Odd Coupling

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Odd Coupling Page 6

by Jaylee Davis

  Sure. Why not? You know you want him.

  “I can stay on the couch tonight,” she said. The room had become awfully warm all of a sudden. A soft sound came from him, low and sexy. Was he purring? Her desire made an untimely comeback. “You should rest. It’s a big bed and you—”

  “I would rest better if we’re together. I promise to make you sleep very well.” He stopped purring to inhale. Their gazes locked. “You are aroused.”

  At his revelation, her desire soared to new heights. She snatched her hand away from his shoulder.

  “How the hell do you know that?”

  Bethany was stunned at herself for being so bold to ask such a thing, but he didn’t seem upset at all. In fact, the corners of his lips lifted in a sly smile, which gradually spread across his face to end in a wide sharp-toothed grin. She just knew she was blushing outrageously.

  He touched the side of his nose. “Heightened senses.”

  “You can smell…that?”

  He nodded enthusiastically. How humiliating! Bethany was struck speechless.

  “You smell wonderful. If you did not wish to sleep, I would be honored to couple with you.”

  Embarrassed and not anxious to hear any more talk about coupling, Bethany sprang to her feet and sprinted to the bedroom door. Once there, she turned and almost screamed. Vren was directly behind her. He’d followed her to the door without making a sound. His eyes sparkled with unmistakable passion while his facial features spoke volumes even to her. He looked as if he wanted to devour her.

  Bethany’s knees threatened to collapse out from under her when she took in the sight of so much lustful eagerness. She certainly wasn’t the only one aroused. As his strong arms circled her waist and he drew her against his hard, muscular body, she whimpered, not in fear, but in surrender.

  Chapter Five

  She accepts me! Vren almost howled in triumph as Bethany rushed away from the bed. Her action could mean only one thing. She was in such a hurry to couple with him she ran. Otherwise, she would’ve stayed and slept with him. Instead, his tempting morsel lured him away from her sleeping area.

  He was thankful the pain in his head had vanished after his short nap. He’d need complete control over his instincts in order to restrain his eagerness to pounce on her. He didn’t want anything to distract him from his goal.

  They were from two separate worlds, and he’d never actually believed she’d agree to couple with him. Although their species were different, they were both humanoid. They were compatible sexually if not reproductively. She was a brave female, and he admired her courage. Not many humanoid females were willing to couple with D’Lyrians, especially the warrior males. He vowed to take his time and prepare her for his larger size while he gave her pleasure with his hands and mouth.

  He pulled her close, and her mouth parted slightly as if begging for him. He bent to claim her. The instant his lips touched hers a powerful jolt of desire shook him. She tasted of sweet passion, and he slipped his tongue inside to explore. She opened to his assault and hers teased his. The kiss turned heated, as if they both sought to devour the other to quench their craving.

  He kept her locked in his embrace with one arm and parted the top of her robe with his free hand. Slowly, he slipped it inside to capture one breast and found more material blocking his way. She wore a top under the robe. The thin material allowed him to feel her nipple harden to a stiff nub against his palm as he caressed the lush mound. It filled his hand perfectly. Her intoxicating scent drove him wild while her little mewls of desire spurred him onward. He slid his fingers downward, seeking and finding the bottom of her shirt. He raised the hem until most of the material was bunched under her breasts.

  At that point, indecision tore at him. He could spend a few moments removing her clothing or he could explore further. Curiosity won out. He dipped his hand down and slid over skin so smooth it made him want to pause to lick every inch. He encountered a surprising discovery. She was completely nude from the waist down. He didn’t stop his descent until he parted her slit with one of his fingers. She moaned and tilted her hips forward, inviting him inside. She didn’t have hair like some humanoid females. He wouldn’t have cared either way. Her soft sex was slick and drenched with need. His cock swelled as his desire soared in anticipation of plunging deep inside her.

  As he thrust a finger inside her channel, and slowly pumped in and out, she trembled in his arms and broke off their kiss to whisper his name. Vren thought he might burst from his pouch. He could hardly believe she was so responsive, so different from D’Lyrian females.

