END of LINE: Humanities Last Stand - part 3

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END of LINE: Humanities Last Stand - part 3 Page 41

by John Short

  Jarrieal opened the door and went in first, the others following with Phillie closing and locking the door behind her as she entered last. They all stood in shocked silence at the sight of their leader sitting at the table holding his head in his hands and at the image of the fierce dragon that floated in the air behind him. Everyone stood silently around the table until Jon looked up and acknowledged them. “What brings you all here?”

  “Looks like you're redoing the furniture. Never seen a crack that big in one of the heavy tables before.” Mopie said.

  The tall blue female spoke up. “Admiral Connell, first allow me to introduce myself to you properly. I am called Tiaz. I have been the companion and public voice for the Order of Mourners for many cycles. I am also their truth seeker.” After a slight bow she continued. “I have been made aware of several truths that I wish to share with you today.”

  “I'm not sure I can stand much more truth today, Tiaz. I just learned that a greedy male who is now in my custody killed my parents. I also learned that the other one bombed Sanctuary, killing who knows how many innocent mourners, to cover up his own failure! I am trying to avoid ripping them to bits with my bare hands!” Jon was visibly shaken and stood so tense that he actually shook slightly like one of his violin strings when it was plucked. The dragon behind him seemed to glow even brighter as his anger built to a fever pitch.

  “Jon calm down and listen to her.” Jarrieal told him. “Its important.”

  “Listen to what Jar? To what a colossal failure I am? My parents, and my friend, all dead because I was not able to protect them.”

  “You had no control over what happened to your parents Jon, and you tried to save Zeprik. We all know that. By the Goddess' dress, we had to shoot you with a sedative to even get near you and you had a broken back at the time!” Mopie told him. “There was a pile of bodies around you that was taller than I am! I thought poor Phillie was going to die from heartache when she finally had to let them use that trank gun on you to get you and Prik on medical stretchers.”

  “Alright, but I'm not promising to behave once I hear it.” Looking across at Tiaz and fixing her with a hard stare that could freeze air, Jon tossed his sword onto the broken table before indicating that she should continue.

  “I must ask you a question first Jon Connell, and I ask your permission to touch you when you answer.”


  “My kind can sense when a person lies to us with a simple touch. I want only the truth to be spoken here today.” Tiaz explained.

  Jon looked at Phillie. Knowing that he had allowed her blue friend at Lexon Station touch him at least twice. Seeing the tears in Phillie's eyes he said, “Very well.” He held out his hand to Tiaz and she came around the broken table to grasp it.

  ”Did you just now break this table?”

  “Yes. I'll be in trouble for it. It was a favorite of one of my section leaders.”

  “Are you aware that a huge dragon protects your back and that we can all see it clearly when you are angered?” she asked.

  “No that I did not know. Jarrieal, Phillie, can you both see it?” he asked and everyone in the room nodded that they could.

  “You messaged your mate everyday until the day I am told that you last visited Haven. Why did you stop?”

  “That was the day we held a memorial service for a friend. The Lexonian Regent came to me and explained that my mate had seen her duty to the Crown and would not return any messages. He asked me to stop sending them.” Jon told Tiaz who tightened her grip on his hand before turning to the two mourners and saying, “He speaks the truth. He was told to stop by the King's Regent.”

  “You should sit now Jon Connell, because what I have to say will be the hardest for you to hear.” Tiaz instructed him and she slid his sword farther away from his grasp. He sat. Calling up two screens of data and displaying them on the same viewer near the front of the room, she explained. “The data shown on the left is a record of all the dates and times that you messaged your mate. Your Data Center here allowed me to have this information. The data on the right is the same record, only this time it shows her messages to you.” Pointing to one area of his messages she explained, “This portion compares to the time you spent at the Med Labs after you were wounded. It shows only one message sent by you during your time at the Med Labs. Then the messages start up again just before you were released.”

