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Page 13

by Miranda Forbes

  For herself, Emma preferred the simple look, a short, flattering cut of her deep brown hair that didn’t require much maintenance, clothes that she could easily mix and match in grey, black, white and olive green, with the occasional splash of purple, nails short and clean, maybe with some clear gloss, never anything more colourful. All the primping and fussing were best left to girls who enjoyed it far more. She preferred buying clothes for Jenny, fun items in red and pink and purple, glittery and feminine, ones she enjoyed holding out for a naked Jenny to step into, then later gliding her hands under and easing off of her sensual body.

  The same way Jenny could get lost in telling a story, Emma could get lost in Jenny, in those luscious brown ringlets of hair that coiled and coiled down her shoulders and back, in the way her face lit up, her eyes sparkling, in the fantasies that were always lurking in Emma’s mind of just what she wanted to do with her. She knew Jenny was infatuated with her as well, but Jenny was also more easily distracted, her head turned by a hot ass or a sexy smile, while Emma, for the most part, only had eyes for Jenny.

  Emma paused then when she heard the same name pop out of those sweet, luscious lips, again and again: Damon. It was “Damon this” and “Damon that”, so many times that the two-syllable name seemed to take on an echo, became a poetic tool, the anchor to whatever Jenny was trying to convey. He was Jenny’s new co-worker at the gourmet shop where she worked, and apparently he was covered in tattoos, an earful of earrings, tall, with shaggy black hair hanging in his eyes, and sexy, with a punk rock bent.

  Emma wasn’t conventional by any means, but that wasn’t her; she didn’t show her unusualness on the outside in quite that way – though she’d never get mistaken for a prom queen or cheerleader – and she could tell by the way Jenny was talking about him that her girlfriend liked him, not just the idea of him. She didn’t just admire his unusual looks or in-your-face attitude with customers, she liked him on an altogether more intimate level. From their boozy barroom whispers about which girls they wanted to bed, and occasional public flirtations, Emma recognised the lustful look in Jenny’s eyes. ‘And he said, “If you don’t like what we have to offer, why don’t you shop somewhere else?” No one ever talks like that to–’ Mid-sentence, Emma reached out a finger to shush Jenny.

  ‘What?’ Jenny managed to mumble around the digit.

  ‘Sweetie, tell me what you’re really trying to say.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ Emma could sense tears threatening to spill from Jenny’s eyes; the girl was much too sensitive for her own good.

  ‘I’m not mad, but I can tell – you like him. I want to know why. Tell me what you’d want him to do with you. To you. With us. Don’t censor yourself. I know you think I’m not into guys, and I’m not, really, not like you are – or were, before me – but if a guy turns you on that much, I’d be willing to consider him, as long as he knows you belong to me. I used to fuck them, remember?’ She laughed at the memory; it had been such a long time, and she preferred to be the one with the cock in her relationships these days.

  ‘Are you sure?’ she asked, her voice breathless.

  ‘Yes,’ Emma said.

  ‘Well, if you really want to know, I had a dream about the three of us the other day. And, well, you were sucking his cock and I was playing with your pussy. And then we switched and I was sucking his cock and you were fucking me, first with your fingers, then with your cock, you know the one; I was stuffed full on each end, and he was holding my hair tight while you held my hips down and pumped me hard. It was so hot, and you were so into it, all of it, and then we shared his cock, licking up and then down, kissing around it, and then I kissed him while he fucked you.’ Emma didn’t hear all of what Jenny said after that, because she was picturing this mysterious stranger somehow entwined between the two of them. It had been so long and yet a part of her remembered the kind of longing Jenny was describing, the sheer male energy a guy could offer, a live, pulsing, hot cock that could fill her all over.

  Though it had been quite a while, so long Emma couldn’t exactly recall, that didn’t mean her head didn’t turn on occasion when a particularly hot man, maybe one with his top off, muscles bared, so proud and secure in his masculinity, walked down the street. But this was different. She wasn’t lusting after a man she saw on the street, or in an ad, or even someone she’d met. What was making Emma’s pierced nipples hard at that very moment was Jenny, with a little something extra. It was the idea of Jenny getting what she wanted, of being able to give it to her, of sharing her perfectly slutty, sexy girl with a man who would surely be as thrilled to have her as Emma was, yet Emma would be the one to take her home.

