Signs of Innocence (Soul of the Sinner - Book 4)

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Signs of Innocence (Soul of the Sinner - Book 4) Page 4

by Rumer Raines

  “What the hell are you arresting me for?” I ask, and he says he is arresting me for suspicion of murder

  Hannah and I are sitting in the backseat of the police car and I can feel her trembling next to me. I yell at the officer that this must be breaking the law and he tells me to shut up. Hannah stares out the window and when she glances back at me I see the tears in her eyes. It’s a long ride to the fucking police station and I whisper to her not to talk.

  The minute we enter the station I start yelling for my lawyer as they hustle me into the interrogation room. They took Hannah in another direction, but I can assume it’s a different interrogation room. I have a gut feeling the minute she is questioned, she’ll talk. I stare at the empty hard concrete walls and laugh that I don’t come here more often. The cops would always threaten to bring me in, but they never had enough to question me. It makes me nervous realizing that this time, they must have enough.

  “How about you start off telling me exactly what happened last night?” Detective Howard asks as looks over his coke bottle glasses at me

  “That’s kind of private isn’t it?” I tease as he narrows his eyes on me

  “Nothing is private while you’re here.”

  “Ok… I bent her over and rammed my hard…” I comment, and he slams his hand down on the table

  “I want to know why you killed him! If you confess now, it will be better for you. We’re going to talk to Hannah and if she tells us before you do, it won’t be good. One of you will get a deal, If I were you I would take it.” Howard assures me, and I laugh at him

  “When exactly is my lawyer arriving? You did call him correct? He’ll be pissed if he knows you questioned me in his absence; Not to mention you didn’t even give me my Miranda rights, which is a big no-no” I remind him, and he stands and leaves the room

  I drop my head to the table thinking about Hannah. Is she talking to them? She promised she wouldn’t go to the cops, in her mind she’s probably thinking she didn’t go to them. I am fucked, and I don’t know how I’ll get out of this situation. Someone is setting me up for a murder that I did commit. When I get out of here, I will find them and make them pay.


  You have the right to remain silent.

  Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law

  You have the right to the presence of an attorney

  If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you prior to questioning

  I have always heard the words on tv, but they have never been said to me personally. Detective Howard says them before sitting across from me and asking why Thomas killed Stan. He comments that he knows Thomas did it, he just needs me confirm so Thomas can be officially arrested for murder.

  The memory of Stan staring at me while he was on top of me comes to mind as I listen to Detective Howard. I can hear in his voice that he wants Thomas punished for this. I can also tell that this isn’t the first time he’s dealt with Thomas and he doesn’t like him. I suppose Thomas probably has dealt with most of the cops in this station.

  “Ms. Cofe… are you going to cooperate with us? Or are you going to take the fall for him?”

  “What do you mean take the fall for him?” I ask and Detective Howard chuckles

  “Come on… you have to know that he’s in that other room telling us how you’re the one that killed Stan. He said that you killed him and begged him to get you out of town. I guess after a night of sex you could talk him into anything?” Howard taunts and I watched him warily as he sat down

  “That’s not true” I whisper refusing to believe that Thomas would say I did this because I didn’t. Thomas shot Stan, but he did it to stop him from assaulting me. Would he tell them that I did it? Maybe I know too much on Thomas and this is his way of getting rid of me? Detective Howard slams his hand on the table to get my attention and I look up meeting his cold eyes.

  “It is true Hannah. What do you know about Thomas Esposito?” he shouts, and I shrug my shoulders and look away

  “Did you know that he’s in the mob? He’s associated with the Deluca’s, which is one of the most dangerous crime families in Chicago. Most of the people that disappear in Chicago is because of them. They kill people for fun Hannah and they make them suffer while killing them. If you trust him, you will disappear too Hannah. He may enjoy playing with you now, but eventually he’ll only see you as a liability.”