  “That's correct. However, I never got a single message from Satrina the entire time I was away. Not one. The reason I didn’t message her more from Medical was because I hurt too much to send messages to anyone. The one message I did send begged her to come visit me. She never bothered to answer me then either.”

  “Yes, and here is why. Do you see this mark?” Tiaz pointed to a check near each message on both screens. “That mark shows when someone deleted the messages from the Palace server. Jon Connell, your messages never reached your mate and hers never reached you. These messages on the other side are hers sent to you. All this is truth. Both you and Satrina have been unwilling dupes in a greater scheme by the Regent. He is the only one with the power to order private messages to be deleted before being passed to their proper place at the Palace. I believe he wants to takeover the throne. You drove yourself out onto the rim with this massive ship and she entered the Order of Mourners. You are the only two people who could have stopped his plans.”

  “SHE DID WHAT! Oh GODDESS NO!” “My heart mother and my mate both on that planet when that criminal bombed the Sanctuary!” Jon's head dropped to his hands as he shook in sudden violent spasms at the thought of both his aunt and Satrina dead. His heart and his head both quickly filled with rage and the dragon image glowed brightly behind him as if ready to breathe fire down on anyone who came near. He reached for his sword, fully intending to kill both of the males he held in custody.

  “NO JON!” Jarrieal shouted back as he grabbed Jon's shoulders and shook him hard, stopping him from taking the sword from the table. Unable to allow his friend to suffer needlessly he blurted out, “They were not there! Listen to me my brother! Your heart mother and your mate have both been safe in your care the whole time!”

  “Yes, Jon Connell,” Tiaz told him. Even she realized that Jon needed to know that the females were safe more than she needed more truths from him at this time. “You once asked me why anyone would specifically ask for a Warship and its crew to give them passage. It was because it was your aunt who requested that you come for her! She once told me that you where a great Warrior, filled with courage and honor. She insisted that you would never hurt her even when I begged her to send you away for fear of your anger and the darkness of your soul. Behold, your heart-mother!”

  Gala removed her hood and the mourning robe she wore to reveal the dress she wore beneath the black mourners robe. It was her special gown that displayed House Connell colors. Jon thought he had never seen her look so beautiful before. “Come to me my son.” she pleaded and held out her arms to him. Jon strode across the room and swept Gala into his arms to hold her tightly. “J.P., I love you my son.” she whispered in his ear before kissing his cheek just like she had done ever since he was a small boy. “Now put me down, there is still much truth that needs to be told here today.”

  Tiaz again took over the narrative. “Jon Connell. Do you still wish to have Satrina, Crown Princess of the Royal Lexon Court as your mate?”

  “If she still wants me, then yes, I want her very much.” Jon choked out.

  “Then behold your mate!”

  This time it was Satrina, also dressed in her own version of the Connell House colors under her white robe, who stood before him with tears welling up in her eyes as she removed the robe and let it fall to the floor. Jon was overcome by the love in his heart for the two tiny females that now stood in front of him. He made no attempt to hide his emotions as he gently lifted Satrina into his embrace. Her passionate kiss releasing a fresh flow of her essence into his mouth as they stood wrapped in each others embrace ignoring
the others in the room while her feet dangled above the floor.

  “I love you my giant.” Satrina told him so all could hear. “I have always loved you and shall always love you.”

  “Listen now to my own truth Princess Satrina.” Tiaz said. “Your Dragon King is a fierce warrior who has survived many battles. Yet his heart is easily broken. It has been broken many times in the past and healed poorly. You now hold the key to his heart. Its up to you to wrap his broken heart in your love and bring health and happiness to his troubled life. Only then will you chase the darkness from his soul. Will you protect your Warrior's heart as he protects your body? Can you be a strong enough female for him? The mating force between you is strong. Is it enough for the task still ahead? Just as it was when the first Dragon King claimed his mate, only if your love is strong enough can you find true happiness together.”

  “I pledge all my love to my giant and I promise to wrap his heart in my eternal love.”

