My Father's Rival: A Silver Saints MC Novella

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My Father's Rival: A Silver Saints MC Novella Page 6

by Fiona Davenport

  “Just exactly how many babies are you expecting me to have?”

  I kissed her quickly before slowly pulling out. “As many as you’re willing to give me.”

  She practically melted and I laughed as I helped her redress her boneless body. “Okay,” she sighed dreamily.

  After we were both dressed, I took her hand and led her towards the door but stopped when she tugged on my hand.

  “What are we going to do about…that guy?” Her eyes had turned sad, so I held back from reminding her the shithead she was referring to was her Dad’s guy.

  “I’ll handle it, baby. Trust me.”

  Her hand tightened in mine and she nodded determinedly. “I trust you.”

  I smiled again and gave in to the instinct to kiss her. Then we left the room and headed back to Logan, who was still talking with Scout. Dax, Link, and a couple of other brothers had joined in the discussion.

  Holding Bridget with an arm around her waist, I made my way over to Logan’s bed.

  He craned his neck to look around me. “Sorry about what you heard, Blue.” My eyebrows shot up at Logan’s apology. He hadn’t done anything wrong. I almost laughed when I realized it was simply the effect Bridget had on us all. Turned us into fucking pussies.

  She smiled and shrugged. “My fault for jumping to conclusions. Besides, I understand why you’d still want Mac to use me as leverage. I want that guy to pay too.”

  Logan frowned and I figured he was about to correct her about wanting to use her but she continued on, “Maybe you guys should still use me.”

  “The fuck!” I exploded. “You’re not leaving me. You need another reminder, baby?” I growled.

  “No,” she squeaked, her cheeks burning brightly with a deep blush. “I just meant that we could use me as a sort of bait. You kidnapped me once, may—”

  “Not fucking happening, Bridget. So just forget that shit right now.”

  Logan interrupted, “We’ve got another idea, Prez. If Pierce can get Gil—”

  “Gil?” Bridget asked, her nose scrunching up like she smelled something bad. “Figures it was him.”

  I raised an eyebrow and waited for her to explain.

  “He’s bad news. My dad always warned me to stay far away from him. If he was with a girl, it was probably Lena. She’s been his on again, off again for a few years.”

  “If she was with the group. Think you could point her out to us, baby?” I asked.

  She nodded. “Sure. She’s really beautiful. Gil likes to show her off, so when they are together, he usually brings her with him wherever he goes.”

  “We can get to Gil another way, Mac,” Logan said. “All I want is to talk to Lena, away from him.”

  “I can make that happen,” Bridget smiled confidently as she spoke. “Bring Cat and I’ll have her ‘bump’ into Lena and spill something. When she comes to the ladies room, I’ll be waiting to talk to her.”

  The idea of Bridget anywhere near any of the Hounds of Hellfire had my fists clenching in rage. But, I knew we needed her and anyone of my men would throw down their life to protect her. I sighed and agreed to the new plan.

  I roared Bridget’s name as I bucked up and came inside her again. After I’d practically torn off her new lingerie, I’d taken her up against the wall then she’d ridden me hard. She was so fucking sexy.

  Collapsing on my chest, she sighed contentedly. “Mac?” she whispered.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “I…um, I know it’s fast but I…” she trailed off and buried her face in my chest hair.

  Fisting her hair, I tugged gently to lift her head. “Tell me you love me, Bridget.” Her beautiful face flushed pink in the most adorable way. “Tell me,” I demanded again.

  “I love you.” She smiled shyly and her hopeful blue eyes stared into mine.

  “I love you too, baby.”

  Bridget lit up like the fucking sun and I immediately needed another taste of her sunshine.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Fuck, I can’t believe I agreed to this plan,” Mac growled as he killed the engine on his bike. We’d just pulled up at the side of Knockers, one of the bars where the Hounds of Hellfire liked to hangout when they weren’t at the clubhouse. With their scantily clad waitresses and cheap drinks, Knockers was popular with guys from other clubs too. It was considered neutral territory, but shit sometimes went down when clubs were already at odds with each other. Considering the current situation between my dad’s club and the Silver Saints was volatile, I was hoping we’d be able to get in, get to Lena quickly, and get out before anything happened—and the only way that was going to happen was if Mac didn’t show his face inside the bar.

