Monroe, Marla - Nina's Neighbor (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Monroe, Marla - Nina's Neighbor (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 7

by Marla Monroe

  “My arms are tired, and I have to be able to hold on to you later,” she said in all innocence.

  He couldn’t help but grin at where that took his thoughts

  “What?” she asked.


  “You’re thinking about sex, aren’t you?” She frowned.

  “Hey, I’ve been watching that sweet ass of yours bent over a pool table for the last few hours. I’ve had those delicious tits of yours against my back all day. Of course I’m thinking about sex.”

  She smiled. “Me, too.”

  He died laughing. She’d surprised him again.

  They rode through the next few towns, stopping only for the bathroom and water. Each time, he made sure she was inside a building with other people before he left her alone, and he didn’t turn off the mike again. She could just listen to him pee for all he cared. She never said a word.

  By six p.m., he was ready to call it a night. They were with the front half of the group. The back half hadn’t made it that far yet. He got a room at a nice hotel and decided they would have pizza for dinner. Nina seemed to be fine with that. They’d go to Buffalo Joe’s for a beer or two afterward as long as there weren’t any troublemakers there. He didn’t want Nina in the middle of a bar fight, that was for damn sure.

  The pizza place was clean and the employees didn’t appear too worried about them being there. That proved to be fortunate for them. They got good service and had a good time talking about the ride so far. She didn’t seem upset about the episode at the gas station. That was bad and good. He wanted her to be careful around other people, but he didn’t want her to be afraid. She’d really handled herself well.

  “How about a couple of beers before we go back to the room?” he asked.

  “Sounds good to me.”

  They parked next to two other bikes at Buffalo Joe’s. He didn’t recognize them, so he figured it would be okay. He’d watch closely, and if they turned out to be a problem, he’d get Nina out of there quick. They walked in to find the place crowded. He held tightly to her hand and pulled her over to a clear spot at the bar. He stood her in front of him and leaned into her to speak to the barmaid.

  “Two beers, whatever is on tap,” he nearly yelled.

  She nodded and pulled two mugs of beer for them. He paid her and gave her a tip then handed one of the mugs to Nina and kept the other one for himself. He steered her over to where there was a standing table. They leaned against it sipping their beers. The band proved to be pretty good, and he waited for her to finish her beer so he could ask her to dance. They wouldn’t be leaving a beer unattended in a strange bar. Plus, their table would probably get taken when they were on the dance floor anyway.

  She turned her mug up, and he laughed when she ended up with a mustache. She crossed her eyes looking at her lips. He leaned in and licked it all off. She smiled at him and licked around his lips, too. Uh-oh. She was getting tipsy. No more beer for her, he decided.

  “How about a dance?” he asked.

  “Sounds good.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him out onto the floor.

  They danced for the next hour then he ordered another beer and told her she needed to be able to hold on to him for the ride back. She just shook her head and sipped at his when she didn’t think he was looking. He couldn’t help but smile.

  While they were there, she had a dozen men ask her to dance, but she turned them all down even before he said anything. He was surprised any of them had asked in the first place since he was with her. Maybe they didn’t realize they were the ones on the bike. He could easily pick out the other three bikers. They wore their colors. His jacket still lay rolled up in the bike saddlebag. He’d only put it on if it would help keep them out of trouble.

  He glanced at his watch and sighed. It was time to leave. They had to be up early in the morning. He grabbed Nina around the waist and swung her around to face the door. He leaned in and licked next to her ear then shouted in her ear so she could hear him.

  “Time to go. Head for the door,” he told her.

  Jack kept hold of one hand while they weaved their way through the crowd to the door. Once outside, he steered her toward his bike. She turned around and grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him down for a kiss. He sipped at her lips, but she was more interested in grinding against him than the kiss. He laughed and took possession of her mouth for a deeper kiss. She settled down and kissed him back.

  “All right, that’s enough. Get a room.”

