Pride and Passion

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Pride and Passion Page 7

by Tracey Mellert

  Reed decided to leave the party early. He couldn’t trust himself watching Brynley and Jamison together. He miserably went home. Reed tried a long, hot shower to relax himself, but it didn’t work. He tried lying down, but he couldn’t sleep because his thoughts kept thinking of Brynley and Jamison together. Reed figured that Brynley had to believe he was an idiot and a butthole after tonight’s stupidity! He wanted to fix things with her. He didn’t want her to think so poorly of him. Reed was going to have to apologize to her. He would have to find a way to get her alone, so he could talk to her privately. Somehow, he fell asleep for a few hours; and then awoke at six.

  Reed felt so restless! He needed to go for a run; maybe, that would help calm him down. He could think about what he was going to say to her. Reed threw on his running clothes and hopped in his car. He decided to run at the park this morning. He knew there would hardly be anyone out there. He parked his car and started running. Reed chose to run down towards the soccer fields, where it was usually unoccupied. That area was remote and set far away from the main park. The scenery was very picturesque out there. As he was running, he noticed a figure ahead of him. It was a girl because he could see her long ponytail. Her long white-blonde ponytail, to be exact! No one had that gorgeous hair, except Brynley. Reed immediately started calling her name, without even thinking about what he would say to her. He watched her stop and look around. She finally saw him; and stayed in place until he was able to reach her. He ran so hard to catch up to her that he had to catch his breath before he could even speak. That girl looked like a golden goddess this morning, even without makeup. She was just so naturally gorgeous!

  She was surprised at seeing Reed. She didn’t look disappointed; so, that was a good thing. Reed had to apologize to her. He needed to try to explain his stupidity. As the sweet angel that she was, she brushed it off and acted like it was no big deal. Reed needed to spend some time with her. He wanted to talk to her, and find out more about her. He invited her to breakfast; luckily, she accepted.

  Reed drove her out of Barboursville to a small restaurant that he had been to before. He wanted privacy. Reed didn’t want anyone walking in on them and disturbing his private time with her. It was just the two of them, and it was perfect! He asked her to tell him everything about her. She wasn’t like the other girls, trying to embellish everything to impress him, to get his attention. Brynley was very genuine and sincere. Reed loved that about her. Her presence made him feel very relaxed unless he was envisioning her being with another guy. Reed loved the story of how her parents fell instantly in love and married; he didn’t think it was possible. Brynley told him that they had only dated for two months before her father asked her mother to marry him. Brynley said that her father worshipped the very ground that her mother walks on. He was a stern man but was always soft and loving to her mother. She’d mentioned that she hoped to have a relationship like that, someday. Reed was thinking the same thing for himself.

  She fascinated Reed about being a straight-A student and knowing three different languages already. He always thought an intelligent girl was very sexy. She was a good girl, too. She believed in God and went to church. Reed knew that he needed to do a little more of that, himself. Hours went by, and he hadn’t even noticed. It wasn’t long enough for him, but Kendra called and put everything to a halt. Reed wanted to see and talk to Brynley again. He was going to invite her to his house, because he wanted to be alone with her. He actually felt jealous of her attention. He could not even describe the pain and the pure rage he was feeling; when she told him that she was going to the movies with Jamison and Skylar later on in the day. Reed had to swallow his bile down. He appreciated that she invited him. That’s when Reed really realized that Brynley was oblivious to Jamison’s exploits; of slowly reeling her in to get her to date him. Reed decided to just be honest with her. He told her what he knew Jamison was thinking about her. She told Reed that she only thought of everyone as friends. Of course, that made sense. My gosh, they all just met one another. Reed figured that the story of how her mom and dad fell instantly in love with one another had him scared about her and Jamison. Reed didn’t think he could handle it if Brynley would turn to feel that way about Jamison. Jamison was a good-looking guy, and girls were definitely attracted to him. Reed was afraid that Brynley was attracted to Jamison. He was nice and sweet to the girls, but he also liked to play the field. Jamison never kept a girl around for very long because he got bored very quickly with them. He even cheated on two of them, which Reed didn’t like. Brynley didn’t deserve someone like that. Reed had already decided that he wasn’t going to let that happen either.

