Fae Rose Academy: Year Two (For The Purely Divine Book 2)

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Fae Rose Academy: Year Two (For The Purely Divine Book 2) Page 25

by Quinn Ashwood

  "Internal..." I repeated the single word before something seemed to click in my mind. "What about external?"

  The two of them looked at me as I bit my lip in worry. "I'm going to say something weird, but maybe it'll make sense. What if someone...or even something, is manipulating Xavier."

  "All these years?" Rainer prompted. "That would be impossible. It would have to be someone close to him, which honestly, are his parents, and even they have pulled away from him recently. Alicia's only been in the castle recently to be with King Rose, which means he hasn't been spending time with them at all."

  Vixen came to a dramatic stop as something seemed to click in her expression.

  "Magic artifact!"

  We both frowned at her sudden declaration as she spun on her heels and seemed to pace even faster while the words rushed out. "What if it's a magic artifact that's causing all of this? One that is negatively influenced with magic. Maybe dark magic? No matter the elemental factor, what if this artifact belonged to the King of Light who passed away centuries ago after killing the King of Darkness, like stated in the royal tales?"

  She came to a stop once again, her eyes widening before she looked at us in worry.

  "What if the King of Light never died?"

  "Sis." Rainer looked at her hopelessly. "He's dead."

  "You don't know for-"

  "Xavier is the adopted son of the King and Queen of the Kingdom of Light. He carried a bit of the trait of the King of Light, just as I'm adopted and carry some of the traits of the King of Darkness. They're both dead."

  She seemed shocked by the sudden information, but it only made her eyes widen as her jaw dropped. "What did you say?"

  "Xavier carries the traits of-"

  "Before that?!"

  "Xavier's adopted?" he offered.

  "When did you find that out?" she questioned.

  "I've known since I was a kid. His parents never told him because of how cocky and cold he was. Didn't want to make him feel inadequate or whatever. Not my place to tell him and figured his parents would inform him eventually. We're not the reincarnations of the late kings. Their souls ascended already."

  "No, no, no," she whispered. "Royal souls don't ascend."

  "What?" we both questioned, and she quickly moved to the door and slammed it shut. The walls glowed white, the barrier thick as she turned around to stare at us with worried eyes.

  "No one has told you where royal souls go?"

  "No?" we nervously stated as we exchanged a look.

  "It makes sense now. O.M.G! Why didn't I think of this earlier? We have to find Xavier. Like...it's an emergency!"

  "Why?" Rainer stressed as he let go of me to walk over to her sister, who looked like she was about to have a breakdown. "Vixen. Talk to us. Why?"

  "Our parents wouldn't know about this because they're not of true royal heritage. As in, they don't have a line of kings and queens. They had to take up their roles because of the circumstances, so they probably don't know this."

  "Know what?" I pressed. "And how do you know?"

  "As a therapist at an early age, I used to talk to many elder individuals, especially Fae Witches. They're one of the oldest faes in our existence who can live thousands and thousands of years. They even leave their bodies and can travel into parallel universes when death approaches so that they continue to grant their vast knowledge to the next generation."

  Like Shin.

  "When royals die, their souls don't ascend. They're inputted into the magic artifact passed down from the last ruler!" she exclaimed. "It's a tradition done when you're sworn in. Upon your death, your soul is transferred to that chosen artifact and the new ruler wears that piece of jewelry until their death."

  "Alright, but if that's true, wouldn't King Rose have that?" Rainer offered. "And my dad would have the King of Darkness’s magic artifact."

  "Yes, but what if Xavier got it somehow? The artifact is something that can be worn, yes, but it's something that can't be seen by just anybody. Meaning, it has the ability of hiding itself. So what if Xavier somehow managed to get this artifact and has been wearing it all this while, and King Rose has no idea because he thinks he's wearing it!"

  "Even if that theory is possible, what does that have to do with the late King of Light?" Rainer asked.