  Jack pulled away and looked to his left to find a policeman standing there with his hand resting on the butt of his gun.

  “Sorry, officer. Just got carried away.” Jack smiled and slowly lifted Nina’s helmet and handed it to her. She smiled shyly at the officer as she settled the helmet and strapped it on. Then he climbed on the bike and waited for her to do the same thing. Once they were both settled, he started the bike and headed toward the hotel.

  “He thought we were going to argue with him, didn’t he?” Nina asked.

  Damn, she had good instincts.

  “Yeah, he did.”

  “It can’t be much fun riding a bike if you get treated that way everywhere you go,” she said.

  “I don’t normally. This is an exception because we’re riding with a group of bikers, and groups tend to have bad members just like they do good ones.”

  He pulled into the motel and parked the bike outside the door. As soon as he was off the bike, he pulled her inside and locked the door. They took off their helmets and sat them on the table by the love seat. Jack grabbed her by the shoulders and backed her up into the door. He buried his face in her neck and inhaled her scent. It had driven him crazy all the way there. She had leaned up against him and her breasts had flattened against his back as they rode. He was so hard he could pound a railroad spike.

  She moaned as he moved from her shoulder back to her ear and then nibbled around her chin and took her mouth. She fought with him for control of the kiss, but he put a stop to it by spreading her legs with his knee. She immediately began trying to hump it like he knew she would. God, her pussy called to him. He wanted to taste her so badly, but he needed her kiss first. He sucked on her tongue then ran it along the roof of her mouth. She moaned in his mouth as she got frustrated at not being able to ride his leg like she wanted to.

  “Please,” she begged.

  “Please what?” Jack asked.

  “I need…I need to come.”

  Jack picked her up and carried her to the bed where he began tugging at her T-shirt and pulling it over her head, then he unzipped her jeans and pulled them down around her boots.

  “Bend over the bed, baby. I can’t wait to get your boots and jeans off. I’ve got to have that pussy now.”

  Nina bent over the bed as he rolled on a condom. She turned her head, and her eyes got big as she realized he was going to fuck her again with that monster of a cock she had forgotten about. He laughed and pushed at her back until she was lying with her butt up in the air and her face on the bed. Jack rubbed the head of his dick up and down her wet cunt. He inserted two fingers to be sure she was ready. When he found her slick and open, he positioned the head of his cock at her pussy’s entrance and pushed. She moaned and pushed back against him. He pulled out some and then surged forward. She yelped but didn’t stop pushing against him. The next time he pulled out and pistoned forward, he made it all the way inside her. His balls slapped against her bare mound.

  “Fuck, you are so tight,” he hissed out through clenched teeth.

  He stayed there to give her time to adjust to his girth, and to help him regain some measure of control over his own urgency. He didn’t want to come too soon. He wanted it to last for at least a minute.

  As soon as he felt relatively in control, Jack pulled out and surged forward over and over. He reached around in front of her and unclasped her bra, pulling back the cups so that her breasts swayed freely as he pumped his dick inside her hot pussy. He grabbed her hips and used them to
pull her back when he pushed forward and push her off when he pulled back. He pummeled into her over and over, and when he realized he was going to come no matter how much he wanted to wait, Jack reached around and pressed on her clit over and over until she screamed for him. He fucked into her three more times and came with a roar. His cum filled the condom and then some. Careful not to lose the condom, he pulled out and just rested against her back until she collapsed onto the bed.

  Jack got rid of the condom then brought a warm bath cloth back to clean her up. He needed to ask her about birth control because some of it had leaked, he was sure. Then he wondered if he’d been too rough on her, and he panicked.

  “Nina, baby? Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Ummhmm” was all she said.

  He blew out a breath and finished undressing then undressed Nina. He had to turn her over to get to her boots and then pulled off her jeans and the bra. He folded it all up and climbed into the bed with her. She immediately rolled over and curled up against him with her head on his shoulder. His heart stuttered a beat. He’d never much liked the women he’d fucked to lie on him, but she felt good there with her head on his shoulder and her hand on his chest.

