Tainted Rose: A High School Bully Romance (Rosehaven Academy Book 2)

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Tainted Rose: A High School Bully Romance (Rosehaven Academy Book 2) Page 14

by Leila James

  His face has gone a mottled red color, and it’s as if the next words are pried from his lips. “Does she know I’m her father?”

  “Yes. She’s waiting for you to confirm it. Nice job ignoring her this morning. You better man the fuck up and sort your shit fast.”

  “Don’t speak to me like that, Xander.”

  “What? Like a man?” I push back and stand. “I won’t let you hurt them. Not any of them.”

  Sebastian shoots off of his stool and gets right in my face, finger jabbing into my chest. “Keep your damn mouth shut.”

  The side door opens, and neither of us move an inch. We are still nose to nose when Mom comes in. “What the hell is going on?”

  “I’ll let your husband explain that.” I push past him and go back up to my room.

  Chapter 27


  Xander wasn’t kidding. Sitting in Mrs. Harden’s class this morning, all I could think about was how good he’d made me feel with his hands, lips, and tongue … and how he’d whispered again how much I mean to him before I left.

  It’s a good thing he’d made me feel so wanted, so cared for, because not thirty seconds later, my emotions took a massive nosedive. I was not prepared to see his stepfather—my father—downstairs as I was leaving. He’d been talking to Janie while she ate her breakfast, gently coaxing her to eat some of the sliced bananas on her plate. That’s okay, little sis. Our loathing of bananas must be genetic. And maybe he’d know better than to keep trying if he’d been around when I was a kid. If he hadn’t abandoned me and my mother. My stomach rolls, remembering the cold look he’d given me. The What the fuck are you doing here? had been written plainly all over his face.

  I haven’t stopped thinking about it all day. There are so many things I wish I’d had the guts to say to him, but I hadn’t had the heart to do it with Janie sitting there, smiling so sweetly. She’d waved at me, grinning big, her little pigtails swinging. I hope I get a chance to get to know her better, even if my own father doesn’t seem to want to do the same with me.

  I don’t even realize that I’ve zoned out in the middle of the cafeteria until Daphne pokes me in the side, her wary gaze traveling to someone behind me.

  I turn in my seat to find Micah and Beau standing awkwardly, shuffling around on their feet. “What’s up, guys?”

  Micah grabs at the back of his neck. “We were wondering how Xander is doing.”

  “He’s not responding to texts.” Beau frowns.

  “He was okay when I left this morning.” Remembering the nightmare, though, my fingers itch to touch my bruised cheek. I’d done a fairly decent job of hiding it under some makeup, and so far, no one has commented on it. I shrug. “The lack of texts is a good thing. His doctor said he should try to limit screen time for a few days. I’m pretty sure his mom hijacked his phone, so I hope you didn’t send him anything weird or gross.”

  Beau scoffs, “We’d never.”

  “Right.” I wink at them.

  “Uh, we know Xander might not be up for it, but there’s a party at my place tomorrow night, if you want to come.” Beau runs his hand over his jaw. “You know—since you’re together.”

  “Is that your sneaky way of asking if we are, in fact, together?”

  Smiles break over both of their faces. Micah chuckles, “Yep.”

  I glance at Max and Daphne, who I haven’t really admitted this to either. “Yes. We’re together now.”

  Beau laughs. “Good. The invitation to the party stands either way. But we like you, pretty girl. You’re good for Xander.”

  Daphne shoots an eye roll at Max that I don’t miss. I pat her leg. I know these guys, Micah in particular, make her uncomfortable.

  “I’m glad to hear you think so.”

  I make a quick trip home after cross-country practice because I’d forgotten I have to work tonight and I don’t have one of my Teri & Terry’s shirts with me. I honestly wish I could bail and go see Xander but I don’t want to let my bosses down.

  After letting myself into the house, for some reason, I stop in the front hallway. It’s almost as if my subconscious understands something that’s not yet fully apparent to me. My senses go on high alert. Something feels … off. I inhale and hold my breath for a second, trying to figure it out. Exasperated, I blow the breath out hard, my lips curving downward. I slowly wander around the bottom floor of my aunt and uncle’s home but don’t notice anything out of place or strange. I’d done the dishes before I left and the mail is stacked on the kitchen table right where I’d set it. The back door is locked. The stress of the last twenty-four hours is definitely making me crazy.

