Monroe, Marla - Nina's Neighbor (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Monroe, Marla - Nina's Neighbor (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 12

by Marla Monroe

  “Go to sleep, baby. I’ll be right here.”

  Nina closed her eyes and trusted Jack one more time.

  * * * *

  The next day, they were allowed to go back to her house to gather some clothes. She wore a pair of jeans that were so tight she couldn’t snap or zip them, but Jack’s T-shirt covered them well enough. She hated to even think who they belonged to.

  Jack had been warned that if he didn’t show back up in time to leave they would take it out on Nina. He hurried her along in the house.

  “Just what you can carry in the pack, Nina. We get some of our things as we go, so don’t bother with shampoo, soap, toothpaste, or any of that stuff unless you have the travel size ’cause that’s what we get at the truck stops,”

  “What do I do about my house, Jack?” she finally asked.

  “I already had all of your bills set up on draft so everything but the cable will be paid for while you’re gone,” he said.

  “Jack, I don’t have that kind of money in my checking account.”

  “It’s coming out of mine. Don’t worry. I moved savings over to cover all of it. It will be fine. I talked with Charlotte, and she’s going to come over and check on the houses periodically.”

  “She knows what’s going on?” Nina asked.

  “Just the basics, nothing in detail,” he said. “Remember how I told you to pack?”

  “Yeah, no underwear except that one bra. You know I can’t wear it nonstop. It has to be washed occasionally. Can’t I take another bra, too? It won’t take up too much room,” she promised.

  “You’re lucky I’m letting you wear a bra at all. In case you haven’t noticed, very few of the women are allowed bras at all. I figure that you can go without when we’re away from the public.”

  “You have everything figured out, don’t you?” she asked sarcastically.

  “No, I don’t. I’m just trying really hard to make this as easy on you as I can. I screwed up when I asked you to go on that ride with me. I’m very sorry, but I can’t change anything now.”

  “Damn, I know. I’m sorry I’m being such a bitch.” Then she laughed and had a hard time stopping. “‘Such a bitch.’ I am a bitch.”

  “Easy, baby. You’re getting hysterical.” Jack grabbed her and hugged her until she settled down.

  She finished packing and changed into a pair of jeans, rolling the others up to take back.

  “Leave them. The other woman will get another pair for lending you hers. Not worth the room it will take to take them back,” Jack told her.

  She shrugged and left them on the floor in the bedroom. She pulled on her boots and then looked at herself in the mirror. She looked sloppy and had dark circles under her eyes. She’d seen the women who’d been in the gangs for a while. They looked old and worn out. Would she look that way before Jack managed to get her out? She hoped not, but looking in the mirror, she figured she was well on her way already.

  “You ready, Nina?” Jack asked.

  “Yeah, I guess.” She took a look around her home and hoped she would one day see it again—one day soon.

  “Let’s go. We only have thirty more minutes before we have to meet them at the hotel. I don’t want to be late.” He handed her a helmet and watched as she fastened the chin strap.

  He climbed on then waited as she climbed on behind him. Nina held on tight to his waist as he pulled out of her driveway and out onto the street. They flew through town to the outskirts where the hotel was. They made it with five minutes to spare thanks to Jack’s creative driving. She wasn’t sure if her stomach could handle that on a daily basis though.

  “Got back in time. Good. I would have hated to have had to punish your bitch for you,” Reaper said with a sardonic smile. “Ready to head out?”

  “Yeah, where are we headed?” Jack asked.

  “Dallas for now. Got some business to take care of, and I want to introduce you to the players.”

  Nina listened but pretended not to. She leaned against Jack on the back of the bike. She wasn’t sure what her role was in all of this other than Jack’s bitch, but she wasn’t going to just lie down and let everyone walk all over her either. She would listen and keep notes. If there was a way to later, she would bring their asses down.

  Then it struck her. What if it meant Jack, too? Would she still do it? She wasn’t sure. Until she knew for sure, she would keep her eyes and ears open.

