Fae Rose Academy: Year Two (For The Purely Divine Book 2)

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Fae Rose Academy: Year Two (For The Purely Divine Book 2) Page 4

by Quinn Ashwood

  We can't let that happen just yet.

  "Rosadette." I kept my voice low as I lifted my hand high enough so she could see it. "May I?

  She analyzed me carefully as if she didn't recognize that we were a couple. It took her an extra second before she managed to slightly nod, giving me permission to lay my hands against her cheeks.

  Her skin was so cold, like ice even within the depths of the steaming hot bath. She should have been warm, but her skin was frigid, like someone left her out in the winter cold for hours. I couldn't understand what could have happened in this short period of time.

  On this side of the realms with fae sight, our time moved just a tad faster - five minutes here was a mere minute over there. I knew I'd have enough time to bathe and rejuvenate myself before returning to Rosadette's side to celebrate.

  What could have happened in the mere minutes since I left?

  Droplets of tears filled her eyes and spilled down her cheeks and onto my hands as she finally allowed herself to express what occurred.

  “Xavier's evil. He has my rose. He...said he was going to freeze me like my mom. The light king killed the dark king. My mother was pregnant with the dark king's child. I'm that child. He...doesn't want you having me. He wants to rule everyone and only those who are perfect can walk among the land of the fae," she rambled in one breath, the fear, panic, and stress that still lingered in her flowing out in a rush to be free and heard. "I was frozen. So cold. I wished to be with you and I got here. I don't get any of this...everything was scary...I'm scared, Rain.”

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. That mother fucker!

  If my blood could boil any further, I'm sure it would be the perfect temperature to make a cup of tea.

  Or boil Xavier until his skin melted off his body, leaving nothing but bones while his screams were silenced by death itself.

  What she'd just revealed should have never happened. If only she were in these kingdom walls, the very land itself would never grant such occurrences from prospering. It angered me as well as left me feeling distraught for my woman.

  I couldn't fight the urge to hold her, pulling her frail body into my arms. I couldn’t care less if I was completely naked. My urge to ravish her went stale while the desire to take away her pain and protect her was pulsing through me.

  There's no way I could keep up with this secret game anymore, not when Rosadette's life was at risk, but if Xavier was sputtering nonsense about her rose...no wait.

  Fuck. He froze her mom?! How? That's impossible. He couldn't possibly be strong or coherent enough to do such an action. Alicia wouldn't dare allow him to remain in her castle walls if he was the culprit of her frozen state. She was her best friend after all. The light king that killed the dark...the story of the past. That's an old tale...isn't it?

  I quickly filtered through her previous statement, catching onto the words that tugged at my very heartstrings.

  She was frozen solid...like her mother. She wished to be with me. Me. Prince Rainer. She told the Universe who she wished to belong to... The rose. Xavier's anger. He's...he's lost?

  The revelation was huge. So big that I needed confirmation. We needed to see for ourselves if she was finally free from his shackled hold.

  "I want to tell you everything, but I need to confirm one thing, Rosadette," I declared and pulled back to look into her teary eyes. How I hated how puffy they were from her tears, let alone the trickles of fear, exhaustion, and hopelessness that remained.

  She has to know the truth.

  Sio, tell Alicia and Camilla what happened. Rosadette will remain with me until she's calm and has rested. I don't want any disturbances until then.

  "Yes, Master Rainer!" Sio replied, her usage of Master confirming she was taking my command seriously.

  "Do you trust me?"

  "With my life," she responded without hesitation.

  I couldn't fight my urge to grin at those sacred words. To find a woman who was willing to trust me as I trusted her. I felt like it was a mere dream to find someone who would respect my desires to be trusted and to give trust back.

  Many fae didn't get that trust needed to be earned, a common trait even humans fought to follow versus our kind, who used their magic tactics of truth versus lie to aid them in their belief in a person.

  That was an invasive trait I only used against my enemy. I never wanted to use it on a partner I loved, and that's why trust was even more important.

  I took her hand and guided her to the steps to get out of the bath. My magic didn't hesitate to push through to the surface, my dripping body now dry and clothed with simplistic clothing.

  There was no need to wear fine clothes to impress my love when I sought justice.

  The thought made me realize that she was still drenched, injured, and barely clothed. Whatever fought hard to slice into her flesh tore at her clothing, which was barely keeping together.

  Turning to face her, my eyes scanned every bit of her, my magic already a step ahead as it rushed from my grasp and wrapped around her like it had been begging to do from her abrupt arrival.

  In seconds, she stood there with her body healed from the various cuts, and her flesh and hair now completely dry. She looked down at the outfit I'd donned upon her. The long red dress hugged all those luscious curves I adored and her blonde hair that shifted to cherry red was left down in its immaculate beauty.

  I'd added an extra piece to my vision of her, and she noticed as her expression revealed her confusion. Her hand lifted slowly, feeling the prick of the golden crown that rested on her head.

  My soul told me she was now mine, and a queen within her home deserves to be crowned and worshipped.