  “It’ll be fine,” I reassured him. “Out of everyone here, I’m in the least amount of danger because your guys would never hurt me and neither would my dad’s.”

  “Promise me you won’t take your safety for granted in there, baby. This whole fucking mess started because one of those motherfuckers was beating on a woman.”

  “Good point,” I mumbled, patting his chest. “But I’m just going to duck inside and head straight to the restroom. Nobody should even see me.”

  “Just in case they do,” he said as he reached behind him into the saddlebag. “I want you wearing this instead of my cut.”

  He pulled out a black leather vest, much smaller than his. Holding it up, he turned it around so I could see the back. Silver Saints MC was stitched at the top, and the patch below it said ‘Property of Mac.’ I knew what a big statement this was, and my eyes filled with tears. “Really?”

  “Had it made just for you,” he confirmed as he tugged his cut off my body and shrugged it on. “I love you. You love me.” He claimed my mouth in a rough kiss and whispered the next words against my lips. “Been fucking you bare, which means you might already be carrying my baby. Want the whole damn world to know you’re mine.”

  “This’ll do it.” I smiled up at him after pulling the vest on.

  He rubbed his thumb along my ring finger on my left hand. “So will the ring I’m gonna put here soon.”

  “Oh, wow,” I breathed out.

  “So get your ass in there, do what’s gotta be done, and come back out to me so we can get on with the rest of our lives.”

  “Yes, sir,” I sassed back before turning on my heel and marching into the bar. It was dark inside, which was a good thing because it made it harder for the guys from the Hounds of Hellfire to notice me. I spotted them, though. Four of them were huddled together at a booth in the corner. A couple of pitchers of beer sat in front of them, mostly empty. When I glanced over at the bar, I spotted Lena. She was standing next to an empty stool, her toe tapping while she waited on the bartender.

  Locking eyes with Cat, who was with a couple of other women at a table in the middle of the room, I jerked my chin in Lena’s direction. Cat nodded, and I headed to the women’s restroom. As the door swung shut, I heard a crashing sound and braced because I knew that it meant Cat had done her job and Lena would be right behind me.

  “Bridget!” she gasped when she looked up from patting the wet spot on her shirt and spotted me.

  I moved swiftly, slipping around her to block the door. “Hey, Lena.”

  “What’re you doing here?” she asked, her eyes darting around like she expected someone to jump out at us. “Your dad’s been going crazy since the Silver Saints took you. Did you escape? Do you need help?”

  “I’m actually here to ask you the same question.”

  She gave me a confused look. “I don’t understand. You were the one who was kidnapped out of your own bed. Not me. Why would I be the one who needed help?”

  I lifted a finger and stroked it across the hint of a bruise on her cheekbone that wasn’t quite covered by her makeup. Her eyes dropped to the floor, and I wanted to kick Gil’s ass for taking so much of her confidence away from her. My dad, too, for letting him get away with it. But I was on a mission tonight, and I needed to focus on
what needed to be done. “There’s a guy in the hospital who got a lot more than that from Gil who wants to talk to you.”

  Her head jerked up and tears spilled down her cheeks. “I feel awful about what happened to him, but you know that I can’t go and talk to him. Even without your dad being out for Silver Saint blood, Gil would never be okay with that.”

  “The choice is yours, Lena. Not theirs,” I insisted. “And it’s about time you realized it. I get being scared. Being used to doing what the guys say because it’s what being with a Hounds of Hellfire means. But you deserve better than Gil.”

  She shrugged her shoulders helplessly. “I’ve tried walking away before, but somehow he’s always managed to talk me into giving him another chance.”