  ‘Show me his picture,’ Emma demanded, and Jenny raced to the computer and pulled up his profile.

  ‘That’s my favourite picture,’ Jenny gushed. In response, Emma reached between Jenny’s legs, feeling exactly how wet the prospect of what they were considering, of their two become three, had done to her. Emma fucked her with those same fingers, adding three, then four, as Jenny rocked against her and they both stared at the man on the screen. Emma made her decision as she felt Jenny’s pussy clench around her fingers, then release a stream of juices. Emma twisted her fingers and turned to gaze deeply into Jenny’s eyes.

  ‘Yes, we can do it. I want to watch his cock as it goes right here, as he fucks you so hard you scream. I want to fuck you while you suck him. I want to torture you with him as my co-conspirator. I hope you know what you’re asking for, Jenny.’

  Like a bride, she said, ‘I do,’ and like a bride, Jenny had no idea what she was truly assenting to.

  Emma had seen plenty of photos of Damon, but though they’re rumoured to be worth a thousand words, a photo can’t hold a candle to being up close and personal, to standing next to the man who’s going to fuck your girlfriend and, when you see him, you decide perhaps you as well. Damon was one of those men who practically smouldered in person, who, without looking like he was trying at all, managed to take both women’s breath away. Emma knew instantly, as she surveyed their plush hotel room, the one Damon had volunteered to pay for, why Jenny wanted him, because she felt it too – felt things for him she’d never felt with a man before.

  ‘Hi,’ he said, almost shyly, as he held out his hand. She took it, feeling the sparks at their touch. Jenny stood there, red coat covering her, crossing one ankle over the other. ‘I’m Damon. I guess you know that.’ He laughed, and Emma did too, followed by Jenny. ‘Good to meet you. Uh, thanks ...’ he tailed off, and she smiled.

  ‘No need to thank me,’ Emma said. ‘I think we all want to be here as much as the next. Isn’t that right, Jenny?’ Emma asked, knowing that her girlfriend, for all her fantasising, was a little nervous too. When she didn’t answer, Emma pulled her over and presented her to Damon, as if they were the ones meeting for the first time.

  ‘Yes, yes. I can’t wait,’ Jenny said, her glossy red lips glistening.

  ‘Then don’t,’ Emma said, pulling the belt of her coat and letting it fall open to reveal the red and black lace bra and matching panties Jenny wore. Emma pulled the coat the rest of the way off and let it drop to the floor; they had more important matters to attend to. ‘Get on your knees,’ Emma growled, and felt the charge in the room at her order. They all wanted Jenny on her knees, mouth at the ready; a quick glance at Damon’s cock revealed his eagerness, while Emma could sense Jenny’s arousal as she rushed to do Emma’s bidding.

  Emma moved behind her, admiring the way Jenny’s pert ass rested against the shiny black daggers of her heels, her long, glossy brown hair falling down her back. Emma tugged her head back by grabbing a handful, smiling as Jenny’s lips parted. ‘I think you should show Damon what a good cocksucker you are, don’t you?’ It was a question that didn’t require, or even warrant, a spoken response. Damon was already undoing his belt buckle, any shyness extinguished as his zipper lowered to reveal a long, cut cock, with precome as shiny as Jenny’s lip gloss at the tip.

  Emma pressed
Jenny’s head forward, her pussy starting to tighten as she looked down at the first live cock she’d encountered in so long that she felt almost like a virgin again. In truth, this was her first proper threesome; they’d shared some make-out sessions, and she’d watched an ex-girlfriend go down on another woman in a bar bathroom, but she’d never truly shared sex with two other people, a mutually gratifying exchange of bodies and wants. Her eyes met Damon’s hazel ones as she led Jenny’s mouth along the head of his cock then urged her to take it down her throat. Emma’s throat ached as she dropped her eyes to watch its length disappear into Jenny’s mouth inch by inch.

