Alien Romance Box Set: The Euthenian Battle Complete Series (Books 1-4): A SciFi (Science Fiction) Alien Warrior Romance

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Alien Romance Box Set: The Euthenian Battle Complete Series (Books 1-4): A SciFi (Science Fiction) Alien Warrior Romance Page 12

by Ashley L. Hunt

  Moving down my neck, his teeth graze my flesh as he makes his way to my breast and takes it in his mouth. His teeth take my taut nipple between them and it sends sparks throughout my body.

  I arch up and moan as he begins to suckle it. My breath is getting raspy as my body is getting more excited. Every long pull he gives my breast sends a sensation to somewhere deep inside me and makes me wetter and the ache for him to be inside me increases.

  His hand runs over mine, increasing the speed at which I’m stroking his hard cock. His mouth becomes more demanding at my breast. His hand leaves mine and his fingers trail over my stomach and down to fill me as his thumb presses the little button which will soon send me to another place.

  My heart pounds as the wave pulls me from deep inside. It all comes together and I explode as he sucks hard and pumps his fingers inside me.

  I arch up and scream his name.

  He moves his body to cover mine and slips his large, wet cock into my throbbing tunnel. “You feel like Heaven, Baby.”

  He moves slowly inside me, making the orgasm increase. I can barely breathe as my body convulses around him. Trying so hard to get him to release himself, but he’s nowhere near ready to give in.

  Kerr moves to place his legs on either side of me as he pulls me to sit up, facing him. Though I can’t see a thing, I can feel his warm breath on my cheek as he glides me to him.

  His hands hold my waist and pull me back and forth in a rocking motion over his long erection. Over and over, he pulls me to him then pushes me back. My arms wrap around his neck.

  My breasts alternate from crushing between us to feeling cool air as my body is moved back and forth. The sound of our breathing is fascinating.

  I can hear each one of our hearts as they pound at different intervals. His is slightly louder than mine. Its thump is an octave lower than mine is.

  We start to leave the bed as I focus on the sounds and he growls, “Take us back, down, Kataline. Do not let that control what we’re doing.”

  I focus on thinking about being back on the bed and down we go. It’s getting a little easier and hopefully, soon I’ll get a hint my mind is about to go off on its own and be able to stop it before it happens.

  His lips touch mine. “Good, girl.”

  I smile and pull him back to kiss me. His mouth tastes like sweet lemons and I find myself craving them. My kiss grows hungry as his fingers cut into the flesh around my hips, pulling me to him with more need.

  First, a small jerk I can feel as he pulls me to him harder and harder until I feel him jerk hard and fill me with heat. It takes me into a climax and we both moan as our bodies fill with ecstasy.

  I ease the kiss and let our mouths part, resting my forehead against his. “I love you, Kerr.”

  His hand cups the back of my neck. “I love you, Kataline.”

  Somewhere inside me, I hear a tiny voice say, “Enjoy this while you can, Kataline.”

  As my husband lays me back on our bed a tear falls. I have no idea how much longer I have to be me. The me who loves the man beside me more than imaginable. The me who is sweet and kind most times. The me who I think will be missed if she goes away and never comes back.

  Not long ago I was sitting at my home, unaware I had been given away to an alien. When I got the news I was devastated about how I would be spending my life.

  Now all I want is to spend it with him, anywhere in the entire universe. And I may not get that as something is threatening to take me away from him, forever.

  “Kerr, if I become someone I’m not what will you do with me?” I run my hand to intertwine our fingers as I hold our hands between us.

  “How can you become someone you’re not, Kataline? That’s a ridiculous notion, Baby.” His fingers squeeze mine.

  I take a deep breath. I have no idea how to explain to him what’s happening inside my head. So I rest my cheek on his shoulder and decide to change the subject.

  “Which would you like first, a boy or a girl?”

  His hand runs over my stomach. “I don’t care as long as it’s healthy.”

  I giggle. “You care. Just tell me.”

  His hand is warm as he gently rubs my stomach. “I’d like a little girl who looks just like her mother. If you must make me choose.”

  “You would? I thought you’d surely say you wanted a boy first.” I press my lips to his shoulder. “I’d like a son first. One who looks just like his father.”

  “Well, we can’t have both. Or can we?” He laughs and runs his hand up to catch my chin in it. “Tell me, do twins run in your family, Baby?”

  I remain silent. I suppose he’s forgotten just how vast my family is. In a whisper, I remind him, “I’m a science experiment. I have no idea what runs in my blood.”

  Warm lips touch my forehead. “Do not refer to a person as special as you are as something so small. You are a magnificent creation. Nothing less than that should ever be used to describe you.”

  A lump forms in my throat and I think about what it is I’ll be handing down to my offspring. Clearly I have a mental defect. Will they inherit that as well?

