A Little Harmless Obsession

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A Little Harmless Obsession Page 7

by Melissa Schroeder

  “I hate to say it, because it probably sounds bad, but all I can think of when I see him is a conquering warrior,” Cynthia said.

  Again, May didn’t take her gaze away from the man who was now impatiently looking around the club. She wished she could see the shade of his eyes. They weren’t black, or even brown, but something lighter.

  When his eagle gaze zeroed in on her, she froze. The frown wrinkling his brow cleared, and one side of his mouth quirked. Touching two fingers to his forehead, he gave her a salute. Heat ping-ponged through her belly and her heart skipped a beat.

  May licked her lips. “Oh, that is one dangerous man, sistah.”

  Cynthia laughed. “Yeah and you just agreed to submit to him to get in his club.”

  “Holy Lord, what was I thinking?” She barely whispered the words, so not even Cynthia could hear her. Before she could come to terms with Micah and just what she’d agreed to, another man, one who used to make her knees go weak and her body vibrate with lust, stepped into view beside the club owner.

  “What the hell is Evan doing here?”

  Cynthia stepped up beside her and cocked her head. “He probably comes here most weekends.”

  Both women watched as Evan and Micah started arguing, Evan doing most of the shouting as the other man said little.

  “That’s odd. I always thought they were on friendly terms. Evan is considered one of the top Doms, and Micah does like the way he draws a crowd when he performs.”

  May glanced at Cynthia whose frown deepened. “Oh, crap. Now Chris is getting into the middle of it.” With one last gulp of her drink, she set it down on a nearby table and grabbed May’s hand. “Let’s go smooth some male egos.”

  Evan Chambers strode through Rough ’n Ready, searching for Chris Dupree while various scenarios of hurting his best friend flitted through his mind. All of them included an extreme amount of pain and degradation.

  What the fuck is Chris thinking bringing May to a place like this, let alone setting her up for public display? She didn’t belong in a BDSM club anymore than Evan belonged at a monastery. Even that ridiculous image couldn’t cool his temper. Nothing would until he had it out with Chris.

  Violence bubbled in his blood as he brushed past the milling patrons. When he spotted Chris chatting to Micah, Evan’s anger surged. Evan changed directions and headed straight for them, ignoring more than one person as he practically plowed his way to where they stood.

  He ordered himself to calm down, to control his fury as he neared the two men, but as he thought of what he’d been told, a red haze filled his vision and he lost the ability to think straight.

  “What the fuck are you thinking bringing May here?” Evan shouted.

  “Well, good evening to you, Evan,” Chris said, then calmly sipped his drink.

  “I don’t have time for this shit. What the hell are you doing?”

  “I was talking to Micah.” He gestured toward his partner.

  Evan felt his grip on his temper slipping. “Why did you bring May here? And what is this crap about her having a public submission to gain her membership?”

  “She told Cynthia she wanted to see what the club was like,” Chris said. “How did you find out about it?”

  “Jay told me the moment I walked through the door.” Evan scowled, thinking of the way the bouncer had licked his lips when he told him about it. “It’s probably all over the fucking club by now.”

  “Hell.” Chris heaved a sigh and shrugged. “There’s nothing that can be done now.”

  “It isn’t like they wouldn’t figure it out soon enough.” Micah’s calm voice sent another surge of rage coursing through Evan’s veins.

  He glanced at his friend who stood there in the middle of the most decadent club on the island, looking as if he were discussing the weather.

  “And just what the hell are you thinking? Taking on a rookie sub? Hell, I can’t remember the last time you performed for a crowd.”

  “What does it matter to you, Chambers?” Again Micah’s cool, composed tone set his annoyance soaring.

  “May’s a friend and she just isn’t the kind of girl for something like this.” He ground his teeth together and bit out every word. “Definitely not for public display. And with her recent problems, I would think something like this would be ill advised.”

  “Hello, boys.” Cynthia’s sultry southern voice lifted above the music and the clashing male egos.

