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Freeform Page 17

by Xavier Neal

“We can give this idea a shot under two conditions.” Brandi leans back in her seat. “One, you agree to family dinners whenever you're in town in which you do not raise hell simply to see your mother's head spin around.”

  Tucker surrenders a hand. “And two?”

  “You commission a piece for the hotel here. Yearly. You show up, you present it, and you connect to the Frost company the way you once wanted to.”

  Confused, I ask, “You wanted to work for the company?”

  His shoulders drop and he sighs, “When my dad was still alive. I wanted the job Aunt Brandi has. I wanted to learn to run the art division.” Our eyes meet. “But I'm glad I didn't. I'd be miserable in an office. I'd be miserable not experiencing the world of art past catalogs and Instagram photos. I'm happy this way.” Tucker turns back to his aunt. “But if that's what it takes to let June go then I'm in. Love and art sometimes require a little sacrifice. I'd rather that be one of my paintings than a life time without the only person who makes everything in my life so so much better.”

  Brandi fans her face. “Aww....”

  Speechless, I feel incapable of doing anything more than staring.

  I have to take this risk, don't I? It's time to be responsible for my own adventures and enjoy happiness.

  “I'll have paperwork drawn up and sent to you whenever you two get settled somewhere.” She stands and says to me. “I'll miss the hell out of you. You were the best personal assistant I ever had even if you were a clumsy little thing.”


  “Take good care of my nephew, June.”

  “I will,” I whisper.

  The moment she's disappeared back in the venue, Tucker squeezes my hand, and leans over so our lips are only a breath apart, “Now....are you ready to run away with me, June Bailey?”


  Who better to show me the world, than the one and only Tucker Frost? Oh don't start singing that Disney song! Now it's going to be stuck in my head too!


  One Year Later...


  “How do I look?” June spins around in the navy colored bridesmaid dress, tripping over her own feet in the process.

  Even without shoes....

  I toss the sketchpad to the side of our bed. “You okay?”

  “You know, after a year of seeing me fall flat on my face on sidewalks, hotel lobbies, dance floors, and art showings, you'd think you'd stop asking that.”

  With a crooked grin I state, “Hate to break it to you, June Bug, but making sure you're okay is something I'll always do, because I love you.”

  She gives me a sweet smirk.

  I think part of me knew it from the first time I saw her trip. How's that for Fate having a plan?

  “Someday I like to think you'll be showing me a dress for our wedding rather than someone else’s.”

  Her smile grows wider. “You do know, it would be bad luck to show you the dress before the wedding.”

  “Then we'd just have to make our own good luck.” I wink.

  June giggles and grabs the hanger. “So after Jaye and Archer's wedding, where are we headed?”

  Leaning back onto my palms, I shrug. “You tell me. It's your turn to choose.”

  This level of balance is a fun thing to discover. We not only found ourselves a nice little pattern of going away for weeks then returning to the city for an equal amount of time, we always alternate cities I want with ones that actually contain Frost hotels. Our ability to meet in the middle doesn't even feel like a burden so much as sharing art supplies to assure mutually beautiful creations. I'd share anything with June. Life's better this way. And the second I stopped running it was much easier to see.

  “Mmm,” she hums slipping out of the dress. “Your mother and David are heading to Jamaica to celebrate their one year. What do you think about postponing a work trip for a personal one?”

  The suggestion sits me all the way back up.

  Things have slowly begun to change over the last year. While I don't necessarily love the idea of my mother married to another man, I meant what I said at their wedding. The next time we got together, David suggested maybe seeing a family shrink to face some of the unresolved issues between me and my mother. We agreed and when I return home, we take some time to talk with the help of a third party about Dad's death. I'm trying to be understanding that she's more than just a mother, but a person with needs and desires while she's learning to understand my want for my father's presence not to be alienated from their home. David and I have talked as well and it turns out when he's not being attacked, he's not a complete asshole. He even collects original Ninja Turtle memorabilia, he loves the tattoo of one I have on my calf. I even agreed he could turn my old bedroom into a place to showcase his collection.

  Not having received an immediate answer, June quickly back pedals, “But we don't have to. We can totally do something else instead. If you're over the whole island adventure thing there's Alaska, Canada, a little town in Minnesota I heard does some great ice sculptures and-”

  “Come here.” I whisper and motion her over to me with a finger. My girlfriend crawls into my lap to straddle me. “I think Jamaica's a good idea. Try a little bonding with them, see the beaches, meet some of the locals who do amazing wood work.”