  I close my eyes and try hard not to think about what’s happening to me. Take each moment for what it is and try harder not to worry so much about the future.

  Pulling me on top of his wide chest, Kerr puts his strong arms around me. “You have me now. And I am a man who never gives up hope. I will work hard to make everything work out for the best. I promise you that. You have no need to worry. Your husband is capable of more than you know.”

  I smile and drift away as he holds me and makes gentle strokes with his fingertips across my back. “You will make an excellent father, Kerr.”

  But will I make an excellent mother?



  The voices which come from my wife’s sleeping mouth are troubling. No two are the same and there seem to be five distinct voices.

  One is a voice with reason behind it. That one sounds the most like Kataline’s. Its soft though and the other voices seem to mostly ignore what it has to say.

  The loudest is a crude talker. A lot of cursing and a lot of ugliness comes from it. Its deep and has velvet undertones. That one is the most frightening of them all.

  The other three are negative, taking the dominating voice’s side in all arguments. It’s the freakiest shit I’ve ever heard.

  I suppose her DNA is to blame. Or perhaps she’s been infected with something which is eating her brain. With no equipment to see what’s going on inside her, there’s no way to tell or help her until we get back home.

  Even then, we’re coming into a damn uprising situation and things won’t be easy to get to. We have a royal medic for our problems which come up on occasion.

  Broken bones, genetic defects or abnormalities, and resets of teeth which come in wrong are what the medic takes care of. We don’t have soft tissue diseases like they do on Earth.

  Bringing her to my planet may have been a mistake. But there is the fact I can take her back to Earth to seek medical help if there is no medic on my planet who can help her.

  “He has to die,” the deepest voice says as it comes from her sleeping lips.

  The reasonable voice chimes in, “He is Kerr’s father. It will hurt him if we kill the King.”

  My heart stops. I knew she had to be talking about him. But now I know for positive. And I have no idea what to do about it. Short of taking her life.

  I don’t feel capable of doing that. Not when I have real hope for getting her help once we reach Euthenia.

  One of the other voices says, “What about the ones who will try to stop us?”

  I listen hard. Because I will be one who will try to stop her. “He is listening to us all. Shhh… No more.”

  How did she know that?

  Looking hard at her, I can tell she’s asleep. Her breathing is slow and steady with little snores here and there. Her body is limp and there is no way she’s awake.

  Her eyes just opened, and she’s looking right into my eyes, only those are not her eyes. They’re black and seem to be looking right through me.

  I place my hand on her wrist and it burns, but I hold tight anyway. Her chest rises then the dominate voice speaks, “If you choose him over her you will die as well.”

  Her eyes close and I let her wrist go and find I’m shaking. My eyes move to the place I was holding her. Her wrist is red as if it has been burned.

  What the hell is happening to her?

  Her hands go to either side of her head and she holds it and starts to scream. “Make them stop! Make them be quiet! I can’t take it! I can’t take the pain any longer!”

  Jumping off the bed, I grab the pink sedative and pour some in a glass. I move quickly to her side and pull her up. “Baby, quick drink this to ease the pain!”

  Her eyes open and there are her gorgeous blue eyes. Her lips are quivering as is her entire body as she tries to drink from the glass I’m holding to her lips.

  The first attempt has her choking, and she shakes her head. Then with a determined look, she takes the glass in her hands and downs it. Then leans her head back against the pillow.

  “Thank you, Kerr. The pain came back with a vengeance.” Her breath is raspy, and she seems to be short of it.

  “Is it helping you?” I ask as her eyes have already closed again.

  She nods. “Thank you.”

  I watch as she slips back to sleep and turn away and wipe a tear which has gotten away from me. There’s no time to feel sorrow, I have to focus on how to help her.

  A soft knock comes at the door. “It’s Bet.”

  I walk towards the door. “Come in.”

  The door slides open and my wife’s handmaiden steps inside. “The King asked me to come and get you. He needs to talk. I’ll stay with my lady.”

  I give her a nod but turn back. “Bet, please do not repeat anything you hear her say. She’s not well.”

  Concern etches her face. “She looks to be asleep. May I ask why you would say such a thing?”

  With a weak smile, I say, “You will see.”

  I leave and go to my father. He’s in the courtroom and has a drink in his hand. “You asked for me, Father?”

  He turns back to me. His face is pale, and he looks unwell. “I did. We must discuss your wife.”

  I hold my hand up. “Father, I will keep her in our quarters. When we get to Euthenia I will get her some medical attention.”

  “Son, she is a risk to us all.”

  I hold my tongue as she is much more a risk to him than any other. “I have control over her and I will not be overruled.”

