Resisting the Cougar (Cascade Shifters #2)

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Resisting the Cougar (Cascade Shifters #2) Page 8

by Jessie Donovan

  As Kian remained silent, Aidan felt a sense of pride. His female may be human, but she was an alpha in her own right.

  Wait, why am I calling her mine?

  His cat purred. Because she was.

  Before he could do more than think the word “fuck,” Kian answered, “Fair enough, but I need some contacts and letters of introduction. That is one of the requirements for me to help with your campaign.”

  As Claire stared back at Kian, Aidan noticed Trinity staring at him. Considering the shifter female’s penchant for interrupting, she was being unusually quiet. It was no secret among the DarkStalker clan that Trinity Perez-Murray was Kian’s right-hand helper. When Kian had been recovering from his bout with a rabid bear-shifter the previous year, she and Kian’s brother, Sy, had kept the clan together.

  What the fuck is Trinity up to?

  Claire’s voice interrupted his musings. “I will introduce you to a few of my contacts at a time so I can judge how they, and you, will handle it. I’m sure you can understand my caution given that these people are largely responsible for the marriage vote being on the ballot in the first place. Without their resources and support, I never would’ve collected enough signatures.”

  Kian replied, “That I can live with.” Kian looked to Aidan. “Hector will be by in an hour with Claire’s laptop. He’ll set up the connection.”

  Hector Martinez was a much sought-after young male in DarkStalker. While Hector was oblivious, every single female in the clan went out of her way to attract his attention.

  And that male was going to be in the same room as Claire for who the hell knew how long. Only by gripping his thigh under the table was Aidan able to resist a growl. Not trusting himself to speak, he merely nodded.

  Kian studied him a second before looking back to Claire. “We’ll meet again tomorrow. If you could bring whatever you’ve typed up by then, I’d appreciate it. I’ll have the press release sent to you by three p.m.”

  DarkStalker’s leader stood up, and everyone else followed suit. Reaching out a hand, Claire smiled. “I think we’re still circling each other, as you put it yesterday, but I think eventually we’ll establish an equal footing.”

  Kian shook Claire’s hand and then dropped it. “I think we will. Your help will truly make a difference here, Claire Davis.”

  “I hope so.”

  After a few more goodbyes, Aidan motioned for Claire to leave. Not trusting himself to touch her, he kept his distance the entire way back to her apartment.


  Even without touching her, Claire felt the heat and tension radiating off Aidan’s body. She may not be a shifter with super senses, but even she could tell his mood was off. The man’s jerky movements and refusal to acknowledge her presence was unlike any other time she’d walked beside him. At least, since the very first time when he’d been naked in the snow.

  Why he was in a foul mood, she had no fucking idea. The meeting with Kian had gone as expected, and she’d held her ground. If Aidan was upset with her for standing up to DarkStalker’s leader, well, tough. Her organization was like her clan, and she was damn well going to protect them.

  They arrived at her door. She reached for the handle, but Aidan beat her to it and whispered, “Let me go in first to check.”

  Aware ears could be listening, she merely motioned for him to go ahead. The sooner they entered her place, the sooner she could find out the cause of Aidan’s tension. The broody looks and stiff posture needed to go back to the ease and laughter of yesterday. That was the shifter she wanted to act as her guard.

  Aidan cracked the door, waited, and then crept inside. After about thirty seconds, he ordered, “Come inside.”

  With a sigh, she entered her place and headed for the kitchen. The buzz from her coffee was wearing off and she needed something to eat before dealing with the rest of the day, let alone before standing up to a two-hundred-pound-plus shifter male.

  Yet as she opened the refrigerator door, she felt Aidan’s gaze on her back. Tired of his mood, food would just have to wait. She turned around. “What do you want?”


  Shutting the refrigerator, she strode toward him and poked him in the chest. “What the hell is up with you? And don’t say nothing, because that’s a lie.”

  He stared a second before growling, “Hector’s coming.”

  She blinked. “The computer guy? What does he have to do with anything?”

