Tainted Rose: A High School Bully Romance (Rosehaven Academy Book 2)

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Tainted Rose: A High School Bully Romance (Rosehaven Academy Book 2) Page 4

by Leila James

  I squeeze my eyes tightly shut for a full count of three. “I hope I’ll be able to explain this to you one day. For now, I can’t.”

  I know they don’t get it, but the fewer people who know exactly what I’m dealing with, the better. I wish I could tell him. And Beau, who is currently glaring at me through the doorway of the classroom.

  Micah gestures to my phone. “You should look. I don’t know whether this is part of your plan or not, but it sucks.”

  I yank my phone from my back pocket and pull up Aria’s profile on Instagram. What I see on her page has my eyes bugging out. I’m lying there, chest bare, sheet pulled just shy of my waist. Aria lies curled up next to me, her head on my chest, her hand on my lower abs. Christ. And the kicker—she’s also naked from the waist up. In fact, I’d swear she wasn’t wearing anything under that sheet, as it’s pulled down low enough to see the upper half of her ass cheek peeking out.

  For all intents and purposes, the photo looks like it was taken of us in a state of postcoital bliss. Like we’re a couple. Like I’m hers. And the comments. Oh my God, the comments … There are over two hundred already, even though the photo was posted less than twenty-four hours ago. I quickly scan them. My eyes slam shut, jaw twitching in anger. Well, that’ll do it. Scarlett will officially hate me forever after that.

  My body is so tense that when someone touches my arm, I nearly explode. My eyes pop open, and I stare at the she-devil wearing a smug smile.

  Micah’s eyes widen, and he looks between the two of us. He hesitates briefly before jerking his thumb over his shoulder. “I’ll be in class,” he grunts with a you’re digging your own grave, asshole kind of look and enters the classroom.

  Once he’s gone, I grab Aria by the elbow and haul her to an empty classroom at the end of the hallway. I shut the door, rounding on her. “Fuck, Aria! What the hell were you thinking?”

  She looks at me with genuine curiosity, batting her long mascara-coated eyelashes innocently. “Did you not tell me you wanted my help?” She nods at the phone, tightly gripped in my hand. “You told me to make it convincing. You implied you wanted everyone to know that you’d dumped her on her ass, then come running straight back to me. Those pictures showed everyone exactly that. Isn’t that what you wanted?”

  I’m so pissed off my entire body shakes with it. I clutch my head in my hands, yanking on my hair, and walk in a circle. Fuck. Yes. It’s exactly what I’d told her I needed. And if nothing else, Aria has always done anything I’ve asked of her. When I told her to act like a bitch to Scarlett at the beginning of the year, she’d done it, no real questions asked. She’d put Scarlett’s number in the boys bathrooms, stolen homework, the bracelet, and the clothes right out of the locker room. She’d had a shitty T-shirt made and left the note on the mirror. She’s continued to aggravate Scarlett at every turn. She’s done every goddamn thing I’ve asked of her.

  But this—I didn’t know that she was planning on taking more photos when she told me she was on it. And the fucked-up thing is, she enjoyed doing all of that. Because as much as we’re friends and she’d do anything for me, I also know that Aria is a different kind of girl. And she’s definitely been jealous since the second Scarlett appeared. It’s not that Aria wants me like that despite our parents shoving us together; it’s that she needs me. And she’s possessive as hell.

  She stands there watching me, eyes narrowed, hands on her hips. “Well?”

  “Fuck! I did. But what the hell were you thinking, stripping and getting into the bed with me? Posting it on Instagram? Seriously beyond what was necessary. A post with one of the photos of us together on the couch would have done the job.”

  She shrugs. “What can I say? She bugs me. And I thought it was the best way to send ScarJo running for good.”

  I swallow hard. “Were you actually naked? Jesus, Aria.”

  “I had on panties.” One side of her mouth quirks up. “Well, they were kind of shoved down a bit. To get the full effect.”

  “I must have been fucked up beyond belief because I don’t remember any of it.” I stare up at the ceiling, willing myself not to lose it on her. “Well, you did a great job. Thanks.” Shaking my head, I blow out a breath. My eyes bore into hers. “Thanks a lot.”

