Alien Romance Box Set: The Euthenian Battle Complete Series (Books 1-4): A SciFi (Science Fiction) Alien Warrior Romance

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Alien Romance Box Set: The Euthenian Battle Complete Series (Books 1-4): A SciFi (Science Fiction) Alien Warrior Romance Page 30

by Ashley L. Hunt

  Kerry shakes his head again. “Nope. Guess again.”

  She looks confused. “I have no idea then, Kerry. You tell me.”

  “I named her periwinkle. On account of Grandpa used to call you that as a nickname when you guys were young and in love cause those was your favorite flowers.” Kerry hugs her sweetly and kisses her on the tip of her nose.

  Then he runs away yelling for Rosemay to let him fly her kite. It leaves Hex and Gleeu alone and he looks at her for a moment then turns to leave her alone.

  “The flowers you send each day are very nice, Hex.” I hear her say.

  Kerr stops rubbing my stomach and looks at his parents. “Did I hear that?”

  “You did,” I say.

  “Well, I am very glad you like them, Your Majesty,” he says and takes another step away.

  “I see no meadow of wildflowers anywhere near your home, Hex. Where do you get them?” she asks. She leans back on her hands and stretches her long legs out in front of her.

  “She’s kind of flirting with him, Kerr.”

  “I see that.” Kerr’s leaning up to hear better I guess. His face is next to mine. “What’s going on?”

  “No,” his father says and takes a step back towards her. “The meadow is over that hill.”

  Gleeu looks up at him. “You mean to tell me you walk over that hill every day and pick wildflowers to send to the palace? And you have done so for years now. Do you have any reason why you would go to so much trouble?”

  He kneels and looks at her. My heart lurches at his actions. “I do have a reason, Your Majesty. I do it for you.”

  She turns her head slowly to look at him. “Hex, stop calling me that. You can call me what you’ve always called me.”

  “I couldn’t do that. It wouldn’t be right.” He looks away and tosses a piece of bread he found on the ground to the waiting ducks.

  “I’m asking you to,” she says and moves her hand slowly over the ground and touches the tip of his fingers. “I miss you calling me that.”

  “Then I shall, Glee.” He moves his fingers to lace with hers and sits down on the ground next to her. “The sun’s look so beautiful each evening as they set right over this pond. It’s why I built is here.”

  “I think it’s called digging a pond, Hex. Not building it,” she says.

  “You know you’re most likely right. I have no one to talk to so I tend to say things a little wrong now and then.”

  “No one to talk to?” she asks as she looks at him.

  He turns to look at her and their faces as close together. Kerr leans his chin on my shoulder. “I hope they kiss.”

  I smile with his sweet sentiment. And watch as Kerry runs towards them. “Crap! Call Kerry before he ruins it, Kerr.”

  Kerr makes a loud whistle and Kerry turns his attention to us and starts running towards us.

  “Kiss her,” Kerr whispers. “Do it!”

  I cross my fingers and use a little of my gift to make sure things go perfectly. I make a gentle breeze blow past them. Her long blonde hair blows over one of her cheeks towards him.

  Hex gently pushes is back behind her ear and her hand meets his. She kisses his palm and then leans towards him.

  “Oh my God,” I whisper as Kerry gets to us and nearly jumps on me.

  Kerr moves me quickly and catches our son in mid-air. “Whoa, slugger. Have to watch Mommy’s tummy, remember?”

  “I forgot.” Kerry squirms in his father’s grip.

  He looks back to find what I have already witnessed. His mother and father kissing and holding hands.

  “Now isn’t that something?” I turn to see a tear run down my husband’s cheek.

  I quickly run my finger over it to get rid of it or Kerry will have to ask why his big old daddy is crying. I know why, though. And my heart swells for him.

  “I wonder if things are about to change again,” I say.

  Bet they are!


  Opening day at the new planet has people coming off the shuttle in the thousands. Caleb is at his best as he greats as many of them as he possibly can and points them in different directions to check out the different areas we’ve made here to start new lives in.

  Caleb had us a huge home built near the cave we found Xavultan in. Water treatment processors were brought in and solar converters and a few low-rises were built for the initial people who will start the inhabitation of the planet.

  The Queen named it, The Euthenian Annex. I thought that was a bit bland. Personally, I wanted it to be called something a little less traditional, like Hoagpaths. But no one knew how to say that. So the Queen got her way.

