Pride and Passion

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Pride and Passion Page 15

by Tracey Mellert

  “I’m not angry with you. I need to get to the Crescent Hotel and warn Todd. I don’t want any fighting or anyone hurt.” Kendra looked shocked.

  “We can’t go there. Seeing you may upset both guys and make the situation worse. Todd is vain, and Reed is prideful; that’s a dangerous combination, Brynley. They both want you. Reed is just as explosive as Todd, if not more. You will definitely get Todd hurt. I understand that Reed wasn’t exaggerating when he said that he was dangerous.” Brynley couldn’t just sit there, waiting to find out what happened.

  “I can’t just sit here, Kendra.” Brynley picked up her phone and texted Reed. She begged him to come and talk to her and not go to Todd. He didn’t reply. She tried again. “Reed, I don’t doubt that you’re more dangerous than Todd. I don’t want you to do something that will get you hurt or in trouble. I want you, not Todd. You have nothing to prove. Todd is here in vain because I will never go back to him; never! You don’t need to do anything. Todd and I are completely over, and I am with you now. I will not be with anyone else. I accepted you and your ring, to prove that to you. Please, be the better man, and just walk away.” Please, God, let Reed walk away!

  Brynley’s aunt wouldn’t let her take the car to the hotel to check on Reed and Todd. Her nerves were raw. About an hour later, Brynley heard a ding on her phone. She scrambled to find it amongst the covers. She retrieved it and anxiously read it.

  “You don’t need to worry. I bought Todd a ticket back home. He leaves in an hour. He’s a little roughed up, but I spared him; for your sake only. He won’t be coming back or texting you anymore. Why did you lie to me?” She knew he was angry, and that scared her.

  “Reed, I only lied because I didn’t want you to get hurt. I had planned on telling Todd to leave and that I didn’t want anything to do with him. I planned on telling him how much I wanted to be with you. I thought I could convince him to leave, and it would be over. I was just trying to protect you. Please, believe me. I lied because I felt desperate. I’m so sorry; it will never happen again.” It took a few minutes before he responded.

  “I don’t ever want you to lie to me again. I don’t care what the situation is, Brynley. You share everything with me. I’m just thankful that Kendra told Skylar; so that I could prevent you from being around that idiot! Never put yourself in that kind of compromising situation again! You are just lucky that Skylar kept me from beating that guy to near death! I’m not dangerous because of my own anger, Brynley. I’m dangerous because of my possessiveness and need for you! I’ll hurt anyone that tries to stand between you and me; don’t ever forget that.” She wanted to wrap her arms around Reed and never let him go. She would have to wait until tomorrow.

  “Does this mean that you still want me, then?” She was nervous, waiting for his answer.

  “Yes, Brynley. I just don’t want you to ever lie to me again. Promise me that. I will tell you that if you break your promise, I will most definitely leave you. I have to be able to trust you.” Her hands were shaking as she replied.

  “I give you my word; I will never lie to you again. I don’t want to lose you.” She could feel a few tears slide down her cheeks.

  “I believe you, baby. I have to go. I need to get some rest before practice. I will pick you up around two tomorrow; so, be ready. Dream of me tonight.” Oh, she was going to dream of him, alright. She dreamed of him every night since she has met him! She wished Reed a good night and then went to tell Kendra everything that happened. She was so happy that everything turned out, ok. Brynley reassured her that she wasn’t angry with her. Honestly, she was just thankful that it was over. Brynley didn’t want to think or worry about it anymore. She decided to take a long hot bath, trying to wind down; so she could get sleepy enough to go to bed. Brynley dragged her body out of the tub and put her pajamas on. She let her hair down and slipped inside of her covers, and she fell asleep, and had a very pleasant dream!

  Brynley awoke around eleven-thirty. Kendra was already downstairs. She made Brynley some eggs and toast. She felt a little sluggish and nervous. Reed was going to pick her up around two. She wanted to look extra special, just in case, he felt differently with her today. Kendra seemed to be in good spirits. “What’s up? You seemed to be in good spirits. You going out with Skylar today?” Kendra gave Brynley a shy grin.

  “Yes. He’s taking me out to eat and then, he said that he had a surprise for me. I’m so excited! What are you and Reed going to do today?” Brynley ate the last bite of the eggs before she replied.

