Saving Cassilia

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Saving Cassilia Page 14

by Liz Thomas

  He was like a hungry animal, almost growling as he pulled out of her and turned her onto her stomach. She let go of a high-pitched, mock-cry of surprise as she spread her legs and waited…she didn’t have to wait long. She was so wet and ready from the pounding he’d given her that he slid right in, pinning her wrists down as he continued to pound her, putting his hips into the motion. She thought he might split her in half.

  She’d never been taken from behind before. There was a certain arousal from not being able to see him, and knowing that she was surrendering control. She was completely at his mercy. His grip was impossible; she could barely move. She did her best to wrap her leg around him as she thrust into her mightily, and he didn’t seem to care if the neighbors heard him. He was practically roaring.

  Then, it began. His entire body began to quake, his cock pulsing and engorging rhythmically inside of her as his thrusts became harder, more final. A moment later, he said what she knew. “I….I’m cumming…”

  Cassilia surprised herself and him by wresting free of his grip and suddenly flipping onto her side, moving in a manner to keep him inside but slow down. When he looked down at her in a combination of pleasure, pleading, and surprise, she smiled up at him. She giggled, moving her hips slowly to keep him fully erect, fully hard inside of her. Again, he shuddered but fought to control his cock from exploding inside of her.

  She slid her hand down her body, teasing him as she lingered between her glistening breasts with the tips of her fingers and then continued down, moving her hips ever so subtly as she at last touched her clit with her index and middle finger. “You had your chance…” She whispered, rubbing her clit, “Now fuck me, baby.”

  Where is this coming from? She wondered as Cody began to comply, pulling out slowly before slamming back into her. It came with more force than she was expecting, and again, she gasped. “Yesss…” She purred, “Fuck me…”

  Cody complied heartily as she rubbed her clit, fucking her madly as she made clockwise motions with her hands. As the passion intensified she tore the sheet off the bed, her pussy throbbing one last time before her orgasm came, two-fold this time; her pussy clenched, throbbed and her clit shot out, white fluid striking Cody’s leg.

  He lost control and shrieked, thrusting one last time into her before holding. She felt his cock burst within her, hot, sticky fluid filling her up, making her wish it was in her mouth.

  “Oh my God…” Cody exhaled. His heart was beating so hard and so fast that she could almost hear it, feel it inside of her. He slowly fell on top of her, pulling out up to the head of his cock. “…you’re awesome.”

  Cassilia wasn’t sure what to make of that. Hesitantly, she intertwined his fingers with her own. “…um, thank you…” She said halfheartedly, “You’re pretty good too.”

  Cody melted off of her, falling beside her and wrapping his arm around her side. Lost in an intimate moment, Cassilia pondered her next words carefully, “Not that I have anything to compare you too.”

  She felt Cody’s wheels turning as he raised his head slowly and looked down at her. “You’re kidding.” He smiled proudly.

  Hoping she hadn’t blown it, she looked up at him and did her best not to show how frightened she was. “No.” She said shyly, “I’m not.”

  “You mean I’m really the first guy you’ve—”

  Cassilia pursed her lips and nodded quickly. “Yes, you are.”

  Cody puffed out his cheeks as he released a hard breath. “Can I…” Cassilia began, “…can I ask you something?”

  Cody looked down at her and smiled lovingly, rubbing her shoulder. “Of course you can.”

  “This thing you and I just did….” Cassilia wished she could sound more confident, but she was absolutely terrified of saying something stupid.

  She then realized that she had been sitting there for a moment, with her mouth open. Embarrassed, she closed her mouth, shut her eyes, and did her best to curl into a little ball where she hoped she could just vanish.

  A moment later, she felt a heavy blanket pulled atop her and warm lips on her cheek. “It’s just you and me in this.” Cody whispered to her, “If that’s okay with you.”

  Cassilia nodded happily, enraptured in a dream, “It’s okay with me.”

  She grinned from ear to ear as Cody lay his face upon hers, taking her hand and holding her tightly. “It’s okay with me.” She reiterated.

  “That’s…good.” Cody whispered, and now it was he who was hesitant. “Because I was about to ask you the same thing.”