  Aidan took a step closer. Only a few inches separated their bodies. His voice was low when he answered, “Every female wants him in their bed. You will, too.”

  She frowned. “What the hell, Aidan? You’d better start explaining or I’ll call Dani and have her make sense of it all.”

  Leaning toward her, Claire took a step back, which only elicited another growl from Aidan. He was still close enough that she could feel the heat of his body when he answered, “If you flirt with him, my cat will urge me to beat the living shit out of him, so keep your distance.”

  “You’ve clearly gone insane, especially since all morning you’ve acted like yesterday never happened. Now you’re jealous? I’m tired of wondering and guessing, Aidan Scott. Tell me straight what’s going on here or I will request another guard.”

  In the blink of an eye, Aidan drew her up against his body, warmth and awareness flaring everywhere their bodies touched. Heat and glowing cougar eyes replaced the irritation in Aidan’s gaze. His breath was hot against her face as he murmured, “You won’t request another guard.”

  She cleared her throat. “Why?”

  Nuzzling her cheek, he whispered, “Because you are mine.”

  As Aidan hauled her tighter against his body, Claire stopped breathing. Being surrounded by Aidan’s heat and scent of male and forest was making it hard to think. All he had to do was kiss her and Claire would forget reason and act on her hormones.

  Mustering up what logic she still possessed, she asked, “How is that possible, Aidan? One minute you’re laughing with me, yet the next you pretend like I don’t exist. If that’s how the next month is going to be, I can’t do it.”

  His voice was low and gravelly. “So you admit to wanting me, too.”

  Claire pushed gently against his chest until she could look into his glowing amber eyes. “Being attracted to you is one thing, but we both have reasons why it can’t happen, and you know it.”

  “Forget tomorrow or the next month. If you want me, then tell me, Claire. Otherwise you will have to find yourself another guard because all my inner cougar can think about is getting you naked and covering you in my scent.” He squeezed her waist. “It’s been a long time since I’ve wanted a female this badly. I’m done pretending. Say the word, and I’ll have you forgetting all other males. You’ll only think of me.”

  Claire searched his eyes. She wanted nothing more than to allow Aidan to explore and scent her body. However, politics were never that simple. For better or for worse, every decision in her life revolved around political outcomes and strategies.

  Could she really keep something such as sleeping with Aidan from the media? If anything leaked out to the press, both her and her campaign would be finished.

  Or, so she’d assumed thus far. Truth be told, Claire had never run numbers or polls to see if her being with a shifter long-term would hurt her chances. She’d already garnered most of the political support she needed for her campaign; all that was left was to convince the voters of her cause. With them, bias could be justified if she were fighting to get married herself. After all, everyone loved a taboo love story.

  Whoa, wait a second. She only met Aidan yesterday. Despite how right it felt in his arms, she barely knew him.

  Could she really go through with it and jeopardize everything she’d accomplish just to be with a shifter male?

  Of course, if she slept with him once, she might have a better idea if it was worth pursuing the idea of different tactics and eventually marrying a shifter. If sleeping with Aidan ended up being no
thing but lust that faded after sex, she could pretend this one time never happened. No one would know. Or, at least, no one who would ever share her secret. She trusted Kian to keep his clan in line.

  Either way, she needed more data to make a final decision. To do that, she needed to experience more than just kisses; she needed to get naked with Aidan Scott.

  Before she could change her mind, she asked, “How long before Hector will be here?”

  Aidan’s eyes flashed at the other man’s name. “About an hour, why?”

  Ignoring the thundering heartbeat in her ears, Claire gathered her courage and tilted up her head. “Then make that hour count, Aidan.”

  He growled. “Once I start, I won’t be able to stop.”

  Running a hand up his chest, she paused where his neck met his shoulder to strum her thumb against him. “Since I’m on birth control and shifters don’t carry STDs or other diseases humans can catch, do whatever you wish with me, Aidan. I’m giving you permission.”

  Chapter Nine

  Not wanting Claire to change her mind, both man and cat growled as he lowered his lips to hers. The instant his tongue met hers, the urge to be inside her grew stronger.