  “I’m not sure. He just said that he was going to pick me up around two. I’m praying that he isn’t angry with me. I’m going to look extra hot today; maybe, that will subdue him a little. Maybe, I will be able to sweet-talk my way into his good graces.” Kendra laughed at Brynley.

  “That boy is so enamored with you, Brynley, that I seriously doubt that you will have to worry about him leaving you. You would have to seriously screw up, for that to ever happen.” Brynley was hoping she was right because Brynley really did like Reed. She still wasn’t going to take any chances. She was going upstairs and start her beautification process!

  Brynley washed her dish and helped clean up the kitchen. She and Kendra headed back up the stairs to get ready for their dates. Brynley wasn’t going for cute or sporty today. Nope, she was going for the kill; pure knockout mode! She decided to wear a red midi dress that clung to her curves. The red accentuated her hair and blue eyes. She was going to wear a light shade of red on her lips, so, when she pouted to get his attention, he couldn’t miss them, babies! She wore eyeliner and mascara, which made her blue eyes sparkle. She looked sultry, and that was the look that she was going for. She opted for red heels. Honestly, she looked like she was going clubbing, but she was still taking no chances. Brynley needed to stun Reed before he could confess his anger to her. A girl had to do what a girl had to do! God gave us tools to use for a reason, and she was using hers today. She decided to straighten her hair. It looked perfect with her makeup and dress. Brynley’s hair looked even longer when it was straightened. She chose a very light fruity scent for her perfume. Kendra trotted through Brynley’s doorway.

  “Holy Mother, you look super-hot, Brynley! Reed will burst when he sees you!” Brynley smiled because that was exactly what she wanted to hear.

  “That’s the plan, baby!” Both girls laughed. “You look awesome, yourself.” Kendra was always gorgeous! She wore a navy-blue summer dress with navy heels. Her red hair was straight. She played up her eyes and wore lighter colors on her lips. Skylar was going to have to work hard to keep the guys away from Kendra. “Kendra, Skylar is going to lose his mind when you start school; because boys are going to be lying about your feet.” Kendra laughed at me.

  “Well, maybe we should keep our boys busy, with taking care of us then.” Brynley shook her head in complete agreement. She looked up at the clock, and it was one forty-five. About two minutes later, she got a text from Reed. He said that he was almost to her house, and to be looking for him. Brynley grabbed her purse and headed downstairs. She heard a knock at the door, and it was Reed.

  Brynley laughed when she saw his face. Both of his eyebrows were raised high in the air. His mouth was slightly open. His posture was frozen in place as she watched his eyes peruse her from top to bottom. “Do you like what you see? I’m not sure what kind of a shocked look you’re giving me.” Reed blinked twice. He closed his mouth and swallowed hard. He finally made eye contact with her.

  “I’m not sure I’m going to bring you back home tonight.” Brynley laughed. He truly looked astonished, and she was successful!

  “You better, or my aunt will sick the police on you! Where are we going?” Reed was still looking her up and down. Brynley snapped her finger to pull him out of his daze. He looked her in the eye, finally.

  “What?” She laughed again. This boy must really like what he sees; he didn’t even hear what she said to him.

  “Where are we going, silly?” It still took him a few seconds
to respond.

  “I was going to take you to dinner, and then there is a party at Alec Hollister’s house. I’m not quite sure I want anyone to see you in that dress, though.” Brynley blinked innocently at him.

  “Do you want me to change?” He took a few more seconds to respond.

  “No, just do not leave my side. I didn’t plan on staying very long anyway. I just wanted to introduce you to a few people before school starts, and then take you back to my house to spend some alone time with you. I mostly wanted people to see that we’re a couple. That way, when school starts, people will know that you are mine; and to stay away from you.”

  “Ok, sounds good to me. Let’s go. Are Skylar and Kendra going to?” Reed was staring at my lips.

  “Yeah, they’re going to meet up with us at the party. Just remember, you stay with me. Don’t walk off on your own, ok?” Brynley shook her head ‘yes’ to appease him.

  Reed walked her to his car and then got into the driver's side. He started the car, and he leaned over and kissed Brynley. When the kiss finished, he took a deep breath. She smiled to herself, because he wasn’t angry with her.