  Since she didn’t seem to appreciate some of the sounds he made, he fought back the desire to yowl in elation after he tested the depth of her sheath and discovered she could accept his length. He tightened his arm to hold her captive, and she practically rode his finger as she moved in unison with his thrusts. He slipped another inside her channel to join the first. She gasped and held on to him as he stroked her soaked pussy and made sure he rubbed the base of his palm on her clit. The little nub stiffened and grew in readiness for his tongue to tease and his lips to suck.

  He needed to move her. There was a seat in her dwelling she called a couch. She moaned in protest as he removed his fingers, but he sealed his lips over hers in a possessive kiss as he swept her up into his arms. She clung to him and sank her nails into his shoulders, not deep enough to cut, but firm enough to let him know she didn’t want him to release her. He couldn’t imagine letting her go—ever.


  What the hell is he doing?

  He’d caught her at the door, and before she’d been able to utter a protest, he’d kissed her. Bethany’s mind reeled, unable to think or act rationally. She did the only thing her body wanted. She kissed him back. God. He tasted good. Salty sweet. His strong arms enveloped her and held her firm against his amazing body. She sensed his strength—tempered but capable of crushing her if he wanted.

  He pushed aside her robe and cupped her breast with one large hand. The nipple hardened instantly. Each time his palm caressed the mound, the soft material of her t-shirt slid across the sensitive nub. The sensation sent jolts of pleasure from the tip all the way down to her pussy, forcing little moans of delight to escape from her throat. Unaccustomed wetness flooded her sex and made her ache with a need so great it became almost unbearable. She wanted to protest as he released her breast, but his hand trailed a heated path down her stomach while his kiss deepened.

  The second his finger stroked along the seam of her sex Bethany couldn’t hold back another moan, and her traitorous pussy pushed against his hand, opening for him, begging him to continue. He didn’t disappoint. His fingers caressed her moist outer lips first before they probed into the soaked dampness of her inner folds. Bethany thought she might die from the sensations he roused within her.

  No one had ever turned her on quite like Vren, and she’d never responded to any man’s touch like she did with him. She wanted to have sex with him, needed to have him between her legs, taking her. Was it madness to want something so badly, especially from an alien? She should stop him, or at least try to stop him.

  It’s just sex, she rationalized, willing to believe anything she said. Her mind was just as traitorous as her body.

  His kiss and hand annihilated any further objections as he plunged a long, thick finger into her and thrust in and out of her slick channel. He hit places she never knew existed. The exquisite sensations were almost overwhelming.

  She could barely breathe as she tore her lips from his, and sighed, “Vren.”

  His grip tightened around her waist as he slipped another finger inside, stretching her vaginal opening to accept the second. The added feeling of fullness turned to sheer delight, and when his finger fucked her while rubbing her clit, Bethany wanted to scream in ecstasy. Instead, she clutched his shoulders, trying to find something to hold on to as waves of pleasure washed over her. She was seconds from coming and desperately aching for release as he pulled his hand
away from her pussy to leave her teetering on the edge of rapture.

  Before she could scream in frustration, his lips captured hers once more in a kiss filled with sexual promise. In the next moment, he shifted his hold. Bethany’s feet left the floor as his powerful arms swooped to lift her up, crushing her to his chest. He carried her out of the bedroom. She drew her head back to break their kiss.

  She stared into a pair of green eyes lit with raw desire. “Don’t you want to go to bed?”

  He blinked and stumbled to a stop. His passionate expression turned to confusion. She thought she also detected a slight look of pain.

  “You wish to sleep?” He panted. “Now?”

  “No!” Bethany shook her head for added emphasis to make sure he understood. “I don’t want to sleep.”

  He stared at her and his eyes narrowed as he tilted his head. He swallowed hard between pants. Since he didn’t seem able to speak, she put her hand on his masculine cheek and stroked the velvety striped skin with her fingers. His eyes closed and he nuzzled into her palm. He shuddered, but his breathing had calmed.

