Falcon (Trinity Academy Book 1)

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Falcon (Trinity Academy Book 1) Page 16

by Michelle Heard

  “Did my father say anything to upset you?”

  I shake my head, and when I bump into the door, I reach behind me and open it. Once we’re inside, Falcon kicks it closed.

  “Did he really just talk to you?” he asks, wrapping his other arm around me as well.

  I nod, then try to stand on my toes so I can kiss him, but he only tightens his hold on me so he can keep me in place while grinning down at me.

  “Unfair,” I complain.

  “First promise me something,” he says, the grin fading from his face.


  “You won’t hide anything from me. If my parents do anything to upset you, please tell me.”

  “Okay.” Falcon raises an eyebrow at me. “I promise I won’t keep anything from you.”

  “Good.” He loosens his grip, and I can finally stand on my toes. I press a quick kiss to his mouth then step out of his hold “That’s it? Just a peck?”

  “Oh, you have some promises to make yourself before you’re getting any.”

  “A couple of minutes with my father and you’re already bribing me?” Falcon calls after me as I walk into my room.

  I grab my pj’s and walk to the bathroom, when Falcon comes in, and says, “Why are you going in there to get changed? I’ve already seen you naked.”

  I stop in the doorway and look down to the fabric in my hand as I admit, “That was in the heat of the moment. It will feel uncomfortable just dressing in front of you.”

  Falcon comes to me and taking hold of my chin, he tips my face up. There’s a warm look in his eyes which makes me feel better. “That’s okay. Don’t ever do something you’re not comfortable with.”

  “Thank you for understanding.”

  He leans down and presses a kiss to my mouth. “Is it okay if I stay over tonight so we can talk?”

  I nod and slipping into the bathroom, I shut the door.

  I quickly go through my nightly routine, and when I come out, Falcon isn’t anywhere to be found.

  Shrugging, I quickly go through everything I’ll need for tomorrow’s classes. I set my bag by the coffee table when the door to my suite opens. Falcon comes in, dressed in his sweats and a t-shirt.

  “Are you ready for bed?” he asks, setting the keycard down on the table.

  “Yes, it’s been a weird day.”

  Once we’re comfortable in our usual position, Falcon asks, “What did you talk about with my father?”

  I glance up at him. “About ambition, experiences, The Skeleton Coast, and the Berlin wall.”

  Falcon tilts his head, a look of confusion crossing his features.

  “We bonded,” I explain in layman’s terms.

  “My father doesn’t bond. With anything,” Falcon states.

  “Well, he did with me. I guess there’s a first time for everything.”

  Falcon tightens his arms around me. “I’ve never seen my father hug anyone.”

  “Have you ever considered it’s because no one hugged him?”

  He thinks about what I said, then asks, “Honestly, I’ve never given it a thought.”

  “You might not like hearing it, but you’re a lot like your father. You just need to find the chink in his armor.”

  “Which is?”

  “Listening to what he has to say. Showing him that you understand him, even though you differ in opinion.”

  Falcon remains quiet, and I glance up again.

  “Like you, Falcon. He wants to be seen.”

  Emotion washes over Falcon’s face, and when I can see he’s struggling, I sit up and pull him into my arms. I press his head to my chest and pulling my fingers through his hair, I whisper, “It’s okay. You’re all just a little lost. You’ll find your way to each other.”

  Falcon nods, and wrapping his arms around my waist, he grips me tightly. Watching the emotional struggle play over his face makes tears flood my eyes.

  After a while, I ask, “How did things go with your brother?”

  Falcon doesn’t answer me immediately, and I just continue to play with his hair.

  “We talked and listened for the first time.”

  A small smile plays around my lips.

  “First we fought, then we talked,” he corrects himself. “Things aren’t perfect between us, but it’s a start.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” I take a breath, then say, “I met your mother yesterday.”

  Falcon sits up. “I knew something must’ve happened.”

  “Have you ever had dinner with your father and Julian? Just the three of you?”