  They arrived at the restaurant. This time it was an Italian restaurant called Adagio’s. It was fabulous! Brynley got the Fiorentina steak, and it was delicious.

  She went to the restroom to freshen up before they left for the party. She was glad that she had decided to wear her dress. She had no idea that he had planned on taking her to a party. Boys, they don’t understand that girls need details. She combed her hair and applied more lip stain and gloss. She looked pretty amazing, without trying to sound vain.

  She returned to Reed. He had already paid the bill and was ready to leave. They drove about thirty minutes to his friend’s house. When they arrived, there were cars parked everywhere. It was a huge party in a huge house! Brynley suddenly felt a little nervous. She knew that she looked great, but kids could be cruel. Reed wouldn’t have to worry about her leaving his side. Reed opened the door and offered Brynley his hand. He helped lift her out of her chair, and he led her to the door. He didn’t knock or ring a doorbell. He just opened the door, and the two of them walked on in. There was pandemonium everywhere! Reed had a tight hold to Brynley’s hand. People would stop whatever they were doing to take a look at the two of them together. Brynley tried to smile, but she was feeling a little shy now. Girls were worshipping Reed with their eyes, and Brynley felt a pang of jealousy hit her. Boys were looking at her appreciatively also, but she didn’t care. The only guy she wanted to be with was Reed. They walked up to this guy, who was dancing very oddly. Reed introduced Brynley to Alec. Alec was already inebriated.

  His eyes just about popped out of his head when he saw Brynley. “Whoa, who is this angel?” He actually pushed Reed to the side, and Reed was not happy. Reed’s hand shoved into Alec’s chest to stop him from plunging into her.

  “This angel is my girlfriend, and you are about to get your butt kicked. Back off before you get hurt.” Alec gave a sloppy grin to Brynley; then he turned to Reed.

  “Reed, she’s so pretty. Does she have a sister?” Brynley grinned. Reed did not; in fact he was scowling.

  “No, she doesn’t, and you make sure you don’t touch her.” Alec looked sad that he couldn’t hug her. She just smiled at Alec.

  “Hi, Alec. It’s nice to meet you.” Alec smiled maudlinly at her. She grinned again, this time at Reed. She watched Reed roll his eyes and let out a deep breath. Reed grabbed her hand and started leading her away from Alec.

  “Bye, beautiful. I hope to see you again real soon.” Alec was funny. Reed was not thinking so, at the moment. Brynley heard Reed mumbling something, but she couldn’t hear him because of all of the noise. Reed had her walking beside of him.

  “I couldn’t hear you; what did you say.” He rolled his eyes again.

  “I said this was a bad idea. I don’t think we’re going to stay long. You don’t need all of these idiots trying to put their hands on you.” She laughed out loud. Reed was not appreciative.

  “Reed, if I’m going to be your girlfriend and go to your school, I need to meet people. You can’t hide me away all year.” Reed gave me a deadpan look.

  “I actually think that’s an excellent idea. No one else needs to know of your existence, but me.” Brynley gave him a sly smile. Swiftly, a hand slid from behind her and around her waist. Brynley felt someone’s body thrust against hers. Her wide eyes looked into the beast that stood before her! Reed was ready to pounce, and he did!

  The boy behind her was drunk. He obviously didn’t realize that she was with Reed. Reed corrected his mistake quickly. Reed’s hand went around the boy’s throat and shoved him against a wall. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at them. Reed’s teeth were clenched. “You don’t ever touch her! I will break every bone in your body if you touch her again! Do you hear me? I will break you in two!” Thankfully, Skylar was here and tried to talk Reed down. Brynley was shaking, and Kendra stood beside Brynley and held on to her arm. Reed finally let the boy loose. He struggled to regain his breathing. Brynley noticed a red ring around the boy’s neck. It was going to bruise. She looked to Reed, and he still had a wild, threatening look in his eyes. Skylar made Reed walk back towards Brynley. She placed her hands on his chest.

  “Are you ok?” Reed was breathing heavily. He looked at her, and she could see his frustration. This wasn’t going well, because his jealousy was aggressive and frightening. She wanted to leave. “Why don’t we leave, and you give me some pool lessons. I’d like to go to Mickey’s with you sometime.” Reed didn’t answer; he just nodded his head.

