I Need A Bad Boy: A Collection of Bad Boy Romances

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I Need A Bad Boy: A Collection of Bad Boy Romances Page 50

by Sophie Brooks

  A fine sentiment for someone who just said something about two years’ work. “Undercover? Fine way to trust me? I mean, what the fuck, Louise?”

  She was already on the phone. “Yeah, I need you to come over… Bella’s house… yeah, I texted it to you… No, he’s not here… They’re not outside either… I’m fine… see you in five.”

  “Sit down.” Even though I was in my own flat, I obeyed the command, for that’s what it was. I watched in stunned silence as she filled my kettle, put it on to boil, and gathered three mugs.

  A loud knock came to my door before the tea was even made. Louise went to my door and answered it. I heard low murmurs in the hallway before a man’s voice. “Chester?!” oh no. I recognised that voice.

  I stood up as I met him. “Jesus, Louise, why did you bring Jake here?” I looked from one to the other: angry, confused and feeling outnumbered in my own home. The baseball bat I kept for protection was hidden under my bed, and they were blocking my way to it.

  “Sit down.” Louise said, frostily. “Here.” she handed me a steaming mug.

  “What have you told her?” Jake spoke directly to Louise, the authority in his voice made me shake.

  Louise paced, jaw clenching. “Nothing. I’ve not said anything, but she needs to know. That file would have sent over thirty families to their deaths.”

  “What?!” I said incredulously. That’s not what it was about… Denver was blackmailing a few pervy businessmen who kept secrets from their wives.

  Jake raked his hands over his still-sore looking face. “Fuck it, you’re right. She needs to know.”

  He turned to look at me, eyes piercing me so intensely I thought he could see into my soul and read all the secrets I ever held. “Have you heard of the Kindred Sons?”

  “Aye, your family’s involved… you’re an Armstrong.” Shit. “I mean, that’s what I’ve heard.” I can’t let him know I came from around here as a kid.

  “Well, you’ve done your homework.” Louise quipped. “Any idea who the McCauley’s are?”

  “Heard they’re a rival gang.” I was going to stick to minimal talking, surely that would be my safest strategy right now.

  “No shit, well Denver happens to be one of them, and the file you were about to give has the list of all the families that get support money from the Kindred Sons for their fallen.”

  My mouth must have gaped open because I remember closing it and swallowing. The implications of what I was going to do hit me like a steam train.

  Jake continued, “That file keeps a record of who and when all support payments are made to. With those details, the McCauley’s would have paid a little visit to every single family and…” he didn’t need to make the gun shape with his hands… I already knew where he was going.

  Louise finally sat down. “How’d you get involved in all this?” She’d told me she grew up nowhere near here, and I’d believed her.

  Jake answered for her. “Her father was a Kindred Son, he fell many years ago. We protect our own.”

  “I’m sorry.” I knew what it was like to grow up without a father. My eyes flashed back to her with shame. “Oh my god, I didn’t realise you were related - after me teasing you about him being your boyfriend!” Embarrassment flamed up my cheeks.

  She was calming down but hadn’t forgiven me. “My mum’s on that list, you know. You would have been handing Denver the bullet to shoot her.”

  Jake was quick to defuse Louise. “Look, she didn’t know what was in the file… but this puts us at an advantage.” We both looked at him in confusion.

  “He’s expecting you to deliver a file.” He looked at me and then around the room, eyes searching for the next part of his idea. “I can put together a nice little list for him… you’ll give that to him.”

  “Thank fuck ye were there Louise,” he said, his tone softening, “Uncle Steven would be proud of ye.” The affection between them was clear now; I saw it for what it was… a family connection. The look he gave her took me back to watching my Grandma look at Ryan and me.

  Was it wrong for me to feel so relieved?

  Chapter 14


  Louise wrapped her hands around her mug as if the heat brought her comfort. “Most of the Kindred Son’s business accounts are handled through Sawyer’s. I do a fair bit of them - including working on the Chester file.” She breathed deeply. “Denver doesn’t realise my connection. He thinks he’s been blackmailing me for about a year and a half now, but the info I’ve been feeding him is all false - leading them on goose chases and letting the McCauley’s think we’re not as… comfortable… as we really are.”

  “He didn’t…” I felt the pit of my stomach lurch. I was taller, heavier, and probably stronger than her. If she had been in the kitchen rather than me, I doubted she’d have been strong enough to get away.

  “No, no.” She said reassuringly. “He did try to sweet talk me at the start, but I already knew enough about him to keep under that particular radar.

  That was something, at least.

  “Mum was pregnant with me when dad was shot.” She said, her expression blank as if recounting facts that had not torn her world apart. “He died about six weeks before I was born, so he saw my ultrasound pictures, and I seen photos of him, but that’s what we were to each other - photos.” She pulled up some images on her phone: the first of a smiling couple, the woman looking particularly like her; the second, of the man with another man; then a picture of two young children. “That’s mum and dad, see, she’s about 6 months pregnant with me there. This next one is our dads - Jake’s and mine - they were brothers; that last one is Jake and me… you were ten there, I would have been, what? Six?”