  Exploring the inside of her mouth, Aidan moved his hands to her ass and lifted, pressing his human against his straining cock. Her moans made his dick pulse.

  Fuck. He needed to get them naked.

  After Claire wrapped her legs around his waist, he never stopped exploring her mouth as he slowly walked to the bedroom. When they were close enough to the mattress, he broke the kiss to lay Claire down.

  The sight of her slightly swollen lips made his cougar happy, but it wasn’t enough. They needed access to her body. The more they scented her, the more others would stay away from their female.

  Running a hand up Claire’s belly, between her breasts, and then to the side of her face, he murmured, “Beautiful,” before gently removing her glasses. Folding them up, he took a few steps back. At Claire’s sound of protest, he smiled. “Unless you want your glasses smashed, give me a second.”

  “Then hurry up because right now, you’re blurry and I want to see you.”

  Laying her glasses down on the dresser, he turned and tore off his shirt. Once he was close enough, Claire’s gaze moved to his bared chest. She’d seen him naked before, but this time was different. Aidan wasn’t a young man of twenty any more, but nearly twice that age. Would a few gray hairs on his chest deter her?

  Judging by the hungry look in her eyes, the answer was no. Then her eyes moved to the bulge in his jeans. Her voice was husky. “Show me all of you and come closer. I want a proper look, not a half-blurry version.”

  He liked that she wasn’t afraid to ask for what she wanted. That should make things interesting in bed later on.

  Unbuttoning his jeans, Aidan kicked off his shoes first, then his pants and boxers. He moved to the foot of the bed and Claire’s eyes on his cock forced out a drop of precum.

  His cougar snarled. Why did she still have clothes on?

  Running his hands up Claire’s plump thighs, he stopped at the hem of her sweater and ran one finger underneath, against her skin. Claire sucked in her breath and he murmured, “Now it’s your turn. You can do it yourself, or you can let me undress you.”

  The corner of her mouth ticked up. “I think I like the idea of you trying to undress me.”

  “Try? Human, I bet I can make you beg for my cock by the time I have you naked.”

  “Oh, really? I’d like to see that.”

  “Challenge accepted; although just know I’m going to take my time.”

  Claire opened her mouth to reply, but Aidan ran his hands under her sweater to rub her belly and sides in slow, deliberate movements. He was careful to avoid her breasts. He hadn’t lied; she would be begging when he was done.

  Moving his hands back to the waist of her jeans, he undid the top button, leaned down and kissed the skin it revealed. Flicking his tongue, Claire wiggled under his touch. Smiling, he blew on her wet skin and the scent of her arousal grew stronger.

  Unzipping her fly, he whispered, “You’re wet now, but I want you drenched. I think I need to tease you some more. Raise your hips for me.”

  Claire obeyed for once, and he slid her jeans down. Slipping off her shoes, he tugged them free. At the sight of her creamy skin, he leaned down and nibbled her inner thigh, working his way up to the crease of her panties. So close to her pussy, he breathed deeply, both man and cat desperate to brand her scent into their memory.

  Breathing wasn’t enough, and moving aside the strip of material, Aidan gave a long lick up her slit, stopping just short of her clit. Needing another taste, he did it again, savoring his female’s honey.

  Claire grabbed his hair and wiggled her hips. With a chuckle, he backed off only to see Claire staring at him with narrowed eyes. Her voice dripped with frustration. “We have less than an hour. You’d better speed up the process or you’ll never get the chance to fuck me.”

  He winked. “I told you I’d have you begging by the time you were naked. Actually, you’re begging already and I’m only half done.”

  Claire huffed. “I’m done waiting.” She sat up. “If you don’t hurry up, I’m going to leave your dick hard and aching. You’ll have to take care of yourself then.”

