Frost Fire

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Frost Fire Page 10

by Emma Layne

  “I try not to, but it’s difficult.” Her smile was watery. “Thanks for the vote of confidence though, it helps.”

  Being with Molly put his mind at ease, as well, and he’d never felt so content. Molly knew him, saw him for what he was and didn’t shrink from him. She wasn’t repulsed by his animal nature, and it thrilled him. Blaze thought she might be able to handle all of it, and he wanted to share even more with her.

  Now wasn’t the time, though.

  Blaze was unable to resist temptation any longer and leaned down for a kiss. She wrapped her arms around him, and he deepened the lip lock, loving the way Molly melted against him.

  He’d meant to comfort her, but passion has a way of taking over.

  Blaze knew she wanted him. When Blaze pulled back, Molly’s eyes were glassy, and a flush spread from her cheeks down the tempting line of her throat. Despite her protestations, she’d enjoy sex with him.

  He would see to it. Personally.

  “Do you feel how hard you make me?” He rocked closer, pressing against her thigh. Both of his cocks had swelled to enormous proportions. He’d never gone this long without sex, and it was killing him.

  She gasped. “Yes.”

  “There’s one more thing I didn’t tell you.” He traced her lower lip with the pad of his thumb.

  “What?” she asked breathlessly.

  “Iradian males have two cocks, instead of one.”

  Molly’s mouth rounded into an adorable little “O.”

  “I thought I caught a glimpse earlier.”

  “Yes, you did.” It had been a deliberate move on his part. Women had always admired his handsome face and muscular body, and he wanted to show Molly what she was missing.

  “Amazing.” She glanced up at him shyly. “Um, can I see?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.” He smirked.

  See, Link? The lady is impressed.

  Molly flushed a deep red. “I mean, may I examine you?”

  “Such a clinical turn of phrase.” He clucked his tongue. “Your interest is purely professional then?”

  “Maybe not purely professional.”

  “I see.” Blaze was already getting harder from the prospect of her touch alone. “Then I shall indulge you.”

  Obligingly, he began to undress, making quite a show of it.

  “Okay, and you’re stripping…”

  “How else will you examine me?”

  The truth is, he wanted no clothing between them. Blaze wanted her silky skin pressed against him. Even if he were to get inside her, he had a feeling, he’d be too far away.

  “Okay then.”

  “Do I have your permission to continue, dove?”

  “Yes.” And then he revealed himself to her. First his chest, and arms and then he shucked his trousers, standing naked before her. When her eyes lit on his cocks, they swelled even more.

  She reached a hand toward him, and he sucked in a breath.

  “Touch me, dove.” His testicles were situated between the two cocks, heavy, and full with unspent lust.


  She tentatively wrapped a hand around his larger cock, stroking it slowly. The touch was light, more of a tease than a caress. Like everything when it came to Molly, it left Blaze wanting more.

  “Do Iradian women have two vaginas?”

  “Yes, we evolved that way. I suppose it’s because the planet was so cold, and the birth rates were low.”

  “It makes sense, from an evolutionary point of view.” Molly continued stroking his cocks, almost unconsciously. “And both of them function? I’ve read about cases in humans, but it’s rare for both phalluses to work.”

  “It is exceedingly common on Iradia. However, mine are quite large.” Although, Blaze wasn’t certain if it was due to his human or drake heritage.

  “Okay, I have a question, how is it, none of the women you’ve slept with, have noticed?”

  “My embarrassment of riches?”

  She giggled. “Uh, sure, we’ll go with that.”

  “Never underestimate the human capacity for denial. Besides, when you factor in alcohol, and dim lighting, it isn’t difficult to cover.”

  His couplings had been brief and wild. Blaze barely had time to unfasten his trousers, before he was inside them, and he’d never fully undressed in front of the earthly human females, except for Molly.

  “Or maybe you sleep with stupid girls.”

  Blaze chuckled. “Careful, or I’ll think you’re jealous.”

