Kodiak Moment: An Alpha Werebear Paranormal Shifter Romance (The Arcadia Knights Book 2)

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Kodiak Moment: An Alpha Werebear Paranormal Shifter Romance (The Arcadia Knights Book 2) Page 15

by Olivia Gayle

  “Anywhere but here. Some want to go to Haven, but I’m not sure Nadine’s willing or able to take on new guests just yet. Others are heading out into the human world, figuring it’s easier to hide in plain sight.” Warren sighed. “We can’t keep them here against their will, and frankly I understand where they’re coming from. Fortunately, it’s not a huge percentage of people leaving; for most, Arcadia’s their home, and they want to stay.”

  “And defenses?”

  “That’s the next order of business, but not tonight. Go home, get some rest. Tomorrow starts the real job of rebuilding everything from scratch.”

  Chapter 22

  It felt strange lying in a soft bed, secure within his own home, after such a disturbing and world-changing day.

  But his mate was curled up at his side, making slow circles with one finger around his nipple, and Logan was content.

  “What do you think they’ll start with tomorrow?”

  Logan shrugged one shoulder. “Rebuilding, I’d guess,” he said softly, pulling her closer in beside him. “People’s homes were destroyed, their lives shattered. Getting some of those structures back up could help a few people settle back into normalcy.”

  Abby just made a small sound against his side but didn’t reply. Logan looked down at her, tracing her face with his fingers. “Where do you think we should start?”

  She was quiet for a long moment. “I don’t know,” she said softly. “I’ve never been in a situation like this where so much was destroyed and lost.”

  Gathering her into his arms, he laid his chin atop her head, taking a moment of his own to breathe in her sweet scent. Having her at his side calmed the anger and helplessness raging inside of him. It was easier to focus on that than to dwell on the day and everything he’d lost. So he held her close, focusing on the softness of her body against his and letting everything else about the day fall to the wayside.

  After a moment, she stirred in his arms, turning her face to look up at him. “When will I know what kind of animal I’ll become?”

  Logan considered her for a moment, counting back the days. “It usually takes about two weeks for everything to fall into place, so probably any day now.” He moved, sliding one leg between hers to bring her closer. Heat automatically fired through his groin, but for right then at least it wasn’t sex that was on his mind. “Have you felt anything in your mind, like another presence itching to get free?”

  Abby frowned, deep. “Maybe? I’m not sure what I’d be trying to find.”

  “Everyone’s connection to their animal is a little different. For me, it’s like an old friend, one that I can talk to and even sometimes argue with. A stubborn voice in your head that seems separate from the rest of your thoughts.” He paused to see if she’d understood, but she still seemed blank. “Okay, tell me: what do you want to do to me right now?”

  The sassy smile Abby gave him got him hard within seconds, but then her eyes widened in surprise. “Okay, that’s weird.”

  “What is?”

  She laughed. “A part of me wants to jump your bones, while another part is… Do we have any milk?”

  “Should be some in the refrigerator. Power’s out, but it should still be good for a little while longer.” Reluctantly, he released her, nudging her toward the bedroom door. “Go on, humor it and see what happens.”

  Abby gave him an incredulous look but got out of bed, moving quietly across the floor. He listened as she padded into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator door, and pulled out the milk, then smiled into the silence.

  “How do I get it to come out?” she asked as she climbed back into bed a few moments later, sitting atop the mattress on her knees and staring at him with wide-eyed surprise.

  “Ask it.” He tugged at her shirt. “Although you might want to take these off first.”

  She gave him a saucy grin. “You just want to see me naked.”

  YES! But Logan didn’t say his thoughts aloud, just enjoyed it as his mate removed the old tank top of his that she’d been wearing, revealing the thin bra beneath it. When she unclasped it, his dick went from half-hard to full-blown NEED within a second.

  “Maybe we’ll hold off on calling out the animal,” he growled, grabbing Abby around the middle and pulling her atop him. She laughed loudly, straddling his hips as his hands roamed over her torso.