  Taking the hem of her sweater, he tugged it up and she lifted her arms. He tossed it to the side. “If you want it hard and fast, then I can do that.” Before she could reply, he tugged her bra down to reveal her full, beautiful breasts. Rolling one hard nipple, Claire bit her lip to keep from groaning. “You have five seconds to remove your bra and panties or I rip them off. One, two…”


  Not that Claire wanted to admit it, but the damn shifter had kept his promise to make her all but beg. Never had being undressed turned her on so much in her life.

  Granted, most of the men she’d been with had been more interested in getting their dick inside her and finding their own orgasm, than helping along hers.

  Aidan, on the other hand, had nearly made her come with most of her clothes still on.

  As he started counting, Claire didn’t waste a second slipping her bra straps off and unhooking it. A good bra was hard to find and she wasn’t about to destroy it, not even for possible mind-blowing shifter sex.

  Her underwear didn’t have a chance, however, because the instant Aidan reached five, he extended a claw and sliced them off.

  She didn’t have a second to scold him, let alone wonder if he found her as attractive naked as he did clothed, because he pushed her down on the bed and covered his hard, hot body over hers.

  His weight, size, and chest hairs teasing her nipples made her feel feminine in a way she hadn’t felt in years.

  Aidan moved a knee between her legs and pressed against her. She cried out and Aidan’s look grew pleased. “I wanted to lick you nice and slowly, building the anticipation, but my little human is impatient. I’m going to fuck you now, in the way I’ve been imagining since yesterday.”

  Lowering his head to kiss her, she felt his hand between her legs, teasing her pussy. Then the next second, his long, hard cock was deep inside her. Aidan’s kiss muffled her cries.

  Instead of hammering away, he remained still, allowing her to acclimate to his size. And, damn, what a size. She was almost too full, but knew it would be delicious when he finally moved.

  Aidan broke the kiss, took her wrists, and pinned them above her head. The combination of his tender strength and the amber glow of his eyes only made her wetter. This was really happening. She was about to have sex with a shifter.

  Before doubts could set in about the enormity of the situation, Aidan pulled out and thrust slowly. After a few deep movements, he tightened his grip on her wrists and took a nipple into his mouth. The wet heat of his tongue circling her sensitive skin made her moan, but then he bit her and she screamed.

  She was so close already. All he would have to do was bite her nipple again and she’d come.<
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  But he released her nipple with a pop and stared into her eyes as he moved out and then pounded back into her pussy. Increasing his pace, her whole body moved with his efforts.

  Aidan wasn’t merely fucking her. No, he was claiming her body.

  Changing his angle, she moaned. Thank fuck the walls were made out of stone so the neighbors couldn’t hear her.

  She closed her eyes to focus on the building pressure, but Aidan stopped and ordered, “Open your eyes. I want to see you come.”

  Unable to resist the dominance in his voice, she obeyed. The second her eyes met his glowing amber ones, Aidan moved again, only faster.

  In the past, she’d always been fairly quiet during sex. This time, however, she couldn’t help but say, “Harder, Aidan. Don’t hold back.”

  With a growl, he complied. Only because he held her wrists did she not move up against the headboard.

  His voice thick and heavy, he stated, “My human. Only mine.”

  Without thinking, she answered, “Yes.”

  Maneuvering her wrists into one of his strong hands, he glided down her neck, her chest, her belly, and finally her clit. After a few flicks, he pressed his thumb against her hard nub and her orgasm hit, sending pleasure through her body. As her pussy clenched Aidan’s cock, lights danced before her eyes.

  Yet as much as she enjoyed the best orgasm of her life, she wanted more. She wanted Aidan to come inside her.

  As if reading her mind, Aidan stilled. With a shout, he came. Unlike with a human, she could actually feel each hot spurt inside her body, branding his scent into her.

  When the tension eased from Aidan’s body, he melted on top of her and rolled to his side. Squeezing her close, Claire snuggled into his chest. A sense of safety and rightness settled over her, but she wondered if it would last.

  Pushing her doubts about what would happen ten or twenty minutes from this moment, Claire breathed deeply and nuzzled Aidan’s warm, slightly sweaty body. She wanted to memorize every single detail, from Aidan’s warmth to the sound of his beating heart,, just in case this was all they had.


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