Burn (Dragon Souls)

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Burn (Dragon Souls) Page 11

by Fletcher, Penelope

  Sensing the depth of her resentment, Mikhail cautiously moved forward. “Daughter–” He reached out a hand.

  “Don’t touch me. I know where your hands have been. It makes me sick.” She gulped air. “You asked me to give you a chance. Before I could even agree you’ve ruined any chance at me trusting you. No wonder my mother bailed. She deserved a congratulatory fucking balloon considering this example of how you act towards your own flesh and blood.”

  Aura swelling threateningly, his dark brows lowered until his appearance embodied thunder. “If you wish to speak of your mother we can do so at a more appropriate time.” His attention flicked to Cathryn.

  Her expression was guarded, sea blue eyes showing far too much pain.

  Mikhail focused on his offspring. It pained him she drifted further from his reach. “I hoped you would come to me so we could talk, but you avoid me. Know you may ask whatever you wish, just not here. Not now.”

  Tears veiled Marina’s eyes.

  She heard an underlying plea in his words, and she wanted to respond, ardently, but her pride was shredded.

  She couldn’t allow herself to go to him. Weakness of that kind was beneath her.

  “Who are you to tell me anything about what’s appropriate?”

  Prominent Adam’s apple sliding down his throat, he averted his gaze. His expression wasn’t quite shame, but close enough. “I am not used to this. I take what I want at whim.” His back stiffened. “I apologize. I hurt you. It was not intentional. I was not thinking, only feeling.”

  “Apology not accepted. Not only have you offended me by throwing away the trust we built between us, you trespassed on what’s mine. Mine.”

  A feral growl built in her chest and her eyes burned. The feral sound rumbled from her throat and sliced the tension, killing the hushed chatter from the watching servants.

  Eyes flashing with power, Mikhail felt his Dragon rise as if she were a Dragon Lord issuing a challenge for dominance.

  His eyes widened then narrowed to slits as he considered her sharp breathing and tense frame.

  She vibrated fury.

  Mystical energy rushed towards her as if readying to burst from her skin. As if she were on the verge of expelling that power in a transformation he’d seen and felt thousands of times before. As if she were on the verge of shifting.

  But that is not possible, he thought.

  “She is my friend.” Marina’s breathing was reedy. Something animalistic stirred in her heart. All she could think was her territory was violated. A predator threatened her. Borrowing a phrase from her Koen Raad that was not acceptable. “I could forgive you for bringing her here without asking, but not for taking advantage of her when she’s vulnerable, and not for disrespecting me. Carrying on in this manner a stone’s throw from where my son sleeps. What if he’d gone looking for you?” She slapped a hand against the wall needing to hit something. “What the hell were you thinking?”

  Unwisely butting in, Cathryn frowned. “He wouldn’t come into my room unannounced.”

  Not looking at her, Marina gritted her teeth. It was a battle to repress the urge to lash out physically.

  She hadn’t been this livid since the Katya debacle.

  Sweat beaded her brow as she kept pushing down the urge to explode. Her skin felt on fire, yet her insides frosted with ice.

  “Boy is close to Mikhail,” she said frigidly. “Finding people is like breathing to him, because he has magicks. Tracking auras is an element of his power. I know that because I’m his mother. You have no knowledge of him to declare what he will or will not do. Based on that, I suggest you to be quiet.”

  Cathryn said nothing.

  Turning her burning face away, she silently seethed, embarrassed, and hurt.

  “Come to my chamber.” Noticing the swell of curious servants inching closer, Mikhail flashed a look at the broken screen and grimaced. “We will discuss this rationally.”

  “I have training.” There was no way she was enclosing herself in a smaller space with these two. It was like she could smell the sex and it was making her queasy. “I’m currently participating in a tournament that might claim my life, and learning how defend myself against the slew of Houses out to assassinate me. In case you hadn’t noticed. I can’t afford distractions, or time away from my preparations.”

  Marina didn’t care she’d argued not an hour ago with Daniil that family were more important than Aver.