  “You said that he’s already talked. If that is true, then he already sees me as a liability. What’s the point of me talking?” I murmur, and he shakes his head at me. I start to struggle with the uncertainty that has been aroused.

  “The point is that I trust you more. Just tell me what happened. Did Thomas kill Stan? Where is the body Hannah?” He asks and suddenly the door opens and a man wearing a suit carrying a briefcase walks in.

  “Who the hell are you?” Detective Howard questions and the man hands him a business card announcing that he’s my lawyer. My eyes widen as I wonder who hired me a lawyer since I don’t have the money to pay for one? Detective Howard sighs and turns back towards me. He reminds me that I can talk to him anytime I am ready to be truthful and reminds me what he said about Thomas.

  The lawyer advises that he has talked enough and holds out his arm for me to leave with him. I walk out ahead of him and once were outside I see Thomas standing beside a black limo. The lawyer leads me in the same direction and Thomas helps me inside and gets in behind me, followed by the lawyer. I can see the doubt in Thomas eyes as he looks at me and I feel the same doubt towards him. Did he tell them that I killed Stan? Is that why he hired me a lawyer?

  It feels like we have been driving forever. No one says a word during the entire ride. When the limo finally stops in front of a condominium, Thomas glances out of the window. The limo driver opens the door and the lawyer gets out, followed by Thomas. He reaches inside the limo to help me out and I glance between the two of them wondering where they have taken me. The lawyer hands Thomas a key and tells him that Oliver will bring everything later. Thomas nods and grabs my arm as he leads me through the front door and to the elevator.

  My eyes start to water as I stare at Thomas. He stares at the numbers that show us what floor we are currently on. He won’t even look at me and I start to realize that Detective Howard was telling the truth. My breath caught in my throat as I felt my heart pounding. Thomas told them that I killed Stan. He’s probably brought me here to kill me. I know I wanted him to kill me before, but shit has changed. I won’t die letting people think I killed someone else. I will not let him place the blame on me and then get rid of me to keep me quiet.

  The elevator door opens on the twelfth floor and Thomas takes my arm to lead me out. We walk down a short hallway and he pulls out the key to unlock the door. Thomas walks past me and falls onto the black leather couch and I stand by the door staring at him. Every fiber in my body warned me against him.

  “Are you going to stand over there staring at me or are you going to sit your ass down?” his tone aroused and infuriated me. I feel the tears starting to fall down my face. My lips thinned with anger. Thomas must notice them because he narrows his eyes at me and sits up

  “What’s wrong with you?” his expression was like someone who had been struck in the face

  “What did you tell them?” I ask, and Thomas tilts his head

  “What did I tell who?” he sighed heavily his voice filled with anguish

  “What did you tell the cops!” I yell and Thomas’ head snaps back and he stands and is inches from me in seconds

  “Why are you asking me that? What did you tell them?” he shouts in my face and I shove him away from me, but he doesn’t budge

  “I know Thomas! You told them that I killed Stan! Is this the best way you could think of to get rid of me?” I shout into his face and he roll his eyes and takes a small step away from me

  “Do you honestly think I would talk to the cops? I wouldn’t give them the fucking time if they asked.” He
tells me, but I don’t believe him.

  “Your lying. Detective Howard told me that you said I killed Stan. That I begged you to get me out of town.” I tell Thomas as I wipe away my tears and he starts to laugh, which only pisses me off more

  “You don’t deal with the cops often do you? I hate to tell you this, but cops lie Hannah. Of course, he would tell you that! He wanted to piss you off so that you would tell him that I was the one that killed Stan. It’s called divide and conquer.” His voice was calm, his gaze was steady

  “You didn’t tell them I killed Stan?” I whisper, and Thomas takes a deep breath and shakes his head

  “Did you tell them I did it?” he asks, and I tell him No. Thomas closes his eyes and walks back over to the couch and I follow him. We sit in the dark room in silence. I ask him whose condo are we in and he advises it’s one the Deluca’s own. I slowly nod my head thinking about what the detective told me about them. Thomas glances at me and narrows his eyes.

