Keeper vs. Reaper (Graveyard Guardians Book 1)

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Keeper vs. Reaper (Graveyard Guardians Book 1) Page 25

by Jennifer Malone Wright

  She had already been releasing soft moans of pleasure, but when his tongue swept over her clit, she bucked and grabbed his hair in her hand, letting out a small cry.

  He fought the urge to take her then and there. He wanted her so fucking bad. Not that he wasn’t enjoying the taste of her, or loving the feel of her grinding against his mouth. Oh no, he was totally enjoying that, so much that he wanted to give her even more.

  He braced himself up with one elbow, not letting his mouth separate from her. With his other hand he slid a finger inside her. She let out another cry, this time a little louder and gripped his hair even tighter.

  After another minute or so, he felt her pulling him upward. “Get up here,” she ordered in a low, husky voice.

  Yeah, she didn’t have to tell him twice. He moved up and hovered over her, leaning down to kiss her. The kiss was long and hard, filled with urgency that neither of them were ready to deny anymore.

  “I want you,” she whispered, looking up into his eyes.

  He reached up with one hand and used his fingers to push a lock of stray hair out of her face and told her, “I want you back.”

  And then, keeping his gaze locked on hers, he slid into her. He groaned, feeling her so hot and slick against him. Her eyes went wide when he entered her, then she relaxed and started to move against him, setting the rhythm for the both of them.

  He could have stayed with her like that forever. But, far sooner than he would have liked he felt her body tense, and her back arched beneath him. Her eyes glazed over with passion and she bit down on her lip to keep her cries from being too loud as she came.

  Holy shit, no holding back now, he thought as he felt his own orgasm building.

  She had climaxed and then relaxed back down into the comforter when it was over. Her arms had fallen down into the blankets above her, so he reached up and grasped her around the wrists, one in each of his hands. She gasped and rolled her hips.

  “You ready?” he whispered against her ear.

  She nodded. “Hell yeah.”

  That was the only cue he needed, he couldn’t hold back any more and pumped his hips getting as deep into her as he could possibly get. She bit her lower lip again to keep herself silent, but little moans and whimpers escaped anyway.

  He rocked her body, his thrusts getting harder and harder with each one, until she arched upward, her breasts lifting and he felt the molten warmth clench against his cock again. He came at the same time. Feeling the sweet release of orgasm had never felt more amazing than it did with her.

  Breathing heavily, he stayed inside her until both of them stopped quaking from the aftershocks of their orgasms. Then, he lowered himself down so that he was laying flush on top of her and kissed her.

  “Mmmm, thank God,” she murmured when he pulled his lips away from hers.

  He chuckled and then rolled off of her. “What?”

  She turned on her side and smiled. Her cheeks were flushed and pink from the sex, and it seemed like her skin was fucking glowing. “I just don’t know how much longer I could have gone without doing that.”

  He lay on his back and laughed again. “Same here, trust me!”

  She pulled the comforter that they had been on top of over their bodies and then cuddled up to him, laying her head in the crook of his arm with her cheek on his chest. “You’re amazing,” she told him. “I know that’s sorta cliché for after sex, but I don’t mean that, I mean you … everything about you is amazing.”

  He lifted his head and looked at her. “What? You mean the sex wasn’t amazing, cause I thought it was fucking phenomenal.”

  She slapped at his abs. “Of course it was! You know what I mean.”

  He couldn’t keep the grin from his face. “Yeah, I know what you meant. And for the record, you are the amazing one,” he told her, and then rolled her over so that he could show her again just how amazing he thought she was.

  “Dad, I am not taking Dan wine tasting. That is an accident waiting to happen!”

  Lucy crossed her arms as she argued with her father in the graveyard. He frowned at her with his shimmering and transparent face. “You need to have more than one person with you all the time, Lucy.”

  “I’m fine. Jack is with me and we are both prepared for anything.”

  He shook his head. “Nope, you’re not going to Napa without protection.”

  Lucy looked to the heavens. “You would think out of six brothers and sisters and Ethan that someone would be able to go besides the town drunk. Ugh!”