  “Why just the three of us?” he asks.

  “After meeting your mother, I’ve been thinking a lot and when I spoke to your father it confirmed my thoughts for me.”

  “About my mother?”

  “Yes.” I take a breath, hoping I’m not making a mistake. “Your mother is a cold woman, Falcon. She might be responsible for a lot of the fights between you and Julian, and also with your father.” When Falcon doesn’t say anything, I quickly add, “I might be wrong. I don’t know her so well. It’s just, she reminds me so much of Serena.”

  Falcon lets out a sigh. “You have a point.” He lies back again and pulls me to his chest. “I’ll see if I can arrange dinner with my father and Julian.”

  “I think it will help you all.”

  He presses a kiss to my hair. “Thank you.”

  Silence falls between us, but after a while, Falcon whispers, “You sleeping?”

  “No,” I whisper back.

  “Why not?”

  “You haven’t said it yet.”

  He lets out a chuckle. “Sleep my rainbow.”

  Chapter 22


  “It’s okay, you can forgive Julian,” Mason says. “I’ll be the unforgiving asshole who’ll remind him he was a bastard to you.”

  “I’m so glad I’m not going to work at CRC,” Lake mumbles from where he’s lying on the couch.

  “You’re awake?” I ask.


  “At least we know he’s alive,” Mason grumbles. “How do you sleep so much?”

  “Takes a lot of energy to eat,” Lake mutters.

  Mason laughs, “That’s for fucking sure.”

  “Are you really okay with working at CRC?” I ask Mason.

  He nods, then glances to where Lake is. “I’m more worried about him.”

  “There’s nothing to worry about,” Lake yawns and sits up.

  “You sure? Marrying a complete stranger is totally okay with you?”

  Lake begins to smile and taking out his phone, he looks at something. “I’m sure.”

  “What are you smiling at?” I ask, getting up from the chair on the balcony. When I get to Lake, he holds his phone out to me. I take it and look at the picture of a girl. A second later surprise ripples through me. “Is this her?”

  “Who?” Mason almost falls off his chair in his hurry to get up. He comes and looks over my shoulder. “Hot, damn. Is this Lee-ann?”

  “Yep.” Lake lies back down with a huge smile on his face.

  “The fucker has been playing us. Suffer my ass. He’s getting the best deal out of the three of us,” Mason complains.

  I look down at the photo again. Her hair is a mixture of brown and red, and her eyes are dark. Her skin is so damn smooth she looks like a doll.

  “She’s beautiful,” I say, as I hand the phone back to Lake. “And you get along with her?”

  “The times we’ve spoken have been okay.”

  “Lucky fucking bastard,” Mason growls as he walks back to his chair. “You get a hot as hell girl, Falcon gets to start the new business, and me… I’m fucking stuck with Julian and our fathers.”

  Lake just chuckles as he covers his eyes with his arm.

  Sitting down, I say, “Talking about fathers, I’m having dinner with mine tonight.”

  “You’re shitting me.”

  “With Julian as well,” I add.

  Mason leans forward and l
ooks at the sky. “Seriously thought it would start snowing now.”

  I kick the one leg of his chair.

  “What made this miracle happen?” he asks.


  “Yeah?” Mason actually looks impressed, which is no easy feat to achieve. “She’s a miracle worker. Maybe I should ask her to do some of her magic on Kingsley?”

  “Why?” I ask, stretching my legs out in front of me.

  “She’s acting weird. She used to give me shit until I made her my assistant. Now she’s… just weird.”

  “You don’t think it’s because you almost drowned her?” Lake asks.

  “It was the fucking shallow end!”

  “Just saying,” Lake mumbles.

  We’re having dinner in Julian’s suite so we’ll have privacy. Standing outside the room, I take a couple of deep breaths before I knock.

  Julian opens the door and looks relieved when he sees it’s me. “Thank God. I was worried Father would arrive first and I’d be stuck with him.”