  "You know how they're sworn in?" she began. "The process is supposed to push the previous soul through. Meaning, when Dad claimed the magic artifact, the King of Darkness's soul would be pushed through to ascend, and he'd leave behind what he believes will aid the current king. However, there's one big problem!"

  "They're not of royal blood," I spoke up and drew both their attention as it suddenly made sense. "Emmanuel and even King Rose don't carry the blood or even a single trait of the royal family. This means, when they were sworn in, the soul was never pushed forward to ascend."

  That had Rainer's eyes growing wide before he whispered, "That means their souls are still within the magic artifacts."

  "Bingo!" Vixen exclaimed and pointed to us. "That's the influence! The external influence. That's why when Xavier lost it at the realization that he was going to lose Rosadette, he tried to freezer her! It wasn't Xavier. It was the magical artifact that was controlling him!"

  "But how can we know for sure he has the artifact?" I inquired. "We need to go to King Rose and ask ourselves. We need Alicia there, too. Maybe even Mom and Dad," Vix reasoned and paced quickly. "If Xavier's wearing that artifact, we have a big problem."

  "Why? Can't we just take it off and he'll be out of its control?"

  Vix stopped and bit her lip, as if she were trying to remember something. "There was something that the Fae Witch had said. Like a time limit. A soul can't remain in an artifact for a long period of time, and I mean in fae years, which is centuries. If they're not handled with care and are neglected, they begin to build anger towards the carrier. Not only does that risk the individual...oh fuck."

  "What?" Rainer and I said with worry. All of this couldn't get worse.

  "The person who wears the artifact has to be magically attuned for it to be activated, right? Has to be a royal with some sort of trait related to the bloodline. If what you said earlier is true, Xavier has the trait of the King of Light. Meaning two very dangerous things. One, the magic artifact could have been taking bits of Xavier's magic to strengthen its core, waiting for that prime moment for it to either completely take over Xavier or option number two."

  "Which is?" I pressed.

  "Find a way for Xavier to be killed."

  "Why would the artifact want to kill..." Rainer trailed off and his eyes grew wide. "No, no, no. That's not possible."

  I looked at him in confusion before Vixen enlightened me with the answer, "If Xavier dies with the magic artifact on, his soul will be transferred to it, and the King of Light will be able to ascend... However, I don't think he's going to ascend."

  "He can't stop himself from ascending?" I reasoned.

  "With enough magic power, he can do whatever he wants," Vixen stated with fear in her eyes. "He can easily navigate himself back into Xavier's body and jump-start his heart. Then he'll be in full control of Xavier, and automatically be the next king who can rise to the throne even before he graduates."

  "We need to go tell the others," I voiced. "We need to find Xavier."

  "Rosadette! Where's your pendulum?"

  "In my room at the dorms. I had to charge it under the full moon last night."

  "Grab it! Pendulums have a way of predicting the future. You're pretty in tune with it. We could ask to see where Xavier is. Rainer, get Mom and Dad. I'll go get Alicia and we'll head to the office to see King Rose."

  "Alright!" we responded. With a quick kiss to Rainer, I was running to my dorm room.

  It didn't take long to arrive, my eyes locking on the pendulum with ease.

  "This is going to get ugly. I should change," I muttered as I walked over to the pendulum and picked it up. I shivered at the flowing magic, always feeling its fo
rce after a good charge under the moon.

  Placing my hand beneath the crystal, I watched the chain beginning to glow until it synced with my gold ring. Spreading my right fingers out, I watched the pendulum dangle as I calmed my racing heart.

  "Please. Tell me where Xavier is. He's in danger." I whispered the words as I closed my eyes and allowed my mind to calm. I felt its movement as it began to spin around and then settle into one direction. I lowered my head and opened my eyes to see it swinging from South to North.

  What does that mean?

  "Since you're moving stronger south, maybe that's the direction I need to go. Let's try it."

  I turned right around, only to crash right into someone.

  "Oomph! Ugh. Rainer? Did you follow me-"

  Dust hit me in the face, enough to make me sneeze before I tried to use my hand to move the powdery white stuff away.