  She reached for Damon’s hand, squeezing it, then bringing it to Jenny’s cheek, recalling how much her girl liked the silent encouragement of a slight pinch there when she swallowed one of the many dildos Emma owned. She kept her fingers pressed over Damon’s, as the sound of Jenny sucking filled the room. Emma guided her girlfriend’s head up and down until she couldn’t stand the pressure in her panties any longer, and reached to unbutton her tight jeans, baring simple black bikini bottoms. She lifted her thin black T-shirt over her head, followed by her bra, until her breasts hung in front of her, the nipples perked up, the piercings offering an invitation Damon couldn’t refuse.

  While Jenny went about her business, Damon lunged for Emma, drawing her close then bending his head to suck one nipple while toying with the other. ‘Yes,’ he murmured as his warm tongue greeted her nub, licking tentatively at first, then sucking more firmly when she immediately responded. Maybe it was because she could see him doing it, was actively watching, or maybe it was something in his actions, but she knew his sucking was manly in a way Jenny’s, no matter how fierce, simply wasn’t. Emma shut her eyes and put one hand on Damon’s arm, one in Jenny’s hair, enjoying the way the erotic energy flowed from one to the next.

  ‘God, you are both so sexy,’ he exclaimed after fully mastering Emma’s right nipple, before diving down to suck on the left. Emma’s body rippled at his touch, and his words. She was used to watching Jenny lap up the attention of men and women whenever they were out, proud to have such a hot babe on her arm. Occasionally another tough girl dyke eyeballed her, or a busty femme, but men for the most part looked at her as an equal, not a potential seduction. They figured, she supposed, that she wasn’t interested, so why should they be, but it wasn’t like that at all. She wasn’t about to chase them down, but bring her one like Damon, lanky and tall and into both her and her girlfriend? That she could more than handle.

  She reached for his chest, her fingers crawling under his shirt to stroke the firm muscle beneath. While he was thin, her hand met a solid wall of sheer strength, and she sought out his tiny bud, teasing it with her fingers until he rose up from her breast, his face contorted with pleasure. ‘Do you want to come in Jenny’s mouth, Damon?’ Emma asked, tightening her grasp on Jenny’s hair, letting the girl know the decision would be theirs to make for her.

  ‘Yes. But no. I mean, yes, but not yet. I want to fuck you. And her,’ he said directly to Emma. She paused, just for a moment, long enough to realise she did, indeed, want his cock inside her. She hadn’t planned on wanting that, hadn’t thought much beyond the image of watching Jenny take him in, of teasing her while she did so, but this was something new, and his eyes were directly telegraphing his desire. She leant forward and kissed him full on the lips, softly at first, getting used to him. Jenny rose and soon the three were exchanging kisses, bodies grinding together, hands groping. Emma wound up naked first, the two of them lifting off her shirt, then Jenny unbuttoning her jeans. Usually when she knew they were going to fuck, she wore a strap-on, but tonight was different.

  Damon easily lifted her onto the king-size bed, and Emma sank into its sumptuous sheets. She was going first, apparently, and for a moment, as she looked into Damon’s eyes, she almost forgot about Jenny. She blushed, even though the other two didn’t need to know her naughty little secret, that she was getting wet at the idea of his cock. Or maybe they did need to know, because Jenny pressed Emma’s knees wide open, leaving no doubt as to how excited she was. This wasn’t how they usually fucked. It was usually Jenny who was exposed, opened wide, on display.

  Emma wasn’t used to one pair of eyes staring at her, let alone two, but when Jenny met her gaze, then boldly dipped her head between Emma’s legs, while Damon leant down to again suck on her nipple, she sighed and sank back against the bed. Jenny ate her pussy all the time, but usually it was at Emma’s command, a subservient act. There was nothing deferential about how Jenny was plunging right in, owning Emma’s clit, sucking hard and then driving and twisting her fingers inside her. Jenny wanted something from Emma, and so did Damon, and clearly, they were going to get it.