  She shoves me, then strides to the door. She looks back at me as she exits. “You’re welcome, asshole. Next time don’t ask for my help if you don’t really want it. You know I always get the job done.”

  Chapter 7


  All eyes have been on me since the second I stepped out of my truck in the parking lot. I’m sure they’re waiting for me to start crying or something. Well, the joke’s on them. I’m stronger than that. I’m getting through this, come hell or high water. And Xander? He can go fuck himself. Or Aria. At this point, I don’t really care.

  It’s too bad I’m going to have to endure multiple classes with him every day. I grab my English book and notebook and slam my locker shut only to find Justin leaning against his locker next to me. His cool appraisal feels like a lizard licking over my skin. I once thought he was a cute, kind boy; now he just gives me the creeps.

  “So, he screwed you over, huh? How long did it take him to hop out from between your legs and into Aria’s bed? That was some photo.”

  I look at him, the boy I now know to be Xander’s stepbrother. “None of your business.” I don’t want any part of their fucked up family. Taking a step to the side, I go to push past him, and he catches my shoulder, stopping me.

  “Let me know if you ever want to get back at him. I’d be down to take you for a ride to see why he tossed you aside so quickly. Maybe I can give you some pointers.” He smirks at my reddening face.

  The humiliation is almost blinding. My hand cocks back, and I slap him hard across his face before I can think twice or stop myself. “Fuck you, Justin.”

  He lifts a hand to his red cheek and chuckles. “Maybe you’re too embarrassed to admit that you wish you could. See you around, Scarlett.”

  I scamper away from him as quickly as my legs can carry me.

  Farther down the hallway, Max catches up with me right as I get to class. I stop abruptly, desperate to stall going inside. My heart rate is erratic from the encounter with Justin, my face still flushed.

  “Have you already run into Xander or something? You’re shaking.”

  I lick my lips. “No. Just Justin. I’m beginning to think those assholes definitely deserve to belong to the same family.”

  Max stiffens. “What hap—?”

  I shake my head and hold a hand up. “I can’t right now. I only have enough mental energy to get through this class. Tell me I can do this, Max.”

  “I’m confident you can, Cupcake.” He points at my tush. “Hey, your butt’s vibrating again.”

  I huff out a laugh. Max always knows when to crack a little joke to make me feel better. I retrieve the phone from my back pocket and see it’s Daphne. I quickly swipe to answer.


  “Hey, sorry,” she huffs. “I can walk and talk easier than text. I want to let you know before class starts that the yearbook with the prom pics from the year your mom graduated is missing.”

  “Like, checked out?” My brows draw together.

  “Nope, like disappeared. I don’t know what to make of it. I’ll ask the librarian when I’m in there tomorrow if she knows anything about it.”

  “Well, crap. Okay, thanks for trying, Daph.”

  “Sure. Gotta run.”


  “Did she say what I think she said?” Max shoots me a perplexed look.

  “Yeah. Funny that the exact yearbook we want to look at isn’t there.”

  “I’m guessing it’s not a coincidence.” He sighs heavily. “Ready to go in?”

  Sure. Why not go sit in a class with the boy who broke my heart? “Yep. Let’s go.” Adrenaline spikes through me as I walk in. My eyes are immediately drawn to Xander, Beau, and Micah, then over to Aria on the other side o
f the room. No one says a word, but Aria waggles her fingers at me and winks. Bitch. Visions of how they’d looked in bed together race through my mind. Her head on his chest, her blonde hair spilling over his shoulder, and her hand snaking its way down his ridged abs, heading straight for his— Ugh. It’s enough to make me vomit in my mouth.

  I make my way to my seat, deliberately turning my back on Xander without ever meeting his eyes. My gaze nervously shoots from Beau on one side, then over to Micah on my other side. Each of them gives me a pained smile. At least that’s something. They don’t appear to think I deserve what Xander’s done. I wonder if they know. How much has he told them? Does everyone know how he took advantage of me and then made me leave? Told me I meant nothing to him? Or are they making assumptions that something happened based on Aria’s stupid fucking photo?