  Maybe she could just tell him that they were taking Dan and then go by themselves. Yeah, that would probably work.

  “I don’t think so Lucy Mae.”

  She made a face and wiped some of the sweat off her forehead. Damn it was muggy out. It only got like that in Summer Hollow when a storm was heading their way. She even had on a cute little summer dress that was loose and flowing, as well as wearing her hair up in a bun, and she was still sweating. “What?” she demanded.

  “How many times do I have to tell you that it is impossible to lie to me? No, you can’t tell me your taking Dan and then go without him.”

  “Sometimes it’s awfully hard being your daughter,” she told him in a flat voice.

  “Well, the feeling is mutual honey, raising you hasn’t exactly been a piece of cake.”

  Good grief, like it wasn’t enough that she couldn’t go to classes alone. Well, the actual classes she attended alone. But Jack and one of her siblings were always standing right outside the door when she came out.

  Greg Sr. moved his gaze from her to the house where Jack stood on the porch watching them. “How is your friend doing?”

  She shrugged. “I think it’s been harder for him than he lets on. You know, cause he’s so big and tough. But, he lost his parents and his best friend. He doesn’t have a job and can’t work because he’s always guarding me, which I hate by the way. Aside from me, he doesn’t have anything anymore.”

  Her father nodded. “At least he moved in, that makes it easier if he doesn’t have any bills.”

  “Yeah, easier financially, but not for him. He doesn’t like taking from us and not contributing.”

  He shot her a look of concern. “But, he is contributing, he is working … by helping take care of you.”

  “Try and tell him that.” She rolled her eyes. “He doesn’t consider being with me a job, so it doesn’t count.”

  “Well, I can’t say that his outlook on that disappoints me. I rather like it that he treats you like a queen.”

  Lucy’s hands went to her face. “Oh, please don’t use that word.”

  Her father didn’t say anything more, he knew she was talking about the reference to the fact that Jack was a Reaper prince. Even though he renounced the title it didn’t change the bloodline.

  She turned. “I’d better go and fine, I’ll take Dan.”

  He waved and blew her a kiss. “Have fun on your wine tasting trip. Stay in a hotel if you drink too much.”

  She turned and waved back at him. “Love you, Dad.”

  Then, she jogged the rest of the way over to the house. Jack stepped off the porch and let her run up into his arms. “You ready?” he asked, leaning down for a kiss.

  When their lips separated, she inhaled deeply to catch her breath, and then nodded. “Yes, I’m ready, let’s go.” Then she turned and opened the back door and stuck her head in. “Dan! We’re leaving,” she hollered.

  Ethan came out of the house before Dan did. “Hey,” he greeted her and then nodded at Jack. For the first time in their lives, her relationship with Ethan was rocky. They had made up, sort of … but, they mostly walked on eggshells around each other now. He accepted Lucy being with Jack, but she knew he secretly hoped that it wouldn’t last.

  “Hey,” she smiled, “I thought you would be at work already.”

  He shook his head. “Not yet, I’ll be heading that way soon. I just had to swing by and pick up my tool belt.”

  “Oh.” Sh
e didn’t know what else to say.

  He turned to go back in the house. “You guys have fun and be careful. I’ll stop by after work.”

  “We will,” she assured him. “See you, later.”

  With that he disappeared into the house. Lucy let out a sigh, wishing their relationship were on better terms.

  She didn’t have long to dwell on it though because Dan appeared in the doorway, wearing that god-awful trench coat even though it was a freaking sauna outside. She made a face that clearly displayed her disapproval. “Why do you insist on wearing that thing?” she asked.

  He shrugged. “I like it. What do you care, anyway?”

  “Because, Dan, we have to be seen with you.”

  “Yeah, so.” He took a pair of dark tinted sunglasses out of his pocket and slid them on.

  Jack laughed and Lucy stared, mouth hanging open. “Really?” she finally asked.

  “It’s to complete the whole look,” he told her and then sauntered off to Jack’s truck.