  “Aye, that was Manchester, Mum always took me over there for the summer.” Jake confirmed.

  “Without the Kindred Sons and the protection, my mum would have been penny-less and more than likely killed. They protected her when we were most vulnerable, I’ve committed to do whatever I can to keep bastards like the McCauley’s from getting anywhere near ours. Blood and Loyalty.”

  “Blood and Loyalty.” Jake automatically echoed.

  A grim smile crossed her face. “The bastard that killed my father is dead, but his son is very much alive. I can only hope to be there when that changes.”

  After his fling with one of the Armstrong’s - something I wasn’t about to tell - my dad had left and was never seen again. As for mum, when Social Services threatened to take Ryan and me, Grandma stepped in as guardian, being awarded it easily with her grandparent status. Mum managed to drink herself into an early grave a couple of years later. The only ones who were my blood and where my loyalty lay were Grandma and Ryan. In truth, I felt jealous of what they had. A family, somewhere that protected its own. Blood and Loyalty.

  I could have said I wouldn’t hand over any file, but how could I not help them protect their families? This was what I needed to do for mine: blood and loyalty.

  I went to business: “Denver has said that I’m to meet with a guy called Barry in Flanagan's, but he hasn’t given me a day or time yet. How soon can you get me the fake file?”

  Both of them seemed to breathe for the first time.

  “I’ll have it with you by tomorrow morning before you leave for work.” Jake stood and stretched. “Obviously, you won’t tell anyone about this - or anything we’ve discussed. I have your mobile number; make sure to answer when I call you.”

  “You have a lot to think about,” Louise said as she hugged me, “I don’t believe you’re in any danger right now since Denver doesn’t now you know about the Kindred Sons. He’ll want to leave you alone right now.”

  “If you feel in any danger, call Louise. Immediately. Stay on the line with her until she comes round. Keep talking about what you see, hear or smell. Worst case, that can help us find you quicker if needs be.” The way he said it made me suddenly feel very vulnerable. He must have picked up on it and he placed his hands on my shoulders. “You’re part of us now;
we’ll protect you, but know this: I cannot protect you if you squeal. I will find you though, and am honour bound to bring you back to the Kindred Sons for trial.”

  I shivered under the weight of his words and the feel of his hands on me. Electric fizzled despite the obvious threat he’d given me. I couldn’t tear my eyes from his.

  “By the way, Louise couldn’t be further from my type…” he shook his head, laughing at some unknown joke, “Secret boyfriend… as if anyone would dare hide me.”

  Louise gathered the empty mugs and placed them in my sink. They made their way to my front door together. “I’ll be back tomorrow morning. Make sure you’re up. Wouldn’t want to walk in on you still sleeping.” The wicked glint in his eyes made me wonder exactly what time he would return in the morning. To my shame, I didn’t want him to leave.

  Chapter 15


  I’d made my excuses about phone calls and watched as Louise pulled away from Bella’s flat. Dad needed to know, but I could do that from anywhere. This was the only spot where I could keep an eye on who went anywhere near Bella.

  When I’d first arrived, the urge to bend her over my knee and spank her for being so stupid was almost overwhelming. Seeing how distraught she was eased me a little. Louise had already filled me in on the fake sex video. I wanted to make Denver pay for that - as if that tiny prick could even satisfy a woman. Jealous that someone else dared to imagine touching her made me want to sneak Bella into my own office and make our own little recording.

  Focus, idiot. I reprimanded myself. I unlocked my phone and called da, he answered on the fourth ring.

  When I finished the call with him, I gave Nevan the call to get started on the fake information. He was a genius at that kind of stuff - I suggested he used names of people we knew were McCauley supporters, which he loved - double agents were deeply hated. This was a perfect opportunity to bring a little chaos to Denver’s world.

  Dad wanted me to bring Bella to Chester House… tonight. Just thinking about it made me swear aloud in the car. There was a party tonight for Mathew’s dad, George had turned 45 and there was always an excuse for a party as far as my mum was concerned. I’d have to sneak Bella in by the back door.

  She answered on the second ring. “Hello?” a nervous Bella said.

  “Hey, it’s Jake.”

  “Fuck is something wrong?” Straight to high alert - the girl was seriously stressed… same as me… I could remedy that.

  “Relax, all’s fine. I’m coming round in ten minutes. Just wanted to give you a chance to make yourself pretty.” I smiled to myself and hung up. Let’s see what she makes of that.

  I knocked on her door exactly ten minutes later, she answered immediately. Her hair was dried and she’d changed out of her damp work clothes. Jeans looked good on her. “I see you took my advice then.” I said as I walked in before being asked.

  “I had changed my clothes before you rang.” She said defiantly. “I’ve just been watching TV.” A lie, I’d watched the lights flick on and off in the few rooms in her tiny flat since I hung up our call.

  “Well, fix your lipstick. We’re going to a party.”

  “I don’t know anyone having a party tonight.” She eyed me suspiciously before lifting the TV remote and roaming through channels.