  I take a deep breath and immediately regret it. I swear I can smell Xander’s cologne from here. I can feel him behind me with my entire being. My heart aches with the knowledge that I’d had sex with someone who would do this to me—that I’d fallen for him. I don’t know what made me think I could get through this class with him, or any class for that matter. I should have stopped in the office and had them rearrange my schedule. It would certainly be easier.

  But I’m not a coward. I won’t let him get to me. He can fuck the entire cheerleading squad now if he wants. I couldn’t care less.

  You’re lying to yourself. Every time you think about him with someone else, it’s like being poked in the heart with a white-hot iron.

  At five minutes until the end of class, I’m in the clear, I’ve made it through. Things can only get easier from here, right? Except they won’t. Because while my mind and heart are all torn up over it, my body cries out for him. Fuck me, why do I have to be so in tune with him? I put my notebook into my bag and pick it up off the floor, setting it on top of my desk, ready to get the hell out of here.

  That’s when I feel it. A poke to my left side. Whether it’s a finger or a pen, I have no idea. But hell no, no matter how badly I crave him, he doesn’t get to touch me. I swivel in my seat, eyes flashing when they connect with his. His lips twitch up at the corners. “Don’t touch me,” I hiss.

  He leans forward and clears his throat before whispering loudly enough for everyone around us to hear, “Aw, baby, you can’t tell me you didn’t like the way I touched you.” He pauses, then raises his brows. “The way I fucked you.”

  I shoot out of my seat and grab my bag, rushing up the aisle. “Mrs. Harden, do you mind if I go use the ladies room?”

  She eyes my tortured expression, then glances over to Xander who has slouched down in his seat.

  “No problem, Scarlett. You can proceed to your next class from there, no need to come back.”

  “Thank you.” I nod quickly and hurry across the room to the door, vaguely aware of the rumbling of voices behind me. I catch a few key phrases as I go, like “Did you see the photo of Xander with Aria on Insta?” and “I know, totally hot. I guess they really are together.” and “Wow, Scarlett must be a terrible lay if he’s already moved on.” Cue the laughter of everyone hoping to impress Xander, King of the Roses.

  Fuck them. Fuck them all.

  Chapter 8


  On the way into the cafeteria, Max and Daphne are busy chatting about plans to come watch me in the cross-country meet this weekend, when I stop abruptly in the doorway. My head is foggy with all the thoughts swirling inside, including the fact that this is yet another room that has had all of the air sucked out of it by Xander.

  Because I’m blocking the doorway, a few seconds later I get bumped by some big dude making way for his girlfriend. I stumble over to the side, shaking myself free of my inner turmoil.

  Max and Daphne finally realize I haven’t followed them and come back to where I’m standing just inside the room, slightly dazed. I worry my bottom lip with my teeth, looking back and forth between them. “I’m sorry, guys, I’m going to grab something from the to-go line.” My eyes dart nervously to the table full of football players and cheerleaders.

  Max frowns. “Whatever you need to do, Cupcake. We could come outside with you if you want …?”

  “Yeah. We totally could. No big deal, if you want company.” Daphne gives me a bright smile, rubbing my arm.

  I shake my head. “No, that’s okay. You do your usual thing. I kind of need to be alone for a bit. Today has been really rough and it’s only half over.” I pause, taking a deep breath, then let the words rush out. “And there’s no way am I staying here to watch that three-ring circus over there.” I nod toward what I’ve come to think of as center stage of the cafeteria, where all the important people sit. I’ve already spied Aria perched on Xander’s lap, literally straddling his leg. She may as well be getting off on his big thigh, the way she’s sitting like that in her skirt.

  And damn him, he’d known the second I’d set foot in the room, making eye contact and sliding his hand around to grip her hip.

  Green sparks of jealousy shoot out of my eyes. And why? They deserve each other. In what world do the king and queen not belong together? Why had I ever thought I belonged with him? Why had I thought I’d be sitting there with him someday?

  I know myself and the answers to these questions are actually simple. It boils down to this: from the first moment I met him, we’d had a connection. If he wants to deny it, he can. So be it. But I know the truth. My heart plummets into my stomach with the knowledge that he threw it all away. For nothing.

