Tangled in Divine [Divine Creek Ranch 14] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Tangled in Divine [Divine Creek Ranch 14] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Heather Rainier

  She rubbed her arms to warm them. “I suppose I did.”

  “Teresa is cooking. She’s invited Julián to supper. Is that all right with you?”

  “Sure. I’m her guest. I’m not dictating who she invites although it sounds like you’ll be front and center for the butt-whooping Julián plans to deliver.”

  “I sincerely doubt that, but I think you’ve definitely earned it. We care a great deal about you and you’ve had us all sick with worry.” Angel leaned close with a knowing smirk on his handsome face. “I think you have yourself another admirer.” He tilted his head toward the big man changing the tire.

  Gwen made a disgusted sound that she hoped was convincing. “Bullshit. He’s Julián’s friend. Buffoon nearly ran over me. I hardly think that constitutes an admirer.”

  “Good, then you won’t mind if he’s there tonight too. But mark my words”—he glanced at Chris—“I know that look.”

  She mouthed, “Whatever,” and poked Angel in the ribs.

  She turned to Chris, who was focused on his work, and reached out with her keys in her hand. “Thank you for helping me, Chris.”

  “It’s a pleasure finally meeting you, Gwen,” he replied as he looked up at her, the twinkle back in his eyes. “I’ll be along with the truck directly.” His hand was huge compared to hers as she placed the keychain in his palm.

  “Be careful, sometimes the gas pedal linkage breaks or comes off and the pedal goes to the floor.”

  Both men groaned disgustedly and Chris said, “And what do you do when that happens?” He may have asked the question but he didn’t look like he really wanted to know.

  Duh! What else should I do? Stand there and wring my hands? “I shut it off, crawl underneath, and put it back together with baling wire.”

  Chris rubbed the back of his neck and mumbled to himself as Angel began cursing in rapid-fire Spanish that she couldn’t understand.

  I guess it would be bad if I told them I had to do that once already last weekend.

  Angel grabbed her overnight bag and motioned with his chin for her to go around to his truck, still mumbling in Spanish under his breath. Gwen looked back at Chris and gawked incredulously when he pursed his lips and gave her a kissie-face.

  “Until later, Elmer Fudd.”

  She shook her head dazedly, not even bothering to protest as she went around to Angel’s truck. She should dismiss him from her mind but she couldn’t. He practically vibrated with personality and she loved that in a guy. So many times, pretty cowboys turned out to be nothing but pretty cowboys, but she really liked a guy with personality.

  You shouldn’t be looking forward to seeing him…or Julián. Do not get tangled up here in Divine! This is a temporary stop.

  She looked at her phone again, and began scrolling through the many unanswered text messages, e-mails, and phone calls. Guilt at causing her friends worry swamped her. Something was up with Teresa, and Gwen felt especially bad about ignoring her calls.

  She’d driven from place to place in Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas in a sort of daze. Starting the trip fatigued from being on the road for so long already, she knew that she needed rest, but sleep had been nearly impossible.

  Roger and her father had tried hard to talk her into staying at his ranch which was just down the road from the Bucking H Ranch but she’d needed to get away. She couldn’t really even remember much of what Roger and her dad had told her. The only thought in her mind at the time had been removing herself from the source of the pain she’d felt. She couldn’t be around her dad right then.

  “You warm enough?” Angel asked as he directed the heater vent at her.

  She nodded automatically. “Yeah, I’m just fine—”

  Angel held up his hand to cut her off. “Don’t start that with me. You’re not fine.”

  She stopped looking at her phone and turned her gaze on her friend. “No, I’m not fine at all. I’m numb right now.”

  “Is your dad all right?”

  She nodded. “Far as I know.”

  Angel squeezed her shoulder. “We’ll be home soon. We’ll sit you down with a cup of coffee and you can talk, okay?”

  Relieved, Gwen nodded. She didn’t think she could tell this humiliating story more than once. The phone went into her pocket as Angel’s big truck ate up the miles between Divine and the Divine Creek Ranch, where the Martinezes’ home was located. Everyone who’d been trying to catch up with her could yell at her in person. She’d get back in touch with her dad and Roger…later.