  "What the hell?!" I huffed and snapped my eyes open to see Xavier standing right there.

  "X-Xavier! Why did you just throw dust at me?" I snapped before I noticed his eyes.

  Black with icy rings of white around his irises.

  "Xavier?" I blinked a few times, my vision going from single to double. I could see his growing smile, one with corrupt intentions, as he lifted his hand up to show a silver ring that was glowing with a dark aura.

  I couldn't focus on it long enough as my world began to spin and I suddenly lost my balance. I fell right against him, a sluggish groan leaving my lips as my consciousness withered away.

  I was picked up, my body swaying back and forth as if we were walking away.

  "To think you somehow survived my frozen spell. Only means your mother is alive somewhere. You're the perfect bait. Now all I need is to kill this stubborn child. Easy. That lover boy will finish the deed for me."

  His laughter was the last thing I heard before the darkness took me.

  Glimpse Of Hope


  The constant calls in my head were impossible to ignore, and yet, I couldn't do anything to get out of this fog. I'd tried and tried, listening to the shouting voices and the clashing of swords. I wanted to fight. To aid in what was happening and figure out a way to somehow save the man I'd despised.

  He's...innocent. Controlled. No one will know until it's too late.

  This wasn't like the past where the Kings of Light and Darkness were fighting over the woman they loved. No. This was a grudge that was centuries old, and Xavier was about to be the victim in all of this if I didn't wake up.

  The screams of anger grew louder, and the clashing of metal seemed closer, but it all seemed to fade away until I felt like I was suddenly in someone's arms. I was smaller, younger, and when I opened my eyes, a beautiful woman with bright purple eyes with silver rings looked down at me.

  Her red lips beamed at my awakening as my body swayed back and forth.

  "My sweet Rosadette. My child and the land's future queen. Were you dreaming happily?"

  The giggle that left me was as if I were but a baby, and it only made her expression brighten as she leaned down to brush her nose against my tiny one.

  "You've survived so much, my Rosadette. You're but a baby and yet you've somehow survived this journey with me. Your father would be so proud. So for all those who need it, you just have to believe in your power."

  I looked up at her as she pressed a kiss to my forehead and lowered me into a basket.

  "One day you'll understand. You'll be able to bring those of Purely and Shadowed Divine into one place. The evil that fought hard to freeze us...to get rid of us, may return, but I know you'll be safe here. Protected by Mother Universe herself."

  My mouth opened as if I were yawning, and my eyes seemed to grow heavy.

  That made her smile, only this time, tears filled her eyes while her hair draped down like a curtain all around me.

  "I'm sorry, my Rosadette, that I must go into hiding and pray that you'll survive this. Know that I love you. That you're the only light I have left. Every moment of darkness that tries to take me, I'll think of you and fight to remain like a statue until you've grown into a powerful woman. You'll find the path you need to take, and you'll know to discover the truth hidden beneath the ice."

  My eyes began to close, and a tear fell onto my cheek.

  "I love you, Rosadette. The sole princess of our kingdom. The light of my world. Find me in the frozen ice. I'll be waiting for you."

  My mind slipped away.

  "Rosadette! Rosadette!"

  Someone was shaking me, strong enough to make me groan in annoyance. I felt so drowsy, my body aching as if I'd crashed into a wall and hadn’t moved for a week.

  "Sweet Rose, open your eyes."

  The familiar voice reminded me of Rainer, and it was close enough for me to open my eyes and see his face looking down at me with worry. I noticed the multiple cuts to his face, which alerted me that he was hurt, but my brain was going at a sluggish pace when I tried to react.

  "Easy. The dust is still wearing off,” he reasoned.

  "Is she awake?!" Vix exclaimed while sounding out of breath. "Your parents better get here fast. I can't hold Ella back!"

  Ella? What's Ella doing here? Weren't they after Xavier? What's happening?

  Rainer frowned, clearly picking up on my thoughts. “Maybe this will help," he commented, a second before his lips laid upon mine. I wasn’t sure what a kiss was going to do to aid me in figuring out what was going on, but suddenly everything seemed to flash before my eyes.