  “I want to couple with you, Bethany.” His voice sounded hoarse.

  The raw depths of his desire came through in his tone. She was stunned. He spoke the truth. He really wanted to couple with her—badly.

  “When you say coupling you mean have sex with me, right?”

  He nodded eagerly. “You are ready for me. I smell your need. Don’t be afraid, Bethany. I won’t hurt you, and I’ll pleasure you before coupling…” He broke off and groaned softly. “If you prefer to go to your bed instead, I will respect your wishes.”

  Bethany thought she could clear up the confusion. “I just thought we could have sex in my bed, that’s all.”

  Her statement seemed to shock him. His eyes widened as if he was horrified by her suggestion, and his upper lip pulled back into a snarl. At least he didn’t make any scary sounds to go along with his obvious disgust. Vren’s head turned toward the bedroom. Slowly, he gave her a sideways glare. He shook his head. Bethany suspected the negative movement was more a reflex than intentional. He blinked several times. She’d also come to the conclusion his blinking meant that he was thinking—really hard.

  “Humans couple…have sex…in the place where they sleep,” he muttered as if remembering.

  “Yes, all the time,” Bethany said with an encouraging smile in hopes of convincing him it was okay.

  His eyes narrowed again and his ears swept back. She knew that look. He was either mad or suspicious.

  “I did not smell another male in your bed.”

  “There isn’t one!” It amazed her how fast he could change the subject. “That’s beside the point,” she added to redirect the conversation. “Why don’t you want to have sex with me in my bed?”

  She’d almost decided it was too much trouble, anyway. The only thing that kept her libido humming at the moment was his heavily-muscled chest with its ripped pectorals decorated with a pair of nipples surrounded by mocha-colored discs. She wanted to lick them.

  “My species does not couple in their sleeping areas.” The sharp tone of his voice left little doubt about how repulsed he was by the idea. Their gazes locked, and a soft frustrated-sounding growl came from him. “Could we use your couch?”

  Bethany grinned and threaded her fingers through his multicolored mane until she reached his ear. Glad it wasn’t the one near his injury, she slowly scratched around the base, teasing him. His reaction surprised her. His eyes closed and he purred. Like a contented lap cat, he leaned into her fingers. Then, as if he realized what she was doing to him, he shook his head to free his ear before he glared at her and frowned. She knew full well he waited for her answer.

  “Yes!” You big sexy kitty.

  His expression was priceless. The look of relief on his feline face made Bethany laugh. He joined her. The sound was deep and sexy. It was the first time she’d ever heard him laugh, and she loved it. Not wasting any time, he carried her to the living room. She squealed in surprise when he dropped her onto the couch and crouched between her legs.

  “Okay, caveman, back up.”

  He looked as if he wanted to object, but he stood and obeyed. Bethany jumped up and slipped off her robe. His tongue swiped at his lower lip as he intently watched her every move. She hoped he’d like what he saw next. She grabbed her shirt by the hem, pulled it up and off to completely bare her body. His eyes widened.

  “You’re a beautiful female.”

  Bethany smiled shyly, pleased by the complement. She’d never considered herself beautiful by any stretch of the imagination. She was the petite little curvy gal with big boobs. On a larger woman, her breasts would’ve been average. It was just a matter of proportion, actually. Bethany thought her friends were all much prettier. She had a heart-shaped face with delicate features. No glamorous cheekbones, full pouty lips or doe eyes framed with long, curled lashes. All her friends were taller than her. Well, who wasn’t? And they were either slender or athletic. She was short and spunky. At least that’s how most men described her.

  Vren’s reaction was a first for her. He looked as if he wanted to devour her whole. Empowered by his response, she pointed at his tapa. “You next.”

  He shook his head vehemently. “No. I want to taste you.”

  Bethany crossed her arms over her chest to hide her breasts. Disappointment battled with frustration across his expressive face. Impatiently, she tapped her foot while waiting for him to comply. As far as she was concerned it was a reasonable request. After all, she was totally nude.