  “I thought you wanted to see what I turned into,” she teased, but he could smell her growing arousal, and it only made him need more.

  “In a minute.” Both of his hands went around behind her and underneath the thin underwear she wore, squeezing her buttocks. She gasped, grinding down against him and setting off sparks in Logan’s head.

  He was already naked but, in true human fashion, Abby still had too much clothing on. Grabbing both sides of her underwear in each hand, he tore them sideways, ripping them into shreds and discarding the pieces.

  Above him, Abby giggled. “I won’t have a thing to wear soon,” she murmured, leaning down to kiss him.

  “Good,” he murmured against her lips, suddenly desperate for their union. His hand snaked down between them, and found her wet and eager for him already. Grabbing her hips, he positioned her above him, then thrust upward with his hips, burying himself deep inside her body.

  Abby gasped, throwing her head back. Logan grabbed a breast with one hand, while steadying her with his other. Being inside her was heaven; she was warm and wet and his. The mate he thought he’d never find rode him hard, moaning her pleasure, and Logan reveled in the feel and look of her.

  The image of his mother crying over her dead mate flashed across his mind, breaking the mood for a second. He understood now what would drive someone to do such an act…

  “What’s wrong?”

  Abby’s sweet voice above him pulled him back to the present. She was watching him, concern in her beautiful eyes. Shaking his head to clear out the memories, he reached up to cup her face in his hands. “I love you.”

  Her smile was so very precious to him. She leaned down as if to kiss him, but instead tweaked his nose with one finger. “Of course you do.”

  Logan’s eyes narrowed, and he slammed his hips upwards, planting himself deep inside of her. Her eyes fluttered closed, small hands fisting against his shoulders, as Logan fucked her from below. His powerful hands held her in place as he dominated her from below, and was pleased when he felt her muscles quake around him as she let out a cry.

  He came with her only seconds later, giving a hoarse shout as he filled her, Abby’s pulsations around his cock milking him of every last drop. The sex was a welcomed relief, and Logan pulled Abby down beside him, but his mate seemed to still be fired up.

  “Hang on,” she said, rolling off her side of the bed still naked. Logan watched her walk away, appreciating the curves to her legs and ass. He could admire that view all day, every day, for the rest of eternity, and still never grow tired of it.

  But then she turned around, holding up one finger. “Hang on, I think I’ve got this.”

  For a moment, Logan wasn’t sure what she was talking about. Just for a moment. But as he watched, pale hair rippled across her shoulders and belly, her arms elongating and growing thicker. Her head changed, growing wider and longer, the hair atop her head receding and being replaced by fur. She collapsed to her hands and knees, just in time as her legs shrank and her spine elongated into a long, thin tail.

  Logan’s lips spread into a huge smile as, where his human mate had once stood, now a tan-and-black leopard stood in her place. “You’re beautiful,” he said softly as she examined first her paws, then her body and tail. When she seemed to chase her tail, trying to catch it with one paw, he laughed out loud, the sound capturing her attention.

  Suddenly she sprang at him, landing atop his chest and driving Logan back into the headboard. Beneath them, the bed groaned but somehow didn’t break as she curled up atop him, hugged his head between her two huge paws, and started licking his face with a thick, raspy tongue.

>   He ran his hand across the fur atop her head, following the contours of her ears and down along her back, then repeated the motion. The huge cat began to purr, nudging her head under his chin and laying out over him, demanding attention that he was happy to give. “You’re beautiful,” he murmured again, laying a kiss to the top of her head and marveling at his mate’s animal.

  Then, a bit faster this time, she grew smaller and thinner, fur receding and hair growing out again atop her head, until it was Abby lying on top of him. She gave him a big grin, then laughed in delight, rolling over onto the bed beside him. “That was incredible,” she murmured in an awed voice.

  Logan growled, hooking an arm around her torso and rolling them over until he was behind her, the rise of her buttocks beneath an already-hard cock. “If you think that was amazing,” he said in a low voice, nipping one ear lobe, “what would you call this?”