  “Maybe it’s finally time for you to leave him for good. Put a stop to the crap he’s put you through and find someone who’s better for you than he the guy who defended you and ended up in a coma for it because Gil doesn’t care about fighting fair. Not that it should be a surprise considering he also likes to hit women.”

  “Do you—” she broke off, shaking her head. “No, he couldn’t possibly.”

  “Do I what, Lena?”

  She took a deep breath and met my eyes hesitantly. “Do you really think that I could end up with a guy like the one who helped me?”

  “Yeah, I do.” I reached out and squeezed her hand. “And maybe not just with a guy like him.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Mac took me because he’d planned to do an exchange with my dad—me for Gil. But things have changed since then, and one of those things is that Logan woke up from his coma and what he wants more than a chance to beat the shit out of Gil is the opportunity to talk to you. So if you’re willing to leave here with me now, the Silver Saints will let the matter drop with the Hounds of Hellfire.”

  “He’s really willing to give up on his revenge? For me?” she squeaked.



  “Yeah, wow. If I were in your shoes, it’d be a no brainer. Dump Gil for real this time. You don’t even have to say a word to him. Just walk out of this bar, head over to the hospital, and see what kind of sparks fly between you and Logan. Even if nothing comes of it, the Silver Saints will make sure you’re protected.” Mac had made sure I knew that going into this, and it had only made me love him even more.

  “He was pretty hot,” she mumbled, blushing.

  “Still is,” I agreed, but only because Mac wasn’t around to hear me. “Even flat on his back and bruised the hell up.”

  She nodded, a determined light filling her eyes. “I’ll do it.”

  “Hot damn!” I heaved a sigh of relief as I tugged on her hand. “Let’s get out of here before anyone comes looking for you and finds me too.”

  The entire thing had gone more smoothly than I’d expected, but I got over-confident as we walked out of the bathroom and forgot to peek out to see if anybody was in the hallway. We only made it a few steps before I halted in my tracks. Lena bumped into me from behind and placed a hand at my back to steady herself. I glanced back at her when she gasped in surprise, and found her gaping down at the patch on my back instead of at the reason I’d stopped in the first place.


  My head jerked forward again at the rasped out word.

  “Daddy,” I whispered. He looked like he hadn’t slept the whole time I’d been gone, and I felt guilty because it’d been some of the best days of my life. I wanted to run forward and throw myself into his arms, but my feet felt like they were glued to the floor. It was a good thing, too, since I spotted Mac stalking towards us looking like he was ready to rip someone’s head off.

  “Oh, shit,” Lena whispered.

  She got that right. My dad led an unconventional life and was feared by many, but there had never been a moment of doubt in my life that he loved me. Then again, I’d never tested his love in the way I was about to do. God only knew how he was going to react to finding out I’d become Mac’s old lady.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The minute I spied Pierce making his way towards the back of the bar, I hustled after him. There was a chance that he would end up in the bathroom before Lena and Bridget came out, but I wasn’t holding my breath. It was clear the minute he saw her because he stopped suddenly, his whole body going stiff.

  Bridget took a step towards her father but halted in her tracks when her eyes slid over his shoulder and met mine. Her hands went to the edges of her vest and she unconsciously tugged the leather tighter around her. If I hadn’t been so pissed off at everything going to shit now, I would have smiled.

  “Um, Daddy…” she trailed off hesitantly.

  “Let’s go, Princess.” He reached out and grabbed her arm, making my vision go red. I didn’t like anyone touching my woman and I didn’t know if Pierce was truly a threat to her or not, which made it even worse.

  “Don’t fucking touch her,” I growled before shoving him back and stepping in front of her.

  Pierce’s face started to turn purple with rage. “I brought you Gil, now give me my daughter, Mac. We had a deal.”

  I shook my head and gently pushed Bridget back behind me when I felt her try to peek around. “Deal is off. Gil can take his chances with the cops and Bridget goes home with me.”

  “You agreed—” Pierce started, but I cut him off.

  “Gil has Bridget to thank. She talked my man into another solution.”

  “Bridget has nothing to do with club business, she can’t change our deal,” he said through a clenched jaw.

