China Marine: Tsingtao Treasure

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China Marine: Tsingtao Treasure Page 32

by Buzz Harcus

  show. I know you will have a good time."

  No sooner had he left than Harry saw a tall, well-proportioned Chinese girl approaching with the warmest smile he'd seen in ages, and nothing much beyond that. She was dressed as a slave girl in a filmy costume right out of the Arabian Nights, replete with bracelets and chains. She was also breathtakingly beautiful and totally naked under the gossamer-thin material. Nothing was left to the imagination.

  "Hello," she breathed in a warm, sultry voice as she stopped beside him. "I'm Sunny, and I'll be happy to do anything I can to make your visit here an exceptionally memorable occasion." She gave a knowing wink at Harry as she spoke.

  Harry winked back, the smile on his face widening as his eyes traveled slowly down her delicious body. She moved slightly, modeling to accentuate her beauty points as his feasting eyes roved downward and then back up. Her smile continued, thrilled at the excitement in his eyes.

  Osa coughed. It was an embarrassed cough.

  Harry broke free of his beautiful vision to glance in her direction. She was glaring at him. Harry grinned impishly. Any minute now she's gonna flip out, scream some Swedish obscenities and go stomping out the door. The thought of her leaving made him feel good. He returned his gaze to Sunny's beautiful body already contemplating what he intended to do with her. Things were definitely looking "Sunny-er" by the minute.

  "I'm sure you'll make my-our, stay a pleasant one." he said, clearing his throat, forcing his eyes beyond the fullness of her bosom, past the hard umber dark tips jutting against the diaphanous material, up to her delightful smiling face. He could feel a flush of lust coursing through his loins, blood pumping fiercely through his wanting body. The vibes between them were positive; he could sense it just looking at her. Tonight's the night! Just as quickly, his thoughts turned to Osa. Come on Osa, get pissed off and storm out of here!

  Sunny smiled coyly, pleased with his approval, pleased that the American she'd been assigned was handsome, virile, a likely match for her sexual appetite. "We have any kind of drink or food you might desire," she purred. "We have seductively mature cherry wine that is very tasteful. It is rich, robust, a natural entree for lovers before the main course." There was a smoldering look in her eyes as she touched Harrys cheek with a soft brush of her fingertips. "I prefer several glasses before," she added in a soft whisper. "Wine puts me in a very receptive mood for anything my lover wishes to pursue."

  Harry listened intently, enjoying the way she described the wine, the way her dark eyes intensified with desire, excited by the lightness of her touch. By the time she finished he had a burgeoning erection.

  "We, uh, ate just before we came here," he said almost apologetically, looking into Sunny's dark inviting eyes that seemed to glow deeply with lust. "But, the wine -"

  "Yes," she answered softly, ruby red lips slightly ovaled as she looked at him.

  "Just bring us a bottle of vine!" Osa said sliding across the cool leather seat, leaning tightly against Harry. There was a syrupy softness to her voice, obviously mimicking Sunny. She slipped her arm through Harry's and smiled sweetly up at her. "Der vine vill be just fine," she cooed.

  Harry's mouth dropped wide open, startled at Osa's sudden move. Sunny shrank back with a confused look, her eyes glancing from Osa to Harry. She abruptly pivoted and fled.

  "What the hell was that all about?" he snapped, turning angrily toward Osa who deftly slipped her arm free of his. At that moment, the lights started to dim, the movie was about to begin. And just as casually as she had slid across to him, she was now sliding back across the padded leather seat, smug that she had nipped that little tete-a-tete in the bud.

  "Bitch!" Harry muttered under his breath. He sat back hard against the leather backboard crossing his arms across his chest in disgust. Looking up at the screen, he saw the movie was starting. Although he was watching, his mind was already in motion thinking about his next move to get rid of the iceberg. The bitch was obviously out to ruin his one night in town. He had to get rid of her!

  The title and credits rolled across the huge screen, vividly superimposed over an idyllic country scene of lush rolling hills, horses frolicking in a meadow and a meandering creek where, as the camera slowly zoomed in, could be seen a beautiful, blue-eyed, flaxen-haired young maiden taking a swim, hidden from view of the farmhouse and barn, but not from the consuming eyes of a naturally lecherous old hired man.