  “Then tell him your truth Princess Satrina.” Tiaz flatly stated.

  “Jon, Zeprik lives! You saved him on Canari. He is kept at the Palace in a state of deep sleep. The Healer keeps saying he should be awake and does not understand why he still sleeps. Father spends most days and every night by his bedside grieving for his son. My uncle discouraged me from telling father of our mating. Which is why the King never announced our mating. I had no idea that you had not been told about Zeprik. You did not fail him my giant. He is alive!”

  “Rina, we must bring him to the ship.” Jon said. “There are devices in the Med Lab here that can heal a person in just a few days. I was broken when I was released from the Peacekeeper's medical labs. I needed to wear eckto-frames to walk or use a wheelchair most of the time. Any stress put on my legs caused me to pass out and my back was in constant pain. The Healers say that my spine was nearly severed at Canari. I started to wear the black cape to cover the frames so they could not be seen. Then it took on a life of its own. People feared the male who wore the cape and that's what I needed them to do so they would stay away. After just a few treatments in the tubes, as we call them, I am mostly healed now. Its only when I spend a long time on my feet that I tire and need to use my chair. The Healer believes that eventually I will not need the wheelchair but he suggests that I continue to have it nearby, just in case.”

  “Jon Connell,” Tiaz spoke again. “We have not yet heard your full truth. What have you not told us?”

  “There is someone who is behind all of the killings. He paid to have the Queen killed on Haven in the same monorail crash that took my parents, he paid to have Zeprik killed, he paid to have my aunt detained or killed on Hiliost 5. I now believe that another ship was supposed to meet the Princess but was delayed. Our Defiance was the same Destroyer class vessel with the same city killing weapon bolted to its hull as we have on ours. They mistakenly turned the Princess over to us. The ship that was supposed to pick her up belonged to TransCo. but was arranged for by this same person.” Jon held Satrina closely and looked into her beautiful eyes, “That would explain why their last message to us were instructions to have you drugged and taken somewhere that I have yet to discover. I think Boss King and his son Helios intended to warp your mind with the Lustor Drug and use you for their perverted pleasure.” Jon's anger had him shaking even as he struggled not to squeeze Satrina too tightly. The dragon image flared up behind him again.

  “Be still my giant.” Satrina softly told Jon as she laid her head on his shoulder, “I am safely in your arms now. They can never hurt me.”

  “What more truth can you give us Jon?” his aunt asked.

  “I only have a single name.” freeing one hand, he reached into a pouch at his side and pulled out the scrap of foil-backed paper that he had found on Canari and handed it to Tiaz. “I found this at the site of my last battle on Canari near where Zeprik fell. “It's a name I've heard many times recently in connection with all these criminal deeds. The King's both speak of him as the force behind their actions and the one who covers their tracks. The elder King speaks of a promised promotion up the Royal line for themselves as payment for their devotion to this U'Lanto person.”

  At the speaking of the name, both Gala and Satrina stiffened and in unison each said a different word.

  “Brother” Gala said

  “Uncle” Satrina said.

  Looking between the two females, Jon's questioning look brought Gala forward.

  “Its time to hear my truth. JP, do not strain your back my son. Put your mate down and sit again.” Jon did as he was told, but he quickly pulled Satrina into his lap and held her there. Happy to be near her mate, she curled into a small ball in his arms and relaxed against him despite a room full of onlookers and satisfied smiles starring at them.

  “A very long time ago now, a young foolish Lexonian Crown Princess fell in love with a human male. The very instant her eyes looked upon him, she knew he was her mate. She also knew her place at Court and she tried everything she could think of to avoid the human. Then there was a celebration, not unlike the one where you two first met.” Gala nodded to Jon and Satrina. “The human captured her in his arms and walked with her in the Royal gardens. They kissed and before she could stop herself she had given him her essence. It was done, she claimed him and he claimed her. Their fate was sealed. They were destined to become lovers, mates, and very close friends.