  The large predator who eats birds he picks from the sky was found to be only one of his species and we managed to capture him and he’s in a large, contained area on display.

  Kerr loves messing with the beast and has staged a show for the newcomers. Kataline sits on the sidelines. No one else knows Kerr is completely protected be her shield and in no danger what-so-ever, but it makes for a good show and makes the planet’s funds grow with each performance he gives.

  And now a special ship lands in front of our welcome building. As I thought Gleeu and Hexultan come off the ship. Hand in hand.

  They got back together and now live out at his farm on the Earth settlement. And Kerr told us they might be coming to see about purchasing a place here.

  I go to greet them as they look around. Neither have ever been here. “Hello, Gleeu and Hexultan. How are you today?”

  The Queen is dressed in tan shorts and a white shirt. Her long blonde hair is in a long braid. Hexultan wears similar shorts and a blue shirt. His hair has managed to gain some color since their reunion.

  Since she left the palace, she also left behind the monikers which have followed her since her coronation many years ago. She no longer wants to be called Queen or anything to do with that title.

  She and Hexultan live like anyone else and they seem very happy together. Hard to believe people can get past such a thing as they have.

  “Kerr told us there’s a forest here with giant trees and you have built some magnificent tree houses in them,” Gleeu says as she runs her arm to wrap around Hexultan’s.

  “We’d love to see the tree houses.” Hexultan kisses her cheek. “My precious wife says she’d like to live in one.”

  “Follow me,” I tell them and walk towards the small area we have where pictures of the tree houses are. “If you like any of them by the pictures then I’ll take you on my personal craft to look at the ones you like in person. How does that sound?”

  I look back to see Gleeu smile. “That sounds wonderful. So how’s it all going so far, Emerald?”

  “Very good, actually. The team of scientists we put together to study the planet and how Euthenian’s might change to adapt to the much larger areas to live in have already studied many of the species here.” I point to some pictures on the wall in the corridor leading us to the treehouse sales room.

  A cute tiny primate with thick pink fur and tiny purple eyes peers out of one of them. “These little guys, I named them puff balls, the scientist named them something else, though. It’s a long word I can’t even pronounce.”

  Gleeu runs her hand over the picture. “That is adorable!”

  “Glad you think so because they are abundant in the trees of that forest where the tree houses are.” I smile as her face lights up. “Through studying theses little guys, the scientists think within three generations of people living here, the reproduction rate will climb.”

  Gleeu looks relieved. “So it is like I thought. Given more room their bodies will reproduce more often. That’s what I wanted to hear.”

  She runs her hand down Hexultan’s arm and laces her fingers with his. “Won’t that be nice for future generations, Hex?”

  “It will.” He gives her nose a tweak. “And it was you who spearheaded this whole thing. What a treasure our people have in you, my dear.”

  She drops her head on his
shoulder. “Thank you, Hex.”

  Leading them on to the room with the pictures all over the walls of the grand treehouses our construction crews have built, I see both of their eyes draw immediately to the same one.

  “The forest is called Rainbow Forest. As you can see, the trees grow on lines and each line is a different color. Blue, yellow, light green, and a pink color.” I follow them as they walk straight up to the picture they were drawn to.

  “What about this one here, Emerald?” Hexultan asks me. “This one in a blue tree.”

  “I love those precious little blue flowers which cover the tree. It’s perfect!” Gleeu claps her hands and looks at Hexultan with light in her eyes. “Just like the blue gardens you made me.”

  His hand runs over her cheek. “If you like it, it is yours, my love.”

  “Can we go see it?” she asks with the enthusiasm of a child.

  “Of course.” On our way out to my craft, Kerr and Kataline see us and come our way.

  “Mother, Father, when did you two get here?” Kerr asks them as he carries their latest child, Gweneth who’s barely three months old. Their fourth child.

  “Come with us, Kerr.” Gleeu holds out her arms for the baby. Kerr hands her over and wraps his free arm around Kataline.

  “Will do. Where are we going?” he asks.

  “To look at a tree house your mother likes.” Hexultan looks around. “Where are the rest of the children?”

  Kataline smiles. “We put them to work. They’re showing people around for us.”

  “How nice,” Hexultan says as he climbs into the back of my craft.

  The ride to Rainbow Forest is a nice twenty minutes outside the main hub. I look back to explain things to them. “There will be no roads made on this planet. Only hover crafts will be allowed.”