  Evan glanced over her and frowned. Petite and curvy, Evan noticed Cynthia had definitely dressed for the club tonight. It wasn’t often Chris’s fiancé wore all black, but when she did, she stood out. She smiled at Evan.

  “Looks like you’re having a bit of a problem. Is there something we can do to help?”

  Evan didn’t miss the sparkle in her eyes that told him she knew exactly what the argument had been about. A switch like Chris, Cynthia understood the ramifications of what May had agreed to and should have protected her. He didn’t feel like fighting with her right now. Besides, there was a good chance Chris would kick his ass if he did.

  “No, there isn’t anything you can do other than get May out of here.”

  He dismissed her without another word and ignored her amused snort. Instead, he turned his attention to the woman causing the irritation.

  Maylea Aiona was the kind of woman you took home to Mama, that is if you had one. Since the day he met her, May had been like the little sister he’d never had. Okay, not really. There was a moment or two…or maybe three that he’d thought of how it would feel to have all that black, silky hair tickle his chest as she worked her way down to his cock.

  He shifted his weight, trying to relieve the sudden pressure in his groin. That one image had been haunting his dreams—not to mention his daytime hours—for the past few months. With the way she was dressed now, he knew they’d be worse tonight. The snug black sleeveless top accentuated her full breasts, showing just enough cleavage to entice. The skirt was long, leather and black and from the attention she got walking toward them, he was sure it hugged that wonderfully rounded ass she had.

  “Is there a problem?” May asked. Her lyrical voice held a hint of sass that he’d come to love. Evan sometimes would sit near her stand at Dupree’s just to hear her talk. And laugh. God Almighty the woman had a sexy laugh.

  He cleared his throat and tried to ignore the way his blood rushed to his shaft. “Yeah, something’s wrong.”

  She frowned at him, her brow wrinkling and confusion darkening her Caribbean blue eyes.

  Chris made a sound of disgust that caused her to break her gaze from Evan’s.

  “Nothin’s wrong, May. Evan is going all big brother and saying Micah never should’ve offered a membership to you on the terms he did.”

  Before Evan could break in and voice his opinions, Micah stepped forward. He took May’s hand and, leaning closer than Evan thought he needed to, he said, “Since no one here seems to have manners, I’ll introduce myself. Micah Ross, owner of this fine establishment. You must be Maylea Aiona.”

  May, damn her, smiled shyly at Micah. “Yes. I can’t thank you enough for this.”

  Micah placed his hand over hers. “The pleasure will be all mine, I’m sure.”

  An emotion Evan didn’t want to examine too closely had him fighting the urge to grab May by the wrist and drag her hand away from Micah, and then pull her out of the club. He knew her well enough to know she would skin him alive if he embarrassed her that way.

  “Listen, I hate to break this up, but I’m disagreeing to your contract with May.”

  Micah looked up at him, his straight, clear gaze showing no surprise. “You’re telling me what I can do?”

  It was a direct question that most of the people standing around watching them wouldn’t understand. Not many people knew of his silent partnership with Micah. Evan hadn’t intruded on the everyday running of the club—until now.

  “I am. I can’t trust you with her.”

  One ebony eyebrow shot up, bu
t the self-satisfied smirk confused Evan. “Interesting.” He returned his attention to May. “I’m sorry but it seems that Evan is objecting to my agreement.”

  May’s spine stiffened inch by inch. Pulling her hand out of Micah’s grasp, she scowled back over her shoulder at Evan. Fire snapped in her eyes and her skin flushed with anger. Damn, she even looked sexy when she was pissed off.

  “This isn’t any of your damned business. And besides, I signed a contract, went through all the background checks and even had a thorough exam.” She twisted back around to face Micah. “Unless you want it known you failed to meet your obligations. And believe me, one little word from me, and you will have problems, bruddah.”

  Micah looked as if he were fighting not to laugh but used the same pleasant tone. “What it says is that you must publically submit to an owner of the club.”

  “Yeah. So, if you renege I’ll make your life hell.”