  “I’m not jealous.”

  “Of course not.” Blaze arched his back in time with her strokes.

  Her eyes flashed with fire.

  Blaze enjoyed teasing her, getting a rise out of Molly. Maybe because she was so button-downed, and controlled most of the time. He wanted to push past the cool exterior, spark a reaction and she didn’t seem to be immune to him.

  No, not at all.

  Blaze wasn’t used to this part, spending time with women when they weren’t making love. It was refreshing. He loved listening to her, making her laugh.

  Simply being with her satisfied him in unexpected ways.

  Blaze kissed her once more, threading his hands through her hair, lavishing attention on her seductive lips. His breath hissed between his teeth as she continued to pump him.

  Finally, she pulled away.

  “Um, we should probably stop.” She shook her head as though clearing it.

  “If you like.” Although, Blaze was ready to go much, much further.

  “Can we see each other tomorrow night though?”

  “It would be my pleasure, dove.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Hey, devil spawn, are you hungry?”

  Molly popped open a can of cat food and held it out enticingly. She’d gone over to her mother’s house before class and found Lucifer hunched underneath the leather sofa watching her through slitted green eyes.

  He howled in response.

  “Come on, you’ve gotta eat.” She walked into the kitchen where his food dish was to see if he’d follow her and Lucifer did, padding silently on the linoleum.

  His movements were measured and cautious. Usually, he was aggressive, getting into her space, and trying to intimidate her.

  “Are you okay?” Instinctively, she reached for him, and he hissed, and spat. “Right, sorry, my bad.”

  “Oh, good morning.” Leslie walked into the room, wearing a pair of plaid pajamas, even though she preferred nightgowns.

  Molly nearly dropped the cat food. “Mom, your back. I thought your flight didn’t get in for a couple more days.”

  “I decided to head home early, and I got in during the wee hours of the morning.” She flashed a distracted smile and poured herself a glass of orange juice.

  Leslie wore a pair of gaudy spherical metal earrings. Molly didn’t even know her mother had pierced ears. When she wore jewelry, it was always a necklace. And why was Leslie wearing them when she wasn’t dressed?

  “Are those new?” she asked, pointing.

  “Oh, yes, I picked them up in Europe.”

  When she walked by the cat, Lucifer snarled a low, dark, deep growl in his throat, and then sprinted out of the room, and down the hallway.

  “What’s gotten into him?” Lucifer adored her mother, and the feeling was likewise, but the cat acted like she was a stranger.

  She shrugged. “I’ve no idea.”

  “Aren’t you going to check on him?”

  She babied Lucifer, buying him expensive treats, and toys, spending endless hours brushing him. Molly often thought he was a child substitute, something she could love, and baby. And yet, she didn’t seem to care about his unusual behavior.

  “Why?” She frowned. “I’m sure he’ll be fine.”


  Since her mother didn’t rush over to embrace her, Molly held out her arms.

  “Well, welcome back.” They had an awkward hug, while Leslie hung there limply.

  Maybe she was still u
pset from their talk. Now that Molly knew the whole story, she’d have to cover it up with a strategic lie.

  “Did you change your plans because of me?” Molly felt guilty. Her mother had been looking forward to the trip for months. “

  “No, Molly, why would I?” There was a slight hesitation before Leslie said Molly’s name, as though she’d somehow forgotten it.

  “Because you were concerned. You thought I might be losing it, but I don’t want you to worry, and I’m sorry about dodging your co-workers, but I don’t need to be supervised.”

  She took a sip of juice. “You appear well to me. Aren’t you?”

  “Yes, but you weren’t convinced.” It’s almost like Leslie didn’t care anymore.

  “I am now.”

  “Can we talk about my findings?”


  “Yes, about the DNA.” If she’d known Leslie would be home, Molly would’ve brought the results with her.

  “Can I examine them another time? I have jet lag, and need some sleep.”