  Jamison was his friend, but Brynley was; honestly, he wasn’t sure. But she was something to him, something that he wasn’t used to feeling with a girl. He wanted to explore more of what he was feeling and see where it would land him.

  Before she left him, he made her promise to meet him in the park early tomorrow morning. He was excited and couldn’t wait to see her again. He was going to have to plan something nice for her. He knew that she was a little wary of him. He can look scary when he’s intense. He didn’t want her afraid of him. He wanted her to see his playful side; then maybe, she could see him as a potential boyfriend. Wait, did he really want a girlfriend? He wouldn’t have any spare time. He would be busy with football, swimming, college preparations, grades, and then, add the time he would need to devote to her, much less his friends. Could he see and hang around Brynley, knowing she wasn’t his? Could he bear letting another guy be with her instead of him? Could he continue to be friends with Jamison if she dated him? Brynley was the kind of girl that a guy was going to want. Reed knew that it wasn’t going to be long before she chose someone. He could tell that she wanted a special someone; she wanted romance, and she deserved it! The longer he thought about those lips touching someone else’s, her holding hands with someone else, cuddling close with someone else, simply drove him mad with possessiveness! Reed decided that he would be the one she would kiss, hold hands with, and cuddle together. He better be the one, or the other guy was going to be in serious pain!

  Reed got home, and the more he thought about Jamison putting the moves on Brynley at the movies, the more bitterness he felt about the whole situation. He couldn’t sit at home, knowing she was with Jamison. He decided on a plan. He called up Skylar and asked what he was going to do today. Of course, Skylar spilled that he and Jamison would take the girls to see this new horror flick that was out.

  “Dude, that movie is supposed to be seriously cool. Do you guys mind if I go?” He knew Skylar wouldn’t tell him ‘no.’ So, it was set; he was going to the movies to keep his eye on Brynley and Jamison. He knew that Jamison would get the hint of what was going on. That was ok because he was going to tell him anyway. Jamison could either back away or have competition. Reed just knew that he wasn’t going to be the one to back away from Brynley.

  It was two-thirty, and Skylar had picked up Reed. Jamison said that he would meet everyone over at the movies. He apparently had an errand to run for his mom before he could go. As Skylar was driving to the mall, he decided to ask Reed a question.

  “Dude, I’ve got to ask. I told Jamison that you wanted to go to the movies with us, and he got kind of indignant, man. He thinks you’re after that, Brynley girl. I guess Jamison has the serious hots for her and sees you as competition. Do you like that girl, or what?” Reed turned to Skylar, a little shocked to hear that Jamison was already that competitive for Brynley.

  “Yeah, I think I do. I was going to talk to Jamison about it later. Jamison can like many girls a lot of the time, but I only find one that I think I like, every once in a long while, bro. Brynley is a seriously sweet girl. She’s smart, and she’s a knockout, who doesn’t even have a clue that she is. A girl like her doesn’t come around very often. At first, I was going to stay away. I just didn’t think I could keep track of everything else and a girl, but I just can’t seem to stand staying away from her. If Jamison gets mad,
then he’s just going to have to get mad.” Reed had a very determined look on his face. Skylar had seen it a couple of times. He knew that Reed wasn’t going to back down.

  “I get it, man; but I just want you to know that Jamison is seriously intent on having this girl, too. We’re all friends, man, but I can see Jamison calling war on this one. How are you going to handle it?” Skylar was a little worried. He loved both of his friends. He and Reed had been friends much longer, but Jamison had been loyal to him, too. He didn’t want them to fight, especially over a girl.

  Reed looked directly at him, with a firm expression and resolve in his voice. He replied, “I’m going to do everything I need to do to make Brynley mine. If Jamison gets mad, then so be it! I won’t make you choose your friendship between Jamison and me though. I’m cool if you remain his friend. I want to remain his friend too, but I will have Brynley for my own. I honestly don’t think Jamison would be good for Brynley long term, anyway. He has a wandering eye, and he gets bored quickly. You know that, as well as I do. If Brynley is mine, I’ll be loyal to her.”