  Surprised, Cassilia turned and looked at him. “Don’t tease me.”

  Cody shook his head. “I’m not.”

  Cassilia sighed, rolling onto her back. “Cody, seriously? Have you seen you?”

  Cody smirked and shook his head, unsure. “Yeah, but…”

  “You can have anyone you want. They throw my bag into the shower at school.”

  Cody’s smile slowly vanished when he heard that. “They what?”

  “I need you to know. I’m not like the other girls. I don’t want to get hurt—“

  “Listen to me.” Cody said firmly, interrupting, “First of all, no one is ever throwing your stuff in the shower ever again. Secondly, you know what it’s like to live here. Everyone is so fake and out for themselves. I don’t want anyone like that.”

  He took Cassilia’s hand in his own, looking into her eyes. “I want you. No one else. Alyssa and me are over, and she knows that.”

  “But she said she’d come after me.” Cassilia interjected.

  Cody nodded. “I know.” He took a breath, pondering his next words, “I was thinking…maybe you should stay with me for a little while?”

  Cassilia quickly shook her head. “No, I don’t want to impose.”

  “It’s not an imposition.” Cody interjected, “But…your stepfather is dangerous, isn’t he? For all we know, he’d sell you out to Alyssa or anyone else.”

  Cassilia wanted to believe that Roger couldn’t possibly be that mean, but Trina and the others…

  “Alyssa will be looking for you, and I know what she’s capable of. I can weather anything she throws at me but I can’t stand the idea of something happening to you.”

  “Cody…” Cassilia asked, “…I really don’t want to be in the way. I mean, yes, I’ve been through a lot, but please…don’t think I’m weak.”

  Her eyes blazed when she said that

  Cassilia took a deep breath and sat up, clutching the sheet to her chest. “Cody,” She began slowly. She turned and looked at him. “I don’t want to get hurt anymore, okay. If you want this to be just a good time, I can be okay with that but please tell me now so I don’t—”

  Cody took her by the face and kissed her passionately.

  Cassilia whimpered for a moment, her sentence cut off. She then closed her eyes and lost herself in the moment. Cody’s thumb caressed the side of her face and she reached up with both hands, holding him close. Neither wanted the moment to end.

  It did, but Cody kept his eyes closed as he slowly, regretfully left her lips. “I want to be with you.” He whispered, “You and absolutely no one else.”

  “Are you sure?” Cassilia replied breathlessly, clinging to his wrist as though it was her last opportunity.

  Cody nodded. “Yes, if you’ll have me. I swear I’ll never hurt you, not ever.”

  Cassilia smiled, nodding quickly as if overstimulated. “Yes, I want you. I want you.”

  The two slowly fell back to the bed, intertwined in each other’s arms as Cassilia wrapped her legs around his lower half. The last thought Cody had before he entered her, erect and ready, was that it was time to set all aspects of his life right.

  An hour later, the two young lovers were in a warm, comfortable daze brought on by afterglow. Cassilia sighed once, happily, and then put her head on Cody’s chest as she prepared to go to sleep. In the meantime, Cody was having a hard time suppressing the issues that would soon have to be rectified.

is it?” Cassilia asked after a moment.

  Cody looked down at her, smiling at her intuition. “It’s…” Cody began. He re-thought his words and rubbed her back lovingly, “It’s okay, baby.” He said reassuringly, kissing the top of her head.

  Cassilia pulled away gently and looked at him with gentle firmness, a smile at the edge of her lips. “No, don’t do that.” She said softly, “If we’re going to be together, that has to mean no secrets. Tell me what’s on your mind.”

  Cody hesitated before speaking. “It’s the game.” He said, “Coach wants me…hell, he wants the whole team to throw the game against Allan University and I can’t figure out why—”

  Cassilia raised her eyebrows and sat up. “Allan? You’re playing Allan?”

  Cody nodded. “Yeah, why?”

  Cassilia smiled and shook her head. “That’s not a game, Cody. At least it’s not supposed to be. It’s a re-enactment.”

  Cody frowned. “What?”

  “Yeah, my mom used to talk about it all the time. Don’t you know that story?”