  He had a lot to think about, but he was too tired right then. He drifted off to sleep, thinking about how good she felt there against him.

  Chapter Seven

  Sometime during the middle of the night, or early morning, she wasn’t sure when, Jack woke her up with his mouth on her pussy. As ways to wake up went, that would be her favorite she decided. He brought her to a soft, moaning climax then donned a condom and fucked her slow and easy. Her pussy was still spasming when he fell asleep beside her.

  Nina smiled as she stretched and got up. She needed to pee, and it looked like it was close to time to get up. She inched around the bed and checked the time. It was only nine a.m. They could sleep another hour, she figured. She hurried in the bathroom and then climbed back in bed but couldn’t sleep. All she could think about was how good Jack made her feel. Not just in bed, but anytime they were together. He made her feel special and cared about. She needed to pull back some when they got back home or she was going to fall hard for him. She knew better because men eventually let you down. She had no intentions of being let down again. At some point she must have dozed off because Jack was shaking her awake a little later.

  “Okay, sleepy head, time to get up. It’s ten thirty.”

  “I’m awake. I just need to jump in the shower.” She rolled out of bed and would have fallen if Jack hadn’t grabbed her.

  “Whoa there. Let’s wake up before you try to walk,” he said.

  Nina laughed. “I’m awake. I forgot where I was is all.” She grabbed her bag and shuffled to the bathroom. He gave her privacy and didn’t bother her during the shower. She was a little disappointed but figured they were probably in a hurry. They had a lot of miles to cover to get back home.

  “You hungry, baby?” he asked once she was dressed.

  “Starving,” she admitted.

  “Do you want a fast-food hamburger or something like a home-cooked meal?”

  “Oh, well either is fine with me. If we need to get on the road, I’m fine with a burger,” she told him.

  “Let’s try something different. There’s a barbeque shack around her somewhere. I saw the ad in the motel magazine. It looks like it should be about three blocks over.”

  “Sounds good. I haven’t had barbeque in a long time.” Nina packed up her things, grabbed her helmet, and had it on and strapped down by the time he had his on and the door opened.

  Jack stored their stuff in the saddlebags and waited for her to climb on after him. They searched for a few minutes for the barbeque place to no avail but found a little diner that had home-cooked meals. They each got a plate lunch and hurried through it so they could get back on the road.

  “Okay,” Jack began. “I’m going to be riding a little faster since we aren’t stopping at all the towns. We’ll only stop for bathroom breaks and for dinner along the way. If you need to stop, let me know. I don’t mind stopping,” he told her.

  “I’ll let you know. But I’m warning you right now...” she began.

  “What?” he asked with a puzzled look.

  “I’m going to borrow your Jacuzzi spa when we get back to soak in. My ass is wasted,” she said with a laugh.

  He chuckled and hugged her. They bumped helmets and climbed back on the bike. The first few hours on the way back were fine. They stopped once for her to use the bathroom. Then around two hours later, they stopped in a town called Gulley for water and the bathroom. They each went into the separate bathrooms, but Jack was out before she got out. She heard him talking to someone.

  “Well, I’ll be damned. It’s Jack the Ripper, in the flesh. I thought you were dead somewhere.”

  “Nope, just retired from the gang.” Jack’s voice was rock steady.

  “You don’t retire from a gang, Jack. You know that,” the other voice said.

  Nina didn’t know whether to go out or stay inside. She didn’t want to make anything worse for Jack. Jack the Ripper? Was that really how he was known? Why? she wondered. She decided to ask Jack what he wanted her to do.

  “You riding this poke-ass rally?” the other man asked.

  “Jack,” she whispered. “Do I need to stay inside?”

  “Yeah, that’s right.”

  Nina figured he meant for her to stay inside. So she leaned against the wall in the ladies’ bathroom and just listened.