  Her odd look amused me, a smile taking over my lips before I turned away to face forward. Slipping my hand in hers, I began to guide her to where we'd teleported to. I hadn't even realized we'd shifted rooms, which only confirmed how charged up with magic I was.

  Where teleportation was as easy as breathing.

  We approached a platform in the middle of the hidden room I hadn't ventured into in months. It wasn't intentional, but walking into this space always reminded me of what I wished to have - that fulfillment Esmeralda's rose used to give me. The hope of a future blossomed at its sight.

  That hope dwindled into helplessness, and as time went on, to hate. Then I was left to stand here and watch the final petal fall to the glass surface of the little dome that protected her rose.

  The beginning of the cold room that held no future in regard to romance.

  Today, in this tense moment, it was different. The atmosphere, the flow of energy coursing around, and the slight shimmer of light that seemed centered on the platform we approached made me hopeful.

  We climbed the three solid steps, and my heart hammered against my chest as I took in the all-too-familiar dome glass with a glittering rose inside.

  Not the rose of Esmeralda...but someone I actually loved. My Rosadette's rose.

  The rose was just as beautiful as her. Its sparkling purple base matched her gorgeous eyes as gold and red glitter lathered those fine petals. Like a piece of artwork, it took my breath away while its oozing magic brought life to its enclosed chamber.

  "Rain...what is this?" The disbelief and confusion in Rosadette's voice only proved that this was all real. I was here, with her, staring at her very rose that I'd craved since my eyes laid upon her.

  I felt the emotion of longing, the thrumming desire of want that would flicker through me as I watched her sleeping in my arms or laughing at my jokes. The pride her growth awakened in me, and the secret, silent prayers I'd say to Mother Universe to somehow entwine our paths together. My prayers had finally been answered.

  All of that hit me at once and ignited the trickling flow of tears that threatened to fall.

  I turned my attention to Rosadette, unable to hide my admiration at finally being hers.

  “This is your rose, Rosadette. Your heart is symbolized by a rose."

  My hand slipped from her
s as I acted upon my instincts, walking down the stairs of the platform to turn and look her way. She'd already turned to stare down at me, her confusion morphing into shock as I lowered to one knee and looked up to her as a knight would to his queen.

  “Princess Rosadette of the Rose Kingdom, I, Prince Rainer of Fae Rose Kingdom, can finally show you the truth of this world. Your heart was in the hands of a man who wanted to shield you from the truth. It's now my turn to love you and help you discover the truth of your heritage and your role in this world. Many lies have been told to hide your identity from those who seek your death. With you completing your first year and escaping the clutches of Xavier, I and those who are on your side can reveal your destiny.”

  I had to get those words out. To reveal a glimpse of the truth that was held back from her. To acknowledge the villain in our love story that was about to sprout wings and fly.

  To fight for her trust.

  All of this could break what we'd already established, but I was ready to accept that and fight hard to prove my worth once more. I'd fight harder than ever. Harder than what Xavier surely thought was giving his all in his messed-up views of the laws of romantic commitment.

  I rose up and returned to stand before her.

  “This is going to be confusing...and you may not love me for holding so much back from you, but allow me the opportunity to explain in a safe place. Whatever your decision, whether to discard me or forgive me, I will protect you from the forces that wish your demise," I vowed.

  I meant it with my heart, my damn soul, and she needed to know that her acceptance would not only grant her my adoration but protection from all those who hide away within the shadows.

  She stared at me, analyzing me once again. I'm sure she was summarizing all our instances together, from the moment we met to this very second. Had I proven myself? Would she make room in her heart and push aside the hints of foul play and deceit to learn the truth of why this side of the world was kept hidden from her?

  "Do you love me?" she questioned, her voice not even close to a whisper. My sensitive ears caught onto it and the tiny tremble allowed me to feel her nervousness.

  She needed nothing but the truth, and this was by far the easiest question to answer truthfully.

  "With all my heart," I said with confidence.

  The tiny smile that sprouted on her lips triggered the tears that fell down her cheeks.

  "Then kiss me," she whispered. "Then you'll explain everything to me, for I won't be entering Year Two unless I know all I need to in preparation for what's to come."

  As if I'd dare let her enter the school year without immense preparation from that ice prince of a coward. Amazing how the boy who called me a coward years ago could try to break this woman who was now standing proudly before me.

  Not anymore. She's truly mine.

  "As you wish, my love and majesty," I quietly declared, my solemn words echoing around us before I claimed her lips with urgency. Kissing her - with all the pent up passion I'd allowed to build, grow, and beg for freedom - set off a wave of hunger that overtook my senses.

  How we went from standing on the platform to her body pinned against the door with my body pressed firmly against her was but a figment in the past as my lips fought hard to devour every bit of her taste.

  That sweetness in her mouth, the way she breathed swiftly and moaned quietly, as if she didn't want my ears to catch onto how pleasurable the mere kiss could be, only fueled the beast inside me.

  I'd fought long and hard to restrain this urge, but now I could give her a glimpse of what she'd been missing - a speck of what Xavier had failed to do, to begin with.