  I inch back toward the front of the house, looking around warily. And then I see it. A piece of paper is on the floor near the front door. I’d probably stepped on it coming in. Someone must have stuck it through the gap in the door. I gasp in shock.

  You can run but you can’t hide. You’re mine. One day soon, I’ll come for you.

  My heart starts to race. Is this some sort of trick? It’s written on notebook paper, too—like school paper. I bend down close, not wanting to touch it, and get a whiff of pungent cologne. That odd scent is what freaked me out when I came in. And I’ve smelled it before. My brain scrambles trying to remember where.

  I hike my bags onto my shoulder and take the stairs up to my bedroom two at a time. I can’t get rid of the weird feeling in my gut now that I’ve read the note—like I’m being watched. Something I’m overlooking ticks at the back of my mind, and I can’t shake it loose. I push the door of my room open and frown.

  Fuck this. I don’t have to stay here. I dump the dirty clothes from yesterday out of my bag and set about refilling it. I grab the T-shirt I need for work and shove it into the bag as well as several changes of clothing, both for school tomorrow and for the weekend. I’m not hanging out here alone. No way in hell. Not when somebody thinks it’d be funny to play around leaving me disturbing notes. This wary, creeped-out feeling is way too familiar—like when I’d been followed in the woods and stalked by that truck.

  I grab my stuff and head back downstairs. With a huff, I pull out my phone and snap a photo of the paper and leave it right where it is. I lock the door behind me and hurry to my truck, eyes darting all around me as I go. I don’t know if whoever left the note is still here, but I’m not waiting to find out.

  I pull up Xander’s number in my contacts and put the call through as I pull myself up into the driver’s seat. It rings a few times, then a woman’s voice says, “Hello?”

  “Hi.” My brow creases. The voice is familiar. “June? It’s Scarlett.”

  “Yes, honey. Sorry, I wasn’t thinking. I should have known right away that you were ‘Red’ when it popped up on Xander’s phone.”

  “That’s okay. Is he around? I need to talk to him.” I put the key into the ignition, unsure what my next move is going to be.

  “He’s sleeping, I think. He’s been in his room all day.”

  I bite down on my lip. “Is he okay?”

  “I hope so, honey.” Her voice hitches. “I don’t know if I should tell you this or not.”

  My heart pounds, and I close my eyes. I don’t know how much more I can handle.

  “My loyalty lies with Sebastian. You have to know that.” She clears her throat, and I wait for her to go on, but several seconds go by in silence.

  I cringe in frustration. “What happened, June?”

  “I’m only telling you because you’re his daughter. And I love Xander to pieces, too. They had words this morning. It was ugly. I’m worried.”

  “I understand that. I’m pretty wound up about everything myself. Can I come after work? I, uh … was going to ask anyway. My aunt and uncle won’t be back for a few days, and I’m a little uncomfortable staying at home by myself.”

  “I don’t see why Isabella would mind. But Sebastian is here.”

  “Okay.” Now I’m not sure what to do. “Maybe you could have Xander call me later? I get off work at nine

  “I’ll do that. And, Scarlett? Be careful.”

  My eyes bug out in surprise as the line goes dead in my ear. What the hell?

  I feel all out of whack until Xander calls me right as I get off work. I blow out a sigh of relief when I see his name light up my phone. Swiping to answer, I breathe out, “Hi.”

  “Hey. June said you called earlier and are worried about staying at your house. What the fuck is going on?”

  “Um. So, don’t freak.”

  “That’s a hell of a way to get me not to …”

  I cut him off. “I know, I know. But June mentioned your argument with Sebastian and there’s the whole issue of your concussion. I don’t want you upset over this.”


  “Someone was at my house. They left a note—a threat of sorts, I think.”

  A few seconds tick by. “What?” His voice is deadly low and soft.