  And yet she didn’t appear tired, there were no bags under her eyes, and Leslie seemed bright, and alert.

  “Sure, I’ll bring the results over so you can see them. Are we going to have a Netflix night?”

  She winced. “I can’t. I have a lot of work to catch up on, but we’ll do it sometime soon.”


  “Well, I’ll be in touch. Have a good day.” With a polite smile, she headed down the hall to her home office.

  Weird. It’s almost as if her mother couldn’t get rid of her fast enough.

  Molly reluctantly left.

  A thought popped into her mind, and Molly couldn’t shake it.

  That’s not your mother.


  “Shall we?” Blaze asked.

  Blaze and Crispin stood in the side yard, ready to do battle. The alchemists had embedded smoke swords in a tattoo on their forearms, so they always had a weapon at the ready. The spell dissolved the metal and welded it to their skin. It was a part of them, like the drake blood in their veins.

  “Your spirits have lifted.”

  “Well, I’ve been seeing Molly.” Blaze couldn’t stop smiling. He was looking forward to seeing her again this evening and intended to take things even further.

  “Congratulations, brother, you’ve earned some happiness.”

  Blaze swallowed. “Yes, well, she’s not my mate, it’s a passing infatuation.”

  “I seem to recall Faro saying the exact same thing and look how it turned out for him.”

  “You know I can’t get emotionally involved with her, brother.”

  “Do I?”

  “Yes, it wouldn’t end well for either of us, besides I’m a cad, and lose interest quickly.”

  “Hmm, I hear fear talking.”

  “I’m not afraid.”

  Crispin raised his arm, and the sword dissipated into so much smoke, settling into his skin once more.

  “Very well then, no blades, we shall use fists instead.”

  “I don’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “You bloody well know why not.”

  “You have much more self-control now.”

  “And you’d stake your life on it?”

  “Yes, I would. Favian’s death was tragic, but it was an accident and not your fault.”

  “Then whose fault was it, if not mine?” Blaze didn’t deserve or want their forgiveness, and he wished his brothers hadn’t absolved him of his crime. “He was my twin, my other half and I killed him.”

  The Drakeborne Knights had a deep bond and Blaze loved all of his brothers, but he’d bonded deeply with Favian. They’d shared the same womb, the same crib, walked on the same day and developed their own language as children.

  And every time he looked in the mirror, Blaze saw his face and what he’d lost. He vowed to never get that close to anyone ever again.

  “We were all new to our powers back then and learning. You were little more than a child.”

  In his mind’s eye, Blaze could still see his hand around Favian’s throat. His head lolled to the side, his breath coming in pants, blood boiling in his veins. Blaze dimly perceived his brothers’ shouts around them, but he didn’t heed their warning, perceive anything beyond the rage.

  “I was 15 years old, almost a man full-grown, and Favian was my best friend.” He sighed.

  “Back then, we were all getting used to our powers. Not to mention, dealing with adolescence, and adding volatile drake emotions into the mix didn’t help matters.”

  Dragons felt more keenly than humans did, their feelings were close to the surface, always ready to bubble over. Mastering them had been an onerous chore. Truth be told, Blaze still missed the mark at times.

  “I think about what I did every day, and the guilt hasn’t lessened.” He supposed it never would and maybe it never should. Blaze had killed another person, not in battle, but through his own stupidity. “I don’t wish to discuss this any longer.”

  “Blaze, you need to conquer this fear.”

  “No, I don’t. I only unleash the darker side of my power on the battlefield, where it belongs, and I’ll never use it again against my brothers.”

  “So this is the real reason why you won’t get involved with the woman. You’re afraid if you care for Molly, you might lose control in the midst of an argument, and harm her. If you don’t care about someone, the risk isn’t as great.”

  “What if I accidentally kill her one day?”

  “You won’t.”

  “You don’t know for sure. You can’t, because I don’t.”

  “And what if she’s your mate? You have an obligation to her, and yourself.”