  She just wanted to leave.

  Throwing a last look of antagonism at Cathryn, Marina walked.

  If she stayed she felt as if she’d erupt into flames.

  “Stay away from me. Both of you.”


  Crystal waters lapped against the sandy shoreline.

  Sat hunched over her knees, Marina wiped at her cheeks when a celestial winged shadow engulfed hers.

  ‘Is it true?’ The voice was steel and death and fury. ‘Did she strike you?’

  “Don’t you dare start.” Her voice croaked from crying. “It’s nothing to do with you.”

  The immense shadow vanished then was replaced with the silhouette of a man. “Everything concerning you affects me.” A pause. “I wanted to kill her. I came here first to give you a chance to change my mind.”

  Marina sighed.

  Head dropping back, she stared up at Koen Raad’s ruggedly handsome face. His features were painted wrath, and his clenched fists were white-knuckled.

  He’d truly leashed the beast for her.


  “Sit with me?”

  “I want–”

  “I know what you want. No.”

  After a deadly, lingering pause, he knelt still not ready to give up on his mission to make the ones who harmed her pay.

  The edgy atmosphere calmed.

  “She hurt you,” he said. “He hurt you. Why not take vengeance?”

  “People hurt me all the time.”

  “But I get to kill them.”

  When she gave him a sharp, furious little look his features wiped clean. She wasn’t supposed to know that.

  “You won’t let me kill her.” A dissatisfied assertion tinged with conflict.

  She grabbed his wrist, urging him lower.

  The contrast of his bronzed skin against her moon-glow fingers was striking.

  “Cathryn is my friend. Friends fight. It’s natural. I love her like a sister and that’s why she drives me crazy. Mikhail....” She dug her toes into the warm, silky sand. “He donated sperm that created the awesomeness that is Marina. That counts.” She forced a smile to sell it. “Understand?”

  Koen grumbled, but allowed his muscles to relax under her touch. Not because he let their trespass go, but because the Dragon sensed a deep disquiet within its Treasure.

  He stretched his long legs then drew her onto his lap.



  Marina rubbed her face on his bare chest.

  It wasn’t smooth and perfect. It was scarred with the story of his life.

  “All naked.” She ran a finger along the segments of his abdominals. Watched them contract with archaic liking. “Why?”

  “This is my natural state.” He tilted his head to eye her. He would remember to clothe himself after shifting in future if she wished it. “This bothers you?”

  If he didn’t care why would she?

  “I’m curious. Don’t you feel,” she glided her hand over his groin, “exposed?”


  “I think that’s how I would feel. As if people were watching me.” She shuddered delicately.

  “People watch me whatever I do.” Disappointed she moved her hand he closed his eyes, contenting himself to just hold her. She craved his company and felt vulnerable enough to submit to his petting, so he wouldn’t push her too quickly. “The need to cover, conceal and hide is the reaction of prey.” A snarl rolled over his tongue. He flexed his muscles. “This bothers you.” This time it was an accusatory statement

  Um.” She rocked her hips, nudging the erection poking her bottom. “I can honestly say I don’t mind so much.”

  Laughter vibrated his chest.

  He tumbled her to the sand and worshiped her lips with open-mouthed kisses.

  Passion flared, and his hands wandered.

  He laved the skin between her breasts, chuckled when she complained of sand in private places, and found his grasping hands filled with the twin delight of her buttocks.

  Sprawled between her thighs, he bit her shoulder, easing up only when she gasped, tugging on his hair.

  A suck-bruise stood out starkly against her the creamy swathe of skin above her breast.

  He purred contently, the Dragon prowling closer than the man, wanting to play.

  “Wait.” Another firm tug to the back of his skull. “I promised Daniil I wouldn’t do this.”

  Koen stilled. Jealousy ripped into desire turning him rigid. “Explain.”