  “Dumbass,” Lucy muttered, following Dan down the porch steps. Jack was right behind her, laughing. “Don’t laugh,” she chastised. “That only encourages him.”

  They arrived at the truck and Jack opened the passenger door for Lucy. She grabbed the inside door handle and hauled herself up. She smiled when Jack “helped” her up by giving her ass a push.

  Dan was already in the back seat, putting his ear buds in his ears and searching his playlists for a song he wanted to listen to. That was fine with her, since he was still being an asshole to Jack every chance he got. Jack slid behind the wheel and fired up the engine. She immediately pushed the button to roll down the window. The warm outside air was better than the hot air inside the truck.

  “I’ll have the air conditioner going in a few minutes,” he reassured her.

  She told him it was fine as they pulled out of the driveway and headed for Napa. Thinking about Napa, and grapes and vineyards, only made her think about being kidnapped by the Empress.

  They had never heard from Emily, not that they had expected to, but everyone had agreed that she probably had information they might need. So, they were going to start searching for her.

  “Hey,” she said, getting Jack’s attention.


  “You heard from Aiden at all?” she asked in a low voice.

  He shook his head. “Nah, and I don’t expect to.” I think I’m going to have to call that a loss. “Besides. He can’t call me anyway, my phone is disconnected.”

  “I gave you a phone,” Lucy pointed out.

  “Yeah, but he doesn’t have the number. Damn, what … do you want me to talk to him or something?”

  She leaned back in the seat, knowing that the topic irritated him. “No … I don’t know.” He had told her how close he and Aiden were growing up, so what happened over her and the whole deal with the Empress was pretty fucked up. But still, she felt bad that her man had lost his best friend. That shouldn’t happen to anyone.

  “Well, I’m not going to try and contact him. That only puts you in more danger.”

  “Jack, he knows where we live.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it anymore. We are supposed to be having fun today.” He took his eyes off the road for a second to catch her eye. “Well, more fun. This morning was pretty fun.”

  “Okay, I can hear you, mother fucker,” Dan chimed in from the back seat. “Don’t ever talk about sex with my sister in front of me again unless you want your ass beat.”

  Jack chuckled. “Keeper, you threaten to beat my ass about six times a day.”

  “I mean it this time.”

  Lucy shut her eyes and shook her head. “Knock it off guys.” She scooted closer to Jack and leaned on his shoulder while he drove.

  The first stop on their day of wine tasting was the Beringer House, one of the oldest and largest wineries in the area. Lucy had seen pictures before, but seeing it in person put the photos to shame. No photo would ever do justice to the beautiful architecture of the historical building.

  They took the tour of the Beringer House first. Jack and Lucy walked together, holding hands while Dan tagged along behind them. He still had his sunglasses on and earbuds in. Geez, people probably thought he was some wannabe secret service agent or something. Good grief. Lucy tried to ignore the fact that he was there at all.

  After the tour they had a short break and sat down at one of the tables on the grounds. Lucy felt the air cool just a tad and looked up into the sky. It had completely clouded over while they were getting the tour of the house. “Damn,” she said, feeling the first drop on her shoulder. “It’s raining.”

  “We need it,” Jack pointed out.

  She frowned. “Yeah, but the one day we get to go do this and it freaking rains. Not a good sign at all.”

  “We’re still having fun. Looking at all this historical shit couldn’t be more up my alley.”

  She smiled. “You are such an ass.”

  After the break they went over to the Old Winery for wine and chocolate pairing.

  “I still think this is for chicks,” Jack told her during the tasting. “Wine, I can do, but wine and chocolate together … just get me a package of tampons and I’m good to go.”

  “Shut up,” she scolded. “You wanted to come too.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I did and I’m actually having a good time, only because you’re here.” He looked around. “Can you imagine trying to do this by yourself? How boring.”

  They wrapped up the wine and chocolate pairing and headed into town for some lunch. Since it had only sprinkled a little bit, Lucy chose a nice little restaurant where they could sit on the patio. The patio was like those you see in commercials or ads for trips to Greece. A lattice work with grape vines woven into it shaded the entire patio. The tables were iron, with glass tops and cushions on the chairs.

