brimstone witch 09 - witch is dead

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brimstone witch 09 - witch is dead Page 15

by April Fernsby

  The poor butterfly looked worn out by the time Vera had finished speaking. I thanked her and she fluttered away.

  Stanley went over to the window to watch the butterfly. “I can see Luca. He’s heading this way. Shall we let him in or pretend we’re out?”

  “Why would we pretend we’re out? I thought you liked Luca.”

  “I do. I love him. But you’re busy and he’ll only get in your way.”

  I nodded. “I am busy, but you’re not. You could tell him about our case while I get on with my notes.”

  Stanley gave me a nod of affirmation and padded over to the cat flap. He stuck his head through it and a moment later, I heard him say, “Hi Luca! Come in. Cassia’s too busy to talk to you, but I’m not.” He moved away from the cat flap. The door opened and Luca came in with a quizzical look on his face.

  I stood up and walked over to him. “I don’t think Stanley’s words came out right. I am busy, but I’m pleased to see you.” I gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “How are you?”

  He pulled me into a hug and said, “All the better for seeing you.” He released me and looked over at the table. “Blimey, you’ve got a lot of books on that table. Do you need any help going through them?”

  “No, thank you. Stanley will get you up to date with our case while I try to make sense of everything we’ve found out so far.”

  Stanley said, “Cassia put herself under a spell and she nearly died! Again.”

  Luca sighed and looked down at me. “Why doesn’t that surprise me? Would you like a cup of tea?”

  “I’d love one.”

  “And a toasted sandwich with extra cheese?” he added.

  “Perfect. Thank you.” I was going to quip that nearly dying had made me hungry, but I didn’t think he’d appreciate that comment.

  I went back to the table and left Luca and Stanley to each other’s company. As I went through Gran’s spell books, I heard the occasional comment coming from them. It was mainly Stanley who was talking. Luca let out the occasional cry of outrage.

  A cup of tea and a toasted sandwich were placed in front of me at one point. I gave a nod of thanks and looked back at the spell which had caught my attention. That was interesting. I absentmindedly ate the sandwich while looking at related spells. They referred to transformations and enchantments. I made many notes as more information came to me.

  As the pieces began to fit together, I became aware of what Luca was saying.

  He had Stanley on his knee and had just said, “I’m glad Tobias is safe. He sounds like a brave cat. I can’t wait to meet him.”

  Stanley replied, “Oh, that’s right. You haven’t met him yet.”

  I slammed my hand on the table. “That’s it! Tobias is the key to this mystery. It makes sense now. Luca, I’m going to need your help.”

  Chapter 31

  I told Luca and Stanley what I was thinking. They were speechless, to begin with, then Luca said it did make sense in a roundabout sort of way.

  “I want to speak to Henrietta’s sister before I take things further,” I said. “There’s an aspect of her life which I need to clarify.”

  We headed over to Henrietta’s sister and she told me something which backed up my theory. I felt it was only right to tell her what we’d discovered so far. I also told her how much Henrietta had been charging Selena for her vampire potion.

  Her sister said, “That’s far too much. Selena must have been furious about having to pay so much.”

  “She must have been,” I agreed. “But she continued to pay it. I think Gethin was paying over the odds for his potions too. I haven’t come across a pile of money in Henrietta’s house, but there again, I wasn’t looking for it. I think I might know where it is.”

  I promised to keep her informed about my investigation before leaving.

  Stanley, Luca and I returned to Dingy Skipper and Henrietta’s house. I sent a butterfly message to Vera Gilligot and asked her to come over. She was with us within minutes.

  When she arrived, Vera said, “Tobias is still asleep. I’ve never known a cat to sleep so deeply. You said you needed my help. What do you need?”

  I took her over to the stockroom and began to take the bottles out. Luca helped me to line them up on the table.

  I pointed to the names on the front of the bottles. “Vera, can you confirm which of these names you recognise? If there are any you don’t recognise, put them on the left-hand side of the table.”