  My Sweet Rose deserved to be nurtured like a flower. To be pampered with love, compassion, food, and water. To be pleased down to every sexual need that begged for attention, and now I could deliver it all.

  She's mine, all mine.

  I had to reel in my desires when we were both breathless, noticing the drop of energy within her aura as I automatically hooked an arm around her waist to keep her body from dropping to the ground.

  She hadn't realized her knees were about to buckle but looked relieved at my swift movement, her focus on catching her breath after that intense kiss.

  I pulled her into my arms, hugging her tightly and feeling her arms encircle me. Her relief was as palpable as her growing love for me. Even after I'd kept so much from her, she could still love me. Still share a passionate kiss like we'd just experienced.

  She wanted me - desperately - just as I begged the Universe to give me one shot to make her mine.

  "I'm a little tired." She didn't sound as though she wanted to admit it, but I could tell from the emotions oozing off of her that she was begging for rest. She needed to recuperate from the intense situation she'd been in moments ago.

  Even if I craved to feed on her hidden needs, I had to prioritize her health after the terrifying experience she'd endured with Xavier.

  "You need to rest," I encouraged.

  "I..." Her hesitation was obvious as she paused her words. I allowed my hand to get tangled in her long locks, inching her head back just enough to look into her eyes before I sealed her lips with a gentle kiss.

  What I hated the most was the fear she fought to hide. She was afraid, and that wasn't going to go well with me when she was in my arms.

  "You're safe with me, Rosadette," I growled against her swollen lips. I knew she could feel that I meant every word, and with confirmation that she was now my rose, I could keep to this vow.

  And use every bit of power if necessary to defend what was mine.

  "I know," she quietly stated, resting her head against my chest. "If I rest, this won't all be a dream, right?"

  "No, my Sweet Love," I assured her, before scooping her up. "This is real, and when you awake, I'll be right there to reveal the truth to you. I swear it."

  The flowing calm that left her was followed with her slow breathing. She leaned further into me, and I looked down to see she was already fast asleep.

  How serene her sleeping expression was now, especially in this magnificent form. I brushed my lips against hers before I walked back to the platform to view the rose one last time.

  This room was once again the blossom of happiness and hope.

  That all starts with delivering the truth of it all.

  Awakened And Revelation


  * * *

  The cold trickles in like an approaching plague, its silent arrival making me shiver as I remain frozen in my spot. The world is dark, so far away and filled with desolation, which only makes my heart pump faster as I sense my doom.

  Fear always loves to tease me.

  It reminded me of all things I didn't get to do. The views I wasn't given the opportunity to see. Wasn't I destined to do more? To be greater than everyone expected of me? Why would my end leave me frozen in this very spot? In the pits of the darkness that everyone wished for me to remain in.

  It angered me.

  To always be left in this state of helplessness. Why did my life end up like this? Being tossed aside like trash in a realm that thought of me as a burden.

  As lower than scum.

  Was I paying for a crime I committed in some past life? Or was this a lesson I had to endure so I'd be grateful for the good blessings heading my way?

  From my suffering on the lands below to the embarrassment and disgrace I carried in the lands of my own people, was it not enough for me to enjoy some sort of victory?

  Instead...here I am, frozen and ready to accept my cold fate.

  Tears sprang to my eyes as my breath grew quicker. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, running down the sides of my face and leaving a chilled trail with its slow passing.

  I still had so many regrets.

  Why didn't I work harder? Why wasn't I stronger? Why did the world around me fight so hard to silence me?

  Only a few cared. Only a few instances ignited hope within me that I, Rosadette Campbell,
the orphan of the lower lands, could be something.

  Coincidences, friendships, and love, the few instances that helped the journey be easier.

  Was this it? Was this how it all ended?

  The cold finally struck me, starting at my feet and moving upward. My rapid breathing only escalated, my tears falling as whimpers left me.

  Didn't the cold know how badly I wanted to live? How much I craved to find who I was meant to be, and prove my worth to all those who belittled it?

  I'd made some progress. I’d been shown a glimpse of the potential locked inside me, and yet it didn't give me that satisfaction I'd anticipated. To allow me to exhale and say to Death that I did my best.

  I couldn't fathom saying those words, let alone thinking them. All the long hours and work, the sacrifices made to learn about my world in a year, only for it to end like this.

  What a pity...

  As the chill continued to rise, stealing my sense of feeling as my limbs grew numb, my sobs grew and I wished for one last comforting hug.

  A hug from my best friend.

  A hug from my mentor.

  A hug from my lover.

  A hug...from my mother.

  To think she'd probably endured the exact same thing, her mind filled with regrets as the cold crept into her bones and agonized her very being. All the heartaches, the last thoughts, the memories, and the stream of regrets running through her mind.

  A death no one deserved to endure.

  It made me cry harder, and I shook with the remaining bits of my body that still functioned. All I could do was ready myself for the inevitable, and that was the scariest thing of all.

  Knowing there was nothing I could do, say, or think of that would stop fate. That those who mocked me, belittled my existence, and fought hard to plague and ruin my reputation would have the last laugh.

  How unfair.


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