Anabel Unraveled

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Anabel Unraveled Page 18

by Amanda Romine Lynch

  As we approached the prison, Jonathan emerged. He looked harried, but stopped when he saw me walking with the Major. “Briggs?” he asked.

  “Your daughter was looking for you, sir.” He saluted me and was off.

  Jonathan turned to me. “You look like a train hit you. What’s wrong?”

  I ignored the insult. “I need to talk with you, alone,” I told him, my voice dry.

  “I’m very busy. Can it wait?”

  “No, it can’t.”

  “Well, what is it then?” He was studying his clipboard.

  “Daddy,” I said.

  “What, Anabel? I really—”

  “Daddy, I need to go somewhere private and talk to you,” I pleaded, my voice breaking.

  “I have things to do, Anabel.”

  “For once in your life, can you act like my father and just be there for me when I need you?” Tears were welling in my eyes yet again.

  And then Jonathan really looked at me, taking in my bloodshot eyes, my messy hair, and my tears of desperation. “There is no need to cause a scene,” he told me, his voice cold. “We’ll go to my office.”

  Sniffling, I followed him as he moved across the piazza, into our building, and down the hall to his office. I followed him in, shutting the door behind us. He went to sit behind his desk as I lowered myself into a chair.

  “Well?” he queried.

  I started to cry.

  He sighed. “I think I know what this is about.”

  “Oh, I don’t,” I muttered.

  “I am assuming from your behavior that Mr. Sorensen has told you what he told me last night, about his recommendation to Sam,” he continued.

  Oh. I had forgotten about that.

  “There has been a great deal of question regarding your emotional stability, child. I have talked to Mr. Sorensen extensively about this, and we have both agreed that the best course of action for now is to keep you here so I can support you as you go through this . . . transition period in your life.”

  “Transition period?” Was the man insane?

  “You appear to be going through…some things,” Jonathan went on to say. “We may need to get a counselor for you, but I want to make sure your needs are adequately met.”

  I stared at my father. “You want my needs to be adequately met, huh? Isn’t that the same phrase you used when you took Kevin away?”

  Jonathan stared at me, his gaze never wavering. “You seem to have a habit of attracting the worst sort of men, Anabel. I think it would only get worse for you if you were to leave here, to be unsupervised.”

  I began choking on my own rage. “You are so clueless, you really have no idea what is going on.” I stood up. “Allow me to spell it out for you, Daddy. Last night, after you drank Jared under the table, he did show up at my bedroom door. But it wasn’t to talk to me about any little bosom conversations that the two of you had.”

  His eyebrows shot up, and I continued. “Look at me, Jonathan. Just look at me. When is the last time I wore sweatpants?”

  “What are you getting at?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I normally care enough about my appearance to wear a dress, or a nice pair of slacks. I normally style my hair. I only wear sneakers on the treadmill.” I was pacing now. “Also, I know that if you caught me like this under other circumstances, you would force me to change. Well, I look like this because right now, I don’t care what I look like. Because last night, thanks to you, Jared Sorensen burst into my bedroom and had his way with me.”

  The words took a moment to sink in, and then my father’s tone became low and dangerous. “So you seduced him then?”

  I stared at him. “Are you serious?”

  He glared back at me.

  Disbelieving, I asked, “You really are determined to believe the worst of me, aren’t you?”

  “Your behavior of late indicates exactly what type of woman you are, Anabel. You clearly have become the worst sort of harlot. Surely you invited Mr. Sorensen in.”

  I was at a loss for what to say. Then, something inside of me snapped. “Yup. That’s it. You have completely revealed my character, Daddy. So good work. However,” I raised my voice a bit, “I think you should see this.” Without a word, I held out my arms to him, so he could see the ugly bruises that had formed on them. “In case you were wondering, these bruises exist because he was holding me down while he forced himself into me. I have some similar ones on my leg, from being shoved to the ground. You know, I really thought that I could come to you with this, and that you would step down from your high horse and for once, be a parent, and defend my honor, or something.” I reached inside my bag and pulled out the bloodstained nightgown. “This,” I snarled, throwing it onto his desk, “is what that man did to me last night, and to be honest, I don’t hold him half as responsible for it as I do you.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Anabel!” he shouted.