  Me lying upon an ice table before a statue of a woman.

  Lit magic candles and Ella walking into view with a wild smile on her lips.

  Xavier on his knees with his hands behind his back.

  Rainer and Vixen rushing in to try and aid us.

  Battles between Xavier and Rainer...

  My eyes widened to see that Rainer had stabbed Xavier in the stomach. That was enough to push a jolt of energy through me as I broke the kiss and accidentally head-butted him when I tried to sit up.

  "Ow," he groaned.

  "Rainer! Y-You killed-" I began but was cut off.

  "He didn't kill me."

  I turned my head to see Xavier was right there. He was sitting next to me, his hand over a clear wound that was still bleeding. He looked pale, but from the lack of color in his eyes, he was giving off the impression that he was injured enough to be close to death.

  "Nice try though."

  "Fuck off," Rainer grumbled before he helped me sit up. "Are you okay? How's your head?"

  "Hurts like hell. What's going on? Why is Ella here? Actually, why is Vixen shielding us from Ella?" I was asking these questions while absorbing the scene, completely shocked and confused as to where we were and why we seemed to be in a bubble of white light with Ella standing on the opposite side with a stream of black that was fighting against Vixen's defense.

  "It's a little long to explain, and we're waiting to get out of this ice oasis."

  "Ice oasis."

  "The frozen kingdom. The previous dark kingdom," Rainer revealed.

  "You told her about that," Xavier muttered as he fought to get up. He grunted in pain, still gripping the wound that was beginning to bleed even more than before.

  "Why are you getting up, idiot?"

  "How am I the idiot when you stabbed me? Like, what were you trying to prove?"

  "You were possessed by the fucking King of Light of the past!" Rainer snapped.

  "Okay? Did that mean you had to stab me?"

  "You were going to kill Rosadette!"

  "Well..." He paused. "It's not like I, as in myself, Xavier, was going to kill her."

  "You really are stupid," Rainer concluded, which made me sigh as I lifted one of my hands slowly to try and signal them to stop.

  "Alright. You can argue later when we're not on the brink of being dead. How are we getting out of here and who's our current enemy?"

  "Ella," Vixen commented. "Guys. I can't hold-"

  She didn't
finish as her body got pushed back. She shrieked and went flying into the floor, merely feet from us, but suddenly black swords emerged out of nowhere, lifting into the sky and angling down to where Vixen was fighting to get up from.

  "Vix!" Rainer screamed as I gasped. I fought to get up, just as Rainer did the same, but the swords rushed to their target, and Vix screamed as her arms went up in defense.

  My next gasp got stuck in my throat, and Rainer's sharp inhale followed with a soft whisper. "W-Why?"

  "You FOOL!" Ella screamed, and I noticed how her eyes were completely onyx and she wore a sort of attire I'd never seen before. Its white surface was stained with blood and dirt, but it looked to be a uniform you would see the rich kids in back home that worked with the government or something in the lower lands.

  My eyes registered what was unfolding before us as Vix lowered her arms to see Xavier.

  "X...Xavier?" she whispered.

  He grunted before he took a step forward, followed by another - three dark swords deep in his flesh. He somehow reached the altar that was a few steps away, where Ella stood in fuming anger.

  Xavier then chuckled as he looked at Ella.

  "Didn't I do exactly what you wanted?" he choked and watched her eyes widen as he lifted his left hand and revealed the same ring I'd seen before passing out.

  "You pushed your magical essence from our family artifact into Ella after I brought Rosadette here. You expected Rainer to kill me, and then my soul would go into this bad boy to be trapped for all eternity seeing as there's no one who can rise to the throne and have kids."

  He coughed out blood as his body shook. "But I knew why you brought Rosadette. Why you manipulated my dad to tell the Forbiddens that Rosadette was an enemy and to kill her, Rainer, and Seraphine. Wow. You're a mastermind. You have to be to make my entire life a living hell."

  He dropped to his knees then, his shoulders moving up and down as he heaved heavily.


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