  Emma let herself surrender to the surreal world the three of them had entered, one where roles were toppled and the past meant nothing. There was only here, now, lips and tongues and bodies, and she came as Jenny licked her, as Damon squeezed her back hard. But it wasn’t over. ‘Both of you, lie on your back,’ he said, and Jenny shucked off all her clothes save for the sexy heels, and lay next to Emma. She giggled, but then stilled when Damon got on top of Emma. Jenny turned over, curling against her girlfriend, watching something she’d never thought she’d see. She was eager for this front-row pleasure trip, and she wasn’t disappointed. The cock Jenny had delighted in sucking was now sinking deep into Emma’s cunt, and Emma clutched an extra pillow on one side, Jenny on the other, as she wrapped her legs around Damon. He didn’t wait long before hoisting her legs onto his shoulders, but instead of the fast fuck to ease the ache inside her, he went slowly, excruciatingly slowly. When she tried to buck her hips, Damon tsked at Emma. ‘Be patient. You don’t want Jenny to be denied, do you?’ For another guilty millisecond, Emma did, or rather, she wanted to get hers first, but she smiled at them each in turn before simply enjoying the push of Damon’s cock into her extremely wet folds. When he pulled out, she was disappointed, but only for a few seconds, because then she got to do more than play voyeur; she watched him turn Jenny over so he could fuck her doggy-style, holding onto that perfect ass, while Emma moved closer to Jenny for a juicy, deep kiss. She found she couldn’t stay in her place, couldn’t stay still, but had to keep touching them both. She sat up and reached for Damon, who kissed her as he slid just as slowly into Jenny.

  They shifted so Emma was beneath Jenny, getting fucked by proxy. Damon had meant to go slowly, meant to alternate and draw out their pleasure, but Jenny felt too good in that position and he started stroking into her harder, his hips bucking, while Jenny lay trapped between her two lovers. Emma found herself bucking again, this time with her hand between her legs, her clit on fire as she felt the passion sweep through their bodies. She had a brainstorm as her orgasm took over, sending heat sparking from her pussy on out. She slipped out from beneath the pair and pushed her tits together. ‘Come on us,’ she told Damon. ‘Let us share it,’ she said, having never felt the splash of come on her bare body, never having wanted to until now.

  ‘Yes,’ Jenny moaned, as Emma watched her climax, watched Damon’s shiny cock, slick with her girl’s juices, emerge. The girls were once again on their backs, but everything was different now. Damon held his cock, sliding his fist over its wet length, making each woman ache with a fresh round of desires for where he would put it, for what they’d like to do to him. He straddled Emma, offering her a taste, and she sucked him once, moaning, before he got between the two women, shut his eyes and got ready to come. When he did, he wasn’t watching where it landed, but only going by the cries of the women, the ecstatic yells as his cream landed on its targets. He opened them to find the women smearing his come all over their bodies, feeding it to each other, and watched as they shared a sweet, tender kiss.

  He pulled back for a second, shy again, afraid of intruding, but when he tried to get up from the bed, Emma and Jenny tugged him back down. ‘Where do you think you’re going?’ Emma asked, and he smiled before sliding between them so they cou
ld all spoon and recover before going further.

  Emma had thought she’d do anything for Jenny, but found that was only half true. She would do anything for her girl, but this had not been for Jenny alone. It had been for all of them, and Emma had found a new side of herself. Maybe next time she’d be the one to go on the prowl and bring home a tasty treat for them to share. Smiling as she felt Damon’s arms circle her waist, she knew she was ready for anything.

  The Psychic Harem

  by Giselle Renarde

  The whole situation seemed utterly sordid, but after everything Dianne had been through she felt she deserved a reward.

  ‘These girls,’ she asked the Madame, ‘they want to be here, don’t they? They’re not being held against their will?’

  The woman tossed back a fringe of salt-and-pepper hair and let out a sympathetic cackle. ‘Heavens, no, little darling! They want to be here every bit as much as you do. Now, my dear, you said you’ve got $200 burning a hole in your purse? That’ll get you half an hour with the harem. We take cash or credit, and I can give you an immediate appointment.’

  This process was happening too fast for Dianne. She needed to know more about the girls, about what to expect. ‘I’ve heard they’re clones. Is that true? They’re clones?’

  ‘Heavens, no!’ Madame chuckled. Her gaze flitted about the room like a caged bird. For a moment, she seemed hesitant to say more. ‘Strictly speaking, no. It’s more a matter of natural selection, my dear. These girls have been chosen down the ages for their powers of empathy as well as sexual generosity. Those who are most giving, with the most heightened sense of intuition, are bred with spermatozoa whose genetic materials have been overwritten by DNA from our girls’ ova.’

  Dianne puzzled over the process. She’d never conceived of such things. ‘Female sperm?’


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