  Guys were starting to focus their attention on Brynley and Kendra. Suddenly, Skylar decided he wanted to play some pool, too. People parted to let them through.

  Reed was quiet during the car ride to his home. Brynley didn’t say anything. She figured he needed some time to calm down. They arrived at his house, and he helped Brynley out of the car. Skylar and Kendra pulled up right behind Reed’s car. When everyone entered into his home, they saw Reed’s father and two of his friends. Brynley suddenly felt shy again. She was way overdressed to meet his father. Reed escorted Brynley in front of his father and guests, and introduced her. His father gave her quite an approving look. It was a little creepy, but she was going to go with it. Reed also introduced her to Mr. Culp and Mr. Lithgow. Mr. Lithgow was a very creepy vibe kind of guy. He was a portly man. His beady, gray eyes just continued to assess Brynley in places, that he should not have been looking at. She didn’t like him much. Reed then introduced Skylar and Kendra; Kendra was receiving the same kind of leering looks from Mr. Lithgow, that Brynley did. She held onto Skylar’s arm. Brynley heard Reed tell his father that everyone was going to go upstairs and play pool. His father told everyone to have a good time and that it was a pleasure to meet us. Brynley smiled at him and thanked him.

  The four of them walked up the stairs to the pool room. Brynley let out a breath that she didn’t realize that she had been holding. What a night! She already felt exhausted from all of the drama that had taken place. Reed walked her over to the bar area to get her a bottle of water. “I’m sorry about all of the hassle tonight. I’m sorry I lost my cool with Robert. I just lost it when I saw his hand on your stomach and then pull you tight up against him.” She gave Reed a diminutive smile.

  “It’s ok, I understand. However, that boy is going to have a very sore throat in the morning.” Reed gave her a sheepish grin, and he shook his head in accordance.

  Reed’s hands stretched out to grab her by her hips; he pulled Brynley close to him. He kissed her. It was a toe-curling kind of kiss. “This is going to be a very challenging year for me, I can tell already.” Brynley pouted at his statement. Was he exhausted with her?

  “Are you frustrated with me? Am I too much trouble for you?” Brynley watched Reed close his eyes for a moment. He took a deep, cleansing breath. When he looked back at her, his eyes were soft and passionate.

  “You are nev
er going to be too much trouble for me, Brynley. I am completely faithful and devoted to you. I know that there are going to be guys coming at you from every direction, and I struggle with the thought of keeping you mine. Honestly, I don’t know how I would cope, not having you as mine.” She could hear the honesty in his statement and his eyes. That’s when Brynley fell in love with Reed Hinton! She gave him a sweet kiss.

  “I’m no longer in deep like with you, Reed Hinton. I’m in love with you, instead.” His countenance changed. His face turned serious, and his jaws tightened. She felt a hand slide to her back and the other slide to her face. Reed kissed her deeply.

  “I know I love you, Brynley. Hearing you say that you love me literally sets my body on fire. I am going to strive to be a good boyfriend for you; however, I’m pretty sure, as soon as we graduate, I’m going to marry you. There’s no way that I’m going to make it more than a year of being well-behaved around you. In fact, I’ve never wanted to be more sinful than when I am with you. I’m going to be the gentleman that you deserve, and I will be obedient to your entreaty of remaining a virgin until you’re married. Rest assured, that I am going to want to become your husband after graduation. I know that may sound crazy to you and maybe immature, but I have never wanted someone as badly as I want you. It’s not just physical; I’m in love with your personality, too. Everything about you is perfect for me. I don’t ever want to be without you. Am I scaring you?” She could feel tears prickle her eyes.

  That was the most poignant speech that she had ever heard. She loved every moment of it. She shook her head ‘no.’ “I feel the same way for you. If you still want me at the end of the school year, then I would marry you before we go off to college.” Reed smiled deeply and kissed her again.

  “Hey, we going to play pool or what?” Brynley watched Reed give Skylar a scathing look. Skylar just shrugged his shoulders. “I thought we were going to play pool, man.” Brynley laughed. She grabbed Reed’s hand and led him to the pool table.


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