  “I most certainly am not being ridiculous!” I screeched back. “You were the one who got him so drunk he didn’t even know what he was doing! And you know, at this moment, I can honestly say that I despise you. You have never once cared about me, or put me first. It’s always been you, and your needs, and your sick, twisted desire to have control over my life.”

  “How dare you disrespect me,” he seethed.

  I scoffed. “Please. The only thing plaguing you right now is not any concern for my well-being, but a wonder if you might be able to use this for your own gain.” I started to head for the front door. Then I turned back. “You were all I had, you know. You took Marilyn away, and I so desperately wanted some sign of affection from you.” Tears pricked at my eyes. “But now I know that all of that was wasted on you. I now know that you are impossible to love—and you don’t deserve my affections one bit. Do not come after me.”

  That, of course, was the last time I saw him.

  Chapter 23—Anabel

  I sat back in my chair. Sam looked at me with concern, and I attempted a half smile at him. I did not bother looking Jared’s way; I figured he was going through enough as it was.

  “Thank you, Miss Martin,” the Congresswoman said. “I think we shall adjourn for lunch. We will reconvene at 1 p.m.”

  Sam sighed. “Well, at least that part’s over.”

  “It is,” I agreed. “Listen, I need to go find Mr. Holbrook, he said he wanted to discuss Jonathan’s will with me.”

  Sam frowned. “Isn’t there usually a will reading for that?”

  “Well, I am his only heir,” I pointed out.

  “I want to come with you.”

  “Me, too.” Jared had materialized.

  I shrugged. “That’s fine with me.” Mr. Holbrook was approaching us.

  “Miss Martin, Mr. President,” he said, nodding to Sam. He ignored Jared. The act made me want to giggle, but I refrained.

  “My brother and Mr. Sorensen will be accompanying us, Mr. Holbrook,” I announced.

  Mr. Holbrook did not look too happy with this, and it seemed like he was literally biting his tongue. “I see. Well, I will send my assistant for lunch. We can meet in a room that I have arranged.”

  So we followed him, and headed to a room with a large oval table. Jana, his assistant, came in about five minutes later with warm sandwiches. As I bit into mine, Mr. Holbrook handed me a packet of documents. “These are your personal copies,” he said. “I assumed, Miss Martin, that you would want to have them for your reference.”

  “That is very good of you, thank you,” I said, around my sandwich.

  He put on his glasses. “Now then,” he continued, “You are Jonathan’s sole heir, so everything—his bank accounts, his estate, and his life insurance policy—those all go directly to you. I have taken the liberty of changing everything into your name, I just need some signatures.”

  I frowned. “What exactly does his estate entail?”

  He took off his glasses. “Miss Martin, you are aware that your father owned two properties?”

  “Mr. Holbrook,” I
returned, “my father did not trust me with the most mundane of details, this is not the sort of thing that he would volunteer to me.”

  “Very well. One of the properties is actually in Mclean, Virginia. I spoke to the caretaker and it is ready for you if you should decide to move in.”

  “Wow,” was all I could say.

  “If you will look in the file, Miss Martin, you will find that your father left you extremely well taken care of, and as soon as the inquest is over, you will be awarded his 1 million dollar life insurance policy.”

  I stared at him. “Are you serious?”

  “Quite,” he returned. “In the meantime, I have procured for you bank cards with your name on them, so that you have access to your funds.”

  I stared at the account balances. “Are these right?”

  “As I mentioned,” he went on, “your father provided handsomely for you. He has also provided me with an extensive retainer, so I am yours at any time.”

  I felt overwhelmed. I showed Sam the paper. “This is a lot of money, right?”