  "Shit," exclaimed Harry as he realized he and Sandy had seen the same movie last summer in Saginaw. It was a good flick, but it was the unbridled passion they had shared afterward that he recalled best. He grinned. It had been one of their best times. Resignedly, he settled back to watch the film. He took a sip of beer. Was the beer flat, or was it just the way he felt?

  Glancing over at Osa, he saw her hands covering her face, bulging eyes peering in disbelief between splayed fingers at what was unfolding before her. Her left hand stifled a gasp as the young maiden rose from the water facing the camera, beautiful in total nudity, coral tipped nipples centered on large breasts, a dark patch of pubic hair at the point her long slim legs joined her well-rounded body. Harry grinned; poor Osa hadn't seen anything yet. The good stuff was yet to come.

  A monologue extolled the trials and tribulations of an innocent farm maiden who, although wanting to remain innocent and chaste, had become aware of her womanly charms which, in turn, had evoked a deep-seated yearning within her to be fulfilled as a woman, to know and enjoy the pleasurable aspects of sex. She had already observed the sexual matings of farm animals and, unbeknownst to her parents, had also watched their passionate couplings on a number of occasions.

  Moving out of the stream, she stepped onto the grassy bank where she picked up her faded gingham dress. She hesitated at slipping into the dress, as though she preferred to remain naked, a free spirit. Behind a tree, the hired man stood watching, drool dripping down his chin. Finally, the maiden slipped the dress over her wet body covering her charms. Harry could see instant relief reflected on Osa's face.

  Barefoot, the girl headed toward the farmhouse but she was intercepted by the hired man, an obvious bulge in the front of his pants, who grabbed her wrist trying to drag her off toward the barn. She twisted away, stumbling, falling to the ground, her dress thrown up around her waist. The man's eyes were about to pop out of his head. He dived for her but she rolled away, scrambled to her feet and ran toward the farmhouse.

  Osa sat nervously wringing her hands together. Harry snickered. She was obviously living the role of the young maiden vicariously, he thought, the way her eyes were riveted on the screen intently watching every movement. She breathed a sigh of relief when the girl reached the safety of the farmhouse. Weakly, Osa picked up her drink taking a deep sip.

  The maiden's mother met her in the parlor, beaming, holding a letter before her. It was from her favorite aunt. The girl clutched the letter to her breast, then ripped it open and read aloud. It was an invitation to visit her aunt in the big city.

  Looking apprehensively at her mother, the maiden pleaded with her for permission to go. After a moment the mother nodded yes. Excitedly, the maiden kissed her mother thank you, then hurried up the steps to her room, closed the door, threw herself on the bed and re-read the letter. She was going to the big city!

  Bouncing off the bed, she took her suitcase out of the closet and threw it on the bed. Then, she began packing it with what sparse, dressy clothing she owned: dresses, skirts, blouses, underwear, shoes, cheap costume jewelry, hairbrush and makeup. She started to throw a couple of magazines in the suitcase, and then stopped. Glancing at the popular, naughtily illustrated romance magazines, the kind young girls love to read because they're full of exciting, passionate love stories, a yearning, hungry look came to her eyes.

  Easing back on the bed, she began reading one of her favorite stories. As she read, her hand moved lightly over the bodice of her dress, fingers teasing, nipples rising hard against the soft material. Shortly, eager fingers undid the several buttons and p
ulled the material wide, exposing full, white, swollen breasts, gently massaged by the skillful demands of her hands, fingers pinching at hardened tips.

  Osa, who had taken a sip of her scotch, nearly choked on her drink as she recoiled back in the seat, eyes flying wide open as the girl eased the hem of her dress up, bunching it across her hips to expose her nakedness, her most private parts.

  Osa drew back, clutching at her chest at what she was viewing; wincing at the girl's lewd, degrading action, a scene filling the giant screen. Osa shook her head in disbelief. Yet, without a conscious thought to what she was doing, she brought the scotch to her lips and drained the glass.

  Harry found it more interesting, actually amusing, watching Osa's reactions to the film. Quietly shifting about in his seat, he continued to observe her. This was worth the price of admission, the bitch viewing raw sex on a large screen totally unaware of his observing her.