  I walk in, and we’re just about to shut the door when we hear grumbling coming up the hallway, “Why do they always pick the top floors. All the damn exercise it takes to get to the room doesn’t make any sense.”

  Father stops in front of the open door and looks from Julian to me. “Good, you’re already here. Let’s eat.” He walks in and goes right for the table. Sitting down at the head, he glances around the room. “Don’t you have any newspapers?”

  I shut the door while Julian grabs the newspaper from the sofa. “Here you go, Sir.”

  Father takes it, and while opening it, he says, “Sit, the food’s getting cold.”

  We take our seats, and Julian looks at me, then tips his head in Father’s direction. I shake mine and raising an eyebrow, I glance at Father just as he lowers the newspaper. We both school our faces at the speed of light, and you hear utensils clattering as we grab hold of them.

  “How was the meeting with the…” Father frowns, then looks up at the ceiling, “who did you meet with again?”

  “The Meesters. They’re opening a new plant in Dallas,” Julian reminds him. “It went well. We should be signing next week.”

  “Good. Good.” Father turns his eyes to me. “Did you get your car keys back?”

  “I did.”

  “Did she make you grovel?”

  Before I can stop myself, a smile spreads over my face. “She did.”

  “Good. Good.”

  “Car keys?” Julian asks.

  “Your brother was driving like a drunkard. Layla took his car keys. Quite like the girl’s spirit.”

  “You’ve met her?” Julian asks Father.

  “I did. We had a lovely talk.” Father cuts a piece of his steak. After swallowing it, he asks, “Julian, aren’t you interested in a woman?” Father glances up at the ceiling again, then forces the words out, “Or man.”

  When I see the flabbergasted look on Julian’s face, I quickly duck my head and press my lips together to keep from making a sound.

  Father picks up the newspaper and wacks me against the shoulder. “What? There’s nothing wrong with it as long as your brother is happy.”

  “Oh God. Father, I’m straight,” Julian exclaims.

  I quickly cover my mouth, but it doesn’t help as I burst out laughing.

  “You are? Good, when can I expect my first grandchild?”

  My laughter dries right up when Father looks from Julian to me.

  I start shaking my head, which has Julian saying, “You’re the one with the girlfriend.”

  “She’s eighteen,” I protest. “Besides, Layla would probably slap you upside the head for throwing her under the bus.”

  “I can see her doing that,” Father agrees. “So, it’s up to you, Julian. You are the eldest, after all.”

  Clearing his throat, Julian says, “I’ve been thinking about the business deal with the Weinstocks.”

  Father sets down his knife and fork, and his eyes snap to Julian. “Why?”

  “They have leverage in the legal world.”


  “What do you mean?” Julian asks, frowning.

  “They better have more than a couple of contacts in the legal world if they want to marry their daughter off to one of my sons.”

  “You didn’t agree to this?” I ask.

  “Of course not! Have I ever said such a thing?” Father huffs. He gives Julian a hard look. “You will not marry that girl. Over my dead body. She’s as loony as that mother of hers.”

  “I told you,” I exclaim. “Didn’t I tell you she’s unstable?”

  “Then why have you and Mother been putting pressure on Falcon?” Julian asks.

  “Just your mother.”

  Julian leans forward. “If you didn’t agree, why didn’t you stop her?”

  A slow smile begins to form around Father’s lips, which has my mouth dropping open. “I was hoping all her nagging would help bring you and Falcon closer together.” He shrugs. “And it did, so problem solved.”

  “Problem solved?” Julian growls. Shoving his chair back, he gets up. “And all the threats about the chairmanship?”

  “Sit down, Julian. You’re too old to be throwing a tantrum,” Father scolds him. “Your grandfather taught me the best way to learn is through experience.” Father stops and frowns. “Well, would you look at that. It’s the same thing Layla said.” He starts to nod, looking impressed. “Bright girl, but I digress.” Father leans back in his chair. “It took longer than I thought it would, but you’ve come to an understanding, haven’t you?”

  I pull a confused face. “I’m not quite following.”