  Then he gave her something to truly be in awe about, not just one or twice, but four times, before they both settled into sleep, entwined in each other’s arms.

  Author’s Note

  I’d like to say a BIG thank you to everyone who stuck with me for this series! KODIAK MOMENT was a blast to write, and I’m already hard at work on the next book in the series. I’d like to say a big thank you to my editor Laura, my cover artist Clarise from CT Cover Creations, and my loverly beta readers Sara and Lauren. It really does take a village, doesn’t it?

  For all you beautiful folks who are new to this series, as a limited-time bonus I’m including the first book, BEARLY EVER, in with this story. You’re getting two books in one, and able to see how it all started with Aidan and Ever’s story!

  Thank you all again for all of your support, I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me. Enjoy!


  When Ever Jackson came to Arcadia to track down her missing sister, she was immediately met with suspicion by the strange residents. Nobody's willing to help her search, but she's determined to get to the bottom of things. Even when a pesky town sheriff decides to stick his nose where it doesn't belong, lawman or not, Ever isn't leaving Arcadia without her sister.

  Aidan Tucker preferred humans stay out of his Shifter town. They're a danger to his world, especially nosy ones like Ever. His job was to get the girl off Shifter land...until he got a whiff of her, and realized with a shock that the little spitfire who won’t back down from a fight is both human, and his mate.

  Well, hell.

  The human might get herself killed, so Aidan tags along even though she doesn't want his help. But there are secrets in his town that go beyond mere shapeshifting, some that even the Sheriff doesn't know, and Ever Jackson may be right in the middle of trouble…

  Chapter 1

  Who knew it would be so hard to find one little apartment in this town?

  The last four places Ever had looked at all ended the same way: the landlord had taken one look at her and told her the place was rented. They’d all wrinkled their noses at her, frowned slightly, and delivered the message that, though couched in much more pleasant terms, she wasn’t welcome in their town.

  Four times.

  In a freaking row.

  Good thing she left her options open and had scheduled seven viewings for the day, but this was ridiculous.

  Shoving back her dark hair and biting back a groan, Ever checked her GPS for the next location and got it going before pulling out into traffic. Her mood had soured over the fruitless afternoon. She had good credit, could pay cash for six months rent up front, and came with glowing recommendations if anybody had asked to see.

  Nope. This town didn’t want her.

  Too bad, because she wasn’t leaving.

  The fifth location on her list was a small house, not an apartment. The lady had sounded nice on the phone, but Ever wasn’t taking any chances. Still driving, she put on fresh deodorant and checked her makeup quickly in the mirror. It was frankly more than she was used to wearing, but she’d hoped to make a good impression.

  May as well have worn a burlap sack and frizzed your hair.

  Ah well, might as well give it one more try before doing anything drastic.

  There was an SUV parked outside the house already when Ever pulled up. An older lady stepped out and gave a small wave as Ever stopped her car. The woman seemed friendly, but so had all the others. This time will be different, Ever thought, taking a deep breath before opening the door.

  “Pleased to meet you, young lady,” the other woman said, holding her hand out. “I’m Adeline Rhodes, we spoke on the phone yesterday?”

  “Hi, Mrs. Rhodes.” They shook hands, and Ever felt some of the tension leave her. So far, so good.

  The older woman beamed at her. “It’s always wonderful to see young people moving into town. My oldest went off to college and never came back, more’s the pity. I’d love to have my grandson closer, but some folks just don’t do well in this town unless, well, you know. I can’t blame her, it certainly has its ups and downs. So, I assume you want to see the property?”

  “Yes ma’am,” Ever replied, unconsciously falling back onto her Southern upbringing.

  “And so polite! It’s always such a pleasure to see young people today with manners. So many these days just have no respect. I like you already, young lady.”

  Ever wasn’t sure how to reply. “Um, thank you ma’am.”

  “Well, come on in, I’ll show you around.”

  Wow, a big difference from the last four showings. Ever had been expecting a battle, not to be bowled over by a lonely old lady.