  “Wow,” he whistled. “Well, it makes sense. His housing and all of his expenses on the island were provided, and I’m sure he got a fair amount of Cassidy’s fortune during the divorce.” He grinned at me. “You’re a very wealthy lady, Missy.”

  “Your documents, Miss Martin,” Mr. Holbrook continued. “Your passport, birth certificate, credit cards—”

  “Credit cards?”

  “I had specific instructions as to what to provide for you should a situation such as this ever occur.” He leaned forward. “I know this must be a bit overwhelming for you, and I apologize if I seem curt, it is just we have a great deal to get through in such a short time.” He glanced at his watch.

  “No, thank you,” I managed. I glanced over at Jared. He had been silent throughout the presentation. I offered him a small smile. “See, I told you I would pay you back.”

  “It was a gift, Anabel,” he stated.

  “Alright then,” I said, looking to Sam. He rolled his eyes.

  Jared stood up. “It is 12:45, we should head back.” And he did, without a backwards glance at either of us.

  Sam and I exchanged a glance. “And I thought I was the one with all the hormones.” I grinned at my brother. “So, do you want to check out my new house with me tonight?”

  “Unfortunately, I have a speaking engagement at American University.”

  “Well, maybe Jared will get his temper under control and come with me,” I suggested.

  Sam frowned. “You shouldn’t spend time with him outside of these proceedings, Anabel. It doesn’t send a good message.”

  “You keep saying that, but I don’t know how much more my reputation could suffer.” I stood up and shook Mr. Holbrook’s hand, and Sam helped me get all of my paperwork and new house keys into my bag.

  The hearing room was buzzing, and I walked over to Jared and put my hand on his shoulder. “Hey.”

  He did not glance up. “What?”

  “I was thinking I would go check out this house that Jonathan left me.” I shifted on my feet. “I would like it if you came with me.”

  “I’ll think about it.” And with that, I was dismissed.

  I walked over to Sam and slumped down next to him. “Sit up straight, Anabel,” he admonished.

  I groaned and put my head down on the table. Thankfully, they called Marilyn for questioning, so I did not have to say anything for the remainder of the day.

  Five o’clock rolled around and Sam shot me a sad smile. “So I take it you won’t be coming home tonight?”

  “I don’t think so,” I admitted. “I’m sorry, Sam.”

  He nodded. “Well, I’ve already taken some precautionary measures.” He turned to a man standing in the back and gestured him over.

  This man caught my attention immediately. He was tall and extremely good-looking. He was dressed in khakis and a button down shirt, but he carried himself with an erect posture that exuded confidence. His dark brown hair was almost the same color as his eyes, which seemed kind, but guarded. For the first time in a long time, I felt conscious of my appearance.

  It was, of course, Matt.

  “You may remember Matt Moore. I’ve hired him to be your bodyguard.”

  “What?” I wasn’t paying attention. Sam let out a frustrated sigh.

  “Anabel! I’m paying Matt to look after you until this is resolved.”

  “Hi,” I managed, feeling shy.

  Matt barely acknowledged me. “Hey. Now Sam, where are we setting up shop?”

  “Well, Anabel found out today that she has inherited a house from Jonathan. It’s in Mclean, so that is probably the best place for the two of you.”

  My eyes narrowed a bit. “So you are going to be staying with me?”

  “That is the point of a bodyguard.” He sounded amused, and even gave me a small smile. My insides melted a little.

  I looked at Sam. “I don’t even know where this place is.”

  “Do you have the address?” Matt stepped a little closer to me.


  “We’ll be fine then. Anabel, you will be riding with me over there. Sam has already given me a lot of your clothing so you should be set for at least a few days.”

  I shot Sam a questioning glance, and he nodded. “I knew you weren’t going to come back.”

  I hugged him. Then he stood up. “Well, I need to head out. Annie, you’re in good hands.” He walked out, his Secret Service detail following him.

  I looked at Matt and smiled. “So it’s just you and me, then?”

  “Am I no longer invited?”

  Oh, right. I had forgotten about Jared.