  “Do you have a problem with the Deluca’s?” his voice was thick and unsteady

  “Detective Howard said they kill people for fun. Is that why I am here?” I question, and Thomas sighs and looks away from me. Thomas is about to respond when there is a knock on the door.

  Oliver walks in with two duffle bags and drops them in front of me. He narrows his eyes at me, but eventually he turns back to Thomas advising that we should have everything we need for at least two weeks.

  “What do you mean two weeks? I am not staying here for two weeks!” I yell as I jump from the couch and both Oliver and Thomas stare at me.

  “Are you sure you want to deal with this shit Thomas? Is she really worth it?” Oliver questions with an edge to his voice

  Thomas nods and Oliver turns to look at me, glancing at every fucking inch of me and when he finally reaches my eyes I narrow them at him, as I cross my arms.

  “Do you know what he’s risking for you?” there is an edge to his voice and he turns back to Thomas

  “We got the evidence out of her apartment. I got rid of it.” Oliver tells him and wonder what the hell he’s talking about.

  “I take it your talking about me? I didn’t do anything, so I am not sure what evidence you could have gotten rid of.” I advise, and Oliver turns to me as I tilt my head giving him a phony smile

  “Really? You thought it was wise to toss your bloody uniform in the hamper? “he asks in his usual discontented voice and I gasp realizing that I did toss it with my dirty laundry. Oliver sighs and turns his back to me as he finishes talking to Thomas. I walk away as they discuss how long we’ll stay at the condo and Oliver again questions why Thomas is sticking his neck out for me. I am starting to wonder the same thing.

  When Oliver finally leaves, Thomas walks over and starts going through the duffle bags. He pulls out a pair of pants and a t-shirt. He turns to look at me as I sit quietly staring at him from the couch and his eyes lift.

  “Why are you staring at me?” he asked, spacing the words evenly. I decide to stop beating around the bush and just ask him.

  “Why are you doing this? I saw you Thomas. I saw you kill two people and I doubt you ever leave any witnesses. Why didn’t you kill me when you found me at the diner? Why did you kill Stan when he was about to rape me? Why are you doing any of this?” I ask, and he sighs and pulls me up by the arms

  I am close enough to feel him breathing and smell his woodsy scent. Thomas puts his hands around my neck and I start to wonder if I asked too much. He leans in closer and his lips are on mine. He starts off being gentle and soon his tongue is entering my mouth and he becomes more demanding.

  The more intense he became the more there was a tingling in the pit of my stomach. Thomas was a killer, but there was something about him that soothed me. How is it possible that I have seen the man kill two people, but I feel so protected when I am with him? How can I trust the same man that I have seen pull a gun on others and pull the trigger ending their lives? How can the same man whose eyes can be so cold, be the same man that makes me so wanted? My body aches for his touch and I am powerless to resist.

  I can feel his heart thudding against my own as I reached under his shirt. I needed to feel his bare skin, I no longer wanted the barrier between us. My heart thumped erratically as Thomas moaned and lifted me. I wrapped my legs around him as he walked us down the short hallway and kicked open the bedroom door as he gently dropped me on the bed. Thomas sits up as I tried to pull him back and he took my arms holding them above my head.

  “Are you sure this is what you want Hannah? If I claim your pussy again, I am keeping it.” He whispers, and I lifted my ass wanting to feel the friction of him against me. The look in his eyes sent a tremor through me as he waited for my answer.

  “I want you Thomas.”

  “What do you want?” he looked me over seductively

  “I want your cock inside me now.” I tell him as a knot rose in my throat. What is wrong with me?