  “You know Slick still has it in for you, man.”

  “He never was one to forgive and forget,” Jack said.

  “Reaper will want to know where you are, too.”

  “Rather neither one of them knew where I was,” he said.

  “Yeah, I guess you would. I wouldn’t be doing my duty to the gang if I didn’t tell Reaper where you are.”

  “Bull, when did you ever do your duty to the gang?” Jack asked.

  “Asshole. I wasn’t always fucking off,” Bull said.

  “So, where is that pretty piece of yours? She’s got red hair, just like you like them?”

  Nina frowned and fingered her hair. It sounded like he already knew she was with him.

  “I dropped her off back at the last town. Not that interested in her.”

  Nina huffed out a breath but calmed herself. He was just trying to throw the guy off was all.

  “I saw her go in the ladies’ bathroom. You can’t fool me, Jack. Maybe I should go in and get her for you.”

  She heard shuffling and “Keep your fucking hands off her.” Then more shuffling and grunting.

  They were fighting. She couldn’t stand the idea of Jack getting hurt because of her. She walked out of the ladies’ bathroom and straight to where they were circling each other.

  “Stop it right now,” she yelled once she got close enough.

  Jack held his head, and she realized she’d yelled in his ears. Damn. The other man moved in to hit him, and she ran forward to shove him as hard as she could. Instead, he grabbed her and pulled her into his arms.

  “Well, hello there, honey. Don’t you look good enough to eat?” He tightened his grip when she struggled against him.

  “Let me the fuck go,” she screamed and kicked back at him. She made contact with his knee, and he dropped an arm. She used the opportunity to elbow him in the gut and climbed on the back of the bike as Jack cranked it up and drove it off the stand. His booted foot nearly hit her head when he climbed over her on the bike, but they’d managed.

  “Next time I tell you to stay inside, you do it. Do you hear me?” He fussed in the headset.

  “Yes, but he was hurting you because of me. I couldn’t let that happen,” she argued back.

  “He could have hurt you a lot worse. Don’t argue with me about something you don’t know anything about.”

  “Fine. Next time you can get your ass beat. See if I care,” she groused, thoroughly pissed at him now.

  He d
idn’t say anything for quite a while then pulled over at a small town right in front of the police station there and waited for her to climb off before he did. Then he opened one of the saddle bags, and pulled out his duffle bag. Farther in the saddle bag, he pulled out a leather jacket that had been rolled up. He slipped it on and then replaced the duffle and closed the saddle bag. The back of the jacket had a picture of a devil with a pitchfork. The name “The Devils” was stitched across the back.

  “I didn’t plan on wearing my colors with you along. I thought I could just be a normal guy on a ride with his girl, but that’s not going to happen. If we get stopped, don’t say anything. Don’t do anything. Just let me do the talking. Okay?”

  Nina sighed and nodded. She could admit to being in over her head. Jack knew what he was doing, and she just had to trust he would take care of her. They climbed back on the bike and continued riding toward home. About two hours out from where they lived, they had to pull over.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t wait any longer,” she told him.

  “It’s okay. We need to get some water in us anyway. It’s been a long ride.” Jack waited outside the ladies’ room until she came out.

  They both went in the service station and grabbed water. Jack paid, and they drank it down right there in the store before throwing away the bottles and returning to the bike. Jack had just climbed on the bike when two bikes pulled up on either side of him.

  “Get on the bike now, Nina,” Jack said quietly into the mike.

  She climbed on the bike and held on tight in case he wanted to take off. He didn’t. He sat there and waited for something, but she wasn’t sure what. Then one of the guys took off his helmet and grinned a sick-looking grin at him.

  “Jack, my man, what have you been up to lately?” the man said.

  “Nothing of any interest to the gang,” Jack said.

  “And how do you know it’s not of interest to us?” he asked.

  “Because I’m not active anymore. You know that, Reaper.”


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