  “This is all very mysterious,” Vera replied. She looked at the first bottle. “Ha! I knew Aphid Wrinklebottom was having problems with hair loss. She denied it, but I knew she was thinning on top. And no wonder too. You should hear what that lazy son of hers gets up to. I’d lose my hair too if I had a son like that.”

  As politely as I could, I said, “Thank you for the extra information, but we don’t have time for that. If you recognise the name, just put the bottle on the right-hand side.”

  Vera gave me a firm nod. “I can do that. Leave that to me. I won’t say another word.”

  She didn’t say another word as she looked through the bottles. But that didn’t stop her from tutting to herself or nodding in a knowing manner. I realised she was picking up many nuggets of gossip, but it couldn’t be helped.

  The stockroom shelves were soon emptied and we waited silently while Vera went through the names. The majority of them were placed on the right-hand side of the table. Two were put on the left-hand side.

  When she’d finished, Vera whispered loudly, “Can I talk now?”

  “You can,” I replied.

  She pointed to the two bottles on the left-hand side. “Who are these beings? I’ve never heard of them in my life. They don’t live in Dingy Skipper; I’m certain of that.”

  “They don’t live anywhere.” I looked down at Stanley and said, “Are you ready to do your bit now?”

  He sighed. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  He lifted his nose in the air. I cast a smell-enhancing spell on him. He jumped onto the table and sniffed the bottles. The sad look in his eyes gave me my answer.

  I patted Luca on the chest. “Right, it’s your turn now. Are you ready?”

  Luca began, “You know I’ll do anything for you, Cassia, but I’m not sure about being used as live bait.”

  I swatted his chest playfully. “It’ll be fun.”

  “Fun? That isn’t the word I’d use,” Luca said. “Are you sure this will work?”

  “No, not at all. But if my theory is correct, then it should do.” I felt a tap on my knees and looked down at Vera.

  She said, “I know I shouldn’t be sticking my nose into your investigation, but what are you going on about? What’s all this about live bait?”

  I explained, “You know Luca is a guardian?”

  “I do. And a handsome one too.” She winked at Luca who instantly reddened.

  “He’s also a shapeshifter,” I continued. “An experienced shapeshifter. He can spot another shapeshifter easily no matter what shape they’re in.”

  Vera gave Luca a look of admiration. “Talented as well as handsome.” She suddenly looked away from Luca and at me. “Oh! Now I understand. That’s why that fake Lurking Elf attacked Luca! They didn’t want Luca to know they were actually a shapeshifter and not an Elf!”

  I smiled at her. “That’s it exactly.”

  Vera frowned. “And now you want to use Luca as bait? Are you hoping that fake Elf will turn up and attack him again?”

  My smile wavered a bit. “I’m hoping we’ll get to the shapeshifter before they attack Luca. I’ve sent a message to Darren Vexx to let him know what we’re doing. He’ll be ready to chase after the shapeshifter and so will his employees.”

  Vera gave me an uncertain look. “And what if they don’t? What if this piece of shapeshifting scum gets away?”

  “Then I’ll go after them,” Stanley said. “They won’t get away from me.”

  Luca rubbed his hands together. “Let’s get on with it before I
change my mind.”

  I put my hand on his arm. “I appreciate this. I really do.”

  “I know. Just have your healing magic ready if things go wrong.” Luca gave me a smile before leaving the house.

  Stanley, Vera and I walked over to the window which looked out onto the street. I said to Vera, “I’ve cast a tinted spell on this window. We can look out, but no one can see us. Gran’s got the same windows back in Brimstone.”

  Vera’s mouth dropped open. “I would love windows like that! When this is all over, we’ll discuss that.”

  We watched Luca as he walked away from the house. On cue, Darren Vexx appeared and started talking to Luca.