  Cody shook his head, surprised that Cassilia was familiar with the history. “No, can’t say I do.”

  “Well,” Cassilia began, resting on her elbow, “According to mom, the men who founded Black Eagle used the two universities to ensure that their legacies lived on. The men wagered that each could create a better academic and athletic program than the other. The loser would forfeit every game, and academic achievement, until the end of time.”

  As the reality dawned on Cody, Cassilia rolled her hand. “So that first game they played…”

  Cody nodded. “…Allan won.”

  She placed a hand on his chest. “Sounds like you need to talk to your coach.”

  Cody slowly sat up. “Yeah, I think I do.”

  She watched as he rose, dressing himself before turning to her. “Um, if you want, you’re welcome to stay here.”

  Cassilia beamed, nodding up at him. “I’ll still be naked when you get back.”

  Cody smirked as he dialed his coach’s number on his cell phone. After a moment, Coach picked up. When Cody indicated that they needed to talk, Coach invited him over to his house. A hug and kiss later, and Cody was out the door.

  A moment later, Cassilia’s phone vibrated intensely from her pants on the floor. She scooped them up, retrieved her phone, and then scowled at the message. It was from Ramona. Something terrible was happening at the house, and they needed her there immediately.

  Cassilia was immediately conflicted; if Annalise was telling the truth, and thus far, she had been, then if she went home, there was a good chance she’d be killed.

  But if there was a genuine emergency, Cassilia couldn’t just turn her back, could she?

  Sighing, saying a quick prayer to her mother, Cassilia got dressed and was out the door moments later.

  Cody hesitated for a split second before striding up to his coach’s front door and knocking. When there was no response, Cody took a step back and placed his hands in his back pockets. He lowered his head and released a deep breath, preparing himself.

  After a few moments, he heard shuffling footsteps on the other side of the door and raised his head. Coach Kruger opened the door in a bathrobe and squinted. He’d just woken up.

  “Cody?” He said friendly but groggily, “Something I can help you with, son?”

  Cody nodded eagerly. “How’s Matt?”

  “He’s fine…” Coach said sadly, his eyes lowering, “Well, as fine as he can be, anyway. He’s got nurses watching over him twenty-four seven. Money or no money, they take their oaths seriously. He’ll be fine. Now…what can I do for you, son?”

  “Yeah, coach. You can let me in. We need to talk.”

  Coach Kruger was already shaking his head. “Cody, listen, I’m sorry about Matt, I truly am, but rules are rules. If they want you to stand still, then you gotta—“

  Angered that his coach had brought Matt into this, Cody took a step forward and jammed a finger towards the ground as he spoke. “If you’re really sorry about Matt,” Cody said angrily, “then you’ll listen to what I have to say. The board doesn’t want me to stand still and take a beating. They want us to lose.”

  The words hit Coach Kruger like a shot in the chest, and he immediately raised his head, eyes wide. “How did you…” He trailed off and composed himself. “Cody, that’s not true.”

  “Stop bullshitting me, coach.” Cody kept the pressure on, “I know everything now.”

  His coach, and longtime surrogate father, studied him for a bit, and then his shoulders sagged as he released a heavy sigh. Cody thought the man might collapse. Instead, he stepped back and beckoned him inward. “Come on in, Cody. Let’s talk.”

  Cody smiled. He felt as though he was finally speaking to his old friend again, not the façade he’d been dealing with for the past few years.

  Cody stepped inside and closed the door behind him, the coach slinking away.

  The house was in complete disarray, much like his office. The coach had no TV, but appeared to be a cross between a voracious reader and packrat. The front room was so crowded with books and boxes that they blocked the windows, keeping the room dark. There was a couch to Cody’s left covered in books and magazines. The only clear area of the room was a tall, heavy, regal-looking chair lined with red cushion. It was attached to a small, long table with a simple lamp attached. Coach Kruger collapsed into the chair and halfheartedly gestured to the messy couch. “Take a seat, kid.”

  Cody frowned at the couch and decided against it. “Thank you, but I think I’ll stand.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  The two men were silent for a moment. “How’d you figure it out?” Coach Kruger finally asked.