  Angel let out a disgruntled sigh as he pulled up in the driveway to their house and saw that Teresa was already outside waiting for them on the porch. He softly murmured, “Woman.”

  Joaquin came out the door behind Teresa and gave his wife the stink-eye and then walked over to Gwen’s door, opening it before she could.

  “Hey, Gwen. Welcome home,” he said with an easy smile and hugged her when she hopped down from the truck. His word choice struck her heartstrings. She’d had a home but now she felt anchorless.

  Teresa came around the truck and pulled her into a hug. “I’m so glad you’re here and you’re safe.”

  Angel came up behind Teresa, opened his jacket, and pulled her back against his chest and pulled the jacket around her. “Woman, it’s thirty-five degrees out here. Where’s your coat?”

  “I only just came out when I heard you pull up,” Teresa murmured as she cast her gaze up to Angel. The loving exchange created an uncharacteristic lump in Gwen’s throat. She’d seen such affectionate communication between them on numerous occasions, but for some reason this one caught her off guard. Made her feel vulnerable.

  “Here, Mama!” five-year-old Michael hollered as he came running out the front door carrying Teresa’s coat. “You need this! My little sister is gonna get cold!”

  Gwen’s jaw dropped. “You’re pregnant! That’s why these two are acting like overbearing daddies to be. I should’ve known!”

  Teresa rolled her eyes and laughed as she accepted her coat from her well-meaning son. “We don’t know yet if it’s a girl or not. That was supposed to be my surprise to tell.”

  Michael toed the pavement with his boot and said, “Sorry, Mama.”

  Teresa caressed his cheek with her palm and replied, “That’s okay, baby. I know you’re just excited.”

  Assured that he wasn’t in trouble, Michael turned to Gwen and cocked his head, his sweet brown eyes twinkling, and said, “How you doin’, pretty cowboy lady?”

  Gwen crouched down and wrapped her arms around his little shoulders. Tears suddenly flooded her eyes at the use of his distinctive endearment for her. Despite her private pain, she answered from her heart. “Never better, little mister cowboy man. I’ve missed you.” She swiped the tears away so that Michael wouldn’t see them.

  Joaquin and Angel shooed them all into the house out of the wind. Gwen smiled when she saw the colorful decorations Teresa had put up around the room and the gaily festooned Christmas tree in the corner of the living room.

  Joaquin took Teresa by the hand and led her to the double recliner located near the lit fireplace. “You’ve been on your feet long enough, sugar. Relax and talk, and we’ll handle things in the kitchen from here.” Joaquin helped her into the recliner and slid a pillow beneath her knees as he whispered to Michael, who kissed his mom, waved at Gwen, and left the room.

  “All right. The timer should go off in—”

  From the kitchen, Angel called, “We’ve got it, beautiful. Just relax for now. We’ll listen for the timer. Gwen, I’m getting your coffee now. You relax too.”

  Gwen sat down in the other half of the recliner and Teresa smiled at Joaquin as he left the room. “They’re spoiling me.”

  “And hovering like mother hens. What’s got them worried?”

  “I had some spotting and cramping the other day and Emma asked me to take it easy for a few days. I haven’t had any reoccurrences since then but they’re still worrying. I’m about eight weeks along. I see h
er later this week for an ultrasound.”

  “I hope everything will be all right.”

  “Emma said not to worry. It’s not unheard of, and I feel just fine. I’m staying hydrated like she asked me to.”

  “I’m really sorry to add to your worry. I really didn’t mean to.”

  Teresa smiled and patted her hand. “Sorry I cussed at you. You should’ve seen Angel’s face when I let loose earlier. He shot out of here like a rocket.”

  “He knew you were really serious.”

  “Guess so.”

  “Here’s your coffee, Gwen,” Angel murmured as he held out the steaming mug. Joaquin joined his brother and they both took seats on the couch opposite of the recliner. “We’re all ears if you want to tell us what happened.”

  When she was done relating the tale, Teresa handed her a tissue and squeezed her hand. “Have you spoken to your dad since you left?”