  Marina wriggled. His weight had become stone like over her. “The next quest is a week away. I have to train, Koen. Daniil needed sleep, he’s been working too hard. The only reason he agreed to rest and leave me to my own devices was because I swore not to let you distract me. To your credit you’re not distracting my attention.” Her hands groped and stroked their way up the muscled plane of his back. “You’re owning it.” She played with the soft fringes of his hair, smoothing the blunt ends. “He knew I’d be crawling all over you since you come here so often.”

  “I see.” Her reasoning as to why she mentioned a promise to another male while he loved her was adequate. And yet he desired her. His gaze was stubborn, moody. Resentment turned calculating as he traced the swell of her breast. “Vow to me I can have you whenever I want.”

  Because all vows to Koen Raad, Dragon King superseded all others.

  Marina ruthlessly fought amusement. If he caught even a flicker of it she was finished.

  “That would be cheating.” Leaning up she touched the tip of her snub nose to his blade-straight one. “We keep our vows.”

  It was annoying, but acceptable.

  She needed to hone her skills, and he could help her with that while tending his growing need to be close to her.


  He sprung to his feet and hauled her up and over his shoulder.

  “This is not helping.” Marina rubbed the small of his back. Her hair tickled the tips of her ears, and blood rushed to her head. “Didn’t you hear me? No sexiness.”

  “Ah, female.” He spanked her bottom, headed for the water. “Tempting as you are your mentor is correct. You need practice. Providentially, you have the mightiest Dragon in the land to teach you.”

  “But Daniil is sleeping.”

  She squealed when he grunted, turned his head and bit her thigh.

  The spray of the water was cool when Koen splashed through the gentle swells breaking upon the beach.

  He stood hip high in the water.

  Large white birds with orange beaks soared overhead.

  The wind blew his hair across his shoulders, and he felt gentle fingers petting the strands. He breathed deeply, the air flavoured with salt and his Treasure’s rich scent of arousal.

  There were no ships, and it was blessedly peaceful, even so close to harbour.

  The sun burned fiery yellow.

  The radiant shafts refracted off the choppy, tourmaline water causing a prismatic glitter. The horizon was dotted with mountainous pillars of earth until the lagoon gave way to barrier reefs.

  Past the underwater ridge was the ocean, an expanse as boundless and fierce as his soul.

  For him the moment was perfect.

  The only betterment would be Marina’s wet, silken heat enveloping his shaft, her spasms of pleasure sucking him dry.

  He sighed.

  It was not to be for she made a vow.

  Koen gripped Marina’s shapely legs, laughing darkly at the imprint of his teeth, and lowered her into the nippy water.

  She slinked her arms around his neck, lacing her fingers. When her feet touched the sandy bottom the waterline reached her ribcage. “Thank you.”

  He avariciously eyed the soaked fabric clinging to her peaked nipples. “For?”

  “Everything.” She smiled, openly loving. She was never unsure of her feelings, only of their welcome. “Being you.”

  Smirking, he raised a raven wing brow. Palmed the swell of her hip. “You realise everyone save Daniil, Myron and Nikolai dislike me. Intensely.”

  He let her see his teasing.

  They might not like him, but his people were loyal, and he was devoted to them in return.

  “That’s because you’re so moody.” Rising onto her tiptoes, she nipped his chin. “It would help if you smiled. I find the killer glower sexy, but it intimidates most.”

  He smiled, for her, and she gazed at him adoringly.

  He stole a kiss from her lush lips, another, and came wilfully close to forgetting the reason vows were considered unbreakable.

  He firmly set her away.

  “You are aware of what the quest entails?” he asked.

  “In principle. I swim from one end of the black lagoon to the other.”

  It was located on the other side of the Kingdom, and was considered hellish. It was the domain of feral wild ones that made Koen’s Dragon appear tame.

  “While the water wild ones battle you from below for invading their territory,” Koen furthered.

  Marina repressed a shudder. “Daniil is lending me Fia. We both have to reach the other side together, alive, to complete the quest.” She wouldn’t show fear in front of Koen. His protective instincts would spiral, and he’d be impossible for the others to keep calm during the event.

  Koen snorted crossly. “My Glypwr is stronger. I heard you settled on him.”