  His teeth set on edge. “Are you trying to provoke me?”


  “Then we’re done here.” Blaze walked away, like he always did.

  “You’ve been punishing yourself, haven’t you? Pretending not to care, drowning yourself in women, and drink. You don’t think you’re worthy of love, do you?”

  “I know I’m not.”


  “Hello, Mydon, it’s so nice to see you.”

  “You refused to use your powers.”

  Mydon was waiting for Blaze in his room. The man had no respect for boundaries, maybe because it was so easy for him to transcend them. Mydon was an imposing figure, with a thorn tattoo which wrapped around his right arm. He had black eyes, dark-brown hair, and stubble dotting his square chin.

  “How’d you find out?” Blaze raised an enquiring brow.

  “I was watching from the window.” Mydon stood, and squared his shoulders.

  “Did you put Crispin up to this?”

  He shook his head. “No, this was his own doing.”

  “Did he have a premonition?”

  “Yes, although he’s been guarded about the particulars. However, he said it’s crucial for you to hone your abilities, harness them.”

  “Why? Would you like me to kill another of our brothers?”

  “Don’t be flippant. It’s high time you put the incident behind you and move on.”

  Blaze wished he could, but he doubted it would ever come to pass.

  “We might very well need the full extent of your powers to complete the mission.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I don’t, but having options is important on a mission, but this isn’t the only matter I wish to discuss.”

  Blaze could sense where this conversation was headed, but he didn’t volunteer any information.

  “You’re quite taken with a woman. I believe her name is Molly.” He narrowed his eyes.

  It wasn’t a question, so he didn’t answer. Instead, he walked into the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face.

  “I thought you’ve never slept with the same wench more than once.” Mydon followed him to the doorway.

  “There’s an exception to every rule.” Blaze dried off on a towel and turned to face his br

  His eyes narrowed. “What makes this one so different?”

  “I don’t know.”

  For once, Mydon wasn’t barking orders or using brute force. It was unsettling, this calm curiosity.

  “And do you believe she’s your mate?”

  “I doubt it.” Blaze wasn’t certain, but he feared Molly was. “Have you ever thought…never mind.”

  “Finish your thought.” It was a directive, so he had to answer. Blast.

  “Perhaps fate brought us here?”

  Mydon snorted. “There’s no such thing. The universe is governed by chaos and greed. Those in power make the rules, Blaze. The Earth’s misfortune is Iradia’s gain. Nothing more.”

  It was a bitter point of view.

  “And you haven’t told her about us?”

  “I haven’t.” Not everything, anyway. Mydon hadn’t pushed, so Blaze could lie.

  “Keep it that way. I’d hate to make an example of you, too. We scarcely managed to avoid an incident last time, and I won’t tolerate any more problems of our own making.”

  “Understood.” Unlike Faro, Blaze never openly challenged Mydon. Instead, he preferred to work around him or avoid the man altogether, if possible.

  “Can you guard the mine tonight?” Mydon asked.

  “Why? Is Faro busy?”

  Mydon smirked. “I found a horrid new task for him.”

  It meant he wouldn’t be able to see Molly this evening, because she had a very tight schedule, and they couldn’t meet earlier on in the day. Blaze was disappointed, but he didn’t let on.

  He took a deep breath. “Consider practicing your powers. I won’t order you, for now, but we might have need of them. We are a team, Blaze, and it’s important for all of us to function at the highest level.”

  “I’ll take it under advisement.” Even though the thought alone terrified him. All he could see was Favian’s glassy eyes staring up at him accusingly, as he lay broken on the ground.

  Blaze vowed he wouldn’t let history repeat itself.


  Gasping, Molly sat up in bed.

  Somehow, Molly knew she wasn’t alone and yet when she peered into the darkness surrounding her, no one else was there, but she felt another presence all the same.


  “Don’t be frightened, Molly.”

  “Who are you?” She clutched the covers tighter, as though somehow they could protect her.


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