  Slowly, I dragged Bridget around to my front, making sure she was facing me and pulling her hair forward so her back was unmistakably visible.

  Pierce gasped and stumbled backwards. “What the fuck?” he roared.

  “Bridget has everything to do with my club’s business,” I snarled. “As the president’s old lady and as my soon to be wife, she’s involved in whatever the hell I say she is.”

  “You can’t force her to—”

  “He isn’t forcing me, Daddy.” Bridget was the one cutting him off this time. She’d pushed lightly against my chest until I gave her a smidgen of room and then turned to face her father. “I love Mac and I’m choosing to stay at his side”—she squared her shoulders and straightened her back—“Besides, if anyone needs to learn a lesson about forcing women, it’s the Hounds of Hellfire.”

  “Now you listen here, Bridget Pierce—”

  I whistled loudly and made a “round ‘em up” motion with my hand. Signaling to my guys who were waiting, unseen, just beyond the hallway. With one last glare at Pierce, I snapped, “I won’t keep Bridget away from you, but if you want to see her or our children, you’ll do it at the Silver Saints compound.” With that, I spun around, keeping a firm hold on my woman so she was protected in front of me and we marched down the hall to the back entrance.

  Bridget dug in her heels to get me to stop before I stepped outside and peered around me. “Lena?” she called. I glanced back to see the woman plastered up against the wall, looking like a deer in headlights. That’s when I noticed two of my brothers restraining a man. He was cursing and trying to get free and come forward, scaring the shit out of Lena.

  Scout brushed past them and swiftly walked over to Lena, he leaned down and whispered something to her and her whole body slumped. Then he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and guided her in my direction.

  Together, the four of us exited the building and made our way to the side where we’d parked our bikes. Cat strolled around from the front and gave me a chin lift before meeting Scout at his hog.

  Cat had ridden her own bike at Bridget’s suggestion and as soon as I saw her gesture to Lena to get on, I understood why. Lena had allowed Scout to lead her out of the building, but it was likely she wouldn’t be very comfortable riding behind him.

  My woman was fucking brilliant and gorgeous.

  Bridget held Lena’s arm and walked
quietly with her down the white-washed hallways of the hospital. Occasionally, Lena would whisper something and Bridget would either nod or shake her head. Finally, she pulled Lena to a stop outside Logan’s room.

  “I don’t know if I should go in,” Lena said, glancing warily at the door. “Are you sure he isn’t mad at me? It’s my fault he’s here.”

  Bridget squeezed Lena’s arm reassuringly. “I promise he wants to talk to you. And, I’m positive that it wasn’t because he’s mad.” Bridget smirked. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he uses your guilt to ask you for a sponge bath though…”

  I threw my head back and laughed drawing the attention of both women. A sweet pink tinge appeared on Bridget’s cheeks and I wanted nothing more than to return to the room we’d christened earlier. But, I knew Bridget didn’t want Lena to face Logan alone, so I sighed and pushed the door open.

  He was sitting up, a definite improvement from the last time we’d been here. The bruises and swelling on his face were also going down, though it would be a while before anyone would be commenting about his “pretty” face. Something we all loved to do to get a rise out of him.

  When he spied our extra visitor, his face lit up and he pushed away the small tray of food in front of him.

  “You bring me someone special to kiss away my pain, Blue?” he asked with a lopsided grin.

  Lena’s eyes widened as she took in his appearance and her eyes filled with tears. That was my cue to get the fuck outta there.

  “I’ll be right outside when you’re ready to go, baby,” I whispered to Bridget before beating a hasty retreat.

  Twenty minutes later, both women walked into the hall. Bridget was grinning ear to ear, and Lena was blushing like a virgin on prom night. I didn’t ask for details, just grabbed ahold of my girl and headed home.



  Staring at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, I cringed. I was still in my pajamas. My hair was months overdue for a cut. I looked like I hadn’t slept in forever. And I didn’t have the energy to do more than run a brush through my hair and put on some lip gloss.


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