  “No. I’m not exactly mad at him, even though I know I have a right to be. I honestly don’t care how he feels right now. What’s happened is on him, and now the burden to fix it is all on me. I couldn’t stay on at Roger’s place knowing what was happening right down the road.”

  “You’ve got at least a couple of months of downtime before you can do anything. What will you do about a horse, if you plan to compete?”

  “I need to find work and a place to stay until March and I put in a call to Abigail and Caughlin McIntyre to see if they could help me get a line on a horse. I’ve known them since I was a little girl and they may know someone. It’s a long shot but it’s my only chance. They must be on vacation because I haven’t heard from them yet.”

  “I may know of someone who can help, Gwen,” Joaquin said. “And you know you’re always welcome to stay with us.”

  “Sure. Thank you.” She’d been dealt so many bad cards lately and she didn’t want to get her hopes up but appreciated Joaquin’s efforts.

  The doorbell rang just then, followed quickly by the sound of a firm knock on the door. Teresa grinned and covered her laugh with her hand. “Wonder who that could be?”

  Angel went to the door and opened it, revealing Julián Alvarez standing on the porch, looking like sin in a black felt cowboy hat.

  Teresa prepared to get up to greet Julián and whispered aside to Gwen, “There ought to be a law against men as handsome as these. Get ready for the testosterone levels to shoot through the roof, my friend.”

  Angel spoke quietly to Julián as he let him in, and Julián held out his hand. “Stay where you are, Teresa. You shouldn’t be on your feet right now.”

  Teresa cast a quick glance at Gwen. “See? Next, they’ll have me eating bonbons.”

  Angel winked and smiled. “We try. You won’t let us.”

  “I’ll get big as a house as it is. I don’t need help with that,” Teresa said in weak protest, staying where she was. “Hi, Julián. I’m so glad you could come over.”

  Julián gave Teresa a chaste peck on the cheek and then made eye contact with Gwen and held it silently for several seconds, his emotions locked behind his fathomless dark brown eyes.

  “I’m glad you’re okay, Gwendolyn.”

  Oh, fuck.

  She didn’t have to be a mind reader to know what the full-name treatment meant. She was in for a high-level discussion with this insanely sexy cowboy. She couldn’t help it when the shaky sigh left her lips. He lowered his gaze and looked her over before focusing on her mouth again. The muscles in his jaw moved as though he was clenching his teeth.

  Looking amused, Angel nodded to the kitchen and said, “Let’s get you a cup of coffee too, Julián. We’ll talk in the kitchen for a minute.”

  Julián gave a slight nod and removed his hat and placed it on the rack as he walked into the kitchen. His stride was confident but stiff as though he’d been unwilling to leave the room.

  Teresa snickered and said, “Honey, I hope you’re ready for what you’ve unleashed.”

  “Huh?” I’m the victim here. Aren’t I?

  “That man looks in a ‘claiming mood.’”

  Gwen scoffed. “Don’t be silly—”

  “I know that look. You had him every bit as worked up as you did me. He looked like he wanted to wrap you up, take you home…and eat you alive.”

  “Pfft. It’s not like that between us.” Surely she’s hallucinating.

  “I have eyes and I know that look. I remember it very well from just a few years ago, on another Christmas Eve.” Teresa turned so that she partially faced Gwen. “He’s a wonderful man, Gwen. I hope you give in.”

  Gwen felt her face go red-hot and she nudged Teresa’s shoulder lightly. “You hush.”

  “He used your full name. You’re really in for it, I bet.”

  Gwen snickered and whispered, “He told Chris to tell me that he planned to turn my butt hot pink when he saw me.”

  Teresa fanned herself. “That’s what that look he gave you was about. He was imagining it. Damn, I love these hot-blooded men.”

  “Yeah, well you’re not the one whose booty is in peril,” Gwen said, giggling. It wasn’t lost on her that she was once again wet between the thighs. She could deny any permanent attraction between them all she wanted, but what she couldn’t deny was that she wanted him fiercely anyway. Even if it was only temporary.

  “I guess I’d better get in the kitchen. He looked like he wanted to talk.”

