Dom Up

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Dom Up Page 3

by Alaska Angelini

  My eyebrows drew in. “What kind of club? You haven’t mentioned one of those to me.”

  She shrugged. “The country club. He and Martin play golf together on occasion. Daniel takes the boys to the restaurant for dinner most nights. Anyway, we’re all meeting there tonight. You should come.”

  “No,” I said, drawing out the word. “That’s way too soon. Plus, we’re talking kids. He and I need to meet before we’re all thrown together.” I glanced down, pulling the bottle out and checking to see how much he’d consumed. “Good job. William, isn’t it?” I put a spare blanket over my shoulder as I brought him up and patted his back.

  “Don’t you want to know what he looks like?”

  I glanced over at Lorraine. “Doesn’t matter to me.” And it didn’t. Looks were nice and a bonus, but what I wanted was depth. If the man was good looking but lacked conversation, what did I have? Nothing.

  “I’ll tell you anyway,” she continued. “Think tall, good looking, dark hair—” She stopped at my raised eyebrow. “Okay, he doesn’t look like who you’re thinking about, but he’s just as attractive in his own way. A bit on the leaner side. He runs every evening. And he’s always biking around the neighborhood with his boys.”

  Okay, he sounded like father of the year. I was more than intrigued…and yet, crushed. “Fine. I’m off on Friday. Why don’t you see if he’s available?”

  “Friday sounds perfect.”

  The glow on her face stayed for the remainder of our time together in the front. But there were other duties to tend to and the more the hours played out, the busier we became. My mind kept going back to Devlin. To our almost nonexistent past together. One that had totally altered my life and I was sure he didn’t even remember.

  Flashes blinded me as I stared at the computer screen, my body flaring to life just as much as it did that night…


  Stinging slapped against my skin for what had to have been the twentieth time that night. Except, it seared my inner thigh, making me cry out and moan at the same time.

  “You like this.” He traced a path up to my pussy, tapping over my clit with the flat end of the crop. Something he’d done repeatedly while teasing me.

  “Yes, Sir,” I breathed out, remembering how he’d ordered me to address him. Forgetting came with consequences. Ones that had gotten me to the point I was at now. And I loved every single one of them.

  “You’re so wet, kitten. You don’t know how much that turns me on,” he said, sliding his finger deep inside of my pussy again. The brush of his thumb over my clit had me pulling at the cuffs that restrained my wrists. My hips rotated and I pushed down, trying to get him deeper.


  Stinging slapped against my stomach and I almost didn’t stop moving. He’d gotten me so close, numerous times. I couldn’t take much more.

  “Uh-uh, what did I say?”

  “To be still.” I managed to get the response out as he built me up higher, pushing against my g-spot.

  The crop fell to the bed as he reached over with his free hand and spread my legs wider. “I’m going to fuck you so good. Then, I’m going to do it again. You’re going to remember this night, Victoria. There’s only going to be one person you come to when you crave to be touched. Tell me who that is.”

  My mind fought with his words, but I knew what he spoke had truth etched within. Lovers didn’t compare to him and I doubted anyone ever would. But to experience this after tonight? That couldn’t happen. I almost hadn’t left with him to begin with. Damn those martinis. He was corrupting my lust, bending it to his will with every stroke of his finger.

  “Say it, kitten.” He added another and I bit my bottom lip. My orgasm was right where he wanted it. The control belonged solely to him.

  “You, Sir. God, you.”

  “My name, say it. Scream it.”

  And I did while shattering to a million pieces. My release made my body spasm and I could feel my pussy clench around his fingers with each wave that shook me.

  “I like you, Victoria. A lot. I want to keep seeing you.” He grabbed a condom from his nightstand, sliding it onto his thick length as he positioned himself between my legs. I remained quiet. I knew I wouldn’t talk to him again once I left. Wouldn’t have even attempted to if—

  “You know your shift ended fifteen minutes ago, right?”

  I jerked my eyes up, only to look back down at my watch. “Shit. Thanks, Nell.” I headed for the back and grabbed my purse. My day was only truly beginning and there wasn’t much left of it. Every minute counted and I couldn’t waste a single one.