  “And why is that?” Gleeu asks.

  “We want to maintain the integrity of this planet for as long as we can. No digging, no mining, nothing that will hurt the planet. All the homes have been equipped with the latest technologies we have to make use of every little thing we can make use of.”

  Gleeu looks quite proud. “You young people have made it even better than I imagined.”

  Kerr laughs. “Thanks, Mother.”

  Kataline looks at Kerr with such love in her blue eyes. “Since women have been able to do more since the change, we’ve found some brilliant minds that were going untapped. So many people to help come up with innovative ideas has meant a big difference in this place.”

  “Here it is,” I say as I move up a bit higher to reach the deck of the house at the top of the huge blue tree.

  “This is adorable,” Gleeu says as we all get out.

  She hands the baby to Kataline and takes Hexultan’s hand. He smiles at her, “You love it already, don’t you?”

  They walk off, whispering to each other about things they can do with the house. Kerr, Kataline, and I hang back and let them have their privacy.

  “Looks like all’s well that ends well,” Kerr says as he plays with the baby’s hand who looks up at him with her mother’s eyes.

  “The new planet seems to be a hit. We’ll have what’s built so far filled in no time.” I lean up against the trunk of the tree the house is built around.

  So many things have changed, and I think that’s how life is supposed to be.

  I guess some people do get happy endings!



  The first sun’s rays break the dark sky as I look out the palace window. I get up each day to watch the suns rise. Capitol city looks very much the same as it has since I was a boy.

  The streets still glow and the gardens still grow. Our lives marked the big change in this planet’s history. All our children have grown up and left the palace to seek their own lives out.

  Kataline and I are back to being just us. The years have our hair turned white and our skin has wrinkled, but our love is just as strong as the day we first laid eyes on one another.

  We’ve had ups and we’ve had downs, but we’ve managed to work all things out together. By watching my parents, many learned you can get through just about anything in a marriage.

  I turn to find my wife standing behind me. “Sneaky little thing,” I say as I turn and pick her up in my arms and kiss her.

  “I told you to wake me to watch the sunrise with you, Kerr.”

  “You looked so sweet sleeping, I couldn’t bring myself to do it.” I kiss her cheek and she giggles.

  Her giggle still hits me straight in my heart.

  My parents passed in their beloved treehouse a few years ago. We found them lying hand in hand in their bed. The report said they died in their sleep of natural causes.

  I’m just glad they went together. Those two have always been halves of one whole soul. I’ll never understand why all the bad things happened, but who am I to know such things?

  All I know for sure is the woman I’m holding in my arms as I watch the first sun come up over the horizon is the love of my life and I could never have found a better person to share my life with.

  “Look, a shooting star is making its way through what’s left of the dark sky. Make a wish, Kerr.”

  I kiss the top of her head and wish this moment could last forever.

  The twilight, the cool air coming in through the open balcony doors, and my wife in my arms.

  It doesn’t get any better than this.

  “Kerr, how will our story end, do you think?” Kataline asks me.

  I turn her in my arms and kiss her sweet lips then say, “Just like this, Baby. And they all lived happily ever after.”

  And we all did!

  The End

  Scroll one page. I have something serious to say !

  Dear Reader

  After 2 months of writing these series, It finally ends.

  I have to admit I am very touched and I have mixed fillings.

  I wrote this story because I want to share some of my thoughts with you.

  I saw that a lot of you, you loved it and you hug my books and I am very happy about it!

  I would like to share with me your thoughts and your beloved scenes!

  Check your preferable way to keep in touch with me!

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  Thanks in advance

  Your Ashley

  About the Author

  Ashley Hunt gained her Philosophy degree in Denver, Colorado at The University of Colorado. She made Denver her permanent home when she married her college sweetheart. Married six years the couple has a five-year-old daughter and a yellow Labrador named Oodles. Living in the shadow of Gray’s Peak proves to be inspirational to Ashley as she sits at her desk in her home office where she writes her Sci Fi Romance stories and can merely look out the window to renew her creativity. She strives to make stories with beautiful scenery and intriguing plots. Heroes with great strengths, physical and mental, she pairs with strong heroines who test their limits. In the end, finding deep, passionate love. The way she thinks every relationship should be. Read more at

  Have an Awesome day such as you deserve




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