  A bit too loudly, Luca said, “Yes, Cassia’s found all the evidence she needs in Henrietta’s house. She’s transported herself and Stanley back to Brimstone to collect some important books. I’m keeping an eye on the place.”

  Stanley shook his head. “He’s a terrible actor. It’s obvious he’s putting on a show.”

  “As long as he fools that shapeshifter, that’s all that matters,” I said.

  Darren Vexx nodded and said loudly, “I wish I could keep you company, but that imposter has been spotted on the other side of town. I’m going over there now to catch him.”

  Stanley shook his head. “This is like a bad pantomime. Why is Darren talking like that?”

  Luca and Darren gave each other exaggerated waves before Darren walked away. Luca put his hands behind his back and began to whistle as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

  Then we all waited for the shapeshifter to appear

  Vera put her hand on her stomach. “I can’t look. I feel queasy. I can almost taste the danger.” She swayed on her little feet. “I don’t feel good at all.”

  I took my attention off Luca and focused on Vera. “You do look pale. Sit down and take some deep breaths.”

  Stanley suddenly screamed, “Luca! Watch out!”

  I snapped my head back to Luca. He was lying on the ground. A hooded figure stood over him with a knife. I raced to the door, pulled it open and yelled, “No!”

  The figure looked my way, dropped the knife and reached into their pockets. Glass bottles were brought out and the creature hurled them at me. The bottles exploded in front of me and plumes of grey smoke shot out. I couldn’t see a thing in front of me.

  I heard Stanley shouting and Vera screaming behind me as the smoke entered the house at an alarming rate. It was like a living creature intent on destruction.

  “Fire!” Vera called. “The house is on fire!”

  Despite my rising panic, I recalled the spell I needed and set about casting it. I aimed it at the smoke first and managed to clear most of it. When I could see more clearly, I saw fire devouring the furnishings around us. Vera was trapped behind the sofa. I dashed forward and ignored the burning heat as I forced water to appear from my hands. I held onto that spell until all the flames had been extinguished. Vera was lying on the floor at this stage.

  I picked her up and took her outside. I was startled to see Dr Morgan complete with her doctor’s bag.

  She said swiftly, “I had a feeling I’d be needed here. And I was right. I’ve seen to that boyfriend of yours. He’s got a nasty cut above his eye and a split lip.” She held her arms out. “Give me the gnome. I’ll deal with her. You’d better get after Stanley.”

  “Stanley?” I handed Vera over. “What do you mean?”

  “I turned up as all hell was breaking loose. I saw that creature throwing missiles at this house. Then he ran in and came back out with Stanley under his arm. He went off running that way.” She indicated her head to the right.

  I gulped. “Did you see anyone running after them? Darren Vexx was supposed to be keeping guard out here.”

  Dr Morgan looked to the left. “Darren Vexx is lying unconscious down here, along with his colleagues. Cassia, I’ll deal with all of this. Stanley is your priority. Don’t let anything happen to him.”

  Chapter 32

  My vision swam with frustrated tears as I shot off down the road. What a fool I’d been! Why did I use Luca as live bait? I was ninety percent sure I knew who the killer was, so why did I have to lure them out? I should have confronted them head-on. Not play these ridiculous games. I’d put Luca’s life in danger, and now Stanley’s. I’d never forgive myself if anything happened to Stanley.

  I called out Stanley’s name as I raced forwards. I rounded a corner and came to a dead end. I changed direction and went another way. I soon came to another dead end. I continued running and shouting Stanley’s name. I had no idea where he could be. Tears spilled down my cheeks as I came to another wall. Where was he?

  I clenched my hands in frustration. I felt so helpless. I forced myself to think calmly. There must be some spells I could use to find him.

  Something alighted on my shoulder. It was a Dingy Skipper butterfly. It’s big eyes looked at me.

  “Can you help me? Please?” I pleaded.

  I didn’t need to say another word. The butterfly rose and moved slowly forward. It looked back at me as if to say, “Don’t just stand there. Follow me.”