  “Let’s ride.” Reaper called out. There was a racing of motors as everyone gunned their bikes in preparation to leave. She held on tightly to Jack in preparation for a quick start and she was glad she had. He pulled out ahead of the others and took the lead. She expected the others to catch up and jockey for first place, but they all stayed back.

  “Why is everyone letting you be first?” she asked over the mike.

  “Because I’m one of Reaper’s right-hand men. Since I use to be his only one, I’m lead for a while. Then either Slick or Freak will take over. It’s just the way it works.”


  They rode for nearly two hours before Reaper took the lead and signaled for them to pull over. They converged on a truck stop about twenty minutes outside of Dallas. There were ten bikes and approximately sixteen people in the group. The diner seemed to be used to the influx of people, though they looked on warily as they all took seats together in the back of the place. Nina and Jack ended up at the same booth as Freak. No one sat next to him.

  “How long have you been with Reaper?” Jack asked the big man.

  “I don’t know, fifteen or sixteen months. It all runs together,” Freak said then downed a glass of water.

  They ordered and ate, then re-converged out around Reaper and the bikes. The leader waited for everyone to settle down.

  “I’ve got reservations for us at a hotel on the other side of Dallas close to Tanner’s Bar so we won’t have far to ride. Slick, you know the way, so you lead. Freak, with me. Jack, tail it,” he said. Then he looked at everyone. “This is a rough ride, so keep up.”

  He climbed on his bike and started it. Everyone else followed suit, and the entire entourage pulled out of the truck stop raising hell and stirring up dust. Nina buried her face in Jack’s back to avoid breathing the dust.

  “You okay back there?”

  “Choking, but I’ll live,” she said.

  “We’ll get you a bandanna for when we’re riding dirt trails. You’ll need it if we’re tailing it,” Jack said.

  “What are we doing next?” she asked.

  “We’ll ride to this hotel and settle in then head over to Tanner’s if they serve something like burgers. If they don’t, we’ll go find something to eat and then go to the bar around nine.”

  “Can I stay at the hotel?” she asked, knowing the answer would be no.

  “Sorry, babe. You have to come with us.”

  “Figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask.”

  The next thirty minutes was a harrowing ride across Dallas at the end of rush hour. Traffic was still heavy, and the roads were rough. Nina held on to Jack for dear life.

  She didn’t know if she would make it there in one piece or not with the way they rode weaving in and out of traffic. Much to her surprise, they did, and even more of a surprise was the caliber of the hotel they were all staying in.

  “He must have money to be able to afford this,” Nina mused out loud.

  “He does, but it’s blood money. Don’t forget that, Nina,” Jack said.

  They all waited around the bikes while Freak and Reaper went and got the room key cards. When he returned, he called out the room assignments. Once again, they had a room next to Freak, and sure enough, there was a connecting door.

  “Door stays open,” Freak warned them later when he had unlocked their side as well as his own.

  “Fine, but do you think you could stay in your room?” Nina asked.

  Freak looked at her and grinned. She took a step backward into Jack. He pushed her behind him.

  “I like a woman
with some balls. They scream the loudest.” Then Freak walked over to his room.

  “Don’t be baiting him like that, Nina. He’s a loose cannon. I don’t know anything about him.”

  “I’m just cranky and tried. This has not exactly been a good day for me,” she pointed out.

  “For either one of us,” Jack told her.

  She sighed and nodded. “I suppose it’s not exactly what you were wanting to do with your Friday either.”

  “Let’s take a shower and change clothes. Someone will be here soon to tell us what we are doing about dinner tonight. I’d prefer to be dressed and ready.”

  “I’ll agree with that.” Nina pulled off her boots and socks and then her jeans, leaving the long T-shirt on until she got into the bathroom where she could close the door.

  Jack followed her into the bathroom, but unlike her, he was buck naked. She guessed he was comfortable that way since he’d ridden with The Devils before. She didn’t think she would ever feel comfortable being naked where someone else could see her.

