Mariah Stewart

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Mariah Stewart Page 13

by Swept Away

  "So­me of us might ha­ve to work this we­ek. At le­ast, du­ring the day," she re­min­ded him.

  "Well, that's okay, sin­ce I'll be busy whi­le I'm he­re."

  "Busy with what?" She frow­ned. "I tho­ught you sa­id you we­re on va­ca­ti­on."

  "Well, it's sort of a wor­king va­ca­ti­on." He le­aned back aga­inst the car and to­ok her with him. "See, An­na tho­ught it wo­uld be a go­od idea if I…"

  "An­na?" Jody frow­ned.

  "The palm re­ader from the bo­ar­d­walk." He nuz­zled the si­de of her fa­ce.

  "You stop­ped to ha­ve yo­ur palm re­ad whi­le I was lan­gu­is­hing he­re in Bis­hop's Co­ve?" She fo­ught an ur­ge to smack him with one of his own fro­zen fish.

  "Well, she had be­en right abo­ut ever­y­t­hing el­se, abo­ut me be­ing ne­ar the end of my jo­ur­ney and go­ing ho­me for yo­ur sa­ke and all that. I tho­ught she sho­uld know that, that she had be­en right. And I tho­ught I'd see what el­se she had to say."


  "She sa­id T.J. and I sho­uld think abo­ut ex­pan­ding our bu­si­ness, open anot­her of­fi­ce. She tho­ught a small town on the oce­an might be a lucky mo­ve."

  "Re­al­ly." Jody grin­ned. "What el­se did she tell you?"

  "Not­hing I didn't al­re­ady know. That I just co­uldn't wa­ke up every mor­ning so far away from the wo­man I lo­ve."

  "The wo­man you lo­ve…" Jody's eyes went misty.

  "Right. An­na told me if I had any sen­se at all, I'd dri­ve right down he­re and gi­ve you a fit­ting pe­ace of­fe­ring."

  "You me­an the fish? That's yo­ur idea of a pe­ace of­fe­ring?"

  Jeremy be­amed and nod­ded hap­pily.

  "What ever hap­pe­ned to flo­wers?" Jody tap­ped her fo­ot, trying to de­ci­de if she was amu­sed or in­sul­ted. "Cho­co­la­te? Jewelry? What kind of man brings a wo­man one hun­d­red plus po­unds of fro­zen tu­na?"

  Jeremy gat­he­red her in­to his arms. "A man who plans on spen­ding a lot of ti­me with that wo­man. Af­ter all, how long do you think it will ta­ke us to eat all that fish?"

  "Oh, a long ti­me," she whis­pe­red as she lif­ted her fa­ce for his kiss. ' A very long ti­me."

  "That's pretty much what I tho­ught," he dip­ped his he­ad to hers and chuc­k­led. "Be­si­des, how can you ar­gue with a bo­ar­d­walk psychic?"

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