  Skylar was a little worried for Reed. He hadn’t been this determined over a girl since Rebecca; and he got his heart broken with her. “Dude, what if she breaks your heart?”

  Reed continued to look straight ahead as he answered, “I guess it’s a chance that I’m willing to take.” Skylar knew that Reed was determined, and Jamison didn’t stand a chance. Skylar was a little concerned about how Jamison was going to react to all of this, but in the end, he was just going to be a good friend to both of them, and may the best man win.

  Skylar and Reed showed up at the movies. The girls were already there waiting on them. Brynley looked shocked to see Reed there. She seemed pleased, which made Reed feel better. Reed bought his and Brynley’s ticket, and Brynley thanked him. Skylar bought his and Kendra’s ticket. Everyone kept waiting on Jamison. Skylar texts him, and asked him where he was. Jamison text back that he was still at the garage with his dad’s truck. It would take longer to fix, and his mom was at work; so, he was stuck waiting. He wasn’t going to be able to make it. He asked Skylar to apologize to Brynley for him and tell her that he would catch up with her later.

  Satisfied that he wasn’t coming, they all went into the movie. It was Skylar, Kendra, Reed, and Brynley. The boys got up to get the refreshments and left the girls sitting in the chairs. Kendra had scooted next to Brynley to talk about what was going on with Reed. Before they could actually speak, two boys came in and saw the girls. They decided to try and flirt with them. Kendra and Brynley were being kind but did not flirt back. The other boys just didn’t take the hint; It was too late. Skylar and Reed returned from the concession stand and saw that these other boys were trying to flirt with their girls. Skylar and Reed displayed their most chilling and menacing faces; and if that didn’t scare the other boys, their rock-hard physiques spoke of the severe pain they were going to experience if they didn’t leave immediately! One boy said, “My bad, man, we didn’t know they were with anybody.”

  Reed had a hard reply, “Well, they are, and we don’t like our girls being messed with.” It wasn’t necessarily what he said, but how he said it, frighteningly, very frighteningly! The boys moved quickly, and very far away from where the girls were sitting. Kendra and Brynley were giddy about their boys protecting them. When Reed sat down, he looked to Brynley and said, “I can see that I can’t leave you alone for a minute without having to fight someone off from you. Looks like you’re going to keep me very busy”. Brynley rolled her eyes and laughed sweetly. He was teasing her, but she liked it. She wasn’t used to being flirted with.

  “Trust me when I say, I am not the one usually flirted with. Kendra, yes, but me, no.” Brynley was reassuring Reed that it was a rarity that she was flirted with. Reed wasn’t convinced. She was just too sweet, shy, and innocent to recognize flirting.

  Reed shared his popcorn with Brynley, and the movie started. Reed had no clue what the movie was about; because he was too consumed with watching Brynley’s adorable reactions. Before the movie was over, Reed had his arm around Brynley, protecting her from the scary things on the screen. She wasn’t just trying to flirt with him; she was genuinely scared. He laughed at her when she tried to hide her eyes. She was adorable when she squinted her eyes or took a deep breath when she thought something scary was going to happen. Reed discovered that he liked protecting her. He liked it even better that she trusted him to protect her.

  When the movie was over, they went back out into the mall. “Did you guys want to go home or do something else?” Kendra knew they weren’t going to go home yet. Skylar was totally enamored of her, and she could tell. It was good, though, because she felt the same way. Kendra could see that Reed was pretty covetous over Brynley. She saw that look in his eye, the one that she had seen multiple times when other guys were flirting with her. The same one that Todd, her ex-boyfriend, had. Brynley was always clueless to it, though. It was that look of pure jealousy; because that boy was already love-struck over Brynley, and he hadn’t even completely realized it yet.

  “I’m following you; wherever you want me to go, gorgeous!” Skylar was laying it on thick to Kendra, and she was eating it up.

  Brynley laughed at Skylar’s over-embellished proclamations, to Kendra. Kendra decided that she was hungry; and asked the boys if they felt like eating. Reed spoke up this time and directed his comment to Skylar.