  A sinking feeling enveloped Evan as he watched Micah raise his gaze again. The music has shifted from pulse-pounding rock to something bluesy and sultry, but Evan barely noticed it above the roaring in his head. Even knowing what Micah was about to say, he didn’t accept it until his friend opened his mouth.

  “Since Evan disagrees with the idea of me being the Dom tonight, maybe he can fill the role.”

  His body reacted immediately. His cock thumped against the zipper of his jeans and his heart pounded against his chest. This was heaven and hell all rolled into one little bundle. He knew his choice. Either he agreed to Micah’s challenge, or he had to allow Micah to touch her, break her. He could imagine a woman as strong willed as May being a challenge to any Dom, but Micah played it right up to the edge of the rules. Since those rules were his own, Micah rarely went over that line, but he got damned close to it. Evan refused to let his partner even think about putting his hands on May.

  Evan didn’t look at May when he nodded, sealing his fate. Something that might have been disappointment flashed in Micah’s eyes before he looked away.

  “What?” May’s outraged shriek turned even more heads and irritated Evan. She didn’t need to sound so horrified.

  “I’m sorry darlin’ but that’s the choice you have. Unless you want to change your mind and give up the session,” Evan said.

  She crossed her arms beneath her breasts and pursed her lips. Evan knew that pose well enough. May was pissed, but she was also plotting. That could have disastrous results.

  “You said it had to be an owner.”

  Micah nodded in Evan’s direction. “Meet the silent partner of Rough ’n Ready.”

  She turned, her eyes rounded in horror. “Tell me this isn’t true.”

  Evan shrugged. “You can give the idea up, which I think you should.”

  As soon as he said the words, he realized his mistake. Telling May what to do always got her back up. She shivered, her whole body moving with the motion. “No. And if I have to do it with you, I want it over as soon as possible.”

  Damn. She sounded as if she were getting ready for the electric chair. Her unhappiness aggravated him. They’d had an easy relationship since he met her two years ago. Tonight would change all that, and he would truly regret the loss of her friendship. She was one of the few women he truly admired for her hard work and dedication to her family. But there would be no way he could touch her tonight and go back to being friends.

  He needed her friendship. It was one of the bright spots of his day when he talked to her, teased her. He had to give it one more try.

  “If this ever got back to your father, he’d be furious.”

  Her eyes narrowed and she tossed her hair over her shoulder. “And what are you going to tell him, Evan? ‘Oh, Mr. Aiona, by the way, I stripped your daughter and made her submit to me in public.’” She snorted. “Yeah, I can see that going over really well.”

  Evan couldn’t respond. The image of what she’d just said popped into his mind and all the remaining blood headed south to his shaft. He could just imagine how she’d looked strapped to his bed, her body flushed with excitement, begging him for completion. His mouth went dry thinking of how it would feel to slide the flat of his tongue over her copper brown nipple. Not to mention sinking lower, pressing his mouth to her sex, tasting her, devouring her.


  Her voice brought him out of his fantasy with a jolt. He shook his head, trying to lose the image he’d conjured.

  “I knew you wouldn’t have an answer to that, bra. Daddy would castrate you on the spot.”

  That damn mouth of hers was going to be a problem. “You act odd for a woman who agreed to do this. Do you think you’re up to it?”

  Another mistake. It seemed to be a night for them. May thrived on challenges. And, even knowing that, understanding that this would ruin their friendship, he couldn’t seem to stop himself.

  “No problem. I can handle it. Can you?”

  His inner warrior who had been clawing at his throat revolted at the thought. He should resist. It would be best just to grab her and drag her out of here. But he couldn’t. He wanted to touch, to sample, to know what she sounded like when she came. The need humming in his veins took over all rational thought.

  “Do you actually think you’re up to it? Being stripped naked in front of a crowd of strangers? Are you ready to be watched as you lose yourself in submission?” he grated out.

  Closing her eyes, she shivered, her body apparently reacting to the image he’d painted. Damn.

  “I think you might regret pushing me, May.”

  She smiled and leaned forward, her eyes glittering with challenge. And damned if his cock didn’t rise up and cheer.