  When they went to tell her father, the King, he became so angry that his only daughter would take a human for her mate that he banished her from the Palace and had her name removed from the Royal records. The couple did not care. They had each other and they were very much in love. She learned to help her mate in his business and together they built it into one of the wealthiest firms in all of Haven space. Their one heartache was that they could not conceive a child. Then, a nephew was brought to them whose parents had been killed in a monorail crash. The Healers warned them of a strange element in the child's blood and told them to limit his activities until he had grown older. The rest you know Jon. You and I lived it together.

  I am Crown Princess Galaexiea. Sister to the reigning King, aunt to both the Crown Prince and Princess and Heart-Mother of Jon Connell, Dragon Flier and the bravest, most honorable warrior in space! I am also sister to this U'Lanto, the Royal Regent and King's first adviser. It would seem likely we can add liar and murderer to his list of titles as well.”

  “How about we just call him Dead?” Jarrieal offered.

  “We can not add that title to his name,” Satrina told the group. “However, my father can once he learns these truths! Jon, will you try to save my brother again?”

  “Admiral Jon, we have to try. Even if there is only little hope, there is still hope.” Jelio, Jon's only female flight crew member pleaded.

  “Yes, we'll try our best. Phillie! Tell Nav to jump the ship into high orbit around the Lexon II system. Then take us in slowly so we don't crash into the hundreds of ships at the station. Let them see us coming, the more the better for what I'm planning. I want us in orbit directly over the Palace. Once we're there, move that cargo vessel we recently saved out of the hanger and over to the shipyards for repairs. Jar, get two attack shuttles ready, with a full compliment of crew and grubs. Have all of them dressed in the Silver and Black of House Connell. I'll take the Healer and his team down in my Dragon and bring the Prince up to Leviathan's Med Lab. We'll leave Levi as soon as she jumps into Lexon space and jump directly to the planet, then lets burn the sky while we come in to land at the Palace.

  Once we have the Prince secured in a tube, I want Leviathan to jump back out here. Have one of the computer guys come see me. I want to give him a special assignment. Jump the ship as soon as everything is prepared. I want to just sit here and hold my tiny tigress for a while.

  Leaving the couple alone, everyone hurried to get their tasks done as quickly as they could. Outside the conference room Tiaz stopped to look at Gala before bowing deeply to her. “I had no idea Princess. You raised a fine Warrior and in
his heart he is a fine male. He will become a great leader one day.”

  “The day I was forced from the Palace, the Goddess told me that my son would over come many challenges and would one day be a great King. With Satrina at his side to help him, he will be the best King who ever lived.” Gala told her friend as her chest swelled with pride in her child.

  The computer tech trotted up to the conference room to report to Jon. When he knocked at the door he heard the sound of a female's light laugh and a male's deep groan from inside. “Come in!” the male called out.

  “Sorry sir,“ he said. “I was told you wanted to see me?”

  “You're from the computer squad?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “I'd like you to send a message in my name to the Regent on Lexon II. But send it over an open channel so everyone gets it at once. The message should be simple. It should say simply “I KNOW!” Have it show 'The Butcher' as the sender but also make it so that it cannot be traced back to the ship. Can you make that happen?”

  “Yes sir. The computers on Leviathan are easily able to do that. When should I send it?”

  “As soon as we jump into Lexon space.”

  “It'll happen sir.” Then he left the room and tore off at a full run back to the computer labs.

  “I need to get ready Rina. Time to bring The Butcher out one more time.” Jon told her before he led her to his stateroom. Once inside she looked at all of the photos he had arrayed on his shelves. Some she had never seen and others she remembered as if they had been just taken. He had pictures of that day on his lake, the time in his house, yet another of just her face smiling out at the viewer. What she remembered and what the photo showed were vastly different. Jon had removed everything below her face from the photo. The one she remembered showed her totally naked and the smile was her way of teasing him to pay her more attention instead of working so hard.


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