  I swallow. “Look, I’d like to come see you and tell you everything. It’s okay if I can’t stay. I don’t want to make things harder for you.”

  “First, I don’t give a flying fuck whether Sebastian wants you here or not.”

  “Okay.” I swallow hard.

  “Second, I can’t believe you didn’t make June wake me up.”

  I chew on my lip. “I’m sorry. I’m—” My eyes slam shut.

  “You’re what?” Xander’s voice is husky and rough on the other end of the phone.

  “I’m not used to depending on anyone but myself.” Dammit. Now I’m all choked up.

  With a deep sigh, he rasps, “Scarlett, my stomach is twisted in fucking knots. Please come. I’ll smooth the way. I’ll tell Mom you are coming. Sebastian can either tell her why he’s pissed, or he can cork it for a bit. Either way, you aren’t staying in that house alone. Not if you’re worried something isn’t right.”

  It hadn’t hit me until he said that how scared I actually am. Someone was at my house—a person who, if I’m not mistaken, has been taunting me and messing with me this whole time. And Xander’s already upset about it, and I haven’t even told him what the note said yet.

  He clears his throat. “Scarlett? You still there?”

  I sniff, fighting to control myself as I find my hands are shaking. “Yeah.”

  “We’ll figure all this out. Do you have enough clothes so you don’t have to go back home until your aunt and uncle return?”

  I nod. Then, realizing he can’t see me, I breathe out, “Yes.”

  “It’s settled, then.”

  “I could go to Daphne’s if this isn’t okay. I really don’t want to cause you more trouble.”

  “Red. I won’t be able to rest unless I can see with my own eyes that you’re safe. Would you get your ass over here?”

  Despite everything, a small smile curves my lips. “I’m starting my truck right now.”

  Chapter 28


  When Scarlett pulls into the driveway, I’m out the door in a flash. She’s barely shifted the truck into park when I yank the door open, unbuckle her, and pull her into my arms. A violent tremble works its way through her body.


  “I’ve got you.” I hold her for a few moments, her feet not even on the ground. I squeeze her tighter, then set her down, reaching into the truck for her backpack and overnight bag.

  With her things in one of my hands and her hand in my other, we hurry up the walk to the house and through the side entrance. I take her directly upstairs to my room.

  She sits heavily on the bed, her whole body sagging with relief. She squeezes her eyes shut. “You’re sure it’s okay I’m here?”

  “It’s fine. He’s pissed, but I don’t give a damn.” I sit next to her, wrapping my arm around her back.

  Her blue eyes can’t quite mask the concern swimming in them as she looks up at me. “But—”

  I reach out and brush my thumb over her cheekbone before I tuck my knuckle under her chin, tilting her face up to me. Her gaze meets mine, and I swear, I’d drown in that ocean of blue if I could. “I love you, Scarlett. I want you here with me, and I need to know you’re safe.”

  She turns more fully toward me and closes the distance between us, kissing me hard on the mouth. Her fingers grip my T-shirt and hang on, pulling me firmly to her. The kiss deepens, and my arms wrap around her possessively. She’s so sweet and so damn sexy. I have no doubt she has the power to ravage my heart and steal my soul.

  After several minutes of making out go by, Scarlett eases back with a smile. “I love you, too.” She catches her lip with her teeth as she smiles. “This seems like poor timing, but I need to tell you about the freaky note.”

  I’d almost completely forgotten why she’d come to me in the first place, I’d been so far in the love-lust daze she’d put me under. “Tell me.”

  “It was at the front door, like someone stuck it through the gap. I didn’t know if I should touch it and didn’t really want to. Maybe it’s some sort of a sick prank? Here, I took a photo.” She pulls her phone from her back pocket and shows me what she’d found.

  “Who would have sent this? You can run but you can’t hide. You’re mine. One day soon, I’ll come for you.” I’m very aware that I’m so disturbed my voice has raised to almost a shout.

  “I-I don’t—” Her expression is panicked, like I’ve scared her.