  After a little more convincing, Daphne and Max part ways with me, and I grab my lunch, dashing through the door to be on my own.

  I’ve just finished my sandwich with only the company of my muddled thoughts and am about to pull out a notebook to study for a quiz when the quiet of the garden is interrupted by the voice that has come to grate on my very last nerve.

  “Wanna play a little game? Truth or truth?”

  I glance up and half-heartedly roll my eyes. “What the hell do you want now, Aria?”

  “Just to talk with you for a minute.”

  “Oh, really? What the hell more could you possibly have to say? You proved your point, right? He’s yours.”

  “I take it you saw the photos.” She chuckles and tosses her hair over her shoulder, giving me a big grin.

  “I don’t know what you have against me, Aria, but I don’t want to be part of whatever sick game you’re trying to play.”

  “You know, I’ve always heard the phrase ‘like mother like daughter,’ but I’d never really thought it was true. But for you …” She gives a mean laugh. “Definitely fucking true.”

  My jaw twitches. This is so not what I expected her to say, but I’ll stand my ground. “You know nothing about my mother.”

  “The rumor I heard is that your mom was pregnant with you the last half of her senior year. What was she, some slut?”

  “Again, you know nothing about my mom, and I’d appreciate it if you’d back the fuck off.” I stand up, grab my bag, and attempt to skirt around her but she grabs my shoulder.

  “I know more than you think.”

  “Whatever. I don’t believe a word you say about anything at all.” I get right in her face. “I don’t fucking care what you have to say to me. Leave me alone.”

  As I hurry away, she shouts at me, “Speaking of, why don’t you leave? It would be a lot easier. For you. For him. Just go!”

  A whisper of fear trickles down my spine, apprehension clogging my throat.

  The fun doesn’t stop there. On my way to the bathroom after lunch, I’m cornered by Beau and Micah. I’m not usually bothered by either of them, not by Micah’s unusual quietness or Beau’s comedic presence. But today, when they put on their serious faces, they are fairly scary.

  Beau steps toward me, speaking softly, and places one hand on my shoulder, holding me in place so I can’t take off. “We know our boy. You want to tell us what the fuck went down this weekend?”

  “Let me go.�
�� I try to wrench free from his grip, but he tightens his hold. “I didn’t do anything wrong.” I struggle against him, but it’s futile.

  He cocks his head to the side, curious. “Whoa, pretty girl. All we want to know is what happened. So we can help Xander.”

  Micah grimaces. “Talk to us. I don’t believe he meant—or wanted to do—anything he said or did to you.”

  My eyes snap up to theirs. I’d thought from the expressions on their faces earlier that they were on my side. My heart sinks. “Let me get this straight. You want to know what happened so you can help him?” I almost choke on my own words. In a low voice, I murmur, “He fucked me, then told me to get the fuck out of his house. Does that sound to you like he didn’t know what he was doing?” My eyes flick between them, noting they wince. “I assure you he meant every damn word he said. And now he’s gone right back to Aria, as if what we had meant nothing to him.” My chest rises and falls rapidly as I eye his friends. “I don’t know what else you want from me.”

  Both guys look uncomfortable. Well, fucking good. They deserve that, too. Now that I’ve built up a whole head of steam, I can’t seem to stop myself. “And you two. You watched all of it go down. Helped him figure out how to get me to come around. Told him to apologize. Tried to be cute about it so I wouldn’t see any of this coming. Well guess fucking what? I didn’t see it coming. And it hurt like hell. So, thanks. Thanks for that.”

  Micah’s mouth drops open to say something, but I hold my hand up in front of me, shaking my finger at him “No. Don’t try to say you didn’t.” And now I’m gasping for air as I feel the sting of tears coming. “You made me feel welcome.” My eyes flick between their stony faces. “You pretended to like me. You pretended to accept me.” I sputter. “I don’t want anything to do with any of you.” I look down at Beau’s hand where it’s still firmly gripping my shoulder. “Now, if you don’t mind, I really have to use the bathroom.” I shrug my shoulder down and away, finally freeing myself.


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