  He turned on the water and adjusted the temperature before stepping in and holding back the curtain for her to climb in with him. She pulled off the bra and hung it on the towel rack before climbing in behind him. They bathed without saying anything, and then when she was clean, she started to climb out, but he stopped her.

  “I want you, Nina. I’ve never stopped wanting you. Is this going to be a problem? Because you know they are going to expect us to act like a normal couple,” Jack said.

  Nina had been studiously avoiding looking at his cock. The massive appendage stood straight out and had been ever since Jack had undressed. She wasn’t sure how she felt about sex right now. God knows she wanted him, but the idea of sex with Freak in the next room really bothered her.

  “It’s not a problem between us, Jack.” She sighed. “I’m just not sure I can do it with Freak in the next room with the door open.”

  “We don’t have much of a choice, Nina. He’ll report back to Reaper that we aren’t getting along in that department, and Reaper is going to want to know what’s going on. I, for one, don’t want him getting his hands on you for as long as possible.”

  “Shit.” Nina covered her face with her hands.

  Jack pulled them away from her face. “Baby, we can’t hide from this. I would if I could, but we don’t have a lot of choice,” Jack said, holding her hands.

  “Don’t you think I know that? I’m trying to deal with it, but it’s not easy, Jack.”

  “I know, baby. I know.”

  He leaned in and kissed her. She didn’t resist and after a few seconds responded to him. How could she not? He tasted like heaven to her. He licked at the roof of her mouth then drew on her tongue with his lips. His hands cupped her ass cheeks, kneading them as he pushed his swollen dick against her pelvis.

  Nina wrapped a leg around his thighs and ran her pussy up and down the base of his cock. She could feel the beginnings of heat bloom deep in her womb as he began fucking against her. The added friction of his pubic hair only increased the sensation. He captured her nipple in his mouth and began sucking on it as he tweaked it with his tongue. He nipped at it then licked it over and over, before moving to the other breast.

  The sensations were beginning to build inside of her. She moaned as he nipped at her again and again. When he reached between them to apply pressure to her clit, she all but screamed. Her climax washed over her in a flood of feelings. Jack captured the worst of her cries with his mouth. He let her down slowly until she was leaning against him in order to stand up.

  “I want inside of you so bad, but I don’t have a condom in here with me.”

  Before Nina could say anything, Freak pulled back the shower curtain.

  “I’ll go get you one, Jack. Just hold on right there.”

  Nina shrieked and huddled behind Jack.

  “Fuck, Freak. What in the hell are you doing in here?”

  “Listening to you two screw around. I’d rather watch than listen, though.”

  “Get out,” Jack said with a growl.

  “I’ll get that condom for you and leave you to her. Won’t do for you to walk around with that thing loaded,” he said nodding at Jack’s swollen cock.

  Freak started to turn away then turned back. “What the hell do you need a condom for anyway? She’s your bitch.”

  “Neither one of us wants a kid right now,” Jack said before Nina could say anything.

  “Hell, our doctor can give her that shot and you won’t have to worry for three months. I’ll tell Reaper she needs to see him.” Freak turned to leave, but Nina stopped him.

  “I won’t go see him. I’m not going to any quack.”

  “Jack, you better teach her better or you’re going to have Reaper all over her. You don’t want that. Especially if he gives her to me to discipline.” He smiled again.

  This time he did leave and closed the bathroom door behind him. Why she hadn’t felt the cool breeze when he had come in, she didn’t know. Well, if it had been while they’d been screwing around as he’d said, she knew why.

  “Nina, you’re going to have to go to the doctor and get the shot. Reaper will intervene like Freak said. He’s a regular doctor who sees regular patients. He isn’t a quack. I wouldn’t let you go to one. I’d take you to another doctor myself if necessary.”

  Nina couldn’t believe he was going along with Freak about the damn doctor. He just didn’t want to wear a condom anymore, she decided. Bastard. They were all the same when it came to sex.