  “Let’s take the girls to Halloran’s restaurant.” Skylar was totally on board; the food was awesome, and the restaurant was impressive! Brynley was feeling a little hungry, too; so, she was game for food. Everyone hopped up into Skylar’s truck, and off they went.

  Halloran’s restaurant was elaborately decorated. It was elegant, with extravagantly expensive, unusual, and ornamental pieces everywhere. It was a delight to experience! Reed somehow got a table in front of the breath-taking fish tank. Brynley was in awe of the restaurant. She turned to Reed to say, “This place is fabulous! Thank you for taking us here. I have some money to pay for my meal.” Reed smiled at her thoughtfulness. She was afraid that he may not have enough money to pay. Brynley did not know that Reed’s family was extremely wealthy; so, that made her statement even more genuine to him. Reed gave her a sweet smile and a wink. He suggested a couple of things off the menu for her to consider trying. He could see that she was concerned about the prices. He wanted to reassure her to get whatever she wanted. He decided to tell her that his dad owned the restaurant; so she could enjoy the evening and choose whatever she wanted, without fear of cost.

  “My dad owns the restaurant. It’s ok for you to get whatever you want. We always eat free here. Enjoy yourself, please.” Her eyes were so round, sparkling blue, and mesmerizing that he almost forgot to breathe.

  “Wow, is your dad a chef?” Reed laughed.

  “No, my dad is a corporate lawyer. He just co-owns the restaurant with the chef. The chef needed an investor, and my dad loves to invest his money to make more of it.” She smiled at him shyly. She decided to try one of the meals he suggested, and he ordered the same too. Kendra got the lobster, and Skylar ordered the steak and fries. While they were waiting for the dinner to arrive, Kendra and Skylar were having their own conversation. Reed turned to Brynley and asked, “Do you enjoy Barboursville, so far?”

  “I like it very much, so far. The town is very quaint, and the people we’ve met have been very kind.” Her cheeks were a little red, and Reed decided that he loved to see her cheeks reddened. It made those gorgeous eyes of hers even bluer. She looked so pretty tonight. She was wearing a baby blue mini dress that was loose and flowing. It had a cute daisy print all over it. She wore white heels that weren’t very tall. She looked graceful and fragile, just like a girl should. She didn’t wear any heavy perfumes either, She had a lovely fruity scent. It smelled clean, and he liked it very much. All the other girls he had gone out with before were always dressed immodestly, trying to impress him with their bodies. Brynley was a pleasurable change.
  “What do you like to do for fun?” He was so mesmerized by her lips and eyes that Reed almost forgot to answer her. She smiled, and then he remembered to say something.

  “When I’m with a beautiful girl, I love to sit in front of a fire and just talk. If I’m with the guys, I like to play pool at Mickey’s and just chill with them.”

  Her smile was blinding. “I like both answers. So, I see why you have so many bonfires, huh?” She laughed impishly. “What’s Mickey’s?” Reed looked at her protectively.

  “It’s a bar-type atmosphere that us guys go to and hang out. You’re not quite Mickey material, yet. When you are, I’ll take you there.” She was a curious little thing.

  “Why am I not Mickey material yet? What do I have to do to be able to go there with you?” Reed wanted to tell her that she needed to be his girlfriend first, but he thought that was too soon to say to her. He needed to appease her curiosity, though.

  “I need to teach you how to play pool, first. You just can’t walk into Mickey’s and not know what you’re doing. All the guys would give you a hard time, and then I would have to hurt a lot of people.” Reed winked at her and then gave her a devilish smile. She laughed.

  “I tried pool once, but I was very poor at it. My friends laughed at me because I could not sink a ball that was mine.” Reed smiled back at her.

  “I promise you that if you give me the chance to teach you, no one will ever laugh at you again.” He had a pool table at his house. He would teach her there. He didn’t want those Neanderthals at Mickey’s ogling her yet, and they would. He wasn’t sure if his green-eyed monster could take it. He certainly didn’t want her there unless she was his girlfriend. That way, everyone would be afraid to flirt with her; and he could control who would be allowed around her. Reed had a reputation not to be messed with, and that included anything or anyone he cared about and considered his. She would definitely be known as his as soon as he made that happen. He would make sure that everyone knew it too.


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