  “Prove it.”

  He studied her for a moment as everything and everyone around them faded into the background. It was inevitable, at least since he’d walked through the door of the club tonight. There was no way he’d let Micah handle her, and May’s single-mindedness wouldn’t let this go. He couldn’t stop the excitement at the idea of taking her through the paces of her first submission. He wasn’t good enough for her, never would be. If he couldn’t stop this train wreck, at least he could be there for her. The emotional upheaval she was about to go through wouldn’t be easy.

  Evan motioned toward one of the subs.

  When she reached the group, he said, “Take Ms Aiona to my room.” He leaned closer so that only she could hear him. “Only females are allowed in the room. No other men are to touch her, understood?”

  She nodded.

  “Use the soft restraints and the coconut scented oil. I want it all over.” As he instructed her, he had to bite back a groan. Just the thought of all that golden brown skin slick with oil had his balls aching. “Before she’s undressed, I want her blindfolded.”

  The sub nodded again but she said nothing in response. She approached May. Only then did she lift her head. “If you’ll follow me, Ms. Aiona?”

  With one more furious glance that included both him and Micah, May followed the petite blonde through the milling customers. He watched the two of them walk away. His gaze zeroed in on May’s ass. He’d been right about the skirt. It hugged her curves. He couldn’t stop the sigh of appreciation. Once she was out of his sight, he turned to his partner.

  “The office. Now.” He didn’t even wait for an agreement from Micah. As he walked past Chris, he said, “And don’t even think of showing up. I’m not in the mood for your smirking face.”

  He pushed his way through the crowd, his mind jumbled with flashes of his fantasy come to life. May was a woman who didn’t belong in a place like this. She shouldn’t even know about it. And now, because of Cynthia and her damned interference, he was going to lose the one woman he considered a good friend.

  He stomped up the stairs and glanced behind him. Micah had been detained by a female customer. Evan caught his eye and Micah nodded, letting him know he would follow him up.

  Evan finished his ascent and pushed into the office, his rage still shimmering. What the hell were the
y all thinking? Had a steady relationship really caused Chris to lose all rational thought? May wasn’t the type of woman who submitted. She was too bold, too…controlling. She could never live the life he did. It had to be the lure of the forbidden, the temptation to sin. Too many people thought they wanted a life like this and one trip told them it wasn’t what they thought it was.

  The office door swung open and Micah filled the entrance. He smiled with so much arrogance that Evan curled his fingers into his palms to keep from wrapping them around the bastard’s neck.

  “Let’s have it, Chambers.”

  As Micah swaggered to his desk and dropped down in the chair, Evan rose, fighting the need to jump across the desk and punch his friend.

  Evan drew in a deep breath, his head pounding, his body aching for a fight. From behind clenched teeth, he asked, “Give me one good reason not to kick your ass.”

  Chapter Seven

  With pleasure, Micah watched his business partner and friend pace back and forth in front of his desk. When Chris had come to him with this idea, Micah’d never thought it’d work. Part of him was sure that Chris might be too caught up in love to realize not everyone had a soul mate. He’d expected Evan to shrug and order a drink. He was a cold bastard and little got beneath his steely control. But apparently one Hawaiian flower by the name of Maylea had.

  “I can’t believe you agreed to this. It’s not like you at all.” Anger vibrated in Evan’s voice, but there was a hint of outright panic there too. He ran his hands through his hair, leaving his usually styled golden blond hair ruffled.

  Damn, he was going to owe Chris fifty bucks over the bet. Evan was attracted to May, and not in his usual way. His behavior spoke of a deeper feeling. Evan was never truly possessive of anyone…until now.

  “You’ve never complained about the way I ran the club before. In fact, you usually thank me for the good revenue, which I assure you will triple for tonight because of your upcoming performance.”

  A growl emanated from Evan’s throat. He stopped in front of Micah’s desk, planted his hands on the surface and leaned over with a menacing scowl. Fury clouded his eyes. “Don’t you even think about using her to make fucking money.”


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