  “Look, I’ve got an implant in my arm. It’s a method of birth control that’s good for seven years. I’m not going to get pregnant. If you’ve just got to have me without a condom—” He interrupted her.

  “That’s not it at all. I’m perfectly happy to wear one. I’ve always worn one. Even back when I rode with them before, but I crossed Reaper for you, which means, I see you as my permanent bitch. It’s like being married. You don’t wear condoms when you’re married if your wife is on birth control.”

  “Did you just ask me to marry you?” she asked, tongue in cheek.

  Jack couldn’t be sure if she were teasing or not. He wasn’t.

  “Yes, I’m asking you to marry me,” he said.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “The answer is yes. You can fuck me without a condom now,” she said and grabbed a towel.

  Jack took the towel away from her and helped her out of the tub where he began to dry her off himself. As soon as she was dry, he got another towel and dried himself off. She wrapped the towel around her and opened the door and walked out. He followed close behind but was relieved to see that Freak wasn’t anywhere around. He must have returned to his room.

  Nina dropped the towel and quickly pulled on her jeans and a T-shirt. Then she pulled on socks and her boots. He watched her the entire time without bothering to put on his clothes. He enjoyed watching her. She turned and stared at him with a quizzical expression on her face.


  “Just watching you dress. I like watching that pretty ass of yours wiggle into those jeans, only you don’t seem to have to wiggle much anymore. You’ve lost weight, haven’t you?” Jack said.

  “I don’t know. Maybe.”

  “You need to keep your strength up.” He looked at her pointedly, hoping she would take the hint that she might need it later.

  “I’ll keep my strength up. It won’t hurt me to lose a few pounds, Jack.”

  “I like you the way you are,” he said.

  “Never mind. Get dressed before they come looking for us,” she reminded him.

  He laughed and pulled on his jeans then pulled out a clean T-shirt. By the time he was finished dressing, Nina was sitting on the love seat staring at the TV that wasn’t on.

  “You want me to turn it on until someone comes for us?”

  “Naw, I’m just thinking.”

  “Anything you want to talk about?” he asked.

  “No. Just girl stuff,” sh
e said.

  Jack was about to say something when Freak knocked on the wall in his room.

  “Time to meet out front, you guys. Better get dressed and come on,” he yelled.

  Jack didn’t answer. He pulled Nina to her feet and kissed her. Then he hugged her and whispered in her ear.

  “It will be okay, baby. Somehow, I’ll make it okay.”

  They walked outside to the bikes where most everyone was gathering, Reaper was standing off to the side talking with Freak. Jack didn’t like the looks of that. If he was telling him about the condom incident, they were in trouble.

  “Okay, everyone,” Slick was saying. “We’re going to Tanner’s Bar for the night. They have burgers, fries, and barbeque sandwiches. You’re on your own about when you want to call it a night, but be ready by noon to get something to eat.”

  That sounded good to him. They could make it an early night, and maybe Freak would stay for a while. It would give them some privacy. They needed it to work out how they would handle the intimacy with Freak in the next room. He knew how things worked. He wasn’t using his bitch. She got moved to someone who would. He needed to explain this to Nina so she would understand that there wasn’t anything they could do about Freak.

  Freak came walking over from where he’d been talking with Reaper. He had a funny little grin on his face. Jack didn’t like the looks of it.

  “What’s up?” Jack asked when Freak walked up.

  “Seems I get to carry your bitch to the bar for you.”

  “Hell no. She’s mine, and no one else gets to touch her,” Jack reminded him.

  “Oh, I don’t get to touch her. She just rides over there with me as a sort of…punishment.”

  “What the hell for?” he demanded when Nina started to say something.

  “Well, evidently she didn’t tell you she was on birth control already so you would have to wear a condom. She lies about that, she might lie about something else.”

  “Dammit, Freak, she didn’t lie about it, and you know it. She’d told me. We were just playing it safe.”

  Nina was plastered so close to him now, he felt every shiver against his back.


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