  The action on the screen shifted to the big city where the maiden had just arrived at her favorite aunt's home modestly tucked away in one of the finer neighborhoods. Her aunt was a tall, attractive, dark-haired woman with an alluring figure. She appeared not much older than her niece. Shortly, they were in a bedroom with the niece trying on several captivating gowns as her aunt informed her she had already arranged a date for her with one of her handsome young gentlemen acquaintances. The niece threw her arms about her aunt, hugging her, kissing her, thanking her for inviting her to the city.

  The scene shifted again showing the home filled with the sound of music, gaiety, laughter, flowing wine and handsome men eager to dance with the aunt and beautiful niece. The two women were dressed in beautiful ball gowns, low-cut bustlines showing ample cleavage.

  Osa relaxed for the moment enjoying the lightness of the scene. The handsome men looked equally elegant in business suits. Osa glanced at Harry, gave a nervous half-smile, then turned her attention back to the screen. It wasn't as sinful as she had first thought.

  As the evening progressed, the young man's intentions toward the niece became a little bolder, more amorous. Their lips touched, lightly at first, then turned into a prolonged, passionate kiss. More kisses followed, each more passionate than before. The niece seemed receptive to his kisses, his whispered suggestions so exciting that she soon melted in his arms. Alone in the living room with the lights low and a glowing fire in the huge fireplace, they shared fresh wine as their kisses grew more intense. They had eased to the floor sitting before the fire watching the flames licking at the burning logs. The maiden had reclined back in his arms shyly allowing the man freedom to slip the straps of her dress, caressing her. As passion consumed them, he slowly undressed her. Soon they were naked, silhouetted before the dancing flames of the fireplace.

  Harry watched the tension mounting in Osa, the sudden tautness of her chin line, hand clutching at her stomach, gasping as the maiden responded, aroused, wanton, to her lover. As the man seduced the innocent maiden, Osa flinched, glancing away, yet drawn back to the screen wide-eyed, watching in awe at the deflowering of the innocent maiden. The girl's face was contorted with passion, an eagerness in her body's response to their wanton sexual enjoyment.

  Beads of perspiration stood out on Osa's face. Her eyes bulged following every move of the lovers on the gigantic screen. She tried to stifle a gasp at the close-ups of their copulation, hearing the moans and sighs of sexual rapture. In a state of heightened anxiety, Osa pushed back against the leather seat shaking her head in disbelief, not wanting to believe this was happening, that two people would partake of sex as the two were now doing on the screen and allowing it to be recorded on film.

  The poor girl. How could she let this happen to her? This was terrible. Sinful. She knew she had to leave, to flee from this den of sin. It was not right. She would never have allowed Rudy the freedom to do that to her. No man would ever take her like that. And yet, the girl was smiling, happy eyes following everything the man did to her, and what she did for the man. No, she had to go. This was filth. She had to leave.

  Observing Osa, Harry suddenly felt sorry for her. Maybe this was too much for her to handle. Maybe she wanted to leave. He'd ask her. If she wanted to leave, it was understandable.

  "Hi," Sunny said easing in beside him, her bosom pressed tightly against his arm. "How's it going?" She had deposited a bottle of red wine on the table. Harry looked at the bottle. He almost choked; it had to be a magnum. How the hell would he ever get through that much wine? Before he could answer, Sunny was pouring two glasses with chilled cherry wine.

  "So-so," he said, glancing at Osa. "The lady might be leaving shortly." Osa's head was shaking aimlessly back and forth, eyes welling with tears, softly bewailing what she was seeing, still pressed back against the seat.

  Sunny kissed him lightly on his ear, swirled her tongue around, and then murmured softly, "Let me know." He slipped her a twenty. "Bring me a couple of scotches, doubles might be best." He nodded toward Osa. Sunny smiled. As she rose, he patted her buttocks. Solid. Sunny glanced back at him smiled, winked, and then was gone.

  All feelings of remorse for Osa suddenly vanished. Instead, Harry found himself wishing she would leave now. "C'mon, Osa. Get really upset and leave. This isn't your kind of game," he heard himself whispering. Already, he could envision himself naked between Sunny's long legs, sweating, enjoying each other. He wanted to shout out loud, Osa! Go back to the ship!

  He was so aroused thinking about Sunny he found his hand was shaking, spilling several drops of wine as he slid a glass across in front of Osa.