  “Fuck.” I pull her roughly to me, and she clings to my chest. “I’m not yelling at you. I’m just so frustrated at being in the dark. I don’t like that someone is leaving you scary notes and basically fucking stalking you …” My brain works overtime. There’s something I’m missing, and it’s driving me out of my mind. I hold her tightly to me for several minutes, rubbing my hands up and down her back until she finally begins to relax.

  I set her apart from me on the edge of the bed and adjust my body so I’m facing her. “I don’t know what to do about this bullshit”—I hand her phone back to her—“but I’m going to show you what’s had me out of my fucking head with worry this whole time.” I stop to take her hand. “I’m nervous because we’re already dealing with other stuff and this could be really upsetting to you on top of everything else. I’m not sure if this is the right thing to do.” I drop my gaze to our joined hands. “And I’m fucking scared of ruining things between us because I kept this from you.”

  “I need to know, Xander. I understand you’re trying to protect me.” She sucks her lips into her mouth, fear now glowing in her eyes. “Can we get this over with so I can deal with it?”

  “We. We’ll deal with it, Scarlett. You aren’t alone. I promise you that.” I clear my throat and get up to retrieve the photo from my dresser drawer. “Take a look at the date. I’m pretty sure, without even asking, that you were born November 7.” I walk back toward her and sit down on the edge of the bed with it in my hand.

  She blinks once. Twice. Again. “Yes.” She holds out her hand for the photo, and it visibly shakes before clenching into a fist for a few seconds. Our eyes connect as she takes the photo from me. “I’m scared to look,” she breathes out.

  “The photo is of you and your mom.” I hesitate before I gesture to it. “You can see you already had some red hair when you were born.”

  Scarlett glances down and mumbles, “Yeah, Mom told me I had it from day one. It stuck straight up off the top of my head.” Her lips curve into a soft smile as her eyes go glassy. The rise and fall of her chest is steady, and I can see she’s working to compose herself. “My mom was so beautiful.” A tear slips slowly down her cheek but she ignores it as she gazes at the photo.

  I scoot closer and tuck her into my side, kissing her temple. “I think your mother sent this to Sebastian as proof that you were his—the red hair and all, the date you arrived lining up with when he was with her, something like that. He’s known all these years … and he’s never told my mother he had another child.” I draw in a deep, painful breath. “But it’s the back that makes me most nervous. She seemed distraught.” My lips graz
e Scarlett’s temple again. “Do you want to look at it and tell me what you think?”

  She nods and burrows closer to me as she turns the photo over. Her breath hitches as she reads.


  She’s yours.

  Fuck you for not believing me.

  I hope this serves as a reminder of what you did to me.


  Scarlett shudders against me. “She sounds so incredibly upset with him. So angry.”

  “I know, and she probably had every right to be. I don’t know what happened between them, but knowing he’s with Christina Warrington in the prom photos … and the fact that he and your mom didn’t end up together?” I shrug my shoulders slowly. “The note isn’t exactly clear about what he did, either.” I scrub my free hand through my hair. “But we do know he hid this. He hid your existence. He ignored you and your mom, let her fend for both of you on her own up until she was gone. I think the only one he told was June. I’m positive my mom has no idea. Yet he gave the academy scholarship money for you.” I shake my head. “I don’t know what to make of it.”

  Scarlett flips the photo over to look at it before turning back to the note again.

  “What do you think? That’s what’s most important. She’s your mother. You knew her best.”

  She nibbles on her lip for a few seconds, deep in thought. “I can’t tell where the anger is stemming from—was she mad that he abandoned her? That he didn’t believe he was the father? Or”—her head swivels to look at me—“it could be worse than that. My mind could take this in so many terrible directions.”

  “I’ll admit that after I looked at it for a while, I wondered if he had forced her. Or if he had been messing around with her just for the hell of it and ditched her.” I clear my throat uncomfortably. I wonder if it was anything like the night I kicked Scarlett out—if he used her and then turned his back on her for some reason. From the stiffening of Scarlett’s body, I wonder if she’s drawing some of the same conclusions. “I want to be sure. What if Sebastian isn’t nearly the respectable man I think he is, and my mother and Janie are stuck with him? And I didn’t want to contemplate what it could mean for you once I …”


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