  “Fia’s faster. I have endurance in the water when I remember not to pan–” She cut that sentence right off. “My strategy is based on Fia being the swiftest swimmer. I’m going to hold on for dear life and we’re going to take off, stay straight, and leave the others in the dust.”

  “The other First Chosen have males.” Koen snorted. “Only House Kol keeps females. If the wild ones catch and engage you and your mount under the water, what then?” He gripped her chin when she tried to turn her head. His firmed his touch when she averted her eyes. “What will you do?”

  “Honestly? If we’re caught we’re finished.” Her eyes rounded at his furious snarl. “Fia isn’t strong enough to take on a male, and I’m not good enough in the water for combat. Our secret weapon is speed. You heard I settled on Glypwr because Daniil’s been slyly circulating it as a rumour.”

  “Clever,” he grated. “Then again I expect nothing less of Kol.”

  “Actually,” she blushed ducking her head, “The idea was mine.”

  Thunderclouds darkening his features cleared.

  Trust, he had to trust her.

  Koen’s grin was feral. “The other Chosen will base their strategies on power not speed.” Arms banding about her waist, he nibbled her lips. He felt proud of her achievements. “You will catch them off guard.”

  “We even went so far as to take Glypwr with us to strengthen the charade. We met Fia at our training patch, which we changed frequently. Fingers crossed we have them fooled.”

  “I have faith,” he muttered grudgingly.

  He believed in her.

  He would do so even if there were an alternative.

  Silver fish swirled around their legs, and seaweed tickled Marina’s toes. A crab took a pinch at her ankle and she yelped, climbing up Koen’s front until he had to peel her off his face.

  He threw his head back and laughed when she simply lunged and scaled him again. “We must practice how to move in the water. I will show you how. The pressure slows you considerably.”

  “I know.” Her bottom lip pushed out, glum. “Daniil tried to show me how to kick while submerged to the waist. I looked like I was fighting the rewind butto
n.” At his blank look, she gurgled laughter. “Ignore me.”


  They spent the rest of the day teasing each other.

  Koen showed her how better to cut through the water off a dive from his back, and summoned Glypwr, so she could practice holding onto a water Dragon fin as it skimmed through the water.

  When Glypwr dived deep, rushing though its underwater province at phenomenal speeds with ethereal grace not achievable on the surface, she developed a higher appreciation of Tzion’s uncultivated beauty.

  Marina kept her promise.

  Koen had made sure of it, making her dive, swim, and evade Glypwr until her skin wrinkled.

  She treaded water until her muscles ached, and listening to Koen’s deep, shadow-cool voice reaffirming what she’d learnt about sui, the water godai, fascinated her, staving off a tantrum when he wouldn’t let her rest.

  Finally, he raced her from the shore to a lagoon atoll and back. He won, but she kept less than two-shaku distance between them at worst. At the finish line she collapsed into the sand, shattered.

  Koen shook it off without a hint of vanity. He didn’t consider the day’s activities strenuous.

  At her sullen expression, he laughed boomingly, and scooped her flaccid body into his arms. He twirled her around until she distracted him with a tongue heavy kiss.

  As the day wore on she learnt that Koen Raad was indeed, a very sore loser, and possessed no qualms about cheating.

  “You can’t use your other hand,” she protested. “That’s unfair.”

  Koen narrowed his slanted eyes. “There is no such thing as unfair in war.”

  “Be sporting.”

  Marina held his massive hand and pressed the pad of her thumb to his. They sat facing each other. Her thighs were spread and hugging his hips, knees pressed into the warm, grainy sand.

  The pulsing length pressed against her core was difficult to disregard.

  “One, two, three, four–”

  “–I declare a thumb war,” Koen finished gruffly.

  Heated battle ensued.

  She was exasperated when he grew increasingly agitated she could pin his thumb so easily.

  Devious, he again used his other hand to hold her thumb still while pinning it with the other in play. “I win.” He pounced, flattening her on her back and crushing his mouth to hers.


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