  “Jared, this is Matt, my new bodyguard. Matt, this is Jared, who—”

  “I know who he is,” Matt cut me off.

  I was surprised. “Do you two know each other?”

  “We’ve met,” stated Matt, before Jared could open his mouth. He turned back to me. “So, you and I will go to Mclean, I want to scope out the area. Sorensen,” he turned to Jared, “I think it would be best if you met us there in an hour or so.”

  That was an order. I looked at Jared, who appeared to be struggling with an inner conflict. Finally he nodded. He wrote down the address, kissed me on the cheek, and walked out of the room.

  I turned to Matt, my eyebrows raised. “What was that all about?”

  “Nothing I want to go into,” he replied. He held out his hand. “Shall we?”

  I accepted and he helped me up. “You realize you are going to tell me what is going on between the two of you.”

  “That will not be happening, Anabel.”

  I smirked. “We’ll see.”

  Chapter 24—Jared

  I ran down the hallway, and caught Sam just as he was getting into his town car. “Matt Moore? That’s a low blow, even for you.”

  What seemed like a thousand reporters heard me say this, and they immediately turned their cameras towards us. Sam barked, “In the car. Now.”

  I hopped in next to him, and he was glaring at me. “You have no right,” he began.

  “He hates me more than you do.”

  “With good reason.” Sam was cool. “I realize you think this is some sort of personal attack, and I can understand that. But there is no one else in the world that I would trust with the overseeing of my sister than Matt, and you know he did a great job with my kids.”

  “I would watch out for her,” I argued.

  “Yes, but she changes her mind on an hourly basis as to whether or not she wants to see you,” Sam seemed to be enjoying himself. “Look, she needs more stability than you can provide. She’s also not going to take your mood swings either. I saw how you were when you heard about her money.” He looked at me hard. “I know you don’t like it, you’ve never liked people with more money than you. She’s had enough stress, and the pregnancy has really done a number on her, with the bleeding, and—”

  “What bleeding?” I asked.

; Sam groaned. “She didn’t tell you. Great. Long story short, right about when she hit nine weeks was when we found out she was pregnant, and then when she hit ten weeks she had what’s called sub-chorionic bleeding.” I stared at him, so he continued. “Sometimes when the placenta implants into the uterus it forms a little pool of blood. Most of the time the body just absorbs it, but Annie had some spotting, and she flipped her lid.” He sighed. “I’m serious, Jared. She was in hysterics. I shudder to think about what would have happened if she had lost the baby. Thank God Kevin came when he did, and told her what it was.”

  “But nothing’s wrong, right?”

  “No,” he sighed. “Her body absorbed the hematoma, and she hasn’t had problems of that nature since. She has had multiple urinary infections, however, which stresses her out because she’s worried about antibiotics hurting the baby. This is why she needs someone who will be a steady influence. And I can’t count on you, based on your past behavior, even if I wanted to. If I give her Matt, he’ll watch her and not put up with her absurdity.”

  “If you give her Matt,” I scoffed. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing, Sam.”

  “You know how I feel about what you did to her.”

  “You used to be my best friend,” I pointed out.

  “And where did that get me?”

  “I love her,” I said.

  He looked like he would punch me. “Never say that again,” he ordered. “I don’t believe you. I don’t even think she believes you.”

  “Look, I told you I never wanted this to happen. Even Anabel admitted as much today. I would never have touched her if I hadn’t been impaired.”

  Sam sighed. “I warned you about Jonathan. You saw firsthand what he was doing to her.”

  “I can’t argue with you anymore,” I groaned. “But I’m not going to let you deliver her into Moore’s waiting hands. He’ll use her to get back at me, and do you really want to do that to your own sister?”

  “He likes saving things,” Sam pointed out. “And you prevented him from saving his sister.”

  “It wasn’t like that! You know it!” The image of Natasha Moore from that morning in the park flashed through my mind again. It was a face I saw a lot, as she still haunted my dreams.


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