  “Do they?”

  “Oh yeah. Eddie's been trying to get me to go see it for years.”

  “I like Eddie. He's funny.”

  “Don't like him too much. Would hate to see him limping away the next time our paths cross.”

  What....I may be a lover and not a fighter, but swinging at anything that can come between the two of us is just my instinct.

  As she smiles, my fingers stroke the skin on her lower back. “After Jamaica, when we come home, I wanna do something with your family. Maybe another big cook out? Your father grills a mean set of ribs. Oh! And Mya asked me to take her to one of the underground art exhibits.”

  “But not an art rave!”

  I chuckle at the memory. “No. We won't take your little sister to one of those.”

  June wraps her arms around my neck and wiggles. “Okay...Then I like that idea.”

  The feeling of her bra covered nipples brushing against my chest causes my cock to knock against her. “I have another idea you might like....”

  She giggles and I quickly capture her mouth with mine. The two of us tumble backwards onto the bed.

  I've always believed love inspires the most stunning creations, but now I know firsthand that love itself is indeed the most beautiful art form of them all. To be given a chance to enjoy it without forced rules or regulations is like being given the tools to design life's purest work. I'm learning love is not just an art form, but the canvas, the paint, the brush, and the artist itself. It's only when you've completely surrendered to Fate, and we're talkin', the good, the bad, the ugly and the perfect, that you're allowed to live every day as the masterpiece it is intended to be.

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  Authors love them!

  Did you know her friends Jaye and Archer have their own standalone love story too?

  Check it out down below!


  Jaye Jenkins is dealing with the death of her fiancé, an overbearing mother and an awkward social existence when a green eyed stranger stumbles into her life. For some reason she can't stop thinking about the mysterious man she knows she has no right to be fantasizing about. Suddenly an uncontrollable situation occurs, and in a single moment, one simple act of kindness changes everything.

  Thank Yous!

  Crazy Lady- I like the crazy 'I just finished' phone calls. Don't disappoint.

  Her Husband- Get ready to travel!

  Sissy B- Thanks for being on this team!

  The Lumberjack- I love you. There. Plain and simple.

  The Law Student- You gotta work on calling me back...

- Looking forward to more art experiences together!

  Throwback- I wanna go with you and trouble and Wenna the next time you go to the graffiti park.

  The Real Life Erin- My favorite kinda trouble, lol.

  Dallas Angie- To all you've done, all you do, and all you will do for me. The love is non-stop from me.

  Boss Lady- Thank you for being my blinders when I need them most.

  Genie- Never let anyone dull your magic.

  The Editor- You keep me sane, do you know that?

  The PAs- Left and Right brain, you know I love you both....always.

  Marketing Guru- You've got a beautiful soul.

  Dream Team- You're a great support system.

  Renee W.- You're a sweetheart. Never change.

  Linda C.- Thanks for always encouraging and the kind words.

  Bloggers- You are all so wonderful. I know some authors don't get it or see it or under appreciate you, but know this author adores the hell out of you.

  Saints and Sinners Book Blog- You two women are flat out amazing. Thanks for hosting most of my tours.

  Readers- As long as you will keep listening to these stories, I'll keep telling them. Thank you.

  Until next time....



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  Curious about my other works?

  Check them out down below!

  Senses Series (Sports Romance/ Romantic Comedy)

  Vital (Prequel Novella)-










  Box Set (Books 1-5)-


  Adrenaline Series (Romance/ Romantic Suspense)







  Adrenaline Series Box Set (Books 1-3)-

  Prince of Tease Series (Romance/ Romantic Comedy)

  Prince Arik-

  Prince Hunter-

  Hollywood Exchange Series (Romance/ Romantic Comedy)

  Already Written-

  Blue Dream Series (Contemporary Romance)

  Blue Dream-

  Purple Haze-

  Havoc Series (Military Romance/ Romantic Suspense)






  Havoc Series Box Set (Books 1-3)-

  Never Say Neverland Series (NA Fantasy Adventure)

  Get Lost-

  Lost in Lies-

  Lies, Mistrust, and Fairy Dust-

  Rub Me Series (Erotic Shorts)

  Rub Me The Right Way-

  Rub Me The Wrong Way-

  Rub Me All The Way-

  Erotic Short Complete Box Set-


  Compassion- (Military Romance)

  Cinderfella- (YA Contemporary)

  The Gamble- (Romantic Comedy)




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