  Chapter 3


  Dear Ladies,

  I’m the man of your dreams and I can prove it. All shapes and sizes are welcome. I’m ready to settle down and start a family. Must be open to a long term relationship. The true kind. One that will last forever (contract required and only voided by me). I’ll show you how a woman is really supposed to be treated. Submissive preferred, but not required. Will train. It’s time to Dom up.

  Sincerely, Devlin Black

  “That, my friend, is front page goodness. All we’ll need to do is get your photo taken care of and you’ll be gracing the cover of the Bachelor Edition. Every woman in California is going to be going crazy over you.

  “That’s not what I want,” I stressed to Branson. “The only reason I decided to do this is…” I paused. “I want the real thing. What you and Jill have.”

  He glanced up from his desk. “You’ll find it. Not if you continue doing what you doing, though. That’s for damn sure. You looked like shit when you came to the hospital. You’ve cleaned up nicely, though. I’m glad you’re starting to see the light.”

  Boy, was I. Three weeks without liquor, sex, or even trusting myself around female company. I was stretched to the max. Any wrong move and I was afraid I’d burst. The road I’d traveled hadn’t been easy, but I was getting through it one day at a time. And finding the old me. That was the most important part. Not to just prove to that person I looked up to, I wanted to be the best version of me. It was probably the reason I’d been killing myself with nutrition and fitness and sticking with it. Determination was a must. I wasn’t weak. Never had been. Somewhere, I’d just taken a nose dive in decency. A lesson I’d learned and was ready to make up for.

  “Hey, maybe your mystery girl will respond.”

  I laughed as I looked across the desk at Branson, who was peering up from my ad. The shit eating grin on his face was one I knew well. He’d teased me over my search now for years. Two, to be exact. “Don’t count on it. If she wanted to get ahold of me, she knows where I live.”

  “But you searched everywhere. Hell, you even had me doing all sorts of research for a Victoria in the corporate world. I’m still hung up on that. I’m better than a damn detective and I couldn’t even find her. Are you sure her name was even Victoria?”

  “Yes, I’m positive. I saw it on her card when she insisted she pay half of the dinner bill. I just couldn’t make out the last name. Anyway, I wouldn’t let her pay and now there’s no paper trail.”

  Branson sat up straighter, resting on his elbows as he brought his hands up to clasp in front of his mouth. “And she didn’t mention the name of a company or what she did? Just corporate?”

  I didn’t want to think about this. It was over. Regardless of the amazing, mind-blowing night we had, it had been ruined by fate. She’d called the safeword as soon as my questions began. She had left my penthouse to never return or call. Even though I had made her promise she would.

  “I assumed she worked in the business world. She didn’t correct me.”

  “But that doesn’t mean she does. What gave you that impression anyway?”

  “Hell, I don’t know. It was the vibe I got. She was so anxious and I could tell her mind was going. She agreed it was about work. Why hadn’t I thought about expanding the search back then? Why was Branson making me think outside the box now? I shut those thoughts down.
Too late.

  Branson groaned and stood, turning his back to stare out of the room-length windows. “She could do anything. Be anywhere.”

  I stood, ready to end the conversation and get back to my routine. “Let’s drop it. She disappeared. If she wanted to have anything to do with me, she would have called like I told her to. It’s not a big deal.” But it was. Victoria had become my obsession. I’d latched on to the thought of her like a dying man, searching for a cure for cancer. I couldn’t explain it, but her absence had killed me in a different way.

  Branson turned, crossing his arms over his chest. “You so sure about that? I’ve been your best friend since we were kids. You went apeshit crazy when you couldn’t find her. Not once, not even with Rhayne, did you have that much emotion toward a female. This woman got to you. I happen to think that’s worth banking on.”

  “Me,” I stressed. “She affected me. I didn’t have the same effect on her. Now let’s forget about it.” I walked over, leaning in to give him a quick hug. “I’m out. Tell Jill I said hello. Call me if the contractions start again. I’ll meet you at the hospital.”