  Teresa stopped her. “Let them get him up to speed. You shouldn’t have to tell that damned story more than once.”

  Gwen feigned dismay. “I’m shocked by this shift in your language, Teresa.”

  Teresa laughed and settled back in the pillows. “It’s Summer’s sister, Margot. She’s a bad influence on me at Discretion. Her fiancé, Jake, has her up in the air harping about something more often than not.”

  “I remember him. I thought the three of them were really sweet together.”

  “Oh, yeah. That would be her other fiancé, Gil’s influence. He’s a total sweetheart and the peacemaker in that threesome. I’ve never seen her happier than she is with both of them, but Jake delights in setting her off sometimes. Some men are like that. They just like to get a woman riled to see what she’ll do.”

  Gwen smiled softly as she recalled another man who seemed to enjoy getting a reaction. Her heart fluttered at the thought of Chris Potter. She made eye contact with Teresa and her friend smiled knowingly.

  “I knew it.”

  “What?” Oh, you know exactly what!

  “You like Chris, don’t you?”

  “Huh?” No, no, no, no! No getting tangled up in Divine! Ménage Central!

  “Don’t ‘huh?’ me, my friend. You like Chris, too, don’t you? How could you resist? I knew you would the moment you met him. It was serendipity that he found you when he did.”

  “You’re just as bad as Grace!” Gwen said, hiding her hot face in her hands.

  “I didn’t do anything,” Teresa said, innocence practically dripping from her. “I didn’t send him to Divine Drip. Fate did.”

  Gwen scoffed. “He nearly ran over me!”

  “So he made a big impression. Get to know him. He seems mouthy, and blustery, and…” Teresa’s words trailed off as she obviously struggled for the right words.


  Teresa swiped her fingertip under her eyes and smiled at her friend. “Pardon my hormones. You’ll see what I mean. He talks big but there’s this…”


  Teresa seemed to think about it and then shook her head. “I’m not saying. You’ll know it when you see it. I’ll ask again sometime.”

  “I’m only here temporarily, Teresa,” Gwen said, suddenly serious. “I’ve got to get my ranch back. I have to get Zephyr back. It can’t be any other way. I want my dream. I’ve worked too hard to give up on it.”

  “Who says you have to give it up?”

  “I’ve got to go back to Colorado. My dream is there, not here in Divine. Anything that happens here is temporary.” She
wasn’t sure that her heart would see it that way though.

  Chapter Five

  Julián sipped from his coffee mug as Angel said, “I understand how you feel. Just understand that she’s pretty fragile right now.”

  Julián modulated his tone so he wouldn’t be overheard. “You know that her feelings are very important to me.”

  Joaquin leaned against the opposite counter and said, “In some ways, she reminds me of a traumatized mare we have here at the ranch. Rescued her from a feed lot for a ‘project’ horse. Beautiful and full of potential but she needs just the right handling.” He glanced speculatively at Julián. “Gwen fully intends to get back on the circuit and win her ranch back somehow.”

  “You think that’s possible?”

  Joaquin shrugged. “She’s at the top of her game right now but she and Zephyr have years of experience together. With a different horse…I’m not sure. If she gets hold of the right horse soon enough, Gwen has the skills to take a good horse and make it a champion. Now…whether her ranch or Zephyr are within her grasp if she does get the money is anybody’s guess.”

  Julián wished he’d known before things had gotten to a critical point. He would’ve been willing to help her financially. Not that she would’ve accepted, as proud as she was. But she wouldn’t have known to ask him either. The fact that he was financially set wasn’t something that he broadcast.

  “I don’t want her to leave.”

  “What will you do if she does?”

  “I don’t know. I signed a two-year contract for Mick’s stud services with Del. I can’t back out on that.” His black thoroughbred stallion was helping to breed the foundation for Del Cook’s horse ranch and Julián was a man of his word.

  “Give her some time to heal,” Angel murmured. “She looked happy to see you, if a little hesitant.”

  “That ought to give you hope right there,” Joaquin added with a chuckle. “Because you looked ready to paddle her ass sore.”

  Julián gritted his teeth and rubbed his forehead as the men chuckled while he imagined doing just that.


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