  I wiped my eyes and followed the beautiful creature as it led me through a maze of streets. I would have been completely lost without my fluttering guide.

  The butterfly led me to Stanley. He was sitting on the pavement in a deserted street. Tobias was sitting next to him.

  In a quiet tone, I said to the butterfly, “Would you bring Luca here, please? Thank you.”

  The creature dipped its head and flew away.

  Tobias called out, “Cassia! Are you alright? Stanley told me what happened. Have you caught the shapeshifter? Is it Selena?”

  I shared an incredulous look with Stanley. I moved over to the cats and said, “Tobias, that’s enough. No more lies.”

  Stanley said to me, “Can you do something about his present form? I can’t bear seeing him like this. It’s turning my stomach.”

  I aimed my hands at Tobias and cast the required spell. I then made a twirling motion using one hand.

  Tobias changed from his cat shape to his normal shapeshifting self. The hooded cloak which he’d been wearing a short while ago appeared and spun around him. It bound his hands tightly to his side. He blinked at me through small, wire-rimmed spectacles.

  He opened his mouth to speak.

  Stanley hissed at him, “No! You don’t get to speak! You don’t get to make fools of us anymore. We let you into our apartment. We took care of you. We fed you. I watched Tom and Jerry with you. Cassia even cuddled you! And all the time, you were playing us for fools. You even fooled us with your own kidnapping and that fake message from Gethin.”

  Tobias looked away and said, “I didn’t know you were in Henrietta’s house, Stanley. Honest. I threw the firebombs in to destroy the evidence I’d left behind. When I saw you were inside, I went in and rescued you.”

  Stanley retorted, “Rescue me? It was you who nearly killed me in the first place.” He trotted over to me and turned his back on Tobias. “Cassia, make this quick. I can’t bear to be near that vile creature for much longer.”

  “I understand. I feel the same. He fooled us all.” I looked at the shapeshifter. “Tobias, why did you kill Henrietta?”

  Tobias looked back at me. I saw his mouth lift into the smallest sneer. “I had to. She found out what I’d been doing. I’d collected more than enough money from those stupid vampires and I was about to make my escape. But she found those bottles I’d hidden in the stockroom. She was going to stop me from leaving. She was going to lock me up and make me pay for what I’d done.”

  “Stop lying. You wanted her to find those bottles. You wanted to kill her.”

  Tobias’ smirk increased.

  I continued, “When did you first start changing yourself into Henrietta?”

  “It was after Selena had been to visit her. I knew what Henrietta was charging her and it was next to nothing. I could see how desperate Selena was for that potion. I knew sh
e’d pay a lot for it. I used a sleeping draught on Henrietta one day when I knew Selena was due to visit. Even though she’s a shapeshifter too, she had no idea it was me who was sitting opposite her. I fooled her like I fooled everyone. She handed over the extra money with no complaints.”

  I said, “You used Memory Mist on Henrietta to make her think she’d had those meetings with Selena. You used it on Vera Gilligot too. I’ve come across Memory Mist before and I know how it interferes with someone’s memory so that they can’t tell what’s real and what are the lies they’ve been fed.”

  Tobias threw me a look of disgust. “It didn’t work for long on that Gossiping Gnome. Her mind is too strong. It worked on Henrietta just fine.” He paused. “Most of the time. She kept remembering things that she shouldn’t. She even wandered in on me one day as Gethin was leaving. That gave her a fright. I had to give her an extra dose of the Memory Mist and a sleeping draught that night.”

  “That’s what those bottles are in the stockroom. Stanley found your scent on them. Stanley located your money too. Putting it beneath the floorboards in the kitchen wasn’t a clever thing to do. Stanley found your stash straight away.” I looked down at Stanley. He was staring forwards and I could tell how difficult this situation was for him. I focused my attention back on Tobias. “Who’s idea was it to supply Gethin with those nasty potions? The ones which helped him intimidate the residents?”


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