  “We could always go back to bed,” she threatened.

  His response was as unexpected as it was unsettling. He ran his hands over his forehead, raked his fingers into his thick mane and pushed the long strands back over his ears. It gave him a wild appearance. His ears stayed back, and he growled, showing sharp teeth. Bethany clutched her chest, suddenly afraid of what he might do. She studied his reaction and tried to anticipate his next move. Vren’s labored breathing slowed and his fierce expression softened, lessening her fear.

  “I don’t need to remove the tapa to couple with you, Bethany,” he gasped. “I want to satisfy you in every way I know. Please let me. I promise I won’t harm you.” His tail furiously whipped back and forth.

  The very sight made her wonder if she could trust what he’d said. Green glittering cat eyes stared steadily back at her, needy and pleading. Bethany barely felt her knees bend as she sank onto the couch. Even agitated, his powerful form took her breath away. His physique bristled with muscles, each group defined in minute detail. Her gaze locked on his ripped sexy abs. The visual proof of his strength was almost overpowering. One swipe of his tail could probably knock her down.

  “I want you. Just go slow.” Her mouth was dry, but she managed a small swallow before she leaned back on the couch.

  Vren stalked her in much the same way she’d seen her pet cats sneak up on their prey. Only this time she was the mouse. He stared at her, and he seemed poised to strike, as if he expected her to flee. Step by step he drew close enough to crouch between her legs. Once there, his gaze flicked briefly down to her thighs before he looked back at her.

  He placed his hands on her knees and pushed them apart. Bethany tried to relax and let him take control. His nostrils flared and he took a deep breath. A low growl started in his chest and it came forth as a loud, sexy purr when he finally exhaled. The very sound sent shivers of anticipation racing up and down her spine.

  “Your scent drives me insane,” he said with a groan.

  He slid his hands along the tender inner surfaces of her thighs. One finger explored the slit of her pussy, gently probing to enter. Bethany closed her eyes and let her head sink down onto the back cushion. She wasn’t sure if she was ready for what he was about to do. No man had ever performed oral sex on her. Even if they’d offered, she would’ve refused. The very act seemed way to…intrusive, but he seemed determined, and the fact that he thought she smelled good
helped. What if he hates the way I taste? I’m so uptight, I probably won’t come. He’ll be angry. Doubts crowded her mind, and for a split second, she almost backed out until a burst of confidence overcame them. Don’t screw this up, you idiot. A sexy alien wants to make love. Scratch that thought. He wants to have sex with you. Enjoy it.

  She whimpered in anticipation as he parted her inner lips with his fingers, and warm air blew across her sex. In the next instant, his hot mouth covered her pussy and his rough tongue took long laps against her clit. The sensation sent pleasure radiating outward along every nerve ending in her body, shocking her by its intensity. Each stroke drove her desire higher as her body responded in preparation. Moisture flooded her sex, and he thrust his tongue inside to hungrily lick it away before returning to mercilessly tease her nub as if begging for more.

  Bethany clutched his head, threaded her hands through his thick hair and held on tight. Vaguely, she was aware she’d grabbed his ears, and she caressed them near the base with her fingers. She was careful to avoid his injury while she used her nails to stoke him. She didn’t know if that was why he purred or not, but the vibrations against her sensitive nub sent her to the very edge of rapture. As he closed his lips around her clit and sucked it into his mouth, then flicked it, the intensity shot over the top. She climaxed hard, moaning his name over and over. At the same time, he forced his tongue inside, and her pelvic muscles clamped down as if trying to capture it. The penetration seemed to prolong her pleasure. As the spasms eased, he withdrew and lapped leisurely at her soaked pussy.

  She lifted her head to stare down at him. His eyes opened to look back at her while he continued to lick. He purred happily. She suddenly realized she still had a firm hold on his ears. Bethany released him. She hoped she hadn’t hurt him, but she hadn’t felt a lump.

  “That was incredible.” She managed a weak smile.


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