  “Thanks,” he said, returning the gesture. “Let’s pray the bed rest keeps them at bay for another few weeks.”

  “Will do. Take care.” I headed for the door, messing with the music player on my phone. I’d run the four miles it took to get here and I had every intention of running the distance back home. Then, it was time to hit the gym. Dinner would be alone and I’d call it an early night once again.

  My phone rang in my hand displaying Gabrielle’s number. We’d met at a BDSM club I frequented on occasion. Mainly when I needed my fix. I’d seen her off and on for the last few months, but I knew it wasn’t going anywhere. I took a deep breath before answering.

  “Hey, Gabrielle.”

  “Wow,” she laughed. “What happened to, pet?” There was a sadness to her tone and I knew her pout all too well.

  “I’m sorry.” I pushed the button to the elevator. “We need to talk.”

  “Talk?” She paused. “We agreed what we shared wasn’t serious. Is this where it ends?”

  The door opened and I stepped in, hitting the lobby. My stomach dropped to match the descent of the elevator car, but I knew what I was doing was right. “I’m afraid so. You’re going to find out why soon enough so I might as well just tell you now. I’m…looking to settle down.”

  “As in, marriage?” The shock was evident, but for no one more than me. What an impact that word had. Tightening around my throat had me swallowing.

  “Yes, if I find the right person. I just can’t do the casual stuff anymore. I need something stronger. Something more meaningful than a one night stand or fling.”

  “Well, good for you. It takes a lot for a man to step up. You’re doing that and I’m proud of you. We’ll still be friends, right?”

  I paused. “Maybe, but I can’t promise anything, Gabrielle. You understand, don’t you?”

  She laughed. “Of course. Good luck finding your subby, Sir.”

  “Thanks, hun. And you, with whatever route you decide on.” She didn’t have to tell me. I knew her need to be free. She hadn’t reached the point I was at yet, but she would in time. And when she did, I knew she’d please her Master.

  “She’ll be a lucky woman. Goodbye, Devlin.”

  “Bye.” I smiled as I left the elevator. That phone call might have gone well, but I expected a lot more to come and I was likely to get more angry rants than pleasant well wishes. That, I wasn’t looking forward to.

  The sun beat down on me as I hit the play button and stuck in the ear buds. The lyrics to a Coldplay song began and I lost myself as people blurred past me. Miles disappeared and I kept running until sweat was completely soaking my clothes and air was hard to breathe in. I looked around the park, soaking in everyone who was either jogging with their dogs or playing with their children. The heat that had enflamed my lungs made its way across my chest to encase my heart. Loneliness was something I had been trying to escape for a long time. It kept me running from one woman to the next. Now, it’d be my companion until I found the right one for me, and it was a bitch of a passenger.

  “Mr. Black?”

  The call had come at the perfect time between songs. I turned, spying Teddy Mills, a broker who worked for me. He was still in his suit, although his jacket was draped over a bench next to the playground. I took out the earbuds.

  “Teddy.” I smiled, walking over and shaking his hand. “You here with your kids?” I sure as hell hoped so. As sad as it was, I had no clue if he was even married, more or less a father. That was something else I was going to have to fix within myself. The need to know the people who worked for me was really starting to eat away my conscious.

  “Yeah, my son.” He pointed to an older boy who looked closer to the age of ten. “That’s Jackson. I’ve got him for the weekend.”

  “Oh.” I nodded, frowning. Divorced. Something I was going to make sure never happened. Hence, the contract only voided by me. And I wouldn’t give up if I found the right woman. I’d put every ounce of love into her that I could manage. She’d know what it meant to be mine.

  “You should meet him. Here.” Teddy called out and I found myself walking over with him closer to the playground. A grin came to the boy’s face as he bounced over.

  “Jackson, this is Mr. Black, my boss. Can you tell him hi?”

  Two front teeth were missing, making me reassess the boy’s age. Seven? Jeez, I was horrible at this kid thing. My nights had been free, to say the least, it was time I got some studying in. The internet had to be crawling with information about children. I smiled. And babies. “Nice to meet you, Jackson. So, what are your plans for the weekend?”