  “Now I know it’s smaller than the pictures online make it look, but it’s homey, and everything works. It’s got all new carpet and padding, the appliances were updated five years ago, and a fresh coat of paint.”

  A reluctant smile tugged at Ever’s lips. “It’s perfect,” she murmured, looking around.

  “The rental company pays for water and sewage, but you’re in charge of electricity and gas. And I’m sure you’ve already checked in with Sheriff Tucker about moving in. He likes getting all the permissions and approvals before letting anyone stay long-term in Arcadia.”

  The other woman’s back was to Ever when she said it, so she missed the confused look on the younger woman’s face. Ever recovered quickly however, nodding vigorously. “We spoke a couple weeks ago,” she said, the lie rolling easily off her tongue.

  Permissions? Approvals?

  “Good. Come on, I’ll show you the bedrooms.”

  An hour later, she’d signed the forms and written a check to cover the deposit and first/last month’s rent. The house was hers.

  That had been easy. Well, easy-ish.

  The house was tiny, cramped, and smelled heavily of fresh paint. It was completely different than anyplace she’d been before, and she loved it.

  No. Adored it.

  Filling a space like this wouldn’t be a big problem, but she didn’t intend to stay long enough to need furniture. Everything she owned was in the back of that tiny hatchback, including a blow-up mattress and sleeping bags. She had work to do, and no time to go shopping for furniture. Something told her that she wouldn’t have much time in this town, so she needed to hurry with her search.

  Leaning against the wall, she pulled off her glasses and rubbed her weary eyes. Fishing her phone out of her back pocket, she clicked it on and checked her saved voicemails. She slid down to sit on her butt as the last message from her sister, sent almost two weeks ago, rang through the small house.

  “Sis, it’s me. Listen, I need your help. I’m in Arcadia and…I don’t know, something’s up. I feel like I’m being stalked, or hunted. I know things have been weird between us lately, but there’s a reason and I’ve been trying to keep you out of it. But…I need you here, I need you to help me stay focused. I…I…Just please come. I’m at sixty-two twenty-three Strawberry Court, please just call me as soon as you get this.”

  The message ended. Ever stared up at the ceiling. It didn’t matter how many
times she’d listened to that message, it never failed to make her tear up. There was a desperate quality to her words, as if she knew something bad was about to happen. And maybe it had, because when Ever had called her back, Sonya’s phone had been off. Ever had left a handful of messages before packing up her stuff and driving nearly two thousand miles, only to find the address her sister had given the center of a demolished heap, and neighbors not having a clue where she’d gone.

  What the hell had happened?

  Chapter 2

  Staring down a raging bull shifter was a lot more interesting in human form, especially when he decided to charge like you were waving a red cape.

  Aidan figured telling old man Landry that delightful and slightly species-ist statement right then would be a bad idea, so he kept his mouth shut and darted sideways at the last minute. Even with the preternatural speed Aidan had as a shifter himself, the giant bull still barely missed him with its horns, crashing head first into the outhouse and smashing it to bits. The dense smell from inside immediately permeated the area but didn’t seem to calm the huge beast down.

  “Roy, listen to me,” he started again, but the bull wouldn’t have any of it. He bellowed, swinging around, and charged again straight at the sheriff. There were few things in the world more stubborn than an angry were-bull, which was especially interesting given the human Roy Landry was as mild-mannered as they came. Aidan would get to the bottom of what had set off the other man, but first he had to get him back in speaking form.

  Faced with either running out of the way again or standing his ground, Aidan gritted his teeth. Tired of being the weak one in this equation, and knowing no human could stop this creature, he grit his teeth and Shifted.

  The bull balked at the huge bear suddenly before him, and Aidan took advantage of the brief pause. He lifted himself up on his back legs and grabbed onto the giant horns, pushing down. The lack of opposable thumbs was immediately apparent but he still had the desired effect. The bull’s head lowered, one wide horn digging into the ground and throwing the great beast off balance.


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