  “Did you hear what I told you?” he whispers as he starts to dry hump me as I start to tremble

  “If I claim you again… YOU ARE MINE.” He reminds me, and I inhaled sharply at the contact and nod

  It doesn’t take long for us to both be out of our clothes. I open my legs wide as Thomas thrust inside me. He is rough, almost too rough and for some reason I love it. Thomas uses my body like he owns it and I want him to own me. Every time his gaze met mine, my heart turned over in response. I could feel his uneven breathing on my check as he held me down and pounded into me. He whispered, his breath hot against my ear. He told me how good I felt and how my pussy was made just for him. Thomas sits up as he pins my legs open and starts to thrust even harder as I start to scream his name. I don’t know how much more of this I can take, but I will take as much as he can give. Together we found the tempo that bound our bodies together. We were in exquisite harmony with each other and I slowly felt my defenses weakening. Thomas was pounding himself into my soul.


  Her body felt as if It was half ice and half flame. Maybe it only felt that way because in the back of my mind I knew I shouldn’t be touching her. How many times do I have to remind myself that she is the witness? She knows enough to put me away for good and here I am pumping my cock into her. The minute I pull out of her I know the real world will spin and be careened on its axis. Until then I stare into her beautiful, innocent looking eyes feeling like the monster that I know that I am. I continued to push inside her until I felt her body begin to vibrate with a liquid fire and I thrust a few more times until I did the same.

  When I finally pulled out of her I fell onto my back. Hannah moved to face me laying on her side and I couldn’t look at her. I closed my eyes hoping sleep would find me because I feel sick at what I just did. Oliver will show up soon enough and he’ll want me to kill her. I know I should kill her, she is a complication none of us need or want. I just don’t know how I’ll be able to do it now that she’s mine.

  When I woke up the next morning, Hannah wasn’t in bed. I can smell the coffee and eggs that she’s making. Instead of getting dressed and heading to the kitchen I lay in bed alone with my own thoughts. There are undeniable and dreadful facts that I need to deal with. Hannah is a witness to two murders that I committed. However, Hannah and I both are being questioned for whatever happened at the diner after we left. Whose blood was that in the diner? More importantly will Hannah rat me out if they blame her for it? Oliver got rid of her bloody clothes, but did she leave anything else behind? She was talking to Nikki for few seconds, what did she say to her? What did she tell that cop when she was being questioned alone? I want to trust her, but can I?

  I put on my pants and grab my phone to call Oliver. I need to find out what the hell is going on and what he’s found out. Oliver answers on the first ring, but he is vague in telling me anything. He says that he’ll find out who’s blood was in the diner before the cops do and I believe him. The Deluca’s have more cops on their payroll than the City of Chicago. Olive
r also tells me to stay off social media and not to pay attention to the news. He doesn’t have to tell me twice, since I don’t watch that shit anyways. I suppose it’s Hannah he really wants me to keep away from it.

  When I am done talking to Oliver I head to the kitchen and find Hannah leaning against the counter wearing only my shirt. I take a deep breath to keep myself under control because I am tempted to bend her over the table and take her again. I shake off the thought realizing I need to think with my big head and not my little one. Even though the little one is talking a lot louder than the one I need to think with. Especially considering the little one could put me in prison for ten to life.

  Hannah’s eyes widen when she looks at me and she announces that she made us breakfast. I walk past her grabbing a cup of coffee but tell her that I am not hungry. Hannah’s eyes soften, and I can tell she is thinking about what happened last night. It almost breaks me a little, but the fact is I am unable to give myself completely to any one especially her. The Thomas she had last night is different than the one she is with right now. She looks at me like she was weighing questions and I am wondering if she will ever ask them.

  “What happened between us last night?” She whispers, and I take a sip of my coffee before giving her answers that will hurt me as much as they hurt her

  “We fucked” I answer, and her eyes fall away from me

  “So that’s all it was?” she whispers, and I can hear the hurt in her voice

  “Did you tell the cops anything?” mixed feelings surged through me

  Hannah tilts her head and moves away from the table throwing out the rest of her breakfast. I don’t know if she lost her appetite because I am close to finding out the truth or if she is disgusted that I even asked


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