  “If there is no fixing the bewitched woman then what?” He takes a drink of the amber liquid.

  “Then I will take her back to Earth and see if they can help her. She is my wife and I love her with everything in me.”

  His laughter fills the air and makes me angry. “You love her? Are you mad? You barely know the woman. You love fucking her. Just say that.”

  Now my blood is boiling and I’m seeing red. “Father, do not speak about my wife that way. I will not tolerate it!”

  He takes a seat on his overstuffed chair and looks out the window at the blackness dotted by the far away stars. “What has happened to us, Kerr?” He places the empty glass on the table beside him. “You and I have always gotten along pretty well. With this woman’s arrival, things have gone sour between us.”

  “I am stuck in the middle, Father. I know you mean well. The fact is she’s mine to care for and deal with and I am doing all I can to do that. Let me alone to do what is mine.” I pace as I try to think about what can get him to understand my feelings for her.

  “Am I to close my mind to the fact she is looking to destroy us all, Son?” He refills his glass with the decanter next to his glass on the table top. He fills another glass as well. “Come, have a drink with your father and let us talk like gentlemen. Like we always have.”

  Doing as he’s asked. I take the glass and take the seat across from him. “Surely you understand I do have real love for Kataline. She is a wonderful woman. You held love for my mother after all.”

  His eyes dart up to mine. “Still do.”

  “Of course.” I take a sip of the tangy drink. “Still you hold love in your heart for her. No one would dare to say anything different.”

  “Her death was a horror to me.” He takes a long drink. “Wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. Not even the Earthling.”

  No matter how much I ask, he just cannot stop himself from keeping his tongue still where my wife is concerned. I swallow another drink and look out the window.

  “She saved us all, Father.”

  “And she will end us all, Son.”

  “How do you know this to be true?” I look directly into his eyes.

  “I’ve seen it.” His tone is solid, and he seems to believe the words which have come out of his mouth.

  “You accuse her of being bewitched, yet you have seen her end us all?” My foot taps as I await his answer.

  “I may have some of that primitive blood coursing through my veins as well. It often gives gifts of that kind to Earthlings. With the fever, I saw your wife ruling over Euthenia.” Another long drink empties his short glass.

  “That is the first time you’ve admitted what all know. That’s a step in the right direction, Father. And if you did see that in the future it could be true. She is my wife and as such will one day rule by my side.” I get up and go to pick up a morsel of sustenance off the tray on the table.

  Popping a black beetle into my mouth, I crunch it up. My father clears his throat. “You were not there. It was only her.”

  “And that was a fevered dream, Father.”

  “She has the mental power to do it. You know that to be true, Kerr.” He gestures to the platter. “Bring your father a tasty morsel, Son.”

  I take the tray to him and offer him a bite. He chooses the largest one on the plate and eats it. My stomach lurches as it breaks in half and the white insides glob down his chin.

  He wipes it away and I wonder why I had that reaction. Then my head goes light and I go to sit down quickly. My father eyes me. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “I’m not sure. I got dizzy and my stomach felt odd for a second.” I lean my head back and look up to steady myself.

  The room seems to be spinning. “Father what was in the drink?”

  His laugh has me worried. “A little something I like to call evening the odds.”

  He gets up and walks away as I watch helplessly. I cannot move and he is walking towards the corridor which leads to the rooms. “Father, do not go to her. She will kill you.”

  My words stop him. He turns back and looks at me with question etching his expression. “How do you know that? Has she threatened my life? For that, son, is treason and you damn well know it.”

  “She’s more than capable of killing you without ever touching you. Stay away from her. I have her in our room for your safety.” I close my eyes and try to move my body, but I can’t.

  He walks back to me and looks down at me. “Answer my question, Kerr. Has she threatened to kill me?”

  “Not while conscious, no.” I look up at him. “If you value your life, you will stay away from her. She’s not entirely herself right now.”

  “What is she?” His eyes are dark and I know he’s intrigued.

  “Something inside her is fighting for control. I suppose it’s the thing which gave her the power to stop the lasers from destroying our ships and turned them back to where they came from. She is not well. She needs to be left alone. Once we get back home I will have the medic run her through the scanner to find out what’s happening to her brain.” My fingertips begin to wiggle and I can feel the effects of whatever he put in that drink wearing off.

  “We could poison her, Son.”

  My heart stops as I see my wife walk in wearing a white robe. “I know you’re talking about me. My ea
rs burned and woke me.” Her voice is even, and its deep. Her eyes are black and void of emotion.

  It’s not her.

  I try to move and can only make feeble attempts to get up. “Father, get behind me. She will kill you.”

  He turns. His finger points out at her. “You are an abomination.”

  With not even a flick of her wrist my father flies through the air and hits the wall.


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