  Made her feel super classy, sitting there with her big ass, fancy water glass.

  Jack looked around the place and didn’t seem fazed. Yeah, he’d probably been to places like it all the time, growing up the way he did. Dan kept to himself, which was fine, and ordered light, which was better. What made her happiest was that Dan was actually keeping his mouth shut and letting Lucy and Jack have their day. She would have to thank him for that later.

  Just as her food was coming, a crack of thunder sounded and the sky opened up its fury on the Napa Valley.

  “Shit!” Lucy cursed. “I really wanted to eat out here.” She stood and grabbed her purse. Then, she heard her phone ring inside the damn thing. “Ugh, hold on,” she told Jack and Dan, who were already heading for the inside of the restaurant. Luckily, most of the rain wasn’t getting through the patio cover of grapevines, but even a little bit was still enough to make you want to eat inside.

  She pulled her phone out of the bag and saw Hannah’s face on the screen. “Hello,” she answered.


  “Duh, you called me.”

  “Lucy. I need help … you guys have to get here right now.”

  Alarms went off inside her body as she listened to her sister’s words and the frightened waver in her voice. “Hannah, what happened?”

  “Luce, I killed a Reaper. I need help right now.”

  “I’m coming … we’re coming. Call the others,” Lucy ordered, already heading out the door.

  Jack and Dan were right on her heels as she ran out the door. “What’s going on?” Jack asked at the same time Dan wanted to know “What happened?”

  The wind and rain whipped at her, soaking her skin and clothes as she pulled the door of the truck open and looked over at Jack. “New mission, this time we are going to save my sister.”

  Sweltering heat emanated from the searing flames. Alex ignored his blistered skin and burnt clothes. He plunged both arms into the blazing orange inferno without a second thought for his own well-being. His hands frantically flailed until he found what he searched for. He pulled the charred remains up and hugged them to his ches
t before he gave a desperate glance toward the others.

  Smoke curled into his mouth and nose and made it nearly impossible to breathe.

  “Hurry, hurry. Get out now,” a gentle voice whispered into his ears. “You must go right now if you want to live.”

  However, he couldn’t leave them behind.

  “Go now,” the voice whispered more urgently.

  Sparks flew when a giant log broke in half and fell from the ceiling. It crashed onto the floor less than two feet from where Alex stood. Flames engulfed the fallen wood and created yet another obstacle.

  The voice tried again, crying out, “Hurry, Alex!”

  Alex knew he needed to move if he wanted to live, but he paused for a moment to question whether he even wanted to bother. The flames grew while Alex stood motionless, undecided. Suddenly, a great push from behind thrust him forward toward a wall of fire.

  Alex stirred in his mahogany coffin, one of the best money could buy. He felt the soft, white velvet lining rub against his cheek, but it didn't comfort him. He panted like a thirsty dog and writhed helplessly inside the narrow wooden box.

  His eyes snapped open. First, he checked his hands for burns, but he found none. He groaned while he became more aware, and realized he'd had another nightmare.

  He sighed, wondering if the recurring dreams were going to last forever. He reached up and unlatched the locks he’d installed for his own safety, or at least his peace of mind. He pushed open the lid and sat upright. His gaze wandered across the room while his mind tried to fight off the feeling of dread he had about the night ahead.

  In the center of a large stone room that was buried deep beneath his house, his coffin rested on a massive stone slab with Egyptian hieroglyphic carvings around its edges. The carvings read, ‘Death is not but eternal life.’ The slab and coffin were the focus of the room, with the only other items being his slippers and a small table that held a candelabra and a box of wooden matches.

  Alex lit a match and touched it to the candle wicks. A soft glow lit the room and let him safely climb out of his coffin. When he slammed the lid shut, the hollow sound reverberated off the stone walls and quickly died. He wedged his large feet into his slippers, padded to the wide steel door and punched a series of numbers into an electronic keypad. The door emitted a soft whooshing sound when the lock released.


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