  Cody shook his head. “I had help.” He thought quickly, wanting to keep Cassilia out of the conversation. She had enough to deal with on her own. He didn’t want Coach tying this to anyone else. Cody hated to admit it, but he was no longer certain of his old friend’s loyalties. “It’s true, isn’t it?” Cody asked, redirecting the conversation. “The deal with Allan. It’s not a game. It’s a re-enactment.”

  Coach nodded slowly as if admitting the truth to himself for the first time. “They came to me after you beat the hell out of them a couple of years ago. Told me to set you and the team straight or they’d put all of us out on the street.”

  Cody stepped towards his coach and knelt. Coach Kruger leaned forward and folded his hands, lowering his hands as if praying. “What did you say?” Cody quietly asked.

  “What do you think I said?” Coach Kruger barked in a familiar tone, “I told them to go to hell! I don’t coach fake football. And I resigned.”

  Listening intently, Cody said, “That’s when we had that interim, right?”

  Coach Kruger smirked. “Yeah, that cupcake Reegan.”

  Cody smiled and pressed. “What happened then?”

  “I couldn’t get work anywhere else.” Coach confessed, “Some universities I had applied for had never heard of the school and others simply shut me out. Once you coach here, once you work here…that’s it. They own you.”

  Cody nodded, knowing all too well. “I know.”

  “My wife and I were about to leave Black Eagle.” Coach continued, “When some schmuck delivers the world’s most convincing photographs of me nailing some skinny blonde.”

  Cody frowned. “You cheated on your wife?”

  When Coach Kruger looked next at Cody, the young man saw a blazing hatred in his eyes that he didn’t know the coach was capable of. “Hell no I did not. I loved my wife.”

  The fire left him. “God, I loved my wife.”

  He shuddered as he continued, “Of course, I tell my wife I have no idea what any of this is about. I even take a lie detector test to prove it.”

  “You passed, of course.”

  Coach Kruger looked at him sadly. “I should’ve outsourced the lie detection service. Haven’t flunked anything like that since grade school.”

; Cody felt a great swell of pity for his coach. “Didn’t help that these overly rich bastards had that same skinny blonde on standby, who was more than willing to testify at my divorce about my…virility. Yeah, that was the word she used.”

  Cody shook his head. “So your wife left…”

  The coach nodded. “Yeah. And she died of a violently aggressive strain of cancer eight months after she went home.”

  Cody winced. “She what?”

  “I told you.” The coach had an ominous tone in his voice, “Once you live here, work here, play here…you die here. They own you.”

  Cody repressed a gnawing sadness at knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that his mother was dead. She’d probably been dead for years.

  “Yeah, Allan’s a re-enactment.” Coach stated, “The two headmasters had a wager over who was the better team back when the school’s were founded and Allan won—“

  “Forty-two to nothing.” Cody concluded.

  Coach nodded. “Yeah. That’s got to be the score, every year we reach the playoffs. Which is just about every year, because our district is so exclusive.”

  Cody fell back onto his rear. “Damn.”

  “Yeah. So you gotta take a dive, Cody. Scouts ain’t comin’ regardless.”

  Cody looked up at his coach, surprised by the knowledge. “What?”

  “There have never been any scouts at our school, and there never will be. You know what your future is, boy? Cause I can tell you. They have it all mapped out.”

  Cody felt his mouth go dry.

  “You’re gonna marry that girl Allison, or whatever the hell her name is. You’re gonna inherit daddy’s business and make little babies with her.”

  “The hell I am…” Cody blurted.

  “That’s what they say.” Coach Kruger declared, “And it’s not like you can stop them.”

  Anger overtook every other emotion, and Cody glared at his coach. “Yeah, I can, coach. Cause I’m freakin’ rich.”

  His coach frowned, surprised at the revelation, and Cody smiled. If his coach didn’t know the truth, chances were that no one did. That meant he had the element of surprise on his side. Cody nodded and continued. “Yeah, my father was a smart man. He let everyone believe that mom left him and I with nothing, but he knew what this town was. He moved all of our money as far away from Black Eagle as possible. Add his investments to my inheritance and my net worth is somewhere between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.”


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