  She hadn't missed seeing that brazen Chinese slut slip in beside him, seen her kiss him, whispering in his ear. It had happened just at the moment she was about to leave, insist they both leave, but now the little slut had ruined the moment.

  Upset, she turned back to the screen. She could always cover her eyes. Degrading filth. Maybe just a little longer, even Harry had to be upset at such degradation. But she was definitely going to leave, and if he cared for her at all, he'd leave with her.

  On the screen the beautiful aunt, now naked except for a black garter belt and black stockings, was happily satisfying two suitors at the same time. "Oh, my god," Osa exclaimed aloud, mouth agape at the horrid scene. She jumped turning quickly at Harry's touch. He'd pay hell getting her! He was pointing toward the table, the

  glass of wine.

  "Oh," she choked. Grasping the glass, she raised it to her lips downing the chilled fluid in one long swallow. Just as quickly, her eyes moved back on the screen having wavered for that moment when Harry had touched her. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, what she was hearing, the gasping, the groans and sighs, the thrusting bodies. Disgusting! Yet, as she continued to watch, a warmth was spreading throughout her body, a tingling itch she couldn't understand, nor ignore. She felt flushed as prickling sensations began to stir within her, lascivious feelings of desire, prurient thoughts she had always masterfully held in check. No, she ordered her mind. No! Quickly, she held the empty glass in Harry's direction. He filled it.

  The scene had shifted back to the niece and her lover. In stunning nudity, silhouetted in the soft glow of burning embers in the fireplace, she was kneeling over her lover, her kisses trailing softly down his firm body.

  Osa unconsciously ran the tip of her tongue around one clenched knuckle, driving it deep into her mouth stifling a gasp of disbelief at how the maiden pleased her lover. Harry almost choked on his wine as he glanced from the maiden back to Osa, who anxiously chewed on her knuckle.

  Harry turned away, his whole body convulsing with laughter, yet not daring to laugh out loud. Osa's vicarious reaction was the funniest thing he'd seen in ages.

  Around him the muffled sounds of lovers, soft titters of laughter, gasps and occasional moans of pleasure were beginning to have an affect on him. He looked at Osa. Her eyes stayed glued to the screen where the young niece was now wrapped in the arms of her lover, gaspingly meeting his every thrust. Osa, too, was gasping, her breasts rising and falling
in tempo with her labored breathing. Harry shrugged. What the hell. If I do, I'll catch hell; if I don't, I'll never know.

  He eased over next to her slipping an arm around her shoulder. Osa glanced at him, glaring. "Harry, ve must leave now. Dis is not right," she implored as her head turned back to the screen. Yet, she hadn't pulled away from his arm. Taking it as a good sign, Harry leaned over kissing her lightly on her neck. She flinched but did not move away. He softly nibbled on her ear. She winced momentarily then seemed to relax, resting back against him. Emboldened, he rested his hand in her lap, then moved upwards under one heaving breast, cupping it. Osa's hand came quickly to her defense, stopping him, yet not pushing him away. After several seconds, his hand continued caressing moving freely between the heaving orbs. There was no rejection, only a prolonged sigh. Turning her face to his, he kissed her fully on her mouth, surprised as she responded warmly with a long passionate kiss. With shaking hand, he unbuttoned her blouse and reached inside feeling heated flesh. Easing one bra strap over her shoulder, he exposed one full, firm, hard-tipped breast. Osa moaned softly as he massaged the pliant flesh, squirming responsively as his tongue swirled about the hard tip.

  Just then, the house lights suddenly came on, slowly increasing in intensity, the movie was over. Just as suddenly, Osa broke free from Harry, an embarrassed look on her face as she glanced about. Quickly she stuffed her breast back inside the bra, pulled up the strap and buttoned her blouse. She was upset with herself, face crimson. She glared at Harry, who returned to his end of the couch.

  "Ve must go before somevun sees us here," she whispered hoarsely, gathering her coat and package. "Dis is all wrong."

  "There's nothing wrong from my point of view," he replied not making any motion to move. "Hell, Osa, you're two times twenty- one. You can make your own decisions. You have a perfect right to be here, if you want. Besides, no one can see in the booth. We can have a great time together."


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