Why have you brought me here?” His hand cupped her chin, and she gasped. Opening her eyes, she met his ink-black gaze, struggling against the compulsion residing there. She hadn’t heard him move, hadn’t sensed his nearness.

  “I want you to spend eternity at my side.”

  Chills broke out on her arms. “You want me to Fall.”

  “I want you to transform.” He moved closer, towering over her. “You understand transformation. It’s nothing you haven’t experienced before. Fallen angels forfeit their souls and become connected to the Netherworld. I have found a way to survive without the collective energy of the Netherworld. I made my discovery too late to salvage my own soul, but I believe you can transform with your soul intact.”

  She shook her head. Lies! Half-truths and insinuations were the tools of his trade. “You think, you believe. Until I try, and I am damned.”

  He spread his arms wide, his expression challenging. “Do I look damned? Am I surrounded by filth and evil?”

  “Regardless of your surroundings, you are evil to the core.”

  Growling, he took her face between his hands and bent toward her. His lips brushed hers as he spoke. “And you are so much better? Even as an angel, you dealt in death. You have always craved the darkness, understood its allure.”

  “You cannot force me to Fall. If that is your purpose, release me now and save us both the aggravation.”

  He laughed and pushed her away. “Brave words, my dear, but our interacti
on has just begun. You have wandered too long in the shadows. I will help you accept the dark.” His gaze never left her face. “Kaleb. Have you prepared my second gift?”

  “Aye, Father. Everything transpired as planned.”

  Kaleb moved out from behind a large tapestry, his smug smile very much like his father’s. Lailah pressed her hand to her pounding heart. Daniel had known. Why hadn’t she listened? Her stunned brain shook off the stupor and fear dried up her mouth. The hunting party. What had become of the others?

  “How did it go at the castle?” Kaleb asked casually.

  “Despite my shield, Anna spotted the horde, but Makatiel will be busy for some time to come.”

  “Gadrayel will summon reinforcements.” Kaleb predicted cheerfully.

  Tension gripped Lailah’s belly. If Kaleb doubted the outcome of the battle, why did he sound pleased?

  “Of course he will,” Enos agreed. “But it could take days before the battle is over and they interrogate Makatiel.”

  “Makatiel?” Each word they spoke filled Lailah with dread. They were entirely too calm.

  “Aye, your former prince. Surely you remember Makatiel.”

  Clutching the trailing ends of her sleeves, she stared at Enos, refusing to contribute to his amusement with her curiosity.

  “The Guardian Angels will capture him, though there is no telling how many he will destroy before they succeed.” Enos walked around her in a lazy circle, his hands clasped behind his back. “He will enjoy their interrogation, but eventually he will reveal what they want to know. Who is his master, and where have I taken the Enlightened One?”

  Her gaze flew to his at the phrase.

  “Oh, aye, I know about the Enlightened One. In fact, I seem to know more about him than the Council of Ancients But we’ll return to that in a moment. Makatiel, being the selfish bastard he is, will lead the Guardian Angels back to me.”

  “Only we’ve relocated in his absence.” Kaleb chuckled. “He has no idea where we are.”

  Lailah licked her lips and looked from Enos to Kaleb and back. “You sent him in to distract the Guardians, knowing he would betray you in the end.”


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