  He looked up at his father and then at me. “We’re going to the zoo when dad gets off of work tomorrow. Aren’t we, dad?”

  “We sure are.” Teddy smiled and mine fell.

  “Nonsense. You can go at any time. Your dad’s got the weekend off. Say, do you like basketball, Jackson?”

  His eyes lit up as his attention went back and forth.

  “I love it!”

  I crouched, tilting my head, feeling myself getting excited at his enthusiasm. “Excellent. I have seats that sit right on the court. Your dad can take you to that, too.”

  “Oh, Mr. Black.” Teddy’s head shook, but stopped at my look.

  “I insist. Make this the best weekend of your son’s life. On me. I’ll call Tiffany and let her know. Whatever you and Jackson want.” I turned back to the boy. “You hear that. Whatever you want, buddy.” I stood, a grin coming to my face.

  “Thank you,” Teddy said, grinning. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.”

  “You bet. Now you both have fun. I’m off to get dinner.”

  I waved as I put in the earbuds and began jogging again. This life was better than the destructive one I had been on. Here, I could make a difference. And I planned to do that in every way I could.

  Hedges lined the path and I broke past them, turning onto the street that held my favorite café. Weight crashed into me and I reached out to catch the woman whose legs were now between my own. The parted full lips. Those large, light green eyes. My pulse stopped for the briefest moment as our stares locked. I held her cradled in my arm as I ripped the ear buds out. Time was nonexistent, pulling me deep into some abyss of nothing but the flow of her dark hair and pale skin. I could still see her sprawled across my bed, moaning through the pleasure and pain I’d inflicted.

  “Victoria.” A man reached for her and I looked over, barely noticing him.

  “I’m sorry. I…” Lifting her back to her feet only made me want to draw her in closer. How long had I kept my search going? Weeks? Months? Still?

  “Are you okay?” Again, his hand came out, but I still didn’t drop mine.

  She seemed to gather her wits and stepped back, breaking our connection. Her hand went to apply pressure to her stomach as she moved in closer to him. “I’m fi
ne,” she laughed, breathlessly. Obviously not going to acknowledge that she knew me. Damn, that hurt. “We should go.”

  “Wait.” Something kept me going back. How could I not take advantage with her so close? “Are you sure you’re okay? I hit you pretty hard. Let me get your name. I’ll make it up to you.”

  Confusion flickered over her face. “No, I’m okay, really. Thank you, though.”

  The man wearing the suit placed his hand to the middle of her back as he led her to the same café I had been headed to. No ring. I dropped back, following, not willing to let her out of my sight. If I could just get her name. Then, what? Fuck, I was a glutton for punishment. Why couldn’t I face facts that she wasn’t interested? This had to stop.

  I forced myself past the door, watching as they were seated right next to the glass. Her eyes lifted to mine and I could have sworn there was something there. Pain? Surely not. She knew where I was if she was interested. But what if she truly was, just too afraid to show it? The question turned a switch inside of me. I’d spent my life going with my gut when it came to something I felt strongly about. But what if I was wrong? What did I do then? Leave her alone? Pursue her anyway? What would the new Devlin Black do?

  Chapter 4


  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Daniel leaned across the table, pulling a small leaf from the bottom of my hair. I quickly found myself trying to remove any evidence that might remain of my encounter with the one person I couldn’t seem to stop crossing paths with.

  “I’m fine. Really. He caught me before I hit the ground.” God, I could still feel the power behind the arm that so easily held me. I knew what it could wield. Pleasure. Pain. Fucking ecstasy on the highest scale. My body had sure recognized who owned it, even with as shocked as I had been. Fearful even, I’d come alive in his presence. Just like before.

  Movement caught my eye and I glanced over, only to do a double take as Devlin’s narrowed gaze stayed on me while he walked toward the entrance.

  “I’m glad you decided on the second date. After the first, I wasn’t sure you’d want to see me again. We had a rough start.”


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