  “I threw a bone in a dog camp, expecting my sons to realize they weren’t dogs, but wolves. Dogs fight over bones. Wolves hunt in a pack. They catch the big prey.”

  ‘Listening to what he has to say. Showing him that you understand him, even though you differ in opinion.’

  “You wanted to make sure we would stand by each other during an attack,” I say, finally understanding.

  “Yes!” Father slams his hands down on the table. “Yes, my boy!” His face pulls with emotion as he rises to his feet. “How could I leave you my life’s work if I wasn't sure you’d protect it.” His chin starts to tremble, and it has me swallowing hard on the emotion. “It’s not about the money. You can always make more. CRC is our legacy. It belonged to my father and his best friends. It belonged to my best friends and myself. It will belong to the two of you, Mason and Lake. It’s a legacy of trust, of loyalty…” Overwhelmed with emotion, Father slumps back down in his chair and covers his eyes with a trembling hand.

  I look to Julian, when he says, “It’s a legacy of brotherhood.”

  Father looks exhausted as he reaches into his breast pocket. He pulls out a box and sets it down on the table between Julian and me.

  “Woodrow Wilson.” He keeps his hand on the box. “Who will take over from me?”

  I take a moment to gather my emotions. Standing up, I straighten my jacket and clear my throat, and then I hold my hand out to Julian. “I trust you and Mason will take good care of CRC.”

  Julian rises to his feet and placing his hand in mine, we shake.

  When we take our seats again, Father slides the box to Julian’s side. “Good. Good. You start tomorrow. I’ll officially retire at the Thanksgiving celebration. You’ll be inaugurated at a special board meeting which will be held the Wednesday after Thanksgiving.”

  “So soon?” Julian asks, looking a little pale.

  “I’m tired, Julian. She’s a big ship to steer. I’m afraid if I continue to stay at the helm, I’ll steer her into stormy seas.”

  I didn’t even join the company, and I’m tired, so I can only imagine what my father must feel like.

  “What are you going to do once you retire?” Julian asks.

  “I’m going to have lunch with Layla and find out where that place is that God made while he was angry. That sounded interesting.”

sp; “You really like her,” Julian affirms.

  “I do. I do.” An expression of loss crosses Father’s features. “I suppose that’s what happens when you grow old. You come face to face with your what could have been. You look into her eyes, and you see old dreams.”

  Holy shit.

  Did he love Stephanie?

  Chapter 23


  This time I’ve borrowed one of Kingsley’s dresses. I really don’t see the need to buy a dress for the couple of occasions I’ll attend in the future. We’re both wearing tweed woolen dresses because it’s cold and we don’t plan on freezing our butts off.

  Once we’re ready and it’s time to go, we meet the guys in the lobby so we can attend the Thanksgiving function for CRC Holdings.

  Falcon’s eyes do a slow sweep over me, and then his sexy smirk comes out to play. “You look beautiful,” he says, and the pride in his voice makes me feel really pretty.

  “Let’s get going,” Mason says.

  As we step outside the building, Serena walks towards us. “Who am I riding with?”

  “You’re going to the Thanksgiving function?” Falcon asks, not looking happy.

  “Yes, your mother was sweet and invited me,” she boasts.

  “Luckily, my car only has two seats.” Falcon walks to his Lamborgini and opens the passenger door, “Layla?”

  I smile at him as I get in, and hear Mason grumble, “Kingsley you’re with me. I’m less likely to kill you.”

  “I guess that leaves you, Lake,” Serena says.

  When we’re all ready, Falcon pulls away, with Mason and Lake following. Looking out the window, I notice students stop and stare as we pass them by, and I slide down in the seat, bringing my hand up to cover my face.

  Falcon lets out a chuckle. “Why are you hiding?”

  Driving out of the gates of Trinity Academy, Falcon begins to speed up. “I’m not used to people staring, and you better not go over the speed limit.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  We enter a double lane and Mason pulls up next to us. Glancing into the car I see Kingsley staring out of her window, her head turned away from Mason.


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