  I reached behind the TV, killing the power to the set. “Well, now you do. When Carrick Anderson, the Boss of the Kindred Sons wants to see you, you go.”

  Did something flash across her face - disappointment? “Oh, ok, I just thought you…” that beautiful blush rose on her cheeks again. “Never mind.”

  I called it. “You thought I was asking you out?” I sat down beside her. Those pink cheeks deepened to a scarlet. “Baby, I don’t do dates. If I did, I would do it a lot better than this.”

  “That’s fine Jake, I um, it’s not like you’d ask me out anyway. You’ve probably got a harem of mafia princesses to pick from.” She jumped off the sofa and disappeared into a bedroom. I followed, of course.

  She was brushing her hair as I walked in. I knew I made her a little uneasy, but I kind of liked the sass she gave me. “If I was asking you out on a date, it wouldn’t be to a birthday party. A woman like you? I’d keep you all to myself.”

  She froze and the slightest gasp escaped her lips. “You don’t see yourself properly.” I took a step closer, feeling the pull inside me wanting to take her right there on her own unmade bed. If you only knew… I thought. And for the briefest of seconds, the image from my shower fantasy played in my mind.

  She moved back a little, still facing me but unintentionally in front of the mirror. I could see the reflection of her ass in those jeans and I just wanted to bite it. As if I would trust any of my lackeys to be within twenty foot of her right now. My jealous streak just wouldn’t take it.

  She caught me staring and for a second I saw what she was so desperately trying to hide - there was something there. Her cheeks flushed and the slightest smile played with the corners of her mouth. But then the veil rose again and she raised her eyebrows asking a question her mouth would never say. “Can’t blame me, you’ve got a sweet arse. Now let’s move it - you’re keeping the boss-man waiting.”

  Chapter 16


  I couldn’t believe the front of this guy. Openly following me into my bedroom and then gawping at my ass in the mirror… only to blame me! Shameless. God, I shouldn’t like it, but heaven help me, it made me feel all kinds of things to my very core. I knew now he wasn’t with Louise, but that didn’t mean he was single, or that he wanted anything more from me than this file handover. And even if he did, he was the kind of guy who just wanted one thing from a woman.

  “I’m not waitin’ all night on ye.” He strode out of my bedroom and into the tiny hall as if he owned the place. “You’re fine as you are, come on.” I gave myself one last glance in the mirror and was surprised at how flustered I looked. Get it together, Sarah. I gritted my teeth, fuck; I shouldn’t be calling myself that anymore - even if it was in my own head… Get it together, Bella.

  The torrential rain from earlier had died down to a fine mist, the kind that played havoc with a girl’s hair. I had to keep reminding myself that it wasn’t a date, but I still wanted him to see me at my best.

  “We’re nearly there,” he said as he slowed onto a quieter avenue. Then he turned the car into the front of a drive, waiting only seconds for the gates to be opened, electronically. Made sense I suppose. Even though we were in a more rural area now, further out from the city center, this area was full of grand houses, all in their gilded cages of high walls, gates and security.

  “Wow.” I murmured to myself more than to him. “Beautiful.” And it was: the fountain at the front, the soft glowing way the house was lit, the weeping willow that was bedazzled in twinkling lights. Then I swallowed. I saw the dozen or so cars parked to the side we were passing - none of which I could ever afford to rent, never mind own.

  I watched as a man opened the door of one of the cars, seeing a middle-aged woman in effortless glamour. Her hair and makeup were perfect, her dress was clearly designer, and the shoes were easily more expensive than my month’s wages, if not more. I looked down to my best jeans and felt very inferior.

  “So, like I said, Carrick wants to meet you.” Jake said, entirely comfortable in his own ripped jeans and a vintage tee shirt. I suppose if you had a body like that, it didn’t matter what you wore - you always looked great. I bet he looks great without those jeans too. “He’s not one for the big party scene, so he’ll probably be in the library. We’ll just go straight up there. OK?”

  He parked in the corner, away from the other cars and ushered me in through a back door where the caterers were busy preparing what smelt like food for the gods. My tummy rumbled in appreciation. Thank god for the noise in the room. The appetite I’d lost earlier was back.

  He directed me, the heat of his hand radiating from the small of my back to my core. I heard laughing and music come from s
omewhere beyond but then he directed me up a flight of stairs to dark quietness. He opened the door to what I realized was the library; simply due to the amount of books… did these ever get read? I wondered. “Wait here a sec,” he said with mild irritation. “He knew we were coming.” With that, Jake closed the door and I was alone in the room.

  A couple of minutes later he returned and I instinctively stood up from the plush sofa I had perched on. His irritation had grown. “He wants us to go to his office; it’s only down the hall.” He gave me a tight smile. “C’mon.”

  Carrick was standing as I walked in. “Isabella, nice to meet ya.” He greeted me with an outstretched hand that I shook. “You’re very welcome to me home. Why don’t ye sit down?” his heavy Belfast accent jarring even to my ears, I’d often thought of it as a menacing accent, but on him, right now, it sounded homely. I felt my shoulders